The Titaness and The Strongest

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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The Titaness and The Strongest

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Deep within the confines of one of LAW's many gyms scattered through the region, sharp exhales could be heard following repeated sounds of a fist hitting a sandbag. Closer examination would show that it was a tall figure working the bag with taped fists. She smiled as she laid into it with several jabs and straights, keeping up a steady routine and pattern for well over a minute before finishing up with an emphatic haymaker. The sound of the blow resonated through her portion of the gym. And Lilliana smiled with satisfaction of her own skill and abilities. She'd begin to remove the tape from her hands. But while she did that, she'd hear a distinct noise. As one could imagine, a plethora of sounds came from just about any gym. But this one was different. The purple haired Titaness would perk up hear ears and listen for it again. She'd detect sound of metal clanging and follow the sound it's source.

With a blank yet serious expression, she'd accost a pink haired woman working one of the exercise machines in the are." that...the entire weight rack you're moving?" After eyeing the woman up and down once, Antiqua would arrive at the obvious conclusion, herself before making a demand of this seemingly strong woman. "Fight me..."
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Re: The Titaness and The Strongest

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"This. Is. A joke."

Speaking in a nonchalant, almost calm tone, Nariko Hirano's voice still carried with it a scary sense to it, perhaps aided by the beauties casual glare into the masses. She was somewhat rightfully annoyed; she believed as ever herself to be fully entitled to the equipment she had somewhat called dibs upon with her long jacket, and despite the fact no-one had touched the weight rack since, Nariko took offence.

To the simple fact many were still using the machines around her. Clearly, she didn't enjoy the noise.

Pushing herself up from the position, Nariko turned her head nonchalently to a nearby gym-goer, who despite clearly showing dedication to their regime and a surprising vigour, recieved a single harsh word from the powerhouse.


Watching as the figure scuttled off as fast as they could, Nariko again pressed her head down, eager to resume her set. That was, before a figure seemingly decided she was worth a fight!

Gazing around her at first to see the source of the voice, Nariko would lay her gaze upon a tall, powerful looking figure whom gazed back. Her answer was simple, one given after scanning the giant before her.


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Re: The Titaness and The Strongest

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While the pink haired stranger hardly seemed like the most approachable member of this LAW gym facility, Lilliana didn't anticipate the lady to be so terse, so direct in her responses. As someone who considered herself to essentially be a modern day noble capable of far more others in all walks of life, the purple haired woman donned an irate facial expression.

Despite seeming angry, she wasn't simple-minded enough to just assault the stranger and attempt to lay waste to her. No, Antiqua had her goals and she had methods in mind to achieve them. Methods that warranted more finesse than simply mauling those who failed to respect hers or her family's reputations. The lady would cross her arms and look her fellow giantess in the eye, brush off her command to leave, and speak to her in an authoritative tone.

"Because, laywoman...I am the latest in a long line of a family that's left their mark on the world. And I intend to do the same as my predecessors." The Titaness would bring her hands to her hips and move her face closer to Nariko's.

"But building and contributing to a legacy isn't a trivial task by any means. So I'd like a warm up match....and you'll do, for now."
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Re: The Titaness and The Strongest

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Eyes turning instantly away from the giant foe who dared call to her, Nariko as ever exhumed the posture and attitude of a woman uninterested. Somewhat with a twisted perspective, she had a right to be. Nariko's beyond great strength meant that when faced with a woman of similar fighting style, she was rarely given a challenge. But every time someone opted to get in her face, she would deny them no chance to.

"Ah. An expert tongue waggler..." Eyes turning away even as Lilliana closed the distance, it was only when the bigger womans face was but a few inches away that the pink haired powerhouse finally gave her visual contact. And a fierce scowl.

"Remove yourself. Or I will."

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Re: The Titaness and The Strongest

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Despite being brushed off in an undignified fashion, Antiqua seemed unperturbed. Part of this was understanding. Not everyone knew how to act in the presence of those few among us who were gift - a cut above the rest. The rest was simply her level of patience, which judging by her response to Nariko's words, was running thin.

"Try it....see where that gets you..."

The towering beautify would begin to undo the tape from her hands. The feeling of hitting a bag always brought a small smile to her face. But the feeling of hitting respect and/or acknowledgement into anyone and everyone that dare cast her or her family name aside would bring forth satisfaction that would last her days on end.
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Re: The Titaness and The Strongest

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Nariko's style of testing would-be opponents was a unique one. Often, she would prod and poke at her foe with considerable strength, seemingly both to test them, and make them aware of what they were getting themselves into. Right before switching to full gear, that was, but for now, it was the former.

Raising her finger painfully slowly, Nariko would extend it into the considerably larger woman's flesh; pressing it just above her thick bosom, all without breaking eye contact with Lilliana.

"Final..chance..." Her face as serious as it was the moment the giant disturbed her, inside, Nariko was gleaming. Obviously, she wanted the bigger beauty to decline the chance given to her, for all the fun the two could have.

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Re: The Titaness and The Strongest

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Nariko's finger prodded deeper into her flesh than she had anticipated. She looked down at the pink haired woman with wide eyes and flared nostrils before swatting away the hand that intruded upon her person with sheer instinct alone. With eyes locked on Nariko's own, Lilliana would retort with a tone of authority in her voice.

"Maybe you're slower on the uptake than I gave you credit for." She said while raising her fists into an orthodox boxing stance. Her fists still bore impressions from the tape she removed.Her presence still emanating condescension.

"We can do this here or in the practice ring. Doesn't matter to me either way. You're just a warm up."
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Re: The Titaness and The Strongest

Unread post by Devilish53 »

And with that, Nariko's 'final chance' was seemingly declined.

No complaints.

Lips changing by a millimetre as signs of a dark grin apparently tried to force themselves through, Nariko would respond to her now-apparent foes change in posture with a sudden change of her own.

Namely, raising her right hand up and forward, both with great speed and her signature monstrous power. Not for a slap to the face, and neither to smash the wind from the bigger beauty. But instead, to send her stumbling, ideally anyway.

Via her giant chest, of course.

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Re: The Titaness and The Strongest

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Lilliana studied the her fellow Giantess. She wasn't sure whether or not more words would be necessary at this point. The pink haired amazon had made her intentions very clear but was quickly becoming aggravated with how difficult Nariko was being. But that aggravation would soon turn into a sadistic sense of happiness when the lady laid a hand on her.

Her acquaintance's motion was only slightly telegraph by the sinister smile she flashed. Lilly soon found herself being forced back harder than she ever would have expected! Surely she would have staggered back a few feet, but just in the nick of time, she grabbed onto the hand that Nariko used to shove her, mitigating the force of the push!

She'd tug on the arm she grabbed and rush her foe, attempting to return the favor by raising her free arm and trying to hit her with a Lariat!

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Re: The Titaness and The Strongest

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Nariko was no fool; she wasn't the sort to look away the moment she shoved someone, expecting them to take the message from a single action. If anything, She expected, and hoped for a response.

All the more fun she could have with that big body, she figured.

Watching as an arm that could match her own was raised, Nariko made no attempt to yank her arm free, nor pull away. Instead, she'd bring her remaining arm, still raised but not in use, up, across her face. Her foes mighty bicep colliding with her own like a great hammer smashing upon a solid shield, Nariko's dark glare would turn into a grin, the whole room resounding with the sound of skin smashing against skin.

Lilliana wasn't just big.

She was strong.


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