The confident strut of Nathalie Christiaens carried her through the fringes of the gym - the gait of a woman plainly satisfied with her lot. Her first weeks in LAW could have scarcely gone better, and despite a certain family member's claims that she was
lazy and lacked a sense of
responsibility, Nat well knew that her sweet taste of success wouldn't persist without sparing
some of her free time in the gym. Besides, in between photoshoots and interviews, Nat saw fit to maintain a presence in the gym... let the other wrestlers know she was there.
Though, there weren't many here to witness her. In her white sports bra and fitted blue shorts, Nathalie strolled past no more than three or four figures, leveling a pretty but dismissive smile on those she passed. The machines most of them occupied didn't interest her; the Sapphire Stunner would much rather spend her time mangling a dummy than making repetitions.
That was why the warm amber of her eyes took on a coldness when she rounded for the mats and saw... what looked to her from a distance to be a small dumpling of a girl occupying space playing with the body dummy. Nat gave a distasteful pooch of her lips. She was occupying a prime spot, she had the dummy the middleweight wanted, and she didn't look as if she belonged in the LAW gym. This was the kind of lass that Nat wanted to remember her name; one who might want to learn to respect her. Now was a fine time to inform her.
The Belgian strolled her way to the edge of the mat just as she heard the purple-haired stranger and the dummy
smacked into the mats again, but with no interest in the girl's training activities, she witnessed none of the power or technique behind the slam. She merely attended to stuffing her corded earbuds into the strap of her bra and pulling a towel from her bag that she planned to use to wipe the little interruption's sweat off the training dummy. Whatever the stranger was doing, she could do it elsewhere, and Nat planned to have her out of her hair before she had to care what sort of training filled the girl's afternoon.
While the girl rolled off the training dummy, Natalie padded nearer until her bare feet dented the mats mere inches behind the girl's back, and there she towered with a fake smile beaming. She believed she could stand over the other woman with her toned and
far taller figure on display and possibly run her off without having to speak, but Nat didn't waste time in waiting.
"Hi there, you," she greeted, all too sweetly, the French twinge of her accent pouring even more sugar into her words.
"I've got a proposition - you move along to your next workout and free up that training dummy for a professional. She has a winning streak to maintain and needs her practice."