Seeing Red

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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Seeing Red

Unread post by BlackAkuma »


Brad grunted with every thrust upwards of the weight bar, exhaling and inhaling with perfect timing as he put himself to work on the bench press. While he wasn’t the most graceful guy, his weightlifting technique was a notable exception, even during the best times. You didn’t get a body built like a Sherman Tank with sloppy f.;.orm and poor posture, no - it came from years and years of rigorous work. Killing himself on the bench, killing himself between the ropes, day in and day out. The kind of dedication that most couldn't dream of.

Meanwhile, not even twenty feet away, a couple of girls were having a glorified catfight in the middle of the ring. Jesus.

Brad finished his final rep and set the weights down on the rack, as nice and gentle as possible, with nearly four hundred pounds. Even still, the settling weight was enough to make the LAW gym quiver, as Brad sat up and surveyed the area, looking around at his fellow wrestlers.

Yep. Just as pathetic as the last time he checked. Some guy was running on a treadmill, though ‘running’ wasn’t the right word for it. More like a gingerly trot while he played with his iPhone. Some girl trying to jump rope and failing miserably at it, couldn't even keep the pace going for five seconds. Oh, and of course, there was the catfight as mentioned above. It had started out as a sparring session between two girl wrestlers he didn’t recognize, but they both sucked, so now they were just kind of rolling around like irritable kittens.

Really, this was the last place Brad would’ve wanted to work out, but he couldn't find anywhere else decent in Tokyo. Most of the other places were either too clean and posh for his tastes, or they didn’t have enough weight to give him a real challenge. Depressing.

Just another thing about Japan that pissed him off, along with the shity food and the fact that management refused to give him another match after he laid waste to his first opponent. He’d been stuck in limbo for months now with no word, leaving him just to sit around and stew. He’d hope that pumping some iron might relieve the stress, but it wasn’t working so far.

For now, the best he could do was isolate himself from the irritations. He found a little corner of the weight room and claimed it for himself, rotating through the equipment as he needed and warding off anyone who came close. They probably didn’t know how to use it right, anyway.
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Re: Seeing Red

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Red Nation
Cassidy - Linda - Kimmy - Sydney - Tommi
The women of Red Nation were hard at work at the gym as they took turns sparring. Right now Kimmy and Cassidy were in the ring working on their grappling while the others were shouting from the side lines. Currently the team captain was in control as she held her sparring partner in a headlock.

“Got you again, Kimmy~” Cassidy teased as she squeezed the woman’s head, with her face pressed up against the side of her breasts.

From the sidelines, Tommi was offering encouragement as she watched her teammates wrestle. Linda was giving Kimmy some advice as she watched her little sister was struggling in the headlock. And finally, Sydney was asking the bitch-weight how she liked Cassidy’s breasts. “Fuck off, Sydney!!!” Kimmy would bark at the heckler as she struggled in the hold. With her sparring partner distracted, Cassidy would take advantage and drag her down into a crippler cross face. Almost immediately Kimmy would start yelling as she tapped the ring in submission.

Releasing it as quickly as she locked it, the captain would get up and raise her arms in victory as her teammate punched the canvas and went to drink from her water bottle. “Nice try Kim, but you took your eyes off this prize!” Cass said as she puffed out her ass and shook it at the other woman tauntingly.

“Uuuugh…it’s not my fault Syd’s got a big mouth.”

“It is your fault for letting her get in your head, though…” Linda would say, cutting in with her two sense as her sister glared daggers at her.

“Ok Linda, you and Syd are up next. Get your butts in here and wrestle!” Cassidy would shout to the two big women. However, in place of where Sydney was standing was now an empty space of air.

“…Where’s Syd?”

After the spar had ended, Sydney had walked off to start doing some weightlifting. She had fun heckling the easily angered Kimmy, but she still wanted to get some training done while she was hear. So, walking over across the padded floor to the weight machines, the blonde woman would approach the area that Brad was hoarding to himself. Seeing that he had just finished doing some reps on the bench press, Syd would walk over and start some on an empty bench not far from the one he was on.

Almost four hundred pounds? Seeing her gym neighbors weights made the woman want to try that for herself. She could work with that load after all. Normally, Linda would bug her about using a spotter when she would lift stuff like this. She was the real body building pro and knew this stuff by heart. Sydney was more of a DIY lifter who did what she wanted how she wanted. And since she always lost to Linda in bench pressing contests, she’d been pushing her limits more often to try and one up the big ass gorilla. So since she’d left the weight lifting life guard behind, Syd would go at alone so she wouldn’t be nagged the whole time.

Of course, the woman had noticed the scowling muscle man in the area before she even came over. She’d seen him glaring at the girl while they were sparring but wasn’t afraid to get some reps in just because he was giving her a dumb ass look.

“Sup muscle man” Sydney would say after setting up the weight bar on the rack. Even going so far as to kiss at him, unable to resist taunting him. She had a habit of taunting easily irritable people, after all. She’d literally just came from heckling the most temperamental member of her team.
Last edited by Caborn on Tue Aug 27, 2024 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Seeing Red

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Brad didn’t react to the words at first. He heard them, but it didn’t register that they were directed his way, as if it was just idle chatter. He’d been focused on setting up an incline press, trying to get the right amount of weight on the bars. Not the easiest thing, really, since they used different increments on this side of the ocean from what he was used to. He had to work out the conversion to metric in his head, and while he could do it, it took a little focus.

He was knocked out of that focus when he realized the comment had been directed at him, and the source wasn’t too far away. With a sigh and a grumble, he looked over his shoulder and saw the source of it: A relatively big-looking blonde woman. He’d seen her before a few minutes ago, a part of some group working with one of the rings, though he hadn't thought much of her at the time. Now that she was close, however, he could make out much more of her, enough to see that she was stacked. Probably a bodybuilder, if he had to guess. Definitely bigger than the average twigs that LAW employed.

He was a little impressed. A little. More annoyed, though, since she was in his territory, looking like she was about to set up the bench press.

Brad winced at the kiss she blew his way and waved her away from the bench press. ”I’m running a circuit over here. Back off, lady.” Just to drive the point home, he pointed towards another bench press on the far side of the room, one far away from him.

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Re: Seeing Red

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"She's picking a fight isn't she?" Tommi would say, as the entire group watched their teammate from the ring.

"She was here like...five seconds is she already starting a fight?" Linda asked, shaking her head as her sister laughed.

"Starting fights is literally all she's good for...well starting and finishing them. I'll give her two things but that's it" Kimmy replied before taking another drink from her water bottle.

"We don't know if she's gonna fight him...maybe she just wants to fuck the guy." Cass added while watching intently and excitedly.

"So...she's gonna pick a fight and then fuck him?" Tommi added, making them remember fighting was a foreplay for the she-monster.


"I'm so gonna kick this guys ass" Sydney thought to herself.

When she had approached the man, she hadn't planned to fight him. If anything she wanted to watch a big sweaty, muscular man lifting and get turned on in the process. You know, normal gym stuff (In her world maybe). But it soon became clear this guy wasn't the social type. At first she was ignored. Then, when he actually spoke to her, the man told her to back off. And judging by where he pointed, to back off to the other side of the gym. Now Syd didn't like being ignored. She outright hated people telling her what to do, though. Especially when the command came from a big brute of a man who acted like she wasn't worth a damn.

"Oh I'm sorry. Am I disturbing your alone time? You didn't seem much happier when I was way over there with the girls. I saw you glaring at us? Something you wanna get off your chest, muscles? Syd would say as she planted her boot on the bench Brad was sitting on and before giving him an earful. Leaning forward as she talked down to him, her rack hanging right in his eye line, the blonde woman would let the guy know she wasn't gonna take his crap. Maybe she did come over here to start a fight with him, after all. Regardless both of them seemed to be having problems with one another and a clash seemed to be inevitable.

Meanwhile, Kimmy and all the girls were making bets on who'd throw the first punch...

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Re: Seeing Red

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Being as big as Brad was, he’d gotten used to a few things. Namely, when he told people to do things, they tended to do them. When he said ‘back off’ they backed off. He was wrecking machine and he looked like one. Just the fear of him doing something was enough to get them to keep their space, and he liked that way. Rarely had to throw a punch or even yell. Just say what you want, take a step forward to show some intent, and the universe bent to his will.

But not today.

Maybe this chick was stupid, maybe she was gutsy, maybe she just had a kink for getting her head caved in. He didn’t know which, or if it was a combination of all three, but whatever the case, it was enough to make her not only not leave, but come over and invade his personal space. The next thing he knew, there were a pair of tits wobbling in front of his face, while their owner glared down at him. A straight up challenge.

”Fuckin’ Christ.” He spat off to the side, stood up, and looked down on her - not too far, though. He was the taller one between them, clearly, but she was closer than just about any other woman he’d come across in LAW, maybe ever for the matter. Over six feet, easy, with enough muscle to match, but still a ways off from what he was working with.

”Ain’t nobody playing with you, bitch.” He thumbed to the other side of the gym once more. ”Take you and your fake-ass tits to the other side. If not, fuck off and wait like everyone else.” He gave her a hard shove on the shoulder to make some space and show the kind of power he was working with. Some people needed a good demonstration. ”Hear me? Keep playing stupid games and you'll win a stupid prize, bet.”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Tue Aug 27, 2024 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Seeing Red

Unread post by Caborn »

From the ring, all the girls were thoroughly engrossed in Sydney's little standoff with big ol' Brad. Each one had made their bet, but agreed a shove didn't count as a hit. Meanwhile, Sydney would just smirk as she was shoved back by the man. Clearly he wanted her gone, and clearly she wasn't going to do what he wanted. He even had the audacity to say that her huge tits were fake! The balls on this prick! She'd had these things since high-school damnit! So, intent on doing the opposite of what Brad wanted just to spite him at this point, the woman would crack her neck to each side as if she was already preparing for a big beat down. Honestly, if Big Bad Brad here thought that the man-eating she-monster would ever back down from a fight he was in for a lot of disappointment.

"Are you my stupid prize?" Sydney laughed back at him as she raised one eyebrow while taunting him. "Cause I'll take it, but I seems like a couple of bucks would be worth more than your roided up ass~" the she-monster said as she bumped her chest into Brad's to shove him back in return. However, unlike him she stayed close to him. Getting up in his face the blonde haired woman would start butting foreheads with the man while staring him down with her hands on her hips. "So...what're you gonna do about it, big guy? Are you gonna start something...or are you really all bark and no balls?~" Sydney would ask him, waiting to see if he was man enough to actually make good on his threats. Or if he just had a fucking big mouth to match all of his muscles...

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Re: Seeing Red

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Brad, despite appearances, wasn’t stupid. He wasn’t a PHD scholar or anything, but he had a good abundance of common sense, something sorely lacking in this country. Enough to know when someone was trying to piss him off. Enough to know when somebody was pushing for a fight

That was the vibe he was getting from whoever-the-fuck this chick was. He figured that out around the time where she did the dumbest thing possible and moved in, pressing their chests together and pushing hard into him. It was enough to make him take a step back, not just out of sheer surprise. The she-bear’s muscles weren’t just for show, she clearly knew her way around a gym.

He planted his feet and held his ground as she brought their foreheads together, butting heads and daring him to do something. Fuck it, then. She was messing with the bull, so she wanted the horns.

Brad groaned with annoyance and leaned back, moving away from her head as he rolled his eyes. ”Fine. Your funeral, bitch.”

And with that declaration, Brad threw his body forward and rammed his skull into hers, driving hard into her head with a vicious headbutt. Maybe it would knock some sense into her dumb ass.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Aug 28, 2024 5:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Seeing Red

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Sydney was pretty confident as she stared the big muscle man down. Not because she had a bunch of girls who had her back across the gym. She was fine with them just staying back and letting her have some fun. No she was confident because that's who she was. She didn't think about the odds, she thought about the fight. It didn't matter how one sided things were set up for her because she'd come in like a wrecking ball and turn everything upside down. She was a blunt weapon by nature, and all she needed to solve her problems were equally blunt solutions. So, what was the simplest solution for dealing with a cocky prick? Kick his ass. That's what she needed to do. So that's what the woman was going do.

Of course Brad was wrecking ball in his own right. One made of muscle, thick bones, and way too much testosterone. He didn't seem to have any problem throwing down with her righter and now. In fact he might've wanted to kick her ass just as if not more than she wanted to kick his. So, hearing him say this was her funeral simply sounded like a match bell in her ears. Without warning the muscular hunk would smash his skull into her own with a brutal headbutt that quickly sent her snapping backwards. However, instead of stumbling back, Syd would send her own head flying back to give Brad a taste of his own medicine. Her skull aimed to collide right into the side of his head as a wild smirk spread across her face. "Heh! Maybe we can share a casket!", Sydney laughed as she started brawling with the bigger man. Her eyes wide with excitement as she stared at the big-ass, thug of a man like a rapid dog.

"GOD DAMN IT, SYD!" Kimmy would scream from the ring. Since she was the only one who bet the she-monster would throw the first punch, that meant she was the only loser out of the four of them. Of course they had an obligation to go help their teammate. The problem was that they knew Syd was the type of person who would get pissed off if they ruined her fight. "Should we go over there or..." Linda would ask, as they took a moment to think if they should intervene or simply let them fight...

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Re: Seeing Red

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Fuck it, they were doing this.

Brad was more than accustomed to butting heads, so he was surprised that this impact wound up hurting him a lot more than he’d expected. He stumbled back, eyes blinking, vision blurred, and it took a moment for his addled brain to realize what had just occurred. The psycho bitch had headbutted him back right after his own, hitting back almost as hard, giving as good as she got. She had a death wish, no other explanation. ”Fuckin’ crazy-”

He wasn’t about to take this kind of shit from anyone, least of all some stupid, muscled-up bitch with delusions of grandeur. He took a moment to shake his head and gather his senses, and then he was back on the attack, rushing forward with arms wide open. He could hear someone crying out from the nearby ring, her friends likely calling for help, but it wouldn’t matter. He planned to be done with this bitch long before it arrived.

Brad closed the distance with a single, thunderous step, brought his arm up high, and swung it forward in a wide arc towards the woman, looking to hit him with a decapitating lariat, looking to lay her out with a hellacious blow.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Wed Aug 28, 2024 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Seeing Red

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"You better fucking believe it~" Sydney growled back with a smile. Her head was ringing but that was normal for the she-monster. To her it was just a mild annoyance, when like when you feel yourself about to sneeze. As long as Sydney could fight through it she wouldn't pay it a second thought. She really was a crazy one to be sure. Years of bar fights had led to her being called that too many times to count. She'd teach him just how crazy she could be. Smiling as she saw he was about to come at her, Sydney would raise her own arm, planning to meet him head on, lariat to lariat! "Hehe! Bring it!" she demanded before charging at him, as well.

Rushing right at him, the she-monster would drive her arm into his chest, while his own buried itself into her rack! In her head she saw herself knocking him off her feet...or at the very least taking them both off their feet with the same move. However, as she collided with the big man, Sydney would feel herself losing her footing. Suddenly she would realize she was falling, before landing on her back with a thunderous bang. Brad had not only knocked her off her feet, but he did so while staying on his own! Staring up at the ceiling, the woman found herself in an unfamiliar situation as she was run over by the cocky stud.

Seeing this from the ring, the group members let out a collective gasp as their heavy weapon was dropped on her back by the man. But while most were concerned, Kimmy was snickering to herself, seeing it as karma for the woman always taunting her. Of course the other girls would look over at her, with knowing and judging glances. "...What!? She'll be fine anyway! This is Syd we're talking about!" Kimmy would say to defend herself. Truly believing that her teammate could handle the guy in time.

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