Struggle for Dominance

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Struggle for Dominance

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

LAW had not been kind to the now 44 year old male wrestler, Ryu 'the Dragon' Hiroshi. He found himself struggling to keep up with the younger talent, the stars of today and he felt that his time in the ring was near. However, he would see other wrestlers near his age still doing well in the ring and thought perhaps he may have one more run in him. Maybe he had to train harder, work harder or do something. Ryu met with an acquintance in Daisuke Takeuchi last week and discussed the situation with him. The two talked and Daisuke mentioned that one of the best wrestlers he wrestled, close to Ryu's age was Daisuke Takeuchi. Of course, Daisuke didnt mention his relationship with her but he was all praises for Tigresa. He figured if he thought age was the issue in him under-performing, perhaps he should wrestle someone his own age. Both Ryu and Tigresa were the same age, both accomplished wrestlers in the past but Tigresa was still going in strong. Ryu agreed and a humiliation submission match was set up between Ryu and Tigresa.

The match was simple, the wrestlers would wrestle and after each submission/pinfall or KO- the loser would be subjected to a 5 minute humiliation round. If a wrestler quits wrestling afer going through the humiliation, the match is over otherwise another round is wrestled.

Ryu was in the locker room, having just showered and changed into his blue wrestling briefs and fingerless gloves would do some meditation in the locker room. This was going to be his ultimate test, no excuses as the wrestler he was going to wrestle had the same experience and age. This was all about pure skill and whether he could still wrestle. After meditating and stretching, he would walk out of the locker room towards the main gym hall where he was supposed to meet up with his opponent.

He walked outside and noticed the empty gym, figuring he would have some time he would grab some dumbells and do some light squats, working up a sweat before his opponent would arrive and one of them would leave this gym humiliated and think twice about their careers in wrestling, at this age.
Ryu Hiroshi

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Re: Struggle for Dominance

Unread post by Luncha_Libre »

While Santa Tigresa hadn’t been booked for many real matches in her time with LAW, the luchadora had still managed to make an impression the few times she’d stepped into an official ring. In tag team action, she had some wins over heavy hitters, but her most significant accomplishments were outside of LAW, before and outside the promotion. Still, even with all these accomplishments, La Tigresa feltlike she had quite a bit to prove when it came to LAW.

Because of that, Santa Tigresa jumped at the chance to take a match with another LAW wrestler. This one had been set up by Daisuke Takeuchi, and while the stipulation was something she hadn’t been expecting she was hardly going to turn it down. She didn’t relish the idea of a ‘humiliation’ round after every pin or submission, but that would just be extra motivation to keep herself from suffering fate like that … and making sure that she made an impression on whomever this opponent was.

Santa Tigresa took one final moment in her locker room to adjust her ring gear, making absolutely certain that her top was going to stay on when things got intense. Using one hand, Santa Tigresa tucked one of her ample breasts into the cup of her gear, squeezing it into place. She jogged in place a moment, watching her impressive curves bounce and jiggle without spilling out. Then, she nodded, turned, and felt ready to walk into the gym.
“Hola, opponent,” Santa Tigresa said, as she approached the man in the ring. Beneath her mask, the luchadora raised an eyebrow. The man that Daisuke had set her up against was an older man, but he still looked fit and strong as he worked out. She watched his muscles pump and strain as he warmed up with squats. “Getting yourself ready, eh? I know there’s no crowd around here, but I still made up my mind to humiliate you, tonight. I don’t want you thinking you’re going to be having your way with me …”

Without another word, Santa Tigresa tossed her wild black hair over her shoulder and stepped up to the ring. The luchador stepped between the ropes, her thick round ass bouncing off the top rope as she stepped through. Santa Tigresa took her position in the center of the ring, hands on her hip, and stared at Ryu with a challenging glare.
So tough, I won't even hit submit on my posts! Wait ...

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Re: Struggle for Dominance

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

The Dragon was eager to get back to winning ways before a LAW crowd but his recent run of form really didnt deserve him being booked in front of the crowd as a string of losses made him lose confidence in his wrestling ability. Tough losses against younger opponents like Sheena and Valerie had made him question whether it was time to hang his boots up but perhaps he would fare better against a veteran like himself, one who didnt rely on pure stamina and youth. He had Daisuke set up a match against a Santa Tigresa, who had been in the wrestling business as long as Ryu. Both of them were the same age and now Ryu had no excuses to turn to if he lost against Santa.

He did feel confident, he studied her matches and knew she liked to kept it close. He had to be careful for her smother tactics, he knew she would slow the pace o the match to really grind him into submissions with her grappling ability. Soon, she would arrive clad in her wrestling attire. "Ryu Hiroshi" he would quickly introduce himself as Santa simply referred to him as an "opponent". "Konichiwa Santa" he would greet her before letting her talk as she would comment on him getting ready and that she was not looking to lose and get humiliated.

"I wish we met in better circumstances, however, this was the only match I was offered to wrestle you." he added. "Still, I dont plan on getting humiliated by a fellow veteran of the ring" he said as he approached her while she stood in the middle of the ring, hands on her hips. Ryu would mimic her stance as the two stood face to face, an inch apart.

"I hope it only takes one round of humiliation to make you forfeit this match." he said rolling his shoulders as he stared his opponent down. "If you would like a moment to stretch or get ready, let me know. May the best wrestler win" he said, giving his hand out to her for a handshake.

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