Lauren F./Kat H./Tara K. - Working Some Progress

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Lauren F./Kat H./Tara K. - Working Some Progress

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Deep within the hearts of the LAW gym, that was mostly motionless and devoid of noise, one particular ring hollowed the room out with cries of exertion and effort.

"HYAHHHH!" Roaring out as her kicks hit the pads held across from her, toned Korean fighter Tara Kwan tried as she might to disrupt the immovable force that was Kathryn Harts stance. Not that it was the goal of such strikes, but she certainly was not complaining if she somehow did.
"Tch...I can do this all day...!" More roaring to herself than her stable mate and sparring partner, Tara found herself bouncing on her left foot, as she repeatedly brought about her right for a high kick, over and over, trying to seemingly take those pads from Kat's mitts. Seemingly as ever, forgetting that soon she'd have to brace for Kat's strikes!
Last edited by Devilish53 on Tue May 22, 2018 3:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lauren R./Kat H./Tara K. - Working Some Progress

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"Keep it comin', Tara! Go go go!" Kat would spur her Korean stablemate on as Tara kept the kicks coming. As Tara's right foot and shin hit the mitts, the sounds of the strikes grew more and more ideal. But when the blonde began to notice Tara's balance being somewhat compromised on her left foot, evidenced by the bouncing,
Katherine Hart
After seeing Tara's stability waver for the third of fourth time, Kat would allow her next kick to connect before spinning around and dropping low for a leg sweep aimed at the red head's left foot. If the kick connected and floored Tara, she'd begin to help her up while offering advice.

"Gotta watch your footing, Tara. It's cool that you can do this all day, but if you're gonna do it, you gotta do it right." She'd say while offering her friend a hand and smiling at her.
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Re: Lauren R./Kat H./Tara K. - Working Some Progress

Unread post by Devilish53 »

"Ain't gotta tell me twice!" Roaring as she reared back her right, Tara seemingly had forced too much power into that last horrendous kick of hers. Shaking off the pain, bouncing from one side to the other, a lowly smile came to the Koreans mug, as she opted to change things up. There was no use simply practising one thing after all, and she was having fun regardless.

" about this...hold em right" Seemingly testing her boxing now as her raised hands guided Kat's height to her perfect height, Tara would rear back her right as if trying for a equally powerful hook, before raising her left leg forward. Seemingly committing to the strike, Kat would find her training partner opting to spin at the last second; coming nigh in a full rotation in a blink of a eye, as she tried to take Kat's hands off with her preferred fighting method. With a elbow strike!
Last edited by Devilish53 on Sun Mar 04, 2018 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lauren R./Kat H./Tara K. - Working Some Progress

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Katherine smiled upon seeing Kwan exercise the same spunkiness and drive that she had come to love about her. The busty blonde began to take her stance again, holding the mitts at a height she thought would encourage Tara to aim high without sacrificing much power. Tara would use her hand to help guide Kat's.

The blue eyed woman would look at her partner intently as she wound up what appeared to be another swift kick! Kat braced herself, as she tried to follow Tara's movements, and that would prove to be quite the ask as Tara exercised her trademark unpredictablilty and spun just after raising her leg! The ensuing strike would be a smashing elbow that drove hard into Katherine's mitt! She'd stagger upon being caught off guard by it! Kat was shocked to have her stance compromised even in the slightest. The blonde would blink twice in surprise before standing up straight and smiling down at Kwan. She'd complimenting her friend and fellow WiP member.

"That was pretty darn good! How long you been working on that one, Tara?"
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
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Re: Lauren R./Kat H./Tara K. - Working Some Progress

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Tara was a woman who enjoyed getting physically, tussling on the mat whenever she could be, but to her credit, those thin limbs carried power. Something made evident, as those pads made a sound that made all those nearby stop, before resuming their exercise.

"Tch...I don't gotta be working especially on a elbow strike to take someones head off Kitty Kat...!" Raising her padded hand and mockingly russling the mask and hair of her training partner, Tara soon brought her hands back to herself, her bouncing finally halting as she tried to undo the straps to her gloves.

"Guess it's your point hogging the fun part..." Unbuckling the right glove, Tara would aim to do the other quickly enough, so that Kat would be given an opportunity to flex her own guns against the plucky Korean.

Unaware that there was a figure watching from the sidelines, hoping to do more than simply watch the duo!

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Re: Lauren R./Kat H./Tara K. - Working Some Progress

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Lauren was finishing up on a treadmill when she noticed two women helping each other out. One was young, vibrant and very pretty. She had a great figure and Lauren imagined she caught a lot of attention from the guys wherever she went. Lauren in her rounder figure never had that problem, especially now that she was on a roster full of bikini models, fitness standouts and the like. Not to mention her age.

The other woman was bigger and incredibly fit. Muscle mass like Laurens with definition she could only dream of. None of the soft junk weight on this lady. Lauren sighed as she watched them, recalling her early days in a tiny gym where a few wannabe wrestlers including herself banded together to try to make something of themselves.

"Wow... you guys are something else." Lauren said out loud, accidentally. She said it loudly too, and her face was red as she realized that the duo may have heard her. "I.. uhhh, sorry."

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Re: Lauren R./Kat H./Tara K. - Working Some Progress

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Hands in motion to pass her sparring partner the pads, Tara would find her oogling eyes wandering to a curvy figure on the outset. Tara didn't much mind for people watching, but given how loudly the girl spoke, even if it was inadvertent she felt a response necessary.

"Th..Thanks.." She'd grin, somewhat caught off-guard as her hand came behind her back, scratching an awkward itch that soon formed. Idea to mind, and somewhat desperate to cut the awkwardness in two, Tara then raised said hand.

"Would...would ya wanna have a go?"

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Re: Lauren R./Kat H./Tara K. - Working Some Progress

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Lauren was shocked by the friendly response but it was a considerably pleasant surprise. "I.... sure. I need the practice but I'm not on the level you guys are I don't think." Lauren answeredas her gaze shift from one woman to the other and back. Her recent loss still stung her pride.

"My name is Lauren Fredericks by the way." Lauren said with a smile and awkward wave, doubting that either lady had heard of her.

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Re: Lauren R./Kat H./Tara K. - Working Some Progress

Unread post by winner3 »

Seeing Lauren struggling to introduce herself, Kat would rise to the occasion. She hadn't know the woman at all, but Kat was more than happy to introduce herself and her long time friend Tara to a new face. The blue eyed blonde would approach Fredericks and gesture by waving and placing a hand on her own chest to make Lauren's acquaintance.

"Lauren! Pleased to meet you! I'm Katherine. Katherine Hart!" She'd say before reaching for Tara's arm and pulling her in.

"And my friend here who's happy to spar with you, is Tara Kwan. It's great to run into you. How are you liking things at LAW?"

Kat had been grinding and putting in work to make way towards establishing herself at LAW. And part of putting herself out there was to make sure she interacted with as many of her fellow LAW wrestlers as possible - good or bad.
:arrow_down_small:Links to stuff I wish more people would read:arrow_down_small:
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Re: Lauren R./Kat H./Tara K. - Working Some Progress

Unread post by Highfly »

Lauren smiled and was happy to see that Kat was also friendly. She knew the name Katherine Hart as well, she was far more accomplished than Lauren was, or likely could ever hope to be. "nice to meet you. I do like it even if I'm... struggling more or less. When ya have supermodels and fitness poster children an old rookie with my build really doesn't get noticed or have many fans." Lauren said, feeling a bit embarrassed about her figure compared to the two women she was conversing with.

She anxiously stepped up and readied herself to go at the punching and kicking gloves. She took a few deep breaths. The last thing she wanted to do was make herself look bad in front of two women who seemed happy to help her out.

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