No place for a girl (For Armada)

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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No place for a girl (For Armada)

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As Trent Masters was busy this week, Jacob Masters and the youngest member of the Dominon, Derek Young decided to head to the LAW gym and do their own training regime without the presence of the leader of the group. As Derek was the rookie, he was totally relying on the co-captain of the Dominion, Jacob to lead today's training session. Jacob Masters was not really interested in training the rookie member, he would rather have a rather laid back time and just enjoy his time and perhaps just look around the gym to show off his handsome frame to the lovely ladies of LAW and perhaps get a chance to flirt with them.
Jacob Masters (Right); Derek Young (left)
"....I'm not sure Trent would agree to this..." Derek would say in a meager tone as the two were in the mens locker room. Both wrestlers had changed into their wrestling gears, with white boots to top it all off. "Relax, Trent's not here. Plus, we train all the time with him anyways so there isn't really any point to just do our regular spar with each other- lets just have an off day for once" he would say, slapping the back of his team member. The two would exit to the locker room and head out to the main gym area, where the two would just casually look around with Jacob leading Derek. Derek didn't want to just loiter around the gym, he was more interested in becoming the best wrestler and he felt that they should be utilizing this time for training. After a while, the two stopped at some nearby benches set up in he gym and began to talk. "Aw man, I thought the gym would be filled with lovely ladies, there's nothing but sweaty tomboys here...geez, what a let down" he would say, drinking some water.

"Well...I mean they are all wrestlers here, plus they aren't really that bad. They are here to just work-out and improve their wrestling ability, you can't blame them for looking a bit sweaty" Derek would say, "besides, we should be training as well..." he would add in a low tone.

Jacob would just roll his eyes and shake his head, "Oh come on, you don't really believe all these women have come here to wrestle do you? They are just here to pass the time, look pretty in front of the crowd and just pretend to be wrestlers....I mean, the ring is no place for a woman, wrestling is man's thing right?" Jacob would say to Derek. Derek would just sigh, and drink some water out of his bottle as he chose not to respond.
Last edited by Teenwrestler on Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: No place for a girl (For Armada)

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Kaede Sorami
Kaede was still rather new to the idea of wrestling for an organization as large as LAW. The whole thing seemed to surreal, as just a few weeks ago, she had been working for a much smaller and less known federation that had been bought up by the lawyers at LAW. Now, they had her contract, and she was going to be exposed to a lot more people and all sorts of talent that she would not be used to.

To make sure she was up to the task, she had been hitting the gym harder and more frequently, building up some muscle and endurance to make sure she was not someone that would be considered a pushover in the ring. Today, she had only just started her routine, jogging on the treadmill for a bit to get some blood flow into her body and her mind in the right mindset. She was even in her standard wrestling outfit, though she wore a loose-fitting shirt she brought from home, letting it act like a sweat rag for her body.

After the treadmill, Kaede decided she would let herself breath for a bit before moving onto some weights. The weight room area seemed cram packed, and the young wrestler thought it best to wait a bit and hope for it to clear out.

So, there she sat, waiting on the gym bench with a water bottle in hand, sipping away and observing some of the other gym goers. Some of which had some rather impressive physique, the likes of which she could never hope to match.

Suddenly, two younger guys sat down on a gym bench a little further from her. They caught her eye immediately due to how they were dressed. Unlike most here, the wore next to nothing, showing off their musculature and bare bodies like it was nothing…well, one of them anyways.

One of the guys seemed to be the shy type, constantly looking around, a bit hunched over, and with a worried look on his face. he had a powerful frame, but his attitude seemed to suggest he did not quite know how to use it yet. Even with his scared look, Kaede couldn’t deny he was handsome. She always liked the quiet, reserved types…not like hist partner.

The other guy was as loud as a train, and seemed to think he was just as big. Practically every word he said was an announcement of some kind, and what he had to say really was not all that nice. Apparently, he was just cruising the gym looking for girls to pick up on, but none had suited his tastes. Guys like him were always around the gym, and their presence irked her quite a bit, though she was normally able to ignore them entirely.

Kaede continued to wait for the weights to become open, listening to the cute one trying to calm his friend down and get him to shut up. Sadly for everyone involved, he did not.

"Oh come on, you don't really believe all these women have come here to wrestle do you? They are just here to pass the time, look pretty in front of the crowd and just pretend to be wrestlers....I mean, the ring is no place for a woman, wrestling is man's thing right?"

That was enough for Kaede to let out a loud, annoyed sigh before looking at the loudmouth with narrowed eyes.

“Did you really just say that? I can’t believe there are still thick-headed idiots like you walking around this place. No wonder you can’t get any girl to take pity on your sorry butt.”

Kaede actually surprised herself. Normally, she wasn’t like that at all. A rush of irritation and possibly adrenaline just took over her and she seemed to speak her mind loudly and aggressively towards that smart mouthed man. The only reason she didn’t dart her head away from him was because she was already too far into the argument at that point. Running away would just prove him right.

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Re: No place for a girl (For Armada)

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Knowing well full that LAW was pre-dominantly a place for more female wrestlers than males, despite the intergender wrestling platform being there for those who wish to challenge themselves against the opposite gender, Derek would try to refute his partners claim. Derek had some tough matches against some very talented female wrestlers and believed that female wrestlers were just as good as their male counter-parts, if not better. It all depends on how hard you train as a wrestler. However, Jacob thought the exact opposite of what Derek was thinking. He always envisioned the female wrestlers as just eye-candy, look good and just grapple for fun.

Their innocent conversation was overheard and when someone began to approach the two brief clad wrestlers, Derek would make a concerned face as he tried to cough and intimate to his partner that a not-so-pleased colleague of theirs was approaching the two and she did not look pleased. "*cough* No, no I wouldn't say that....actually...." he would say before being cut off by the approaching female wrestler.

Kaede would burst out into a rant, not liking what Jacob had to say about female wrestlers and tore into him. "Heh- Um, don't you mind him Ms...??? He was just kidding around" Derek would say, blushing a bit as he tried to cool things off before they escalate. Jacob would simply raise his eyebrow and cut off Derek, getting infront of his partner to approach Kaede face to face. "Yeah I DID just say that. I said it because it's true. Sweaty tomboys like you think you can wrestle but you really cant. I mean if you spend enough time doing make-up and trying to look good you may actually have a better chance at going out with a guy like me, but you chose to do something you aren't naturally good at it" he would bark back at the woman.

Derek would try to get in between the two but didn't find much luck.

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Re: No place for a girl (For Armada)

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Things were escalating rather quickly. What had been a fairly passive aggressive, pointed comment had riled up one of the men enough that he began to approach Kaede. He was about as smart as she guessed, using his size to try and intimidate her. Her eyes remained narrowed as she looks up at him from her seat. She didn’t expect an apology, but she was actually surprised just how much the loud mouth doubled down. He spouted off insults towards her looks and abilities that were based off his crocked opinions. She stared at him quietly, letting him talk as she sipped at her drink.

After he was finished, Kaede brushed herself off and stood up to her full height while looking him dead in the eyes, her hands on her hips in a show of defiance.

“No, it’s not. Your just one of those whiney guys who can never find a girlfriend, and instead of looking at yourself and your disgusting personality, you blame the entire female gender and write them off as “weak” to inflate your incredibly sensitive ego. No one would want to go out with an insensitive, blockheaded, motormouth like you who thinks a six-pack replaces a brain.”

Kaede’s tone had an unnatural edge, her irritation at the mans comments getting to her rather quickly. She crossed her arms, as if to emphasize what she had said.

“I’ll have you know, my name is Kaede Sorami, and even though I’m new around here I’m willing to bet I’m a lot better then you, punk!

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Re: No place for a girl (For Armada)

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Derek knew that this altercation would not end well. It was already a touchy topic and in a place of female and male wrestling, this topic would explode into a whole different level. He tried to play mediator in this dispute between Jacob and Kaede but the two were not willing to listen to him, when they had their own points to be made towards each other. Derek felt ignored by both Jacob and Kaede and so he would simply sigh and back off, letting these two cool-off by burning enough steam.

As Jacob stood infront of Kaede, the girl too would stand up and face him, face to face with her hands on her hips. She almost matched Jacob in height, only being an inch smaller than him- give or take. After listening to her passionate rant about how Jacob was wrong, about how his mentality towards women was misogyny and how backwards he was. Jacob would glare into her eyes as he dared to step even further, pressing his forehead into hers as they really went face to face in a classic wrestlers stare down when she mentioned she would be better than him in the ring, even as a rookie.

"You women are all the same" he would say, with a shrug of his shoulders. "All talk....nothing else. I'll stand by what I said, that female wrestlers are there just to look good, nothing else. They cant match the talent of the real wrestlers......I can prove it too, you and on one....right here, right now" he would say,laying down the challenge.

I'll prove my point with facts, when I out-wrestle and humiliate you by making you tap-out" he snarled.

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Re: No place for a girl (For Armada)

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Lord this man’s head was thick. It was as if nothing could get through to him no matter how much one pounded away against his ideology. He was set in his ways, and there was very little Kaede could do to change his mind, really. Debate wouldn’t work, and even if she did trounce this guy completely without breaking a sweat, she had a feeling it would only intensify his world view on women wrestlers. This guy didn’t seem like the type to admit he was wrong, even if the truth was staring him in the face.

This guy clearly did not like being called out, going so far as to take another step closer towards Kaede, and pushing his forehead down on hers like they were childhood rivals. The whole thing probably looked pretty heated, and if it weren’t for the fact Derek seemed to be trying to cool them down, a gym trainer would probably have walked over to break them up. Kaede herself had the urge to knee the man right in the crotch and walk away, but that would hardly satisfy her at that point.

“I’m surprised someone with such a lunkheaded way of thinking would even have the courage to back up what they say in a one on one battle.” Kaede said rather scornfully, their faces barely an inch apart.

Her eyes were narrowed, clearly seething underneath the hood and wanting to unleash a torrent of ill-mannered slurs and the man. Instead, she simply put a hand on his chest and gave him a hard shove, glaring at him as she did so.

“Jesus, your breath stinks. Fine, I’ll take you on. But don’t try and weasel your way out of this. I won’t stop until one of us is the winner.”

She hardly cared what the man had to say next. Turning on her heel, she walked over towards the nearest open sparring ring, rolling underneath the bottom rope and sauntering towards the red corner. She didn’t bother looking to see if he was following behind her. With all the fuss and bluster he kicked up, she doubted he would leave her hanging around.

With one swift motion, she removed her baggy shirt, her yellow and orange sports bra completing her wrestling attire as she turned around, ready to face her loud mouthed opponent.

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Re: No place for a girl (For Armada)

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Jacob was already annoyed at the fact there were not many beautiful woman he could hit on in the gym, but the fact that a tomboy wrestler would actually have the guts to lecture him about the place of female wrestlers in the pro wrestling world was enough to break into a rant. Things were not looking pretty for the two of them, with both looking to prove each other wrong by their words. Jacob didn't realize how much of a chauvinist he sounded right now, which was the real reason Kaede would get infuriated with his attitude, considering the LAW roster was full of talented female wrestlers who were much better than Jacob.

Having enough and trying to intimidate the woman before him, he pressed up to her in a face to face staredown. Kaede would not back down, she would remain unflinching as she would stare the man down. Derek attempted to break them apart but neither budged and simply stared each other down and eventually, Jacob threw her the challenge for a one on one match.

Staring him down Kaede would seem a bit surprised that Jacob would have the guts to actually challenge her, with a hard shove to push him back- that and throwing more insults towards him, she would gladly accept his challenge. "Ngh, says the tomboy that smells like a sweaty gymbag" he would hiss back, adjusting his briefs a bit.

Derek would sigh and shake his head but decided not to interfere, the two would blow off some steam that way and who knows, Jacob might learn something. Jacob would follow Kaede in the ring, standing in the middle of the ring. 'You're right about one thing, we aren't leaving until one of us is the winner. I'm going to show you why this is a mans ring, why this is Jacob Master's ring. No Pins. Submissions only" he declared.

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Re: No place for a girl (For Armada)

Unread post by Armada »

Kaede’s look of frustration turned to a look of disgust as the loudmouth, who helpfully gave his name as Jacob Master, continued to rant about his superiority like a cartoon villain from when she was a kid. He was so sure of himself and so big headed, he even threw in a “Submissions only” stipulation, showing his motive and desire to hear her scream rather then just try to pin her like normal. The thought disgusted her, and she let that sour feeling show on her face and body language, turning away from him like he was rank with sewage and grime. She was still considered a rookie, so this would be her first “match” since signing up with LAW…weird way to start, she would have to admit.

“Oh, so Jacob is your name?” Kaede asked in a monotone voice, hardly even looking at him as she spoke, “Well…it will be fun making you submit in the ring you seem to claim as yours. Just don’t cry when you get beat by an “inferior” wrestler.”

Kaede crouched low in a classic wrestler’s stance, eyeing Jacob with both determination and distain. He was a loud jerk, but he had some experience and those muscles likely were not just for show. That was not even mentioning her was still taller than her. She would have to fight smart if she wanted to beat him, and pick her targets carefully. She cast a glance over towards Derek, who seemed to be waiting outside the ring. He hardly said anything, but if the tide was turning against his friend, would he try to step in and stop her from winning? That was still a possibility.

But no matter what, the fight was still on. Kaede moved forward, fast as a bullet, closing in on Jacob’s cocky face, looking as if she was moving to lock up with him. Instead, she ducked low, wrapping her arms around his legs and attempting to lift it off the ground so that she could tackle him to the floor, removing his height advantage while showing off a bit of her physical strength in the process.

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Re: No place for a girl (For Armada)

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Jacob would go on and on and on. His arrogance and chauvinistic words knew no boundary and Kaede was getting more and more frustrated, up till the point of being disgusting by her fellow pro-wrestling colleague. Jacob hadn't take Kaede's words too kindly and was now hell bent on punishing her by making her tap to make her eat her words. When he added the submissions only stipulation, the orange clad wrestler would simply turn away from him but did acknowledge his name and the fact that she accepted the match as being submission wrestling- all the while not maintaining any contact with the blue brief clad male inside the ring.

"Oooh what are you going to do huh? Its not like you know other moves than smothers and scissors" he casually waved his arm. After all was said and done, it was finally time to stop talking and start wrestling. The two would crouch low in a grapple stance, Jacob would keep his eyes on her head and watched her eye movements. Kaede would, for a brief moment, cast a glance over towards Derek who was on the outside. Derek would smile sheepishly at her, giving her a wave.

In a matter of a millisecond, Kaede would rush in towards Jacob and he would do the same- in the hopes of locking up with her. However, the tomboy wrestler would instead dive in low and wrap her arms around his legs to lift him up before slamming him back first into the mats. "Grrughh!" he moaned in pain as he was caught by surprised by her sudden change of pace.

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Re: No place for a girl (For Armada)

Unread post by Armada »

Kaede moved quickly, ducking low and wrapping her arms around Jacob’s leg all for the purpose of knocking him off balance and sending them both tumbling to the floor. Just looking at the guy, she could tell he was the type that planned on using those muscles for things like dominating her in lockups or tossing her around the ring. She very much doubted he would expect such a tactical attack at the very beginning of the match, and her assumption was right on the mark. Jacob seemed completely taken aback by the sudden shift his opponent made. Kaede had taken him down to the ground within seconds of there match starting, and couldn’t help but produce a proud smile on her face.

Not wasting a precious second, Kaede maintained her hold on Jacobs leg while quickly moving to stand up and flip him over onto his belly. If she succeeded, she would sit on his lower back and pull his leg back into a boston crab submission hold, smirking while she did so?

”So, what would you call this? A smother? Or a scissor hold? You seem to be the expert in what I can do, so you should get out of this easily.” Kaede didn’t hold anything back in the hold, figuring if Jacob was half as tough as he claimed to be, he shouldn’t have a problem pulling through her submission.

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