Fight my servent ! Kuromaru vs Elizabeth

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Fight my servent ! Kuromaru vs Elizabeth

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Kuromaru and Kaguya were at the gym training together. Each of the two women training to fill their gaps, on one side there was Kuromaru who was running on a treadmill to improve her endurance and speed while Kaguya was training to strengthen her arms with dumbbells. After about thirty minutes of training, Kuromaru took a break by putting her towel around her and taking out a snack to recover the energy she had just lost. Kaguya takes her a bit by surprise which surprises Kuromaru.
Kaguya Training
Kuromaru Training
"No snacks."

"Hey?! But I'm hungry Kaguya..."

Kuromaru tidied up her snac in her bag with a sad expression and Kaguya sighed seeing Kuromaru's childlike reaction. From an outside point of view, it looked like a mother scolding her child. Kaguya ended up putting away her dumbbells and had a rather funny idea in mind, she hastened to share her idea with her maid.

"I had a rather funny idea Kuro!"


"I'm going to ask one of the wrestlers here to fight you! If you win you can eat your snack!"

Kuromaru had stars in her eyes and was about to throw herself on Kaguya to cuddle her. But a problem came to Kaguya's idea.

"But mistress... Why would they agree to fight me if they have nothing to gain?..."

Kaguya couldn't help but let out an almost mocking sigh, smiling fondly at Kaguya.

"Who said they won't win anything? If they win against you they will be entitled to win a large sum of money!"

Kuromaru found her stars in her eyes and fell on Kaguya to hug her, almost choking her with her chest as Kaguya struggled not to get choked.
Following this rather humorous scene, the two women set out to find an opponent for Kuromaru. Many wrestlers declined the offer, making excuses like "I don't have time" or "You're going to cheat". But that was until Kaguya and Kuromaru found a rather tall, curvaceous redheaded woman. Kaguya couldn't help but look at this woman and then at Kuromaru. Kuromaru didn't really understand the situation and just leaned her head towards her shoulder before being dragged by Kaguya.

"This red-haired giantess will be perfect!"

"Hey? Mistress take it legs are tired..."

Kaguya approached the red-haired stranger rather quickly and leaned slightly, displaying a big smile.

"Hi, sorry to bother you but I'm looking for a participant for a challenge, you will have to fight against Kuromaru, the girl next to me, and if you win you will win 5000 dollars! I can assure you that he will not there will be no cheating!"

Kuromaru watched her mistress put all her heart into getting the woman in front of her to accept her proposal. When Kaguya gave her name, Kuromaru greeted the woman in front of her with a slightly embarrassed smile and waving her hand.
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Re: Fight my servent ! Kuromaru vs Elizabeth

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Eli was doing some stretching in front of the big mirror of the gym. The last few matches in law did go well for her but she should not let her training slow down and keep up the hard work. The girl was wearing a white sport bra and a pair of very tight sport shorts that were stopping a little bit above her knee. Both in white with some golden elements. The big girl was looking down her body. Damn she was working out a lot and still her body was so soft and jiggly.
Eli would hear the voice talking to her from behind her. She would slowly turn around and look to see a smaller girl standing here with a confident look. Eli would look at the silver haired girl with a surprised look on her face.

“fight her?”, would Eli repeat confused. Before looking over to the woman, the other girl showed at. It was another red hair like her. Just like her! The other woman was soft, huge and fit as well! Eli would stare at her for a few seconds before she would shake her head to get her headspace right.

“5000€? Oh that sounds great! But a few questions, where do we fight? What rules? And what happens if I lose?” would she say with a smile on her face, putting her arms under her breasts and crossing. Her breasts would look way bigger that way. She would not be able to just look at the silver haired girl, her eyes would look over to Kuromaru unable to not stare at her.
“also who are you? She is kuromaru, but you didn´t introduce yourself!”

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Re: Fight my servent ! Kuromaru vs Elizabeth

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Kaguya was lucky to find a woman resembling Kuromaru, she already imagined seeing the two giantesses fighting which excited her a lot. She shook her head after imagining several scenes between Kuromaru and the red haired giantess. Then she noticed that she didn't know the other woman's first name... Or even that she had given her first name! Luckily the woman in front of her was nice enough and seemed interested, maybe Kaguya had a chance to see this fight!

"Excuse me, I'm Kaguya, only child of the Shinjuin family! I'm Kuromaru's mistress who is my maid!"

Kuromaru looked at the giantess in front of her after her bow. She knew that Kaguya enjoyed attending her matches, especially matches against women of her size. Seeing the red-haired giant puff out her chest, Kuromaru does the same by raising her chest with her arm and puffing out her cheeks. It was her way of provoking, since Kuromaru wasn't pissed, she puffed out her cheeks to look angry and defiant.

"You will fight in my house! There will be no cheating, it will be the two of you in one of our guest rooms, you also have the right to walk around the whole house or garden too! In terms of the rules ... This will be a match where the winner will be decided by knockout or choking! And if you lose... You will have to become one of my maids~"

Kaguya watched Kuromaru and the red-haired giantess challenge each other with their chests, which made her blush extremely. She shook her head to erase all her excitement but it didn't work, she looked at Kuromaru's future opponent as she handed her the same so they could shake hands.

"So, are you in?"
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Re: Fight my servent ! Kuromaru vs Elizabeth

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Eli would giggle for a moment and then look over to the maid. “so you are a real maid? They still excist?” she would look back to the silver haired woman for a bit. The british woman would whip some hair out of her face needing to think a lot. Before she would smirk. “oh hell yeah I am in. fighting such a hottie and earning money that way?” She would snicker a little bit more. “so I shower and then we head out?” would eli say bolstering her bust a little bit up more when she saw how kuromaru was trying to show her up with her tits… Eli would push her chest forwards a bit more, feeling how the fabric of her sports bra was stretched to the extreme, almost ready to rip and let her girls out of their cage.

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Re: Fight my servent ! Kuromaru vs Elizabeth

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Kaguya was jumping for joy hearing the affirmative response from Kuromaru's future opponent. Now she was sure her fight was going to happen.

"Youhouuu~ Yeah, you can go wash up if you want, we'll be waiting for you at the exit~"

Kuromaru kept her cheeks puffed up facing her opponent as Kaguya left for the locker room to change into her gym clothes. Seeing Kaguya leaving, Kuromaru begins to panic slightly and chase after her.

"Hey wait for me mistress Kaguya!!"

She turned to stick her tongue out at her next opponent before joining Kaguya in the locker room. Shortly after, the two women were waiting for their new guest to accompany her to Kaguya, a magnificent palace with a large garden with a swimming pool. Kaguya introduced the room where the match was going to start. The bedroom was a guest room, it had a large double bed, a bedside cabinet, a wardrobe and a desk, but all the furniture was empty.

"Well, this is the room where you will fight! May the best one win!~"

Kaguya walked out of the room leaving the two giantesses alone in the room. Kuromaru was a little intimidated to be in front of a slightly taller and older person but she hadn't forgotten her provocations with her chest. Kuromaru sat on the bed, sighing softly and puffing out her chest, squeezing it with her arm and keeping her look pissed off by puffing out her cheeks.

"Hmph, I don't know what to expect from you but I'm the strongest of the maids, you can't beat me! humph humph!"
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Re: Fight my servent ! Kuromaru vs Elizabeth

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Eli was shocked on how big and beautiful the house was… okay if you had a maid you better had a good house she could take care off but damn this really blew her imagination. She wasn´t coming from a poor family either but wow…
Eli would soon shake her head hearing the words her hoist would say and turning back around only to see her leave the two big woman alone. Eli would look over to her opponent realizing she was here to fight.
She would shake her head and slap her own face gently. “Hehe I hope I can give you a good time!” would eli say with a smirk and lean forwards. She would wave her opponent over. “you can find out how strong I am if you want to! Legs hug!” she would open her arms wide, and invite Kuromaru into a hug.

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Re: Fight my servent ! Kuromaru vs Elizabeth

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Kuromaru dropped his arms to relax his chest and looked at his opponent with a small look of incomprehension, expecting his opponent to be defiant and haughty.

"Uhm? A hug? Um... You're gonna turn that hug into a bearhug right? I'm not stupid!"

Kuromaru stood up and approached his opponent to hug her. She stuck her chest perfectly against her opponent's and could feel her chest being crushed, her opponent had a chest as big as hers. This surprised Kuromaru so much, who was not used to fighting against opponents of her size, that she forgot to hug her opponent and take the advantage.
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Re: Fight my servent ! Kuromaru vs Elizabeth

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Eli would feel how the two huge soft busts were pressed against each other and she would slowly close her arms around the back of Kuro. The red haired woman smirked as she began to hold on tightly to her opponent without squeezing her. Then eli would push her feet into the groundand began to push herself forwards into the body of Kuro, trying to overpower her and put her backwards, just by pressing bust against bust and soft belly against soft belly. Eli´s face would show a big smile as she began to push and from time to time bump her bust into the bust of Kuro.

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Re: Fight my servent ! Kuromaru vs Elizabeth

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Due to Kuromaru's lack of attention, she found herself in an awkward position, her body leaning back still being crushed against her opponent's body.


Kuromaru groaned in pain and clenched his teeth, she could only blame herself for getting into this situation. However Kuromaru did not let it go so easily, she spread her legs to have better support against the ground and hugged her opponent against her before throwing herself on the ground, turning around, trying to tackle her opponent on the ground and being on the ground above her.
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Re: Fight my servent ! Kuromaru vs Elizabeth

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Eli was un utter shock when her opponent would suddenly pull her in and hugged her. She was expecting a bearhug or anything like that for sure but not what Kuromaru had in mind. The maid would lift Eli up into the air like the heavyweight was nothing and spun around with her. She was going for a belly to belly suplex. Eli was thrown down onto the floor hard and burtally, her foe dropping right onto of her, pressing out the air from her lungs and making her scream out loudly in pain. “get off me..” would eli groan as she would put her hands against she shoulders of Kuro trying to push her off herself to get free again. She would wiggle a little bit hoping to slip out from under her opponent but so far Kuro showed a really thight grip.

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