Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

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The Ominous Future
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Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Among the list of things Karen Starring hated, sparring or training in general was perhaps at the peak. Despising the concept of needing the aid of another to better herself, Karen had simply resorted to a manor of forcing herself through the task; fully expecting to rush through it and get to the other side with a few new tricks up her sleeve. Whatever the state of her foe was simply not her concern.

Especially given that today, Karen had done something of a rare open sparring session.
Having previously booked out a ring within the gym halls of LAW to herself, making note to mention she did not desire, but insisted someone of interest join her this day, Karen would find herself sprinting from ropes to ropes. Clad as ever in a usual form fitting attire, with intense midriff and extreme breasts mostly on show, the amazon like fighter took to resting in the corner between sprints. She had little intention of waiting any longer, but couldn't exactly rush a foe that might not even make themselves known.

If only the poor raven haired amazon knew, that this particular figure had encountered her before. And knew all too well it was the same Karen Starring...
Last edited by Devilish53 on Mon Jan 15, 2018 2:38 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

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Mae took the chance to get into a sparing match with Karen. The grey skinned woman posed herself as a dark elf wrestler and took the role very serious about it. She dressed in her usual silver lined blue bikini and joined the wrestler named Karen in the ring. Her face looked unimpressed at what she saw. As Mae stood at one end and looked towards Karen.

"You seem to have a lot of energy... lets see if you can put up." Mae grumbled and started to move towards the center. Wanting purely to see how Karens might would feel against her arms.

Mae knew Karen of course, but she didn't act like they've met before.
Mae Hune

*Note: I'm not into Male vs Female fighting.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

Unread post by Devilish53 »

No matter how Mae entered the ring, despite Karen's open invite, she would have shot the woman fire. The fact Mae skipped the intro and cut straight to it only gave the amazon more fuel.

"Hold serious?" She'd smirk, grinning around, watching those around her to apparently see for a prank. "What are you packing...hundred and twenty pounds? You fuckin' playing me?" Again looking around, this time with a glare to Mae herself to test for laughter, a serious grin back would give the woman her answer.

"Your funeral. Could do with a punching bag..." Her frame tightening, bending over somewhat to meet Mae's only slightly shorter figure, Karen moved in a circular fashion at first, to see if the grey skinned figure did indeed seek to tangle. A part of her of course, in her infinite smugness, expected a prank to be unravelled any second.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

Unread post by 32django »

"Come over here, and you'll see what I'm packing." The grey elf replied, as the two of them collided for impact. Mae might have been smaller by a few inches then by Karen, but she didn't act like it bothered her much. The elf lunged in and took Karen around the waist. Her arms were like steel bars and sort of felt like them too as they viced in and tried to crush Karen's rib cage.

Mae didn't waste time with small stuff as she went full force into crushing Karen.
Mae Hune

*Note: I'm not into Male vs Female fighting.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

Unread post by Devilish53 »

A simple locking of arms, and Karen would be sure this grey skinned woman would be down, soon enough. She had the size advantage, whether by a margin or by a mile. She certainly however, didn't expect the beauty to lunge in, and try to crack her ribcage.

"ARGHHHH!" Introduced to her foes power with a bearhug that made her whole body creak, Mae's sudden lunge and pull not only pressed the wind right out of Karen, but controlling snagged the amazon fully. Toes grazing against the canvas with her feet nearly yanked fully off them, Karen would damn near groan from trying to simply withhold those cries of anguish. Her arms pushing straight down on the arms of the smaller, but powerful woman, somewhat in-vain currently!
Last edited by Devilish53 on Mon Jan 15, 2018 5:56 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

Unread post by 32django »

Mae wasn't cutting the larger woman any slack as she had her in a death grip practically. Her gery arms strained and pressed against Karen.
The elf played with the idea of holding this move forever, letting this woman feel the suffering of her ribs cracking and back threatening
to separate at the joints.

Nothing was said between them as this grip lasted. Mae wouldn't waste her breath teasing with words, and Karen would only risk passing out.

But Mae was seeking Karen's cries of pain, and if she had to put more force into it... then let it be.
Mae Hune

*Note: I'm not into Male vs Female fighting.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Seconds in, and Karen was in a pain like no other. Her legs turning to jelly, Karen did not dead weight in the woman's arms by choice, but from pure agony. And with the cocky, yet frustrated look on Mae's face only growing more of the former, Karen sensed the position wouldn't be let loose by choice.

"Let..go..of fuck..!" She'd roar, trying to rear her upper torso back as she put hands to Mae's chin, pushing with increasing strength. Fitting, given Mae was bearing down on her spine and ribs with increasing pressure, forcing the amazon to stifle her cries with a clenching of teeth!

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

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But Mae wasn't letting go. No, not by a long shot was Karen going to easily beg her way out of this hold. Pressing with everything she had, the elf was putting her efforts into smashing Karen in the first 'round' of combat. Karen pressed her hands, and prevented her from fully getting a grip on the other girl.

The two stumbled around the practice ring. And Ma was feeling Karen practically trying to become one with her, as her arms forced her back to make that pop noise a chiropractor could pull off. "Say it!" Mae hissed as she jerked Karen around just to press the issue.
Mae Hune

*Note: I'm not into Male vs Female fighting.

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Still Karen pushed, trying in vain seemingly to press at Mae's chin. Such did not stop the incredibly powerful figure from ragdolling Karen, throwing her around the ring with ease as her bearhug seemingly worked the bigger womans spine to breaking. And whilst it didn't break outright, the sound that followed made it sound like she'd have some damage, to say the least.

"LET...GO..!" She'd cry again, the mere idea of tapping to the first move of a match forcing Karen's cheeks red and puffy, as Mae tried to combine their fronts. Her breasts having long mushroomed straight upwards, the shaken amazon tried somewhat to throw her arms around Mae's own body, and give a little of that agony back!

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Re: Mae Hune/Karen Starring - Meeting In Another Life

Unread post by 32django »

"Alright... Was that a yes... let me... go." She hissed to Karen's face and pretended that she wasn't feeling the pressure Karen gave back to her. Something Mae was very good at but her body was feeling the pressure of the busty woman being squeezed against her. Their breasts were pressed in tight, and bodies started to produce sweat.

Even Karen's arms pressed Mae back. A feat while not impressive on the outside, did work on the inside. Mae felt the pressure, and felt like a trapped animal, needing to breakout. But she didn't push back... instead she pulled Karen in more and more, trying to make her sit on her lap, even as they stood toe to toe.
Mae Hune

*Note: I'm not into Male vs Female fighting.

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