Adriana Scarlet

The small girl would walk through the empty gym and was looking around. She really needed to come here more often. She was quite fit and all, she could go for hours or longer, but what was the use of having a long match against a opponent who wasn´t really damaged by any attack, deled out. Or when her opponent could break her only using a few strikes. Adriana needed to work out more getting stronger.
She was mostly thinking back to her match with Alaina, she was able to stand up to that woman thanks to her quickness, but some extra power would have done wonders for her in that match. Dropkicking this woman was like dropkicking a brick wall!
Adriana would stand in front of the irons and look down to the normal 25lbs weight. She would put down her back and reach out with her hand to grab it and lift it. She was able to get it off the floor but would struggle in the next moment and almost fall forwards. She would lay it down directly again… maybe some warm up to get into it…
Adrian would turn around walking over to the track mile, going onto it to warm her body up a bit thinking what she could do to increase her strength effectively.