Brad grunted with every thrust upwards of the weight bar, exhaling and inhaling with perfect timing as he put himself to work on the bench press. While he wasn’t the most graceful guy, his weightlifting technique was a notable exception, even during the best times. You didn’t get a body built like a Sherman Tank with sloppy f.;.orm and poor posture, no - it came from years and years of rigorous work. Killing himself on the bench, killing himself between the ropes, day in and day out. The kind of dedication that most couldn't dream of.
Meanwhile, not even twenty feet away, a couple of girls were having a glorified catfight in the middle of the ring. Jesus.
Brad finished his final rep and set the weights down on the rack, as nice and gentle as possible, with nearly four hundred pounds. Even still, the settling weight was enough to make the LAW gym quiver, as Brad sat up and surveyed the area, looking around at his fellow wrestlers.
Yep. Just as pathetic as the last time he checked. Some guy was running on a treadmill, though ‘running’ wasn’t the right word for it. More like a gingerly trot while he played with his iPhone. Some girl trying to jump rope and failing miserably at it, couldn't even keep the pace going for five seconds. Oh, and of course, there was the catfight as mentioned above. It had started out as a sparring session between two girl wrestlers he didn’t recognize, but they both sucked, so now they were just kind of rolling around like irritable kittens.
Really, this was the last place Brad would’ve wanted to work out, but he couldn't find anywhere else decent in Tokyo. Most of the other places were either too clean and posh for his tastes, or they didn’t have enough weight to give him a real challenge. Depressing.
Just another thing about Japan that pissed him off, along with the shity food and the fact that management refused to give him another match after he laid waste to his first opponent. He’d been stuck in limbo for months now with no word, leaving him just to sit around and stew. He’d hope that pumping some iron might relieve the stress, but it wasn’t working so far.
For now, the best he could do was isolate himself from the irritations. He found a little corner of the weight room and claimed it for himself, rotating through the equipment as he needed and warding off anyone who came close. They probably didn’t know how to use it right, anyway.
Large and in-charge