Come As You Are

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Come As You Are

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“Hi Safiyah, I have just received your message. Sorry to hear that you’ll be cutting our time short. I will need to give notice to my boss when we are both in. We can also have a chat about it. Just know no matter what, my door is always open if you want to return.”

"Ha! Might as well not bother keeping the door open.”
The Egyptian scoffed as she saw the text message. Rika Saito was certainly a caring trainer, unlike any other trainer that she knew so far. But there was no way she was going to stay in that trainee program for over a year. While that was the length of time she agreed upon, she believed that she had enough in her arsenal to work with.

That is what drove Safiyah to give her notice and forge her way into LAW’s rings. The roar of the crowd, the brightness of the lights, the moment when her chosen theme song blared out on the speakers, Safiyah couldn’t wait to experience it all. Rika tried her best to temper her but to no avail. Such fiery ambition was too great to quell and put out.

But now that she’s free, the Egyptian had to wait for the higher-ups to grant Safiyah her debut. Which means there’s a bunch of time to kill until then. And Safiyah was determined not to be left idle, waiting for the call-up. Until that day comes, she looks to make use of her free time.

Which brings her to the gym. But this wasn’t your usual commercial gym. No, this is LAW’s Gym. She leaned on the bar with a towel on one side and a bottle of water in one hand as she scanned the place with wonder. She heard tales of this place by the other hopefuls, stories of a paradise filled with sweaty, jumping, aggressive women, where even battles of sex could, and often did, break out at a moment’s notice. A place with all the amenities that a sex-crazed wrestlerette could want.

The place, so far, did not disappoint. The first thing she noticed when she came in was the smell - oh, there was the familiar odour of sweat, the same one you could find in a million gyms over a hundred countries. However, the sweat was accompanied by an uncommon scent - it was the smell of sex. It hung in the air, persisting despite the air fresheners, and Safiyah loved it. How many women had came in this room? How many screams? Most importantly, would she be adding to it today.

Safiyah sincerely hoped so. That was why she came in her shortest shorts, a white number with black stripes that left almost as much of her ass cheeks exposed as they covered. That was why she's wearing a matching workout bra that could just barely contain her breasts, letting them jut out and swell. She was fishing today, looking for a playmate, and she saw dozens of potential mates working out all over.

Safiyah sauntered into an unoccupied ring, bending and sliding her way in, giving quite a view of those whose gaze might wander elsewhere. She left her phone, bottle, and towel in the corner and climbed up the turnbuckles, envisioning herself standing in an arena surrounded by rowdy, cheering, and definitely horny fans. That moment will come, but first…

“Attention everyone!” A loud voice would get the attention of every gym patron within the vicinity, even those who have noise-cancelling headphones. “I just want to say, all of you look wonderful! Working up quite a sweat!” She got a smattering of chuckles in the crowd. So far, so good. “But I reckon whatever workout plan you got going on wouldn’t compare to a good old spar. And lucky for you, I’m the girl that can help you with that! I’d say I’m pretty confident that I can bring out more and then some out of all of you~!” Some might get the hidden innuendo laced in. “I can tell that some of you are already thinking ‘I can easily take her, no sweat!’ I see those looks in your eyes! And I love that you have that belief. But for one, I promise you’ll be pouring buckets, and two…pah, ain’t no chance in hell you’re beating me!” She laughed to herself as she heard a few murmurings of disproval. Now she stirred the hornet’s nest.

“But! I’ll appreciate the effort, all the same! So, step right up and don't lose heart! I’m challenging anyone of you lovely people! A wonderful opportunity that I promise you won’t forget!”

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Re: Come As You Are

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Eliza Harenwood in a gym? That was actually more rarer a sight than one might think, the dancing passion had of course her own regiment of practise that she went through on a daily basis like any wrestler worth their salt. However she was usually more of a private individual, this dated back to her childhood where she had dance lessons done one to one. Eliza felt it helped hone her acrobatics to a razor edge where she could focus on it at her leisure and keep her tricks closer to her chest in regards to combat. She did her own spars also, but again that would be privately done.

Here however? Well Eliza was far from home, across the pond in fact. Eliza had to get her own place in Japan and that was difficult enough with bookings, money wasn't an issue sure but through her own fault she hadn't managed to get a spacious enough place to do her own thing. So hence she went to the gym there, Eliza had kept to her own little corner there. The dancing passion had done her usual dance routines and impressed a couple of people passing by with her elegant displays. She was dressed in similar colours to her usual ring attire, however for this Eliza wore a modified red one piece leotard with sleeves, red ribbon footwraps and wasn't Eliza if she wasn't wearing red stockings either!

The British aristocrat would hear a loud, bragging voice talk smack as it were. Eliza ceased her ballet poses and looked at the source being a young lady who clearly knew their looks and had the confidence to back it up. But she was clearly bragging. The dancing passion heard the murmurs around the gym and an idea came to mind, perhaps she ought to.......yes......

Eliza would run her hands through her beautiful strawberry blonde locks and would leap right onto the apron there and size this woman up. "Well.......good day to you dear." Eliza would say with a welcoming smile before effortlessly leaping over the ropes and standing in a corner before saying "So your issuing a thrown gauntlet yes? Well Eliza Harenwood isn't one to turn down a good bout, care to test me?" the dancing passion would lightly stretch there and had a confident expression on her face for this possible challenge!
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Re: Come As You Are

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If there was one thing Safiyah didn’t lack, it was confidence. Even when she came into LAW, such confidence would be useful for many things and applied to other aspects of this wrestling business. And while this isn’t a promo made to the multitude of fans in attendance, it certainly got the attention of the many gym patrons within LAW.

While the Egyptian had baited the crowd with an enticing offer, her eyes scanned on the potential playmates that did interest her. So many lovely bodies to play with, and it’s not like warming up would be an issue either. They must have already worked up a sweat and there’s nothing Safiyah loved more than being so close to a hot body. Figuratively and literally.

Eventually, she got a bite. A tug on the fishing line. And Safiyah would turn her gaze towards where that particularly posh accent came from. A strawberry blonde, all red everything, and drop-dead gorgeous. Already she’s looking very intriguing, the kind of look that is much more for a dance studio than a general commercial gym. Her accent is fascinating. She could tell of the British flavour from miles away, but her body language carried that regal air, even if her attire might not show that exactly. But it all checks out, and enough of Safiyah’s turn-ons in play to warrant a closer look. A very close look.

“Well, well, well~…we got ourselves a challenger!” Safiyah whistled as she looked towards the blonde on the apron. “And she’s polite too! Good to know someone hasn’t forgotten manners.” She managed to get a few smattering of chuckles from the crowd as the blonde, known as Eliza Harenwood, would introduce herself. The more she heard the confirmation, as well as that oh-so-good dialect, Safiyah sprung into action. Quite literally, as she leapt in great height out of the top corner, flying through the air before landing on her feet. Another backflip would be enough to close the distance between the two, corkscrewing in the air, her form impeccable through years of gymnastics. Safiyah would land right in front of Ms Harenwood, looking all bright-eyed and hungry to meet her sparring partner!

“Of course, I gotta return the favour with my manners! Safiyah Neferet is the name. But just call me Safiyah.” She would let her eyes wander, all while remaining very close to the blonde. The bluenette eyed those stocking-clad leggings, her hands tracing along the lines of those of unflexed muscles. “Let me guess…hmm…ooh! Dancer.” She snapped her fingers as she crouched down a bit, eagerly observing. “Clearly got the strength to manipulate your body very well, I see…Man, I love this lovely number~.” She was as giddy as a child at Christmas. And it showed as she shot up straight. Her heterochromatic gaze stared at Eliza’s sanguine pools. “Ooooooh, you already look fun, Eliza! I’m all up for doing some tests~.”

Safiyah would backflip away into a handstand, her feet just an inch from grazing Eliza’s chin as she would flip towards the opposite corner. “Shall we say a standard affair? Pins, submissions, knockouts, that kind of thing. Or maybe you’re feeling brave for some…certain wagers?”

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Re: Come As You Are

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Truth be told Eliza was humouring herself with this one, sparring against others was something that she also tended to do in private away from the prying eyes of her fellow competition and the so called simps that seemed to flock to these gyms. Still she was feeling competitive and let this woman say her piece, in fact it was almost like a switch sort of went off in the dancing passion's brain. Eliza simply remained still and poised as her dance partner for today lept across the ring there, playing her hand already and showing her agility? Impressive but a tad brash in Eliza's mind.

With Safiyah introducing herself to Eliza and letting her eyes wander Eliza did the exact opposite, she remained as poised as a statue and not even flinching as Safiyah tested the dancing passion's muscles on her body. The British aristocrat was already running through possibilities for how the fight could go, unlike most in LAW's rings Eliza didn't take delight in her opponent's beauty. She wouldn't fall for the adage of see the forest for the trees.

Safiyah put down the rules of engagement, to which Eliza nodded and cracked her neck and smiled. "Let us abide by those terms. Perhaps the loser pays for a drink for the winner? I've had my eyes on a particular wine brand~" Eliza said with a smirk, as she readied into her stance and then said "Ready when you are, I look forward to seeing what you can do if your this brave." with Eliza's legs poised in a classic ballet stance as she waited for the bout to start up!
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Re: Come As You Are

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Was she showing too much too soon?

Safiyah would admit to that. With her arrival in LAW, she’s been more than excited to show off what she could do. Whether to the audience in the Tokyodome or a small crowd in the gym, it didn’t matter. Veterans would have taught her about such a rookie mistake, but Safiyah didn’t need to hear it all. It’s not as if this lady would do anything to stop it. The Egyptian had already mapped out how this was going to play out. It would be tricky, considering Eliza showed some grace and elegance, which meant that it wouldn’t be far off to guess she might play the same way.

Then again, stranger things have happened and Safiyah can’t assume based on looks. Rika told her that much. Safiyah would land back in the same corner she started, getting a smattering of cheers from the crowd. Athleticism is still something to admire and Saifyah showed plenty in spades. While she had got a taste, the bluenette was already hungry for more. Such anger got even worse once Eliza spoke about paying for drinks.

“Oooooh~!” Safiyah squealed and gave a cheesy grin as she leaned forward, showing her hanging breasts that strained against her bra. “A romantic type, eh? Candlelight and rose petals in the bath. Well, Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, I’m just itching for a night of fun~.” “A devilish twinkle in her eyes glimmered at further thoughts. “I can accept that. Though if I am to win, there will be a lot more involved in this…night of love~…” A salacious lick of her lips as her loins burned at the sultry thought of it all. Oh, how fun it would be!

“Fortune favours the brave and the bold, you know.” The Egyptian retorted, seeing Eliza get into something akin to a pose in ballet. An interesting stance indeed. And that brought an idea. She brought her hands into the beginning of a belly dance routine. Her hips undulating, showing natural control as she began to step out of the corner. “And I very much like my chances~.”

Suddenly, Safiyah would dash in, bare feet hitting the canvas as she rushed towards the British Aristocrat. Quick, but careful steps. Which is needed for what is about to come. Getting close enough, Safiyah threw herself downwards while planting a hand onto the mat as her toned leg shot out to try to sweep Eliza off her feet…Or at least, have it look like she was going to do that. What she was hoping to do was to send it slow enough and wide enough that it would be easily seen and dodged, fishing for a reaction. From there, Safiyah suddenly switched her hips and sent the other leg upwards instead, looking to clock Eliza right in the face, her instep itching to smack at that fair cheek!

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Re: Come As You Are

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Well Eliza wasn't expecting that reaction from her sparring partner, the dancing passion raised an eyebrow at it but her stance didn't change an inch as Safiyah proceeded to basically gush and blush about trying to have an intimate moment with Eliza. She remained silent there for the time being, but her face had a clearly unamused expression at this one. If it was an attempt at trash talking well it certainly got points for originality but it left Eliza more confused than insulted than anything else as she proceeded to move into the middle of the ring there a bit to get ready for this bout.

As it was the dancing passion was more focused on what Safiyah might attempt for her gameplan there, as it turned out they were playing a short game of inches. Usually when a fight started Eliza would burst out into a fast sprint to just attempt to overwhelm the enemy, here in a spar however she was more probing and saw that Safiyah had a gymnastic approach too. From a different side to Eliza it seemed, the dancing passion would sense the move and readied to check it. Only to see at the edge of her vision Safiyah suddenly burst out into a strike from the other leg and at another angle!

Eliza would shift her body backwards there to ensure that Safiyah's strike missed by inches there before stepping back a bit. Eliza would then say "Impressive and nimble. You misread my intentions however. Your not my type, I do have expensive tastes however." Eliza would then feint a step to the right there before lunging right at Safiyah with a leaping forward right legged kick in a manner akin to a classic ballerina forward dive.
Last edited by Deus001 on Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Come As You Are

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“So are you~.” Safiyah didn’t look disappointed or annoyed when Eliza evaded her strike. Sure, it sucks that she didn’t get first contact from the jump, but that’s only wishing for specific scenarios. Eliza was far from the more green talents, and a trick like that wasn’t enough. But she was close and got her stepping back. Small victories and all that.

“Oh honey, 'expensive tastes' ain’t the issue here.” Safiyah would say, spinning upright and proper to face the British Aristocrat. “Just that you’re not the type that seems like she has a type, babe~.” She teased, giving a wink with her golden eye left shining with a mischievous fire.

She would see Eliza replying with her graceful theatrics, lunging straight towards the bluenette. The Azure Cobra leaned her head to the side, but not by much. Enough for the leading foot to pass by her, the stocking-clad leg grazing her cheek as the blonde flew past. If Eliza looked into Safiyah’s eyes, she might deduce that she did it on purpose. If she didn’t hear the soft purr as they got close.

However what she might not have seen is a barefoot coming up and behind, movements tight and coiled like the Scorpion’s tail, so that Eliza wouldn’t see it coming until it’s too late. Safiyah could have easily smacked her face dead centre with that manoeuvre. Instead, her sole, hot from the friction of the mats, just simply stroked at Eliza’s cheek with tender grace. Toes brushed against her earlobe, while her heel was inches from the corner of Eliza’s lips. Almost lovingly, in a way, as the Dancing Passion flew past her.

“Lemme guess, Malbec? Merlot, perhaps?” The Egyptian giggled as she snaked past behind Eliza.

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Re: Come As You Are

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Eliza was a rather private individual, the fans of law and the British indies knew of her background and her style among other things. The dancing passion however kept her interests and public sightings controlled more than most, she had learned from the slings and barbs of her fellow aristocrats that you had to keep a lid on certain things. As opposed to her sparring partner who very much seemed an open book on her interests, which wasn't the ones that enticed Eliza. Still her opponent seemed a natural acrobat, deftly evading Eliza's attack by 'that' much as it were.

Her opponent even managed to display a bit of poise there by seemingly doing a sort of kick that was also that close to Eliza's head there, some might have been flustered there by Safiyah's strike. However Eliza felt a mixture of annoyance at herself for being caught so close and a bit of respect there, not many could catch Eliza like that. Then again her usual opponent was a brawny guy who couldn't move like she could. Eliza simply turned her head to look at Safiyah, playing it cool. Again she'd heard worse remarks.

"I digress. Now then." Eliza said, resuming focus on the bout there Eliza would then suddenly leap right up and try to just blast out a dropkick right at Safiyah there! The dancing passion was curious to see how she might handle the British aristocrat taking things from 0 to 100 on the flip of a switch!
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Re: Come As You Are

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“Or is my pronunciation not correct there?”

Playing hard to get it seems. Admittedly, things seemed to flow so smoothly between the two acrobatic duellists. Despite the conversation being a one-sided affair, with Safiyah enjoying teasing Eliza, she moved with style and grace, weaving away from Eliza’s strikes. In Safiyah’s opinion, the fact that they share a similar fighting style meant that she knew just how they could be exploited. Especially as the Egyptian already has proper control of her own body. Her time as a gymnast from a young age has gifted her some sweet manoeuvres.

Which, in turn, meant that she understood how Eliza might act. Shown by the manner of Safiyah letting her off with a "warning shot” or whatever the blonde wished to interpret it. Despite being new to the business, the bluenette knew about certain bad manners or mental games to get into the competitor’s mind. The kind of mockery and humiliation it would inflict when they are left with the feeling that they could have ended up worse. Though all is fair in showbiz. Safiyah may not be in front of an arena with thousands screaming at her, but there’s still a show to put on for the few gym patrons who are fixated on this duel.

And to think this is still the beginning of it all. Safiyah didn’t rest on her laurels, much of a rookie mistake that would be, especially as Eliza was shown to be fast and nimble. While the next strike wasn’t infused with a dance flair, it was still showy in its entirety. A massive dropkick. Brutal if it was to land. But easy to read against the Azure Cobra.

Safiyah would lean back, even before Eliza’s own feet were a yard away. Her back curled to a level that would make the regular gym goer wince in pain, seemingly content to let Eliza fly over her…that is until that lone leg swung up again, straightening to the point of a full 180. A general back walkover that showed Safiyah’s flexibility and dexterity, but added with the fact that her sole graced Eliza’s other cheek in another “close” kick. No impact to be made, but going with the momentum of Eliza’s airborne body so that the sole gets a brief, yet caressing contact with the aristocrat’s face.

“Oooh! Chardonnay! Surely I’m close, right?” Safiyah spoke as if acting in a normal conversation with the Dancing Passion, completing the walkover before turning to face Eliza. “I’m more of a Syrah girl. Cause, you know…” The bluenette points at herself as if the sentence finishes itself.

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Re: Come As You Are

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Eliza wasn't one to be easily frustrated, accustomed as she was to the slings and barbs of her fellow aristocrats or those who deigned to trash talk in the ring. However she was also one that expected herself to make some progress in the ring eventually against the likes of them, Eliza however was feeling that Safiyah was proving to be the exception to the norm. The dancing passion's attempts at offence were being stymied by her foe's own acrobatic style, a rare thing for Eliza to face considering that her foes usually had more muscle mass and height against her. Eliza's assaults were probing and ranging from paced strikes to sudden shotgun blasts and still nothing all the while Safiyah was enjoying herself a bit too much for Eliza's tastes there.

Eliza paused for a few seconds there, expecting that caress to have been an actual strike. Continuing to again ignore the flirty undertones due to incompatible orientation Eliza would spring up into her stance again, glancing down at their legs there and deciding on a new approach. Attempting to strike from a poised or neutral position was going nowhere. Time to play her own mindgames.......

Eliza's hands moved slowly, as if to entice those watching before going into an elegant flamenco solo dance. A slight smirk on her features there as she muttered "Then.....let me entertain you I suppose." her every inch moving to step there. Going low and bending down to show her flexibility all the while she kept eye contact with the enemy.........before suddenly seeking to slink her nearest leg behind Safiyah's and trip them out from under her with a pair of swift kicks before suddenly pivoting in place to attempt a spinning right legged roundhouse to the head!
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