Ecaterina held her spoon out toward Bobbie as if she could use it to scoop up Bobbie's face and make her cease with those incessant noises. It didn't do the trick, but she interrupted the American's next hah anyway. "Does making the stupid noise help you swing harder or faster?", she asked, before plunging the spoon back into her parfait and fishing around for more fruit to go with all the remaining abundance of yogurt, though her eyes never left Bobbie who, for the tenth time in a row, swung out with her arm and let Charlie duck under it while they practiced their rope running. E, sitting between the ropes, had opted for a snack break, and Zelda was using the top rope as an impromptu pull-up bar. And occasionally grumbling a complaint.
Bobbie stopped short on the next impact with the ropes, and Charlie at first didn't notice and dodged nothing before she realized and brushed herself off. Bobbie locked eyes with E, that same old challenge in them that she always had. "Uhhh, yeaaaaah, Yogurt Sally," she retorted, as if it were the most obvious fact in the world. "I know you seen the good martial artists. They're always making noises when they do all their moves, and they're the best strikers in the world." Bobbie grabbed a towel and went to dabbing off her chest, so E let her have that round so she could watch and take another scoop of her parfait.
"And tennis players do it."
E stopped short with the spoon in her mouth and looked at Bobbie with every ounce of incredulousness she could muster. Charlie had stopped to do the same, and after a beat, with Bobbie nodding her head to enforce the truth of her statement, Goti spoke up from ringside in between deep breaths.
"You were making... one good point. It's fucking gone now."
These training sessions had become more commonplace and much longer, and they had stayed incredibly tired as they all were now. Tired and "loopy," the Americans called it. This was, in fact, a more cognizant conversation than they were usually having after this many hours of work. They made sure to always claim a ring early on and stuck to it even when asked to give it up because this meant so much to them. Freezer Katakura had all but given her blessing for them to take the next step with her good word supporting them in LAW, and they would not be slacking on their training.
E was slacking, slightly, but she was almost ready to hop up and rejoin the rest in the ring when she realized Charlie had slipped closer to her. E almost ducked away in confusion before Charlie whispered to her. "Don't look now but some guy fifteen times my size is currently staring at us." Despite Charlie's declaration that she should not look, E turned to see, thinking Charlie was exaggerating or being overly dramatic.
No, no. He really was fifteen times Charlie's size. And he was staring.