Kaede was still rather new to the idea of wrestling for an organization as large as LAW. The whole thing seemed to surreal, as just a few weeks ago, she had been working for a much smaller and less known federation that had been bought up by the lawyers at LAW. Now, they had her contract, and she was going to be exposed to a lot more people and all sorts of talent that she would not be used to.
To make sure she was up to the task, she had been hitting the gym harder and more frequently, building up some muscle and endurance to make sure she was not someone that would be considered a pushover in the ring. Today, she had only just started her routine, jogging on the treadmill for a bit to get some blood flow into her body and her mind in the right mindset. She was even in her standard wrestling outfit, though she wore a loose-fitting shirt she brought from home, letting it act like a sweat rag for her body.
After the treadmill, Kaede decided she would let herself breath for a bit before moving onto some weights. The weight room area seemed cram packed, and the young wrestler thought it best to wait a bit and hope for it to clear out.
So, there she sat, waiting on the gym bench with a water bottle in hand, sipping away and observing some of the other gym goers. Some of which had some rather impressive physique, the likes of which she could never hope to match.
Suddenly, two younger guys sat down on a gym bench a little further from her. They caught her eye immediately due to how they were dressed. Unlike most here, the wore next to nothing, showing off their musculature and bare bodies like it was nothing…well, one of them anyways.
One of the guys seemed to be the shy type, constantly looking around, a bit hunched over, and with a worried look on his face. he had a powerful frame, but his attitude seemed to suggest he did not quite know how to use it yet. Even with his scared look, Kaede couldn’t deny he was handsome. She always liked the quiet, reserved types…not like hist partner.
The other guy was as loud as a train, and seemed to think he was just as big. Practically every word he said was an announcement of some kind, and what he had to say really was not all that nice. Apparently, he was just cruising the gym looking for girls to pick up on, but none had suited his tastes. Guys like him were always around the gym, and their presence irked her quite a bit, though she was normally able to ignore them entirely.
Kaede continued to wait for the weights to become open, listening to the cute one trying to calm his friend down and get him to shut up. Sadly for everyone involved, he did not.
"Oh come on, you don't really believe all these women have come here to wrestle do you? They are just here to pass the time, look pretty in front of the crowd and just pretend to be wrestlers....I mean, the ring is no place for a woman, wrestling is man's thing right?"
That was enough for Kaede to let out a loud, annoyed sigh before looking at the loudmouth with narrowed eyes.
“Did you really just say that? I can’t believe there are still thick-headed idiots like you walking around this place. No wonder you can’t get any girl to take pity on your sorry butt.”
Kaede actually surprised herself. Normally, she wasn’t like that at all. A rush of irritation and possibly adrenaline just took over her and she seemed to speak her mind loudly and aggressively towards that smart mouthed man. The only reason she didn’t dart her head away from him was because she was already too far into the argument at that point. Running away would just prove him right.