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A Ten Minute Test
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:07 pm
by deezcastforms
While Tiki Lowell still primarily fought inside the ring, she also has experience in training and instruction. With her vast wealth of knowledge built up over nearly 5 decades, it would be a waste if she didn't. Now Tiki had her first job as a mentor in the Young Lioness program of LAW, the promotion that she currently wrestled in.
Her first student was a currently standing before her, with wide eyes and an excited grin on her face. Nico Cardona, a fellow European. She was an impressive athlete, but Tiki already had concerns that she did not care enough about wrestling with how much of a football fanatic she was. Rookies in LAW rarely impressed Tiki, but the worst ones were those whose gimmicks were more important to them than their actual wrestling.
Tiki put her all into wrestling, and put her all into students as an extension of that. Tiki wouldn't accept students who wouldn't do that back for her, so she had a little surprise for Nico before she would begin training her.
"Thank you for meeting me her Nico," Tiki began.
"But you should know that I haven't yet signed the paperwork that makes me your trainer yet," Tiki then showed Nico a piece of paper that the Young Lioness had signed, that was noticeably missing a name on the second line.
"If you want to train under me, I have a test you have to pass first."
Re: A Ten Minute Test
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:32 pm
by RedShinigami
Nico just had arrived in Japan a few days ago and already had turned some heads with her cocky attitude and wild Twitter Posts.
What could she say.
She was a Nerd.
Wearing big glasses, constantly quoting Simpsons and other series and living in her own world.
From the first glance the pretty Kathalonian Girl did'nt look much but what mad her stand out was the FC Barcelona Uniform she wore and the football, her father gave her, which she kicked on her head and knee, constantly counting.
Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro!", she said and made the ball hop on her head as she waited for her Trainer Tiki Lowell:
Nico was Nerd yes, but a nerd with the body and skills of an Athlethe.
She practiced footbal since she was a little girl, started Wrestling with 12, took classes in the spanish Martial Art: Keysi, something that could be seen in the Nolan Batman Movies and the spanish national Dance Flamenco, that was taught to her by her mother.
Always eager to prove herself, the cocky 19 year old combined all those styles into her own, calling it : "The Cardona Method", in hopes that her unique fighting style would inspire others and maybe would become the newest big Martial Arts thing.
You could never knew.
While she waited she began to sing a song from, you have guessed it, her favourite show:
....who ruins every oscar night?! We dooo! WEEEEE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", she sang fullthroated as her Sensei arrived.
Uwah! Entrenadora!" she said and suddenly something happened with the goofy girl.
She took the ball and put it to her feet, stood perfectly still, eyes forward.
OLA, ENTRENADORA TIKI!", she shouted and looked up to the woman who would be her new trainer.
Then Tiki began to speak and Nicos smile faded a little.
She had'nt signed yet? But why...
And then Tiki came to the point and the blonde girls face started to warm up, a big grin appearing.
WOOOOHOOOO!", she screamed and performed a standing backflip on the spot, right before the eyes of her "possible" new trainer.
Uh-oh, sorry.", she said and looked to the floor.
" just...this is all so exciting you know? I...I am here at LAW! Trying to prove myself! And it is great!", the Kathalonian said.
Then she got serious again and nodded.
Whatever test you give me entrenadora, I will try to make you proud!", she said all earnest but could'nt surpress the excited grin.
Re: A Ten Minute Test
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 9:54 pm
by deezcastforms
Tiki had not been made aware of how... boisterous and excitable Nico was. While the veteran was used to dealing with people more hyperactive than herself, it still created quite a contrast between the the two. The stoic, calm, elder wrestler Tiki, and her young, loud, and proud potential protégé Nico. This could be interesting if it went somewhere.
"First off," Tiki began as she kicked away Nico's ball. "You're at LAW, you're here for wrestling, not soccer. When you're with me, or on LAW related business, you are a fighter first, second, and third. I'm a football fan myself, but I've never thought about Gareth Bale and Man U backstage before a match. And you shouldn't be thinking about Barcelona and whoever their star is now that Messi left."
"Now onto the test. As you can likely tell, I'm am very passionate and serious about wrestling. I want the people I train to become champions. But to do that, I need students who will work as hard as it takes to do that. I don't want students who won't give everything that they have to this," explained Tiki. "So before we will train, we will fight."
"The rules are simple; an I Quit match with a 10 minute time limit. If you last until time expires, you win and I'll take you as my student. If you quit, you lose. And I won't train you," said Tiki. "Be warned, I will be fighting at my full power. You are allowed to fight back and try to beat me of course, but I can promise you that the strength and skill gap between us means that I will be dominating you for the entire ten minutes." Tiki was nearly a half foot taller than Nico, and she made sure to use that height to appear as imposing as she could to her.
Tiki stared down Nico with a serious glare. "This is not your chance to shine and show me what you can do. This is your first taste of what the peak of Middleweight division will do to you if you step into it. I am going to beat, slam, and break you. I am going to give everything I have to make you quit. It's your job to prove to me that you won't. Because I don't train quitters." Tiki entered the ring and grabbed a timer with ten minutes on it. "I'll start the clock on your ready."
Re: A Ten Minute Test
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 10:31 pm
by RedShinigami
Nico listened with full concentration and looked at her precious ball that got kicked away.
And when Tiki mentioned Lionel Messi she sighed. That was a dark day in Nicos life. She met the famous player often when she and her team visited the "Camp Nou" Stadion and was a big fan of him, of course, he was with the FC since he was young and how things went with how he was "released", it was rather embarressing..
But she was put out of her thoughts by Tiki who had a special test prepared for the Goleador!
She listend and nodded.
"Si, Si! Understood! More ass kicking less ball kicking!", she smiled but as Tiki went on with a stoic face she went silent again, not wanting to make Tiki angry or frustrated.
"Cham-Champion?! You mean I could..."
Tiki wanted to see her and as far as she could tell, she was was one of the strongest trainers of the Younh Lioness Team, that meant she saw something in her and boy would she deliver!
"A-Alright! I show you the "Cardona Method" and I hope you will like it!"
Then Tiki finally came to the point of it all and
with each word she spoke the grin on the easily exciteable girl grew.
"No waaay!", the Blonde was all smiles as she approached her teacher.
"I will give you my absolute best! Don't worry la maestra Tiki! I will make you proud! You will want to have me as your pupil as much as Barney Gumble wants a beer!", she grinned and got serious again.
" when do we start?", she asked eagerly and jumped up and down, starting to warm up for the match up with Tiki, her breasts jiggling up and down in the maneuver.
Re: A Ten Minute Test
Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2022 11:26 pm
by deezcastforms
Tiki found that Nico was surprisingly receptive to the idea of having a high level veteran wrestling beating the crap out of her for ten minutes. She had expected some level of apprehension from the rookie. That meant that either she simply had no idea what she was getting herself into, or that she actually had the guts to pull this thing off.
Tiki watched as Nico bounced up and down in the ring, eager to go.
"Well you certainly look ready, so now," said Tiki as she started the timer and bolted for Nico.
Let's see how the Ms. soccer girl handles this, thought Tiki as she faked a punch at Nico's face to set up a slide tackle into her legs to knock the rookie over onto her stomach.
When Tiki said that she would be going at 100%, she had meant it. If she could make Nico quit with only her first hold, she would. And so, Tiki would set the rookie up in one of her two greatest finishers; the Romero Dragon Sleeper. Tiki would step on Nico's thighs and hook the rookie's legs around her own. The she would grab Nico's arms. If she got this, then she would roll onto her back, putting Nico into a Romero Hold.
Once Tiki had the Romero Hold, she would quickly transition into the Dragon Sleeper variant that she was known for. Releasing Nico's arms to instead grab the lioness underneath her chin and pulling her down until her head was lodged nicely into Tiki's cleavage. The hold was torturous to the victim from their thighs to their neck, and everything in between. Plus, while it wasn't an outright chokehold, Tiki's move still earned it's title of sleeper. As Nico being upside down with her neck being pulled at an awkward angle would still make it hard for her to breathe on top of the pain.
"Let's see how that eagerness of yours survives my attacks," said Tiki as she continued to pull down on Nico's head. She wasn't sure if Nico would last based on first impressions. Rookies that managed to impress Tiki usually lasted around ten minutes or more against her before going down, so Tiki made that her benchmark. Nico displayed traits that both helped and hurt her case, so Tiki couldn't get a good read on her yet. Nico's response to this would be very telling of what she could do.
Re: A Ten Minute Test
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 5:31 am
by RedShinigami
Nico was ready for everything that Tiki gave her!
She wanted to show her skills and prove to her trainer that she was worth the while!
The Kathalonian had heard about Tiki, of course, everyone who wrestled had at some point,
the greenette was something of a Legend among LAW and Nico had a realistic chance of becoming her protege!
She got ready and wanted to get into her stance, a mix of Keysi and Flamenco as suddenly things went fast.
TIki threw a punch into Nicos direction that she was sure she could dodge and go into offensive.
But the punch was'nt supposed to hit , it was there to break her concentration as she was grabbed and thrown onto the floor.
That was'nt supposed to happen but what would follow now was'nt either as Tiki did'nt mess around and delivered the pain as she had promised.
"Wha-What..aaaAAAAAAAAAAAH!", the young girl screamed as the YL Trainer applied nothing less then her devastating finisher on her!
Her body was lifted in a Romero Ceiling hold, which was bad enough and then forced into a dragon sleeper position...
The young girls screams soon filled the halls of the training room.
Never in her life had she felt such an amount of pain...was this the way things were at LAW?
You're body was thrown into the meatgrinder every week, going through the same amount of pain every time?
Salivas came out through Nicos clenched teeth as her gaze was lingering on Tiki.
She was as cold and emotionless as before.
The Goleador could'nt await any sympathies...this was a test at all and she would'nt hold back.
Nico could tap. Easily. It would be over and the Kathalonian would find another trainer, maybe not as strong as Tiki but still...
She raised her shaking hand, yeah, giving up sounded so damn good...
But then she clenched her fist and her gaze became one of defiance.
Her air was running out and her body hurt like hell but she gave Tiki a rebellious glare.
"I...won't...give...", she spatted out through clenched teeth.
Re: A Ten Minute Test
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:29 am
by deezcastforms
When Tiki locked in her Romero Dragon Sleeper, Nico began to scream in immense pain. Tiki had expected that. In fact, she'd have been more surprised if the rookie managed to keep quiet. This hold was hell be in, almost anyone would at least grunt and groan if they were trapped in it. What Tiki was more interested in was Nico's face. That was what told the story.
Tiki saw shock. A look that said Nico didn't even know it was possible to feel this much pain. That told the veteran that even if Nico had combat training, she'd never been in a real fight before. The kind of fight where you just get the ever loving daylights beat out of you until your body starts fighting your brain's every attempt to move.
That wasn't an inherently bad thing, as every fighter had to have their first experience. But Tiki lost a lot of faith in Nico's ability to succeed. Taking the pain Tiki was going to dish out was already a tall order, but doing it when you've never felt that kind of pain before would be a whole different beast. It looked like Tiki would be proven right as Nico raised up her hand.
But then Nico kept going. She found some resolve and kept going. Not bad, Tiki thought. But eve if she was impressed, that didn't mean she would let up. She would keep the hold until she thought Nico was on the verge of passing out, assuming she lasted that long. If she did, Tiki would then finally release Nico from the hold, but Tiki would still maintain control over the rookie's body.
Tiki would stand up with Nico in her arms, belly to the rookie's back. Then she would launch backwards and slam Nico with a German Suplex. "Heh, an Englishwoman hitting a Catalonian with a German move. Funny, isn't it? Tiki quipped as she let Nico fall onto her back. Then Tiki would take the rookie's legs and tie her into a Figure Four Leglock.
Re: A Ten Minute Test
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 7:07 am
by RedShinigami
How slow time could went by when you had no fun.
And Nico could thought of thousands of other things she would rather like to do now.
Shooting some balls under the blue sky, taking a nap while listening to some music, watching the Simpsons Season 5 again, that was the one with
the "Be Sharps", one of her favourite episodes.
Yes, she could think of better things to do and that was, what kept her going in this match.
Nico tried to zone out and it worked, if maybe just a little, the pain was there and was undeniable.
Also her breath was running out, slowly but surely...
Things could work better for the young Kathalonian but she did'nt want to give, as wonderful and relieving this thought even was.
How many minutes had passed? Maybe 5 Minutes? Hopefully 6?
Nico could'nt tell and was sure she just tried to calm herself...
Tiki would'nt let her pass out...but others would do. That was the lesson Tiki wanted to give her.
All she did to Nico, her opponents would do to her and there would even be some who would'nt stop when NIco would give.
This was strong or get down it seemed and if someone else but Nico would have been in Tikis grasp they most likely would have choosen
the easy way out, but not Nico.
Even if she was a little nerdy, sometimes a bit naive, she was an athlethe at the end of the day and the blonde girl wanted to show Tiki that she was not just an afterthought...
Finally she was released and her whole body spasmed.
"Augh...", she groaned as her spine and ligaments started to tense. But there was no pause in Tikis world as she grabbed Nicos limp form, wrapped her arms around her and threw her back into a german suplex.
Her already hurting body was slammed into the canvas, sending a wave of sharp pain through her tortured spine.
She heard what Tiki said but and wanted to reply something but barely could muster keeping her conciousnes.
This really put a strain on her body...
"We-Well.. Seymour I made it...despite your directions..."
"Oh, Superintendent Chalmers, welcome, I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable....luncheon..."
Suddenly she started to recite on of the funniest simpsons skits of all time and retro meme Galor "Steamed Hams".
It was her way to cope with the situation.
Every time an opponent held her in something she could'nt escape or she was close to pass out, she recited Simpsons Quotes.
When Tiki would turn and pull the figure four on her she gave a short scream and grabbed at the mat, but nonetheless, she pulled through.
"It's an regional dialect...really, what region...upstate New York...",she said and tried to ingore everything else, even if her shin felt as if someone tried to break it in half.
Nico pulled through...getting into her own world...hoping Tiki would take her in...that would be so cool...
Re: A Ten Minute Test
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 9:29 am
by deezcastforms
Once Tiki had locked in a figure four leglock on Nico, she found herself with a free hand. She used it to check the timer she had tucked away in her shirt pocket. A little under two minutes and a half had passed already, meaning Nico had survived the Romero Dragon Sleeper for about two minutes before nearly passing out. Commendable, for someone experiencing this for the first time, thought Tiki, recognizing Nico's impressive physical attributes.
Then Tiki heard Nico muttering again. She thought she heard something during the suplex, but now she knew she was hearing Nico spouting random lines. "What is it you're saying?" Tiki asked. Then it struck her, and she realized what Nico was doing. Likely having realized that she wouldn't be able to escape, she had resorted to simply zoning out and thinking about anything else besides the pain she was in to dull it. Regardless of whether or not she would be able to go the distance, Tiki acknowledged that Nico certainly wanted it.
Tiki hadn't thought too highly of Nico on first impression, but the rookie was quickly starting to win her over. But that didn't mean Tiki was going to make it any easier on her. And to that end, Tiki decided to do something about Nico's little endurance strategy. Hmm, I suppose if nothing else, I can let her try again if she fails, Tiki thought.
Tiki would release her Figure Four Leglock on Nico, stand up, and take a step forward onto the knee that she had just been targeting. This would sent one jolt of pain through Nico that would be much harder to zone out from that the more consistent pain of a submission hold. Then Tiki would make a small hop forward and drop her leg right on top of Nico. Tiki's thigh would come down on her stomach, her calve down onto Nico's chest, and Tiki's heel would hit Nico square in the face.
Now that Nico's trance should be thoroughly disrupted, Tiki would take advantage by quickly transitioning into another painful hold. Tiki would grab Nico's arm and place the elbow between her hips as she laid her legs across the rookie's chest and crossed her ankles. Then the veteran pushed her hips up towards the ceiling, locking in an armbar.
Re: A Ten Minute Test
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 12:53 pm
by RedShinigami
"Aurora Borealis?!", she screamed as Tiki let go of her legs.
" this time of day, at this time of year..."
She prayed it down like a mantra, trying to get to the ten minutes but Tili was relentless.
When she thought she had time to breath and let the pain fade, Tiki attacked her hurting knee.
A shrill scream followed by Nico whimpering and holding her hurting kneecab.
She whimpered.
It was too much.
Maybe she was'nt what Tiki looked for.
That was it.
Maybe she would get another chance sometime and if not, well she had tried.
She could'nt. She just could'nt. The nerd in her maybe have given up by now but not the Athlethe.
So she open her eyes and shot a defiant glance up to Tiki, clenching her teeth and shaking her head before the leg of her Sensei came crushing down on her body, hurting her from stomach to face.
Her body spamed and fell down on the floor.
"Auuu...", the cute Catalonian whimpered.
And it ended here as Tiki was on her toes, grabbed her arm and pulled Nico into a painful armbar.
"Gaaaaaah! Aaaaahh!"
The Blonde screamed as her arm was stretched.
She did'nt know what to do anymore..
How long again?
How fucking long...
Nico's body hurt from head to toe...her nose felt as if it was broken by Tikis assault.
No, she needed to fight back...and there she thought, maybe the "Cardona Method", could help her.
Nico pulled herself together and thought of her trainer , her mother, her wrestling coach, all those people who had helped her creating her own style.
Now the Goleador would show it to Tiki!
With a sudden jolt she lifted her legs as if to jump up, then again, then again, trying to get Tiki losing grasp of her hold as she permanently shifted her arm around with the jerks of her legs.
If everything went as Nico had invisioned then she would use the millisecond that Tikis grasp would weaken, slip out and jump to her feet, given that her knee hurt like a bitch that would be something Tiki HAD to acknowledge!