The friend of my friend and the enemy of my enemy, She is my friend!

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Re: The friend of my friend and the enemy of my enemy, She is my friend!

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Ryukyu laughed softly “No, no, Rebecca. This is not a massage, you can relax and forget about wrestling matches, this is sparring. Pre-match warm-up” Ryukyu explained, giving Rebecca's shoulder another firm squeeze. Her hands massaged the blonde's tense muscles with expert precision, eliciting both pain and pleasure. Rebecca grimaced momentarily, but soon found herself. beginning to enjoy the sensation.

“But as such, this is so that you don't get discouraged so quickly.... Though I'm really not even bad in the ring...” she reluctantly admitted, trying to keep her guard up despite the pleasant experience. As Ryukyu continued to work on Rebecca's muscles, the Japanese added “Just remember, my dear. There are no friends in the ring. And I plan to make sure you regret it, as Cream would have beaten you several times by now, Hehe! Although you've held up pretty well so far.” With a final pat on Rebecca's now relaxed shoulder, Ryukyu released her and stepped back confidently, ready for the next round.

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Re: The friend of my friend and the enemy of my enemy, She is my friend!

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The mere mention of Cream always lit a flame in Rebecca. She'd had mostly pleasant experiences in LAW with her opponents, but Cream was constantly on her mind. Knowing that she had given a hard time to more than just her simply urged Rebecca on more in her hatred toward her. "I don't plan on ever losing to that bitch again! She'll regret starting bad blood with me and Lucy!"

Feeling Ryukyu tap on her shoulder, Rebecca would follow suit and stand up. Although she was a little sore and Ryukyu clearly more powerful she wasn't going to back down from a willing opponent. Even though this was sparring, any experience would be beneficial Rebecca thought as she went further in her career.

Rebecca was at a bit of a loss as to what to try next. She'd tried just about every attack angle she could think of, but nothing gave her the edge she needed. Seeing Ryukyu standing across from her she just needed to throw as much as she could and hope something would stick. Starting from a stand still, Rebecca would begin running at Ryukyu. Right before meeting her she would take to the air to try and send her feet into the woman's chest.
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Re: The friend of my friend and the enemy of my enemy, She is my friend!

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"Ugh, aaah!" Ryukyu moans as Rebecca jumps towards her, managing to trap her legs in the air with her midsection. "Okay, that was unexpected, but it's not bad at all," She admits, a little breathless from the shock. Ryukyu hugged her midsection somewhat dazed. "Hah, but remember, in a real match, I won't be so lenient." She lied about it just to play hard to get, in reality she didn't know if anyone could be kinder than Ryukyu in the ring, but I would do what I could now. The Japanese woman recovers quickly and takes advantage of the opportunity.

Ryukyu grabbed Rebecca's wrist and quickly moved to her back, where she would try to bend the blonde's arm to apply some pressure, seeking to maintain control.

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Re: The friend of my friend and the enemy of my enemy, She is my friend!

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Rebecca had managed to land something at long last. However, the impact seemed more like an inconvenience to Ryukyu more than anything else as it was shrugged off like nothing. Scrambling back to her feet, Rebecca would try to move away from Ryukyu. As she tried to slip away, a firm tug on her wrist would pull Rebecca back toward her opponent.

Perhaps a little payback for landing something Ryukyu seemed to want to regain control quickly. She would bend Rebecca's arm placing some torque on it that brought Rebecca to her tip toes trying to relieve it. Rebecca would try and try and throw some hammer fists with her free arm against Ryukyu, but she was sure it was an attempt in futility. She simply couldn't escape the power the woman possessed.
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Re: The friend of my friend and the enemy of my enemy, She is my friend!

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Ryukyu chuckled, squeezing Rebecca's wrist tighter. The sharp tug sent jolts of pain through Rebecca's arm, causing her to stand on her tiptoes precariously. "It's not that easy, is it?" With a grin, Ryukyu kept the pressure on her opponent's arm, effectively immobilizing her. While Rebecca futilely attempted to strike the Japanese woman's chest with her hammer fists, the sheer strength of the fighter rendered each blow ineffective.

With a smile, Ryukyu tightens her grip "Aren't you getting a little tired of trying to break free?" with her other hand, she lightly tousles Rebecca's hair before adding, "You seem to be having quite a bit of difficulty with that. Let me give you an example of what can happen in these cases" Rolling one eye mischievously, she lets out another laugh before grabbing Rebecca's other arm, finishing lifting her up to get her in position for a Glam Slam "This is the finisher I debuted with Lucy, I've practiced it enough to master it" Once in good position, she would throw Rebecca hard against the canvas.
Last edited by APlaying on Sun Sep 22, 2024 11:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The friend of my friend and the enemy of my enemy, She is my friend!

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Rebecca's resistance did little to sway Ryukyu from her intentions. Rebecca's strikes against the larger woman's chest were simply an annoyance more than anything. However, the futile resistance seemed to push Ryukyu to teach Rebecca a lesson as she tighten the grip she had on the blonde's arm adding more pressure to the limb. "Ahhh!" Ryukyu continued her toying remarks with Rebecca simply adding some insult to injury.

"I...I won't give up!" Rebecca remained defiant as Ryukyu fiddled with the blonde's already dissolved hair. It seemed like Ryukyu relished the ability to do this type of dominant wrestling, but Rebecca wasn't prepared for what was coming her way next. "An example?!" Rebecca was a bit worried, and given what Ryukyu was setting up she ought to be. Ryukyu would spin the blonde around releasing the torque on one arm only to secure both of them behind Rebecca's back. This was followed by a hoist of the blonde into the air.

In the air Rebecca realized what this was. "What!...NO!!" Rebecca had seen this done to Lucy and knew what the outcome would be. Rebecca simply couldn't comprehend Ryukyu would go this far in sparring. Regardless of Rebecca's thoughts on the matter gravity soon pulled the blonde down before striking the canvas face first. Her body would bounce off the floor before settling face down with the blonde's arms outstretched to either side. Rebecca was out cold once again, but this was the next level of KO. If this were a match an opponent could've pinned Rebecca for a thirty count pin let alone a three. She was now truly Ryukyu's training dummy.
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Re: The friend of my friend and the enemy of my enemy, She is my friend!

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Rebecca screamed in shock before hitting the canvas, the blonde was already on edge after falling twice, this blow was the straw that broke the camel's back sending Rebecca to dreamland “Haha, don't worry honey, it's just part of the learning process.” Ryukyu chuckled, affectionately caressing Rebecca's limp body. “I wouldn't get this far if I didn't believe in you.”" She added as she sat down on her knees next to Rebecca. Ryukyu rests one of her hands on the side of the blonde's midsection and lays her face up, she in bends down and gently brushes some hair away from Rebecca's face.

“You need to practice so you can learn how to counteract that move next time.” As they stand facing each other, a sudden gleam appears in Ryukyu's eyes “Hey, now that we're at it.... Should I do this now?” Ryukyu said to herself as she sat on Rebecca's waist, but after a second's thought, she simply leaned over and gently grabbed Rebecca's wrists to slowly extend them above her head.

“Alright blondie, you need to wake up...” She said in an almost motherly manner as she slowly jiggled, moving her large bust just above Rebecca's face, the tips of her breasts playfully brushing Rebecca's lips and nose. It seemed that Ryukyu was preparing to smother Rebecca as soon as she woke up.

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Re: The friend of my friend and the enemy of my enemy, She is my friend!

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Rebecca began to hear a faint voice in her head and the smallest bit of light began to register in her eyes. Her body slowly began to move but it felt heavy like she was restrained by something. After a few moments her eyes would begin to flutter open. "mmmmhhmmm!" The blonde had been sent into darkness almost instantly upon hitting the mat leaving her free of any pain. However, as she began to come back to the world the pain of what she'd been through finally made itself known.

With her vision clearing, Rebecca was greeted by the sight of Ryukyu's breasts dangling just above her face with the woman sitting on her waist. Trying to move her hands Rebecca realized they were locked above her head. "W...w...what's going on?" Rebecca was weak. There was no strength left for her to muster to even attempt an escape from her captor.
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Re: The friend of my friend and the enemy of my enemy, She is my friend!

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After a minute, Rebbeca finally came back from her sleep “Hahaha!” Laughs Ryukyu “Welcome back blondie! Are you enjoying your little nap?” Her grip tightens around Rebecca's wrists, keeping them pinned above her head. “I bet you're wondering why you find yourself in this situation.” Her legs squeeze tighter around Rebecca's abdomen, trapping her even tighter by pressing her pelvis against Rebecca's sensitive stomach area.

With a smile, Ryukyu leans in and whispers in Rebecca's ear. “Well, I thought it would be fun to show you how I sent Lucy to sleep, I think you would like to feel it first hand too.” She said as she slowly dipped Rebecca's face into her soft bust, Ryukyu's upper abdomen resting on the blonde's chest. Although the Japanese was trying to be hard, she looked for the most comfortable position for both of them “I know you won't give up, but I sense it must be because you're really enjoying this, right?” she asked somewhat flirtatiously.

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Re: The friend of my friend and the enemy of my enemy, She is my friend!

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The weight of Ryukyu on her body was heavy making it basically impossible to move. "I...I got my...ass kicked!" Rebecca struggled to string her words together further indicating how weak the action had made her. Furthermore her hair was disheveled sticking to her sweat covered face as the rest of her body dripped sweat from every inch of it. The blonde would never outright give up, but internally she knew she was at the mercy of whatever Ryukyu wished to accomplish here.

Taking deep breaths the best she could with Ryukyu's body on top of her Rebecca knew what was coming. Ryukyu's next weapon was dangling right in front of her. Almost in slow motion Ryukyu's breasts lowered as they slowly buried Rebecca's face in their depths. "mmmhmmm...mmmmhm." There were some weak moans coming from Rebecca and her body instinctively reacted to the lack of air. Her arms would pull against Ryukyu's grasp and her body would give a futile attempt to free itself.

Given her current state Rebecca would only have moments of consciousness to spare. Struggling against Ryukyu would use up the last bit of reserve energy the blonde had. As darkness began to overtake her once again Rebecca's body gave one final attempt to break free tensing up tugging to free itself before her movements would cease completely.
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