Heel vs Hero. The start to a feud

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Heel vs Hero. The start to a feud

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The sounds of a body crashing against the ring canvass echoed throughout the gym. The first was Kana Kasama slamming Lilly Maringly against the mat with a brutal body slam. The second was Kana landing a leg drop across Lilly's chest, and the third was a body splash from the second rope. Kana had been using Lilly as her training dummy for some time now. This wasn't unusual for this particular wrestling league known as LAW, especially with the house of heels being apart of it.

Kana was taking out her frustrations on Lilly Maringly. Kana had been used as a training dummy whenever the heels wanted and of course there was a food chain there. Kana was near the bottom but there were still quite a few below her. Lilly being one of them. The silver haired girl would pull Lilly up to her feet and send her running towards the corner where she would meet her with a corner splash.

Kana would then drape Lilly's arms and legs over the ropes, tangling her in them so that she wouldn't be able to move. Kana would then start using Lilly as a punching bag, aiming for her stomach, breasts and crotch. The sounds of Kana grunts and Lilly's pained sounds filled the arena. A crowd of onlookers was starting to form which only motivated Kana to do more.

She would decide to do a move that she had had done to her not too long ago. She would turn around and begin grinding her ass against Lilly's crotch, reaching behind her and forcing her into a kiss. She would do this for a few moments before suddenly pulling away from the kiss and placing Lilly's chin on her shoulder. She would then lean in and kiss her forehead before jumping up and hitting her with a brutal stunner.

Some of the crowd gasped, some cheered, and some booed, but Kana didn't care. She would sit there looking around with a smile on her face, taking in the attention as if it were a drug. She would quickly stand up and grab Lilly by the hair, dragging her to the center of the ring. The more reactions she got from the crowd, the more humiliating and heelish her moves would become. She would pull Lilly up onto her feet before placing her in an abdominal stretch. She would use her free hand to tease Lilly, rubbing her palm over Lilly's smooth, flat stomach before giving it a hard slap, leaving a red hand print. She couldn't help but laugh as her hand than moved up to Lilly's breasts, groping her and treating her like her property. She would then bring her free hand up and lick it in a sensual manner before she would begin spanking Lilly.

Kana would keep going for a while, getting more confident and cruel by the minute. "C'mon people! I'll take requests! What moves do you all wanna see me put this little jobber through!" Kana asked, waiting for a response. A few ideas were shouted out but suddenly, the crowd began to spread. Someone was coming. Who was it? Kana didn't care. She would continue to crank the hold she had Lilly in. She would keep her eyes on the commotion in the crowd, waiting to see who was disrupting her little impromptu domination show.

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Re: Heel vs Hero. The start to a feud

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When Kirika Adachi made her way to the LAW gym today, she expected to be seen by other wrestlers. So while to some it was rather ridiculous, Kirika attended the gym in her full Devil-Girl "attire", horn and all. However, while she expected to be seen, Kirika didn't expect the opportunity to play the hero to actually arise while in the gym!

Seeing a girl in pink lingerie get tortured in the ring, Kiri's initial thoughts were simply that she must be stupid to get herself in this situation. But soon after, the Heroine of Hell realised that the opportunity for heroism had officially presented itself. With Kirika already in costume, she pushed passed people in the crowd, approaching the ring.

Getting in the ring, Kirika put her hands to her hips, pointing at the dominant girl. "Hey! Leave the jobber in pink, alone!" Devil-Girl demanded, inadvertently insulting the helpless wrestler she was rescuing. "Biiiig girl! Beatin' up on some jobber. Why doncha take me on?!" Kirika challenged, letting her competitive attitude overtake her heroic persona, as she felt a desire to take this girl on.
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Re: Heel vs Hero. The start to a feud

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Kana continued to stretch Lilly out and spank her, even as she saw the commotion starter break through the crowd. Kana was a bit weirded out from who/what she saw. A bit confused as to why the woman that was making her way inside the ring was red all over and had a horn in the middle of her head. Kana laughed when she was told to leave Lilly alone.

"Hmmph. You hear that Lilly? Even that flat chested, overly sunburnt oni freak thinks your a jobber!" Kana would laugh, insulting the hero in her own way. She would hear Kirika telling her to take her on. "Are you serious right now? Your serious? In that get up? Go ahead and get out of here before I throw this jobber out of the ring and make you take her place... Well... You've got a cute face, and a fit body... You'd make just as good a jobber as Lilly..." Kana said, looking back and forth between Lilly and Kirika. "You know what? lets do it! Here! Catch!" Kana shouted as she suddenly released Lilly and sent her sprinting towards Kirika, hoping to catch the wannabe hero off guard.

If it worked, Kana would come running at Kirika, jumping towards her, hoping to tackle her to the ground with a spear. The crowd suddenly burst out into a cheer as they were getting much more than they expected by just being at the gym. They were now getting a free match from what it looked like!

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Re: Heel vs Hero. The start to a feud

Unread post by Mysterdio »

It seemed Kirika's entrance did not impress Kana, as she continued to torture Lilly, dismissing ans insulting Kirika. Kiri grew angry at Kana's attitude, deeply insulted by the mockery of her character. Devil-Girl wasn't going to stand for this. "Fuck yeah I'm serious! You think you're so tough? I'm taking you down, a peg, heel." Kirika declared, her competitive attitude somewhat overshadowing her heroic persona. While the silver-haired girl may have mocked her, Kirika displayed unshakable confidence, hands on her hips. Devil-Girl may not have been as fantastical as her fictional idols, but she surely had the same bravery!

As Kana ended Lilly's torment and sized up Kirika, the Oni hero waited impatiently for Kana to take her on and leave Lilly alone. However, the dominant fighter instead threw Lilly at Kirika, trying to distract the Oni girl! Thinking fast, the Heroine of Hell casually dropped Lilly before landing a swift kick to Kana! It may have not been the most heroic action, but it showed Kana that Kiri meant business! "Hey, Lilly or whatever your name is! Get to safety!"
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Re: Heel vs Hero. The start to a feud

Unread post by shanecawf »

Kana had sent Lilly running at Kirika, attempting to catch her off guard but her plan went sideways as she was running to tackle her, she instead received a hard kick to the stomach which immediately stopped her in her tracks. She would fall to her knees, holding her stomach as she keeled over in pain.

Kana had one eye shut, and one eye open as she watched Kirika guide Lilly out of the ring. "You're... You are going to regret that!" Kana said as she would start to attempt to get up, but she was already at a disadvantage. While Kana had just been playing the role of a dominant heel, her jobberish skills were beginning to crack through the facade.

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Re: Heel vs Hero. The start to a feud

Unread post by Mysterdio »

With Kana driven to her knees before Kirika, she now appeared to be the only weakling in the ring. If the Oni hero was as big a jerk as Kana, she would have probably given the brunette a swift kick to the face. However, that wasn't very heroic behavior. So instead, Devil-Girl left her opponent with the opportunity to arise. "Yeeeaaah! Not so easy, huh, jerk? C'mon! Just you and me!" Kirika challenged, awaiting Kana's next strike.
if you don't like smother fights you won't like this roster

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I only do hentai at my own discretion. Don't ask me for matches expecting one. I only do them for storylines or rivalries when I feel up to it.

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