Making the Barbarian Fly! (For dddybee)

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Making the Barbarian Fly! (For dddybee)

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(Continuity note: This takes place before Oscar's opening match in the Kings and Queens Tournament)

Oscar gently pushed open the gym doors with a bag slung over his shoulders as he made his way inside. The Barbarian Prince, after a wonderful graduation party held by his dear friends and mentors, was given the opportunity to learn from none other than his internet buddy and fellow heavyweight Honie Bee! The two had been quite chummy over social media ever since Oscar was in the young lions and they had only met in person for the first time at his graduation party. Naturally, it didn't take long for Oscar and Honie to chatter up a storm and it ultimately led to Honie offering to teach Oscar some high-flying maneuvers- something the Barbarian Prince had been dabbling in out of respect for other wrestlers he idolized for some time now. Always egar to learn and improve, Oscar accepted the offer- now the day had finally come!

Clad in his ring gear as he couldn't resist the opportunity to show it to Honie in person, Oscar walked near a ring set up in the gym and scanned the area for any sign of the giant Honey Bee. Considering Honie's sheer size and outgoing personality, he suspected it wouldn't be difficult to pick her out of a crowd... especially if she showed up in her ring gear as well!

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Re: Making the Barbarian Fly! (For dddybee)

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Honie's Casual Theme
When Oscar got near that ring set up, he would suddenly hear an all-too familiar voice from above! "Over here!" It was Honie of course, the Battle Bugs' Heroine of the Beehive and the Booty Empresses' Booty Buzzer in the flesh! The big-bottomed bee stood tall on the top of one of the training ring's turnbuckles, giving Oscar a friendly wave! Once the muscled insect got her dear friend's attention, she would leap from the turnbuckle she was on to the turnbuckle perpendicular of that. And then she'd leap from that turnbuckle to the turnbuckle parallel of the one she was originally standing on! Now closer to Oscar, Honie would grab the top rope and sling herself down to the ringside, sticking the landing right in front of him! "So glad you could make it, my friend!" Honie buzzed, wrapping her buff arms around Oscar to squeeze him strongly in an inadvertently tight yet friendly hug.

Once she was done, Honie would take a closer look at Oscar's wrestling gear. "Oooooh! I've always loved your attire! But seeing it up close hits even harder!" Honie buzzed. "My compound eyes can REALLY see the whole primal barbarian theme you have going on! It really suits you!" Between attending Oscar's graduation party and this point, Honie was now a member of two wrestling stables. As a result, she was clad in her updated "Empress Bee" attire, sporting some fun changes like a platinum crown and honey bun-themed body paint on her legendary backside! This would be the first time Oscar saw this alternative attire in the flesh as well!
Honie's Appearance

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Re: Making the Barbarian Fly! (For dddybee)

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Oscar perked up when he heard Honie's voice, his gaze drawing to the heroine of the beehive as she lept from one ring post all the way to the other! The amazing jump Honie pulled off caused Oscar's eyes to widen- feeling both shocked and amazed at how easily cleared that jump before she landed in front of him and gave him a giant hug! A hug that was a tad tighter than it should have been... but Oscar didn't mind.

"Aack..! Nice to... see you too, Honie!"

Oscar, despite being squished, still wanted to be polite, so he would wrap his own muscular arms around Honie to hug her back- just without the squeezing. When Honie let go of Oscar, the Barbarian Prince would let go of the Honey Bee and quietly sigh with relief; soon perking up again as Honie complimented his ring gear. Oscar also picked up on Honie's new outfit as her previous compliment brought a humble blush to his face and a chuckle.

"Aw, thank you! I had no idea you loved my outfit so much. I'm glad I brought it now. Katrina did some amazing work on this thing. But you- you got a new outfit! Honie, you're absolutely killing that new look! The crown is a nice touch too"

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Re: Making the Barbarian Fly! (For dddybee)

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"Thanks a bunch!" Honie buzzed, after the two of them exchanged compliments on each others' wrestling attires. Honie turned around to show her new look off more, pointing down at her muscular back and butt. "I've also got the word 'justice' spelled out on the back of my sports bra! That way baddies know exactly what they're getting, before this heroine smothers them silly!" Honie explained confidently. "Smothers them with THESE cheeks, each now with honey-bun themed body paint! Speaking of Katrina and smothers, I should hit up your girlfriend soon to see of she still wants to meet up for her glute training..."

Focusing back in her current trainee, the Booty Buzzer was ready to get things started. She had already shown off her impressive aerial skills, given the type of training Oscar was here for. But she'd emphasize her high-flying even more, by leaping from the ringside floor, cleanly over the ropes, and landing in the ring! Oscar had likely seen Honie do this several times before, it was her signature ring entrance after all! "If you're ready to begin, come on Oscar!" Honie buzzed, encouraging Oscar to join her in the ring. "You don't have to get up here in the same way I did of course. Just wanna show ya that you came to the right person, if you wanna know how heavyweights can fly!"

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Re: Making the Barbarian Fly! (For dddybee)

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Oscar did his best to be respectful when Honie turned around to show off the rest of the details on her new ring gear. While he did want to appreciate the work put into it, Oscar was reminded of how casually Honie talked about using her bottom- especially when it came to her matches.

"O-oh yeah! I can see that. That's a nice touch to add- especially with the body paint. Makes sense since you call them your 'honey buns' often, don't you?"

Oscar managed out a chuckle as he recalled Honie's wordplay before watching her leap into the ring- the action making the Barbarian Prince's eyes widen as Honie's signature ring entrance left him awe-struck. Oscar would try his best to mimic the entrance by jumping to the highest to his ability- but would only BARELY land on the edge of the apron. Thankfully Oscar, after letting out a surprised yelp, managed to grab the ring rope- stopping him from falling onto the mats. Oscar would get into the ring after a brief struggle with a humble look on his face.

"Well that didn't go too well, did it? ha ha... I would LOVE to figure out how to jump as high as you can, y'know? And I'm willing to take the time to practice it too"

Oscar would take a deep breath and look up at Honie, beaming at her.

"In any case, I'm good to go when you are!"

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Re: Making the Barbarian Fly! (For dddybee)

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Honie indeed often called the cheeks of her legendary behind honey buns! And Oscar would see those buns (along with the rest of her muscular frame) fly, as the bee sprung into the ring! Honie covered a ton of both vertical and horizontal distance with such a leap. And despite the ring shaking on impact, she stuck the landing to boot! Oscar tried to follow suit. But he only just managed to land on the ring apron, nearly falling over in the process!

"Oscar!" Honie buzzed in alarm, rushing over towards him. Thankfully, Oscar managed to catch himself, by grabbing onto the ring ropes. "I said you didn't have to get up here the same way as me. But on the brightside, this does give me a good sense of where you are currently at. It'll indeed take time to learn how to jump super high, but let's see how far we can progress today!"

Honie walked to the ring's center and turned towards Oscar, before beginning her first lesson. "Okay. So the reason I can leap so high despite being a heavyweight, is because my lower-body is REALLY strong. Your calves, hamstrings, thighs, and GLUTES..." Honie emphasised, turning around to flex her muscular backside at Oscar, before turning forward again. "All play key roles in increasing your jumping height. While you're already QUITE beefy, I think you need to practice more explosive movements. Here's what I mean..."

The big bee would squat down, before leaping right into the air. Once her feet hit the mat, she'd squat again and repeat the motion. "Jumping squats!" Honie buzzed, before landing again. "Unlike regular squats, this variation teaches your muscles explosive movement. How to spring into the air! So to start off, why don't you practice doing these with me!" Ms. Bea would continue doing jumping squats, encouraging Oscar to follow along to the best of his ability!

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Re: Making the Barbarian Fly! (For dddybee)

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Oscar chuckled lightly as he Honie rushed to help him after almost falling. He always did like how quick she was to spring in and help.

"Hehehe... I know you said I didn't have to- but I wanted to try it anyways. Thank you though. I appreciate the rescue attempt"

Oscar smiled sweetly at Honie before slapping his tattooed cheeks and focusing up as the Honeybee started her first lesson! As requested by Oscar, Honie would show him the exercises she'd do to strengthen her lower body- doing a series of jumping squats in front of the Barbarian Prince. Quietly watching Honie's movements for a moment, Oscar firmly nodded before fixing his stance and joining his pal with jumping squats of his own!

"Woo! Oh yeah- I can feel it already! Gonna have to add it to my routine in the future. By the way- do you use body weights when doing this? Or is your lower body strength just that amazing?"

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Re: Making the Barbarian Fly! (For dddybee)

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After observing Honie's demonstration of jumping squats, Oscar would soon follow right along with jumping squats of his own. "Not to brag too much, but my lower body strength is that amazing." Honie giggled, answering Oscar's question. "But I also use weights to practice progressive overload! Whatever weight you'd normally use when squatting, I'd say to at least half that, when practicing weighted jumping squats for the first time. And the same goes for jumping lunges as well! Follow along!"

On that note, Honie would switch things up by coming down for a lunge instead of a squat, before jumping right out of the lunge and repeating the process. Honie would alternate between legs as she did so, directing Oscar to do the same! "The jumping lunges help build explosive movement in your individual legs, while the jumping squats target each leg equally. The lunges are also good for correcting muscle imbalances, if you ever happen to come across any in your legs."

Honie would then switch between both and jumping squats and the jumping lunges, challenging Oscar to keep up with her to the best of his ability. The heroine bee soared particularly high with each leap. And perhaps Oscar would slowly begin to see a greater increase in height, as he continued to leap as well. After a good bit, Honie would finally stop jumping, giving Oscar a little break. "So that was the beginning of your vertical high-flying training! Should be feeling it in your legs already. Haha."

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Re: Making the Barbarian Fly! (For dddybee)

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Oscar nodded his head and changed it up, following Honie step by step as he switched from doing jumping squats to do some lunges- but with a twist! Just as Honie was doing, Oscar would jump up to switch legs instead of pulling the stretched limb back- doing this repeatedly as he huffed and puffed. The exercises were getting more challenging by the minute- especially when Honie started to have Oscar incorporate both squats AND lunges into the workout. Oscar was feeling something alright- feeling the burn in his leg muscles rather quickly. The effort was worth it, however, as Oscar found that although minor... it seemed he WAS jumping higher! The Barbarian Prince didn't expect to see results so soon but shoot- he sure wasn't complaining! Oscar managed to keep up long enough to earn himself a break- leaning over with his hands on his knees as he huffed, puffed, and chuckled. Looking up at Honie after catching his breath, Oscar grinned at Honie.

"Heh heh... yeah... I feel it. I think I was jumping higher too after a few minutes? I've never heard of development happening this fast before..."

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Re: Making the Barbarian Fly! (For dddybee)

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"Oh yeah. Antonia's given me some pointers on how to teach, so that explains it." Honie buzzed, humbly giving her fellow Battle Bug the credit as to why Oscar already seemed to be progressing quickly! "Alrighty! So let's begin your horizontal high-flying training next! It's important that you are able to jump high, but you also need to be able to jump far! Start off by watching me. That will also give ya a little time to take a breather. Haha."

Honie walked over to one of the ring's corners, before turning around to face the direction of the corner opposite to it. She started of by running a bit, before squatting down and swinging her beefy arms back. She leaped off the ground, as she swung her arms forward again, performing a Long Jump! While the focus was on horizontal distance this time, the bee would of course make significant vertical height as well. Having practically thrown herself across the ring, Honie landed cleanly in the corner opposite from where she had started! "There ya go!" Honie buzzed, before ambling back over to Oscar. "Before I get into the finer details, was there anything you picked up on for jumping further, simply by observing me?"

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