In need of a good trainings partner

Spars, workouts, and other such gym rp's go here. There are many different LAW gyms stationed throughout Japan.
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In need of a good trainings partner

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Adriana Scarlet
The small Italian woman would step into the gym. She would look around. Empty like always, maybe she should think about coming here to another time, not in the middle of the night. The small girl would stretch herself. What the fuck, she loved it being here all by herself the peace the quietness. She would throw her bag over her shoulder and looked around. Everything was three no waiting, no idiots taking away the places. The air was fresher and it wasn´t so stinky!

The small girl would walk through the empty gym and was looking around. She really needed to come here more often. She was quite fit and all, she could go for hours or longer, but what was the use of having a long match against a opponent who wasn´t really damaged by any attack, deled out. Or when her opponent could break her only using a few strikes. Adriana needed to work out more getting stronger.

She was mostly thinking back to her match with Alaina, she was able to stand up to that woman thanks to her quickness, but some extra power would have done wonders for her in that match. Dropkicking this woman was like dropkicking a brick wall!

Adriana would stand in front of the irons and look down to the normal 25lbs weight. She would put down her back and reach out with her hand to grab it and lift it. She was able to get it off the floor but would struggle in the next moment and almost fall forwards. She would lay it down directly again… maybe some warm up to get into it…

Adrian would turn around walking over to the track mile, going onto it to warm her body up a bit thinking what she could do to increase her strength effectively.

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Re: In need of a good trainings partner

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Dan had just finished up, coming up with a workout plan for Eirina. He had his laptop notebooks, clipboards and everything packed away when he heard noise out on the gym. As Dan poked his head out, still wearing his sneakers, shorts and tight shirt he saw a smaller woman running around on the track!

She looked familiar but he couldn't recall how he recognized her. She may have had a match with Alaina or Tina or something. As she came to the stretch of track near the offices he stepped into view but clear of the track, waving to her. "Hey! A little late foe a workout isn't it?" Dan asked with a smile on his face. "Can I help you with anything?"

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Re: In need of a good trainings partner

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Adriana was watching the time on the walker going higher and higher with any passing moment. Using this stupid thing was so damn boring. Suddenly she would hear someone calling trough out the whole gym. She would look up seeing a walking talking wardrobe standing in the gym, a few meters away from her but right in front of the track mile. The Italian woman was pretty sure he was talking to her so she would put the track mile down a few levels to a relaxed walking speed.

She would look up to the guy calling to her then she would look up to the clock that was hanging over his head then she would look back to him. “I would maybe call it unconventional. Normal people don´t visit the gym around this time and according to the opening times on the website and these on the door your still open. So I don´t see any trouble if I train here… or you got a problem with me being here? I just like to train when there are none people around…” She would start stretching her arms. “and I sleep like baby after a good work out, so win win… and I never heard that it would be counterproductive if you train so late at night.”

Adriana would go quit for a moment… from the build of that guy, he was strong like hell! Adriana would think for a few moments. She was pretty sure no one was born with a build like that. “hm maybe you could help me… just in cause your not to bussy jerking off in your office”

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Re: In need of a good trainings partner

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Dan listened to little miss attitude and rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. "No I was actually putting together a workout plan for a client. As much as I would loathe dealing with a bratty woman like you I do work here and enjoy training." Dan answered. Everyone had a client that was a challenge, a client that drove them nuts. He hoped that this woman would not hire him. I she did, it was sure to be a challenge.

"I am a personal trainer on the LAW staff, Dan Haines." Dan said formally introducing himself. "I can help ya out. What exactly are you specific fitness goals?" Dan asked hoping he could get a constructive answer out of this woman.

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Re: In need of a good trainings partner

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Adriana would turn the track mile off. Before jumping down. “wow this is one of the less times I feel really sorry… “ she would walk over to get some paper towels to clean up the track mile. “you parents really must have hated you… Dan Haines, man I am sorry…” She would throw the paper towels into the next bin before turning around and looking at the big guy putting her hands against her hips.

“hm a personal trainer, here in the law gym… that is something new, never heard of that. Or I don´t think I ever saw one of you guys walking around” She would look at him, “but seems like you have some ideas about what to do here in the gym, besides creeping on your pure female clientele.” She would walk up to him looking up into his eyes with smile.

“I am mostly looking to build up some muscle mass in total… i want to get stronger, being able to lift opponents up or throw them around maybe. Maybe increase the damage I do with punching.” She would throw a towel over her shoulder. Taking a bit swallow out of her bottle. “I had a match some days back against a real monster… I thin alaina or something… anyway yeah I really felt the lack of muscle mass in this match. I don´t want to be as pumped and big as her, but I want to at least start to get some muscle mass..”

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Re: In need of a good trainings partner

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This was going to suck, Dan had never actually wanted to strike a woman with a closed fist until he met Adriana. Dad was dead and his mom was never a part of his life. "Ok, you need to stop talking. Shut your mouth and listen for once." Dan said sternly. "I do recall that match, Alaina is my aunt and she really kicked your ass." Dan said with a nod as he took out his laptop and notebook.

"However, building strength and endurance is one of my favorite things to coach people in. I can walk you through a workout and develop a long term plan for you while we go. First thing is first, we will need to build up your endurance before you lift anything heavy." Dan said as he motioned for Adriana to follow him over to some dumb bells and a bench. "First we will have you do some shoulder presses along with pectoral flys, four sets of each one alternating."

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Re: In need of a good trainings partner

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Adriana would smirk a bit seems like she hit a nerve there… but so was he only a moment later. The small girl would grind her teeth while he was talking about the fact that his aunt… alaina was kicking her butt in their match. She hated to be remembered about her bad loses in law, and there were a few. The small girl was about to reply something in her typical big moth way. But it would be the first time she kept her lips shoot and would swallow it down. She would cross her arms under her breasts and looked up to the big guy while he was trying to explain her what she could do.

After he was done she would nod and then start to walk past him. “That sound like quit the good idea… you seems to be much smarter than you look dandan.” She would walk over to the weight lifting area grabbing one of the benches there and pulling it up so she would have something to lean back against. Then she would walk over to the weights… “so tell me Dandan, what you say with what weight should I start?”

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Re: In need of a good trainings partner

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"Proper form is key. Do 5 pounds in each hand to start so you get the form down and learn how it should feel. We will do 20 shoulder presses, transitioning into 20 flys then a one minute break for the first set. We will end up doing 4 full sets and increasing the weight to be challenging but not too strenuous. You need to feel a good burn but not total over exertion." Dan said as he crossed his arms, moving to the side to closely monitor Adriana's form as she began doing the exercises.

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Re: In need of a good trainings partner

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Adriana would look over to the 5 pounds weights. She would shortly convert the pounds into kilo in her head. It would take one moment then she would smirk. “Yeah, do I really look so weak?” she would throw some hair out of her face. “But if Dandan says that I should try it first with the 5 pounds baby weights, I will take them first.” She would walk there grabbing them and picking them up.

The Italian woman would sit down and lean backwards. “better watch me, maybe you underestimated me!” She would then start to lift the weights over her shoulder holding them there for a moment, then she would lift them up into the air completely for a moment, before lowing them slowly again. The first five were no problem for the Italian woman, but after these the weights started to get a bit more heavy and heavy with every lift. After the 10 she would feel some drops of sweat running down her forehead. And the last 5 were down with her arms shaking a little bit.
But she would do the 20 before lowering the weights again… “see Dandan…told you I can do it…!”

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Re: In need of a good trainings partner

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Dan watched and she maintained the right form the entire time. "I knew you could do it, you just need to know the value of proper form. If you strain and use weight heavier than you can handle, doing the exercise but with bad form you don't get the most out of your workout. Now, take a small break for about a minute and then we'll do the same thing but with the 7.5 pound weights in each hand. Still 20 reps of each for the next set. If this goes well we can upgrade to 10 pounds for the third set but the second I see your form faltering we will scale back the weight." Dan said as he looked at his stopwatch to time the rest.

"Do you have any questions before we begin the next set?"

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