Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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"What do you mean you can't make it?!" Ember asked, her cell pressed against her ear as the person on the other end gave up a lame excuse as to why they were ruining all her plans!
The shortest middleweight wrestler in LAW was in the gym on her own, wearing the attire that she usually sported when she came to the gym; a sports bra and tight fitting yoga pants. However, in her free hand was also a tripod, the top of which supported a ring-light where a smartphone was meant to hook up in the center. The reason for this additional hardware was that Ember had scheduled to perform a special livestream for her many Instagram followers today!

Ember had gained thousands of followers with her fitness and yoga pics over the years, and that number had doubled to over a million since she had joined LAW and started posting pics of her besting other wrestlers in smothery and dominating holds! Her wrestling photos quickly became her most popular album, so as a thanks for all the support, Ember had wanted to set up a livestream that focused on some of most favorite techniques that she liked to use in her fights! She would provide demonstrations, answer some questions,

Of course, the main ingredient in this stream was that she needed a volunteer for her to showcase her moves on, and her last choice was now calling to cancel on her! "But you said you were in! We had planned it out a week ago and-" Ember paused in her dismay to hear the reply on the other end, and by the time it was over she let out a disappointed sigh. "Yeah. Yeah okay. Can't help it if you're feeling under the weather, I guess. Hope you get better..." Ember would then end the call before growling out, "You freaking liar."

Ember might have been more sympathetic to her former volunteer's excuse......had she not heard the same excuse from the last four people who had agreed to be in her stream! When Ember had put out the call for volunteers in the LAW roster, there wasn't as much interest as she had hoped! After all, the job required the other participant to essentially be Ember's jobber for as long as the stream lasted; a painful and humiliating position to be in for sure, especially since Ember had developed a bit of a reputation for being a merciless dom! Still, she had received a few volunteers, but as they day of the stream grew closer, many began to chicken out! Now on the day of, the very last one had cancelled on her at the last minute, leaving the shorty high and dry!

Tilting her head back and looking straight up into the ceiling, Ember let out low and long groan. She was completely out of options. She would have to cancel the stream! Her fans were going to be so disappointed, but what else could she do? It's not like a new volunteer was just going to walk through the door!

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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There were very few things that made Ducky as pleased as a nice, full day of training, and one of those things happened to be the beautiful rear ends of the women of LAW, many of whom were lovely and quite curvy, and it was no secret that Ducky Williams was an appreciator of the fine rear ends that she came across in her time! Of course, she wasn't expecting any of those today, as she had no matches scheduled, so she was fully intending to settle on a long day of training within the LAW gym, already having donned her classic singlet as she made her way from the locker room and throughout the backstage area! The busty blonde was entirely unaware of the fact that her day might not end up being as booty-deprived as she would have initially thought, and her trip to the gym today was going to set her on a collision course with that very thing!

When she arrived, Ducky would push open the door to the gymnasium, taking a moment to look around as she did so, inspecting the scenery and finding it largely devoid of people, meaning that she was free to use whatever machines and spaces that she pleased, always a plus in her book! Of course, largely was the key word here, as the gymnasium was indeed occupied, by one lone, short woman, clad in workout gear and standing around the middle of the space, holding onto a tripod with a ring light attached at the top, causing Ducky a moment of pause!

The woman in front of her looked vaguely familiar, but Ducky couldn't seem to place where she might know her from, but her body language conveyed that she wasn't feeling too good at the moment, head tilted back as she stared at the ceiling, looking fairly deflated! Ducky was never one to stick her nose in someone else's business, but she was intrigued enough that she would begin to walk towards the purple haired woman, noting that she was exceptionally curvy along the way, opening her mouth as she got closer to greet her fellow gym goer!

"Hey there! The gym is pretty open today huh? Hope I'm not bothering you by intruding on a nice and empty gym! I love having free reign of the place as much as anyone else, but I'm sure there's enough room for both of us!" Ducky greeted with a warm smile and a giggle, hoping to both get Ember's attention and break the ice before she could let her curiosity get the better of her and begin talking to this pretty lady about why she was here!

"Say, if you don't mind me asking, that's a pretty fancy light you have there! Used for like, streaming and modeling and other things right? Is it still working alright? You were looking pretty bummed out when I came in, I hope it's not because you have to replace an expensive piece of equipment like that!" Ducky said, unsure if that was the real reason, but hoping that she could find out just who this woman was and what had her looking so glum!

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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It was at this point that Ember was starting to feel pretty lousy about all her plans suddenly falling through. She had set aside her entire day for this stream! After all the precautions she had taken to avoid running into the very scenario, here she was! She was going to have to make a post in her socials that all her stream was canceled, something she really didn't want to do since she had spent weeks hyping it up to all her followers! Canceling on the day when it was supposed to happen would not only cost her some followers, but also their trust! But what choice did she have? Ember was well and truly fuc-

It was at that moment she was snapped out of her doom spiral by a friendly greeting from an unfamiliar voice! Blinking, Ember would turn to see a stunning blonde in a white and pink leotard approaching her with warm smile! Ember didn't notice her earlier, so she must have just arrived in the gym. She looked very familiar, though Ember couldn't quite put her finger on how. Either way, she was commenting on how Ember and her were the only people here for a workout in a clear attempt to break the ice. Unfortunately, Ember wasn't in the best mood at the moment. "Oh, uh.....yeah. I'm not really here to workout today..."

It was then Ember was asked about the equipment she was holding. Equipment, that as of two minutes ago, would not be needed. "O-Oh, no. Nothing's broken," she replied to the woman's inquiry. "It's just, I do these streams for my Instagram followers and I had a really good one set up today where I showcase all my favorite moves like headcissors and pins and butt smothers and stuff. But my volunteer just canceled on me at the last minute and now I'm totally screwed!" Ember didn't know why she was pouring her heart out to this random woman. Maybe she just needed to get her frustrations off her chest and there was no one better arou-

Suddenly it hit Ember where she knew this woman from! "Hey, I know you!" Ember said, a smile forming on her face as realization dawned on her. "Yeah! You're Ducky Williams, right? You're, like, famous around here!" It was true that Ember had heard of and seen Ducky before; even before she herself had joined LAW! She was something of a fan of the blonde bombshell! Ember would extend her hand to properly greet Ducky with a handshake, a friendly smile of her own sporting her face! "I'm Ember Sykes! Nice to meet you! Sorry for dumping all that on you. It just sucks that I have to cancel my stream now, you know?"

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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Crossing the gym to greet the lone woman inside of it, Ducky would give a light and friendly greeting, causing the short, curvy woman to turn around to face her, with Ducky getting a clearer look at her very pretty, if quite glum looking face, Ducky getting a good look at her as she asked her about her brooding and equipment! As it turned out, nothing was broken, and Ember was indeed not here to get a workout in, Ducky's suspicions about such being confirmed, with the actual answer quickly being explained to Ducky, and causing the blonde to raise an eyebrow! A stream for her Instagram followers eh? If it had her this torn up, it gave Ducky the clue that the woman must have quite a fair amount of followers that she didn't want to let down, but what was far more interesting to Ducky was when the short gal rattled off a quick list of moves that she was looking forwards to sharing!

As a woman known for her generous, round rear end, and her penchant for using it against her opponent's in her matches, meeting a fellow smother savant was always something that piqued Ducky's interest, especially one who was doing streams for her audience pertaining to it! The fact caused Ducky to do a quick look over the frame of the purple haired woman once more, and now that she was closer, Ducky was stunned by the size of Ember's hips and thighs, large and thick, with her hefty behind in view even from the front, Ducky quickly yanking her eyes back up before Ember noticed her gawking! Besides, she had other important things to address, such as the fact that Ember suddenly recognized her, exclaiming Ducky's identity to her before introducing herself as well!

"Ah, ya caught me! But actually, I think I know you too! Well, I don't KNOW you yet, but I've heard the name Ember Sykes before! You're making quite the splash! Heard all kinds of things about you smothering anyone who gets in your way! Actually, I've heard quite a bit about your Instagram too! Sounds like you've got quite the recipe for capturing attention!" Ducky said with a smile, returning Ember's warm smile with one of her own as she extended her hand and gave a friendly handshake, before Ember would apologize for going on about her Insta issues to the blonde! However, Ducky didn't seem to be bothered in the slightest, instead tilting her head to the side and putting a finger to her chin, a thoughtful look crossing over her face as she pondered Ember's predicament!

"Well, you don't necessarily have to cancel your stream! What if... you found another volunteer? I was intending on getting a workout in today, but I'm pretty flexible, and I don't have anything else going on today. Could always push my training to a bit later on..." Ducky mused aloud, before looking towards Ember and giving her a wink, looking like she was going to be the hero to save Ember's Instagram stream from cancellation!

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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Her handshake from Ducky returned, Ember would firmly shake the hand of the blonde-haired wrestler before her with a grin on her face! She hadn't been lying when she said she had heard of Ducky before. The woman was something of a staple in LAW, having been a part of the company since its inception! While she didn't follow her career as fervently as some other veterans in the league, she knew the blonde bombshell was a force to be reckoned with! It was honestly surprising she had not run into her before this!

What did surprise Ember was that Ducky knew who she was as well! Apparently, the veteran had heard of the shorty's exploits; specifically her penchant for smothering out anyone who messes with her! It was a compliment that made Ember blush! Though she had gained popularity in LAW and her Instagram followers numbered in the thousands, Ember maintained quite a bit of humility when it came to her almost fame! "Wow, thank you! I do my best," Ember said bashfully. "And yeah, I guess I have developed something of a signature move around here, huh? But the way I hear it, we're a lot alike in that regard!"

After the polite meet and greet, Ember was about to call it a day and head home to do an apology video for her fans who were looking forward to her stream. She was not looking forward to it at all. But then, something unexpected happened that caused Ember to blink in surprise! Ducky had just offered to the victim in Ember's stream! It caught Ember completely off guard! She had only just met the blonde a few minutes ago and now she was offering to save the day!

"R-Really?" Ember asked in surprise! "That would would be......I mean.....are you sure? I don't want want to come across as rude, but it can get pretty intense! It would involve me sitting on you, squeezing you, smothering you......are you sure you're up for that?" Naturally, it would be a huge relief to Ember if Ducky agreed to be on her stream, but it was only fair the veteran understood what she was signing up for!

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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Reaching out and shaking Ember's hand, Ducky couldn't help but give the blossoming star here in LAW a smile, Ember's penchant for putting people's faces under her rear end and her want to please the fans of LAW reminded Ducky an awful lot of herself! It was maybe for that reason that the blonde had decided that she didn't want this purple haired cutie going home all down in the dumps, which led to the LAW superstar offering herself to help with Ember's stream, acting as the victim in place of the person who flaked on her! Ember was shocked at first, and almost seemed in disbelief that Ducky was willing to help her, and the blonde couldn't help but let out a little giggle as Ember seemed to second guess her offer!

"Oh for sure! I love the fans of LAW, I would never want em disappointed! And you looked so sad standing here just a moment ago, wouldn't wanna have to have you go home looking like that! So I can step in and act as your training dummy! Should be fun!" Ducky chirped, casually waving away Ember's warnings about the types of moves she was bound to experience! To be honest, getting squeezed and smothered by someone this attractive and so very thicc, Ducky thought it definitely sounded like a good time, but she tried not to let that be the defining reason why she agreed!

"Smothers and squeezing all that is kinda my thing! I'm sure if you've seen any of my matches you've seen that! So I'm always down to help out another smother lover like myself! And who knows, you might just teach me something new!" Ducky went on, honest in the fact that she might end up learning a bit from Ember's techniques, which could be great for her! And even if she didn't, she figured that the stream in itself would be fun enough, and a great opportunity to both get to know Ember, and please the people of LAW! And so there was only one thing left to do!

"Alright, so! When's this stream, and where's it at? I figure if it's happening soon I can just show up in my wrestling gear!" Ducky proposed, getting down to the nitty gritty as she mentally adjusted her plans to include her streaming appearance!

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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Though Ember was obviously quite pleased that Ducky would volunteer herself to be in Ember's stream, she had to be sure that the blonde knew what she was potentially getting herself into. Though Ember's initial volunteers were pretty rude to flake on Ember at the last minute, their initial concerns were not entirely unfounded. It was known that the shorty could become quite passionate when it came to wrestling. When some of the more brutish and cruel wrestlers on the roster thought it was a good idea to bully or mess with the shorter woman, Ember would often put them down hard. Though perhaps a little harder than what was called for, since it was now becoming common knowledge that the purple-haired woman had quite a dominant side to her.

Ducky was no bully, though. Putting her through the wringer was something Ember didn't want to do unless she had all the facts first. So she laid it out for the blonde in the hopes she would come to understand what she would be in for. Surprisingly, Ducky was still okay with it! In fact, she seemed pretty excited about it! Maybe too excited? Ember did notice that Ducky had a bit of a gleeful look in her eye when she mentioned the kinds of moves she'd be using, or was she just imagining it? Bah! That didn't matter! The important things was, Ducky had agreed!

"Omigosh, thank you so much!" Ember squealed, and would lunge forward to try and give Ducky a hug around the waist, and would actually lift her off the ground by a few inches! Due to the height difference, her face would end up unintentionally nuzzling the woman's boobs! Though it might have been awkward hugging a person you only met two minutes ago, it was hardly the most intimate thing that was going to happen between them today! "You have no idea how much this helps me! Really! Thank you!" Setting Ducky back down, Ember would grin up at the woman brightly. "I was just getting ready to start thge stream, so no time like the present! What you're wearing works perfectly so I'd say we're good to go! Follow me!" With that, Ember would turn around and head for the area she had reserved for her livestream, expecting Ducky to follow along behind her!

Ember would lead her volunteer to a room in the gym that would have a standard-sized wrestling ring in it. Ember had reserved this space in anticipation of her stream, figuring that this would be the best and most safe space to pull off wrestling maneuvers. Inside the ring, a mysterious gym bag would already be there. A giddy Ember would climb inside the ring, taking her tripod in with her. "Just give me a minute to set everything up!" Ember would announce to Sucky, and would begin by placing the tripod in place, making sure it was in the best possible spot it could be in, which would happen to be next to that gym bag....

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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The list of things she might experience today was quite a lengthy and intimidating one, or at least it would be for most women, but Ducky didn't seem to mind at all, nodding along with a smile on her face as Ember went down it, before reassuring her she was still good to go! Ember was stoked, and Ducky was happy that the shorty was both so friendly, and also so excited to be doing this stream with her, happily bouncing up and down before rushing in and wrapping her arms around Ducky's waist, delivering a big and friendly hug to her! Ember's face ended up nestled right between Ducky's large breasts, the blonde letting out a giggle as Ember even lifted her up and off the floor, clearly ecstatic that her stream was saved!

"Of course, anything for a fellow smother lover! You and I will be fast friends I feel like!" Ducky said with a smile, before Ember would set her down and remove her face from Ducky's chest, the shorty affirming that Ducky's leotard would work fine, before gesturing to follow her! Ducky would fall in behind Ember, walking behind the shorty and... and... oh my god. Her ass was HUGE! Ducky's jaw nearly dropped as she finally got a decent look at Ember's ass, in motion no less, and she couldn't believe the sheer size and perfect roundness of it! Her cheeks jiggled when she walked, even within the confines of her yoga pants, and it was so damn big! That thing was going to be on her face... good lord!

Ducky would continue gawking at Ember's rear as they walked across the gym and towards a private room, entering inside to see it was filled with a wrestling ring, though quite small besides that, a nice and intimate setting for their stream! The blonde would finally tear her eyes away from Ember's massive ass as they both climbed up onto the apron and slipped inside the ring, the space nice and open... minus a small gym bag sitting in one of the corners, clearly something Ember had brought! Ducky craned her neck to try and peak inside, but as she passed by it she found herself unable to see inside, her curiosity remaining unsatisfied as she did her best not to snoop, instead walking to the center of the ring as Ember went to set up her tripod, right next to that bag!

"Sure, no worries! Just lemme know when we're ready to go!" Ducky chirped, watching as Ember went over and began to set up her tripod, Ducky's eyes drifting to the bag yet again! She really, REALLY wanted to ask what was inside, but figured it might be rude to pry about it! Besides, it was likely some wrestling gear or something for Ember to change into, meaning the blonde was really just working herself up over nothing! With a shrug to nobody in particular, Ducky would force herself to quit wandering, instead turning her eyes to Ember's gigantic rear once more, Ducky trying to look like she wasn't drooling over it as she admired the rear end of the purple haired gal... one that she'd end up underneath soon enough!

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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Unaware that she was currently being ogled by her blonde companion, Ember continued to dutifully set up the camera, her bubble butt swaying back and forth as she leaned over! She was fortunate she had come across Ducky when she did, otherwise she would have been left high and dry! It was profoundly lucky, especially considering Ember's track record when it came to meeting fellow wrestlers in the gym! Most of them either wanted to pick on her, hit on her, or (in one strange instance) be dominated by her! Fortunately, Ducky was a known quantity, having a reputation as a friendly and honorable wrestler! If there was anybody Ember would take this adventure with, she was glad it would be Ducky!

"Annnnnnd done!" Ember announced happily. Stepping back, she would inspect her work carefully. She had set the tripod up in one of the ring corners and had already mounted her phone upon it. The camera was set to selfie-mode so the screen was currently displaying the ring interior, with plenty of coverage being given to properly show every corner of the ring! Satisfied with her work, Ember would turn to Ducky with a smile. "Okay, I think we're just about ready to go!" she announced. "So I'll do my intro first, and then once I'm done that, I'll bring you in to introduce you as my lovely assistant! Once that's done, we'll get into the good stuff! Sound good?"

With everything set up, Ember would then return to her camera so she could get this stream going! Opening the app and navigating through her profile, she was pleased to see that hundreds of people were already waiting for the stream to start! Despite the late start, plenty of people had stuck around to see what might happen! Taking a deep breath, Ember would sike herself up to address the hundreds of people watching from their screens at this moment. Once she was ready, she would put on her best smile before she would press the live button, officially beginning the stream!

"Hey there Sychos!" Ember chirp, greeting her fans using the title of her fanbase! "And welcome to our first ever wrestling demonstration with your host; Ember Sykes!" With the stream having started, the comments started to pour in, with many showering Ember with greetings and cheers! Others were expressing relief that the rumor of the stream being canceled was unfounded! "Sorry for the late start! I know how many of you were looking forward to this stream and I would hate to let you down! But the reason for my lateness is that, unfortunately, my assistant flaked on me at the last minute, meaning I had no one to demonstrate on today." With her explanation, the comments soon started to turn towards disappointment and despair, with many thinking the stream might be canceled after all!

"Not to worry though!" Ember assured her fans! "Because I found another volunteer I think you're all gonna like! In fact, many of you probably know her already!" It was then Ember would turn to Ducky with a smile before gesturing for her to come into frame. "Joining us for the first time, and hopefully not the last, Ducky Williams!"

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Re: Smother Streaming - Ember & Ducky LIVE

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Inside the ring, Ducky and Ember found something of a natural home for themselves, as two wrestlers like them likely felt more than at home in the squared circle, and so Ducky would step to the side and lean against the ropes as Ember fiddled with her camera! She was relaxed all right, even now when she knew that she'd be in the eyes of so many Instagram followers! And instead, she was busy trying not to be too obvious in her gazing at Ember's rear end, unable to help but admire her butt, which she was given a nice showing of during Ember's setup! Of course, she would be able to up until Ember finally finished setting her camera up, Ducky looking up and listening to Ember as she laid out her plans for how to start the stream, Ducky happily nodding along!

And so as Ember began her Instagram livestream, Ducky would stay up against the ropes and out of frame as Ember addressed the audience! Starting off with an introductory greeting to her... psychos? Ducky raised an eyebrow for a moment, until she realized that it was Ember SYKES saying this, clearing up her brief misconception! Perhaps she should find a cute name to give to her own followers? Questions for another time! Right now, she had to focus on the fact that Ember had quickly run through the fact that her first assistant had bailed, leading to a false thought that the stream might be cancelled! But luckily for everyone, she would reveal that Ducky had stepped in to save the day, with the blonde taking her queue and popping into frame with a wave to the fans at home!

"Hellooooo everyone!" Ducky chirped into the camera, a smile on her face as she saw the chat light up! She couldn't quite read it from here, but the various emojis that were popping up on her arrival told her they were happy to see her! "I ran into this lovely lady in the gym, and she asked me if she could go ahead and toss me around for your guy's viewing pleasure! And she was just too cute to say no to, so here I am!" Ducky threw her arm around Ember and pulled her in close, a smile on her face as she teased the purple haired beauty in front of her stream!

"It's my first time being someone's test dummy on stream, so go easy on me! You too!" Ducky giggled, her first comment directed towards the chat, while the second was directed towards Ember, Ducky poking her on the cheek lightly as she said so! Still, this was Ember's stream, and so after making her introductions, she'd take a bit of a backseat! It was time for Ember to go to work on what she wanted to show off to her fans, and if it was what she had barely contained in those yoga pants, then they, as well as Ducky, were in for quite the treat!

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