Looking at the photogenic and the photos of the match didn’t help either. While not exactly depressed about the match. Ruby didn’t necessarily feel good about it either. At least now she would have something else to work on piled on the mountain of things already. Usually when Ruby needed advice on this sort of thing. The easiest thing would be to go to her sister Yang or Pyrrha. But Yang’s approach is not something Ruby was looking for. And to be honest, Ruby didn’t think she could match up to Pyrrha’s perfect approach at all. The woman was the closest thing to perfect in Ruby’s eyes. Whether she liked it or not, Ruby needed to find her own way.
Now in the gym, a place Ruby has been in more often as of late. Before Ruby would be a nervous mess coming into a gym. Now she’s at least able to function like a normal human being. The gym she was in didn’t have too many people in the gym. So it made her social anxiety easier to work with. That being said, the one thing she wanted to solve first and foremost was her body. Too many times her petite size was an issue. So best way to do that is to pump some iron. Thankfully Ruby has gotten some great help and advice from Ms.Brynhild and her new friend Alicja. Some results were already showing. But for Ruby she felt like it wasn’t fast enough. Though if her time with Alicja was something she was remembering. Taking things too fast would hurt her. Ms.Brynhild would teach Ruby the hard way that stamina and endurance helps with everything she wanted to do.
(Ugh…This is too slow!! But at least I can easily lift heavier weights now. I think Ms.Brynhild would be proud. Ruby said as she was finishing a normal workout with her weights. Dropping them near her, Ruby elected to do some light stretching before moving on. Lets see, what was the next thing Alicja had for me. Ruby said as she finished her stretches, grabbing her phone to look at the plan her friend Alicja gave her.