“Hi Safiyah, I have just received your message. Sorry to hear that you’ll be cutting our time short. I will need to give notice to my boss when we are both in. We can also have a chat about it. Just know no matter what, my door is always open if you want to return.”
"Ha! Might as well not bother keeping the door open.”

That is what drove Safiyah to give her notice and forge her way into LAW’s rings. The roar of the crowd, the brightness of the lights, the moment when her chosen theme song blared out on the speakers, Safiyah couldn’t wait to experience it all. Rika tried her best to temper her but to no avail. Such fiery ambition was too great to quell and put out.
But now that she’s free, the Egyptian had to wait for the higher-ups to grant Safiyah her debut. Which means there’s a bunch of time to kill until then. And Safiyah was determined not to be left idle, waiting for the call-up. Until that day comes, she looks to make use of her free time.
Which brings her to the gym. But this wasn’t your usual commercial gym. No, this is LAW’s Gym. She leaned on the bar with a towel on one side and a bottle of water in one hand as she scanned the place with wonder. She heard tales of this place by the other hopefuls, stories of a paradise filled with sweaty, jumping, aggressive women, where even battles of sex could, and often did, break out at a moment’s notice. A place with all the amenities that a sex-crazed wrestlerette could want.
The place, so far, did not disappoint. The first thing she noticed when she came in was the smell - oh, there was the familiar odour of sweat, the same one you could find in a million gyms over a hundred countries. However, the sweat was accompanied by an uncommon scent - it was the smell of sex. It hung in the air, persisting despite the air fresheners, and Safiyah loved it. How many women had came in this room? How many screams? Most importantly, would she be adding to it today.
Safiyah sincerely hoped so. That was why she came in her shortest shorts, a white number with black stripes that left almost as much of her ass cheeks exposed as they covered. That was why she's wearing a matching workout bra that could just barely contain her breasts, letting them jut out and swell. She was fishing today, looking for a playmate, and she saw dozens of potential mates working out all over.
Safiyah sauntered into an unoccupied ring, bending and sliding her way in, giving quite a view of those whose gaze might wander elsewhere. She left her phone, bottle, and towel in the corner and climbed up the turnbuckles, envisioning herself standing in an arena surrounded by rowdy, cheering, and definitely horny fans. That moment will come, but first…
“Attention everyone!” A loud voice would get the attention of every gym patron within the vicinity, even those who have noise-cancelling headphones. “I just want to say, all of you look wonderful! Working up quite a sweat!” She got a smattering of chuckles in the crowd. So far, so good. “But I reckon whatever workout plan you got going on wouldn’t compare to a good old spar. And lucky for you, I’m the girl that can help you with that! I’d say I’m pretty confident that I can bring out more and then some out of all of you~!” Some might get the hidden innuendo laced in. “I can tell that some of you are already thinking ‘I can easily take her, no sweat!’ I see those looks in your eyes! And I love that you have that belief. But for one, I promise you’ll be pouring buckets, and two…pah, ain’t no chance in hell you’re beating me!” She laughed to herself as she heard a few murmurings of disproval. Now she stirred the hornet’s nest.
“But! I’ll appreciate the effort, all the same! So, step right up and don't lose heart! I’m challenging anyone of you lovely people! A wonderful opportunity that I promise you won’t forget!”