The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants (Complete)

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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Ember's arms flexed tight around the slim waist of her sparring partner and ground their bodies together, their sweat intermingling in the tight embrace. The short fighter stood tall, a tiny tower of power, squishing the thinner Korean against her with a good deal of her might. Their shared body heat in combination with the effort Ember was putting in was turning the shorter fighter's face flush. It may have also been because the steamy bearhug was drawing more than a few curious onlookers, something that Ember was all too aware of.

Nonetheless, Ember's test ride of the new hold seemed to be working wonders if Tara's reactions were anything to go by. Not that Ember could see much at the moment since Tara was pushing against her face in some attempt to get free! "Ugh...." Ember groaned as Tara's hands pressed against her face, smushing her cheeks and obscuring her vision.

Squirming her head against Tara's hands Ember tried to free her vision from the redhead's palms, maintaining the bearhug all the while. It was a comical sight for any who beheld it but Ember's efforts would pay off, because she would manage to get a glimpse at Tara's face through the woman's fingers.......and what she saw shocked her to say the least!

"A-Are you......enjoying this?"

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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At long last Tara's jig was up. Or it was about to be.

"No...why would I?" She'd cough out, though with quite a relaxed tone despite the fact Ember was squeezing her in two. Her enjoyment couldn't be hidden anymore, not as Ember ragdolled her one way and then the other. A feat she knew, as she tried and failed once more to shove at Ember's face to obscure her view. A motion that failed entirely.

"Don't....Be silly..." Her legs would kick out and her hands would shove all the harder, as Tara seemingly figured out that if she couldn't throw a convincing tone to her voice, she could at least perhaps throw some physical motion Ember's way that supported what she said. And it might have worked too, had there not been long moments where Ember could clearly see Tara's face. And the smile upon it, even as she pushed and shoved.

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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When Ember spotted the sloppy smile on Tara's face as she squeezed her in the bearhug, at first she was confused. After all, why would anyone be smiling in this situation? Ember was attempting to squeeze the ever living daylights out of the Korean; what was enjoyable about that? Could she really be enjoying the spar that much? Well, Ember was too, truth be told. It wasn't often she got sparring partners and she was getting a lot of practice in, especially since Tara kept volunteering herself to be placed in these hol-

Ember frowned uncertainly, thinking back to how this whole thing began. Slowly but surely, Ember was putting it together in her head, connecting the dots. From Tara's sudden interest in Ember, the desire for a spar, the way the redhead had insisted she be the one placed in every hold thus far....

The realization hit Ember like a lightning bolt: Tara was getting a sexual thrill out of Ember manhandling her!

"What the hell?!" Ember screeched, abruptly releasing Tara from the bearhug and dropping her back to the mat. The thicc woman stumbled back from the skinny Korean, her eyes wide and her face completely red! Her mouth hung open in disbelief as she struggled to find the words to just what was going on here! "I-I didn't......a-and.....what......y--you...." Ember babbled, starting at Tara in disbelief, her body still sweat from the bearhug only seconds earlier. Finally, the words came through. Rather loudly, too.


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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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The moment Ember had a clear view of Tara's ridiculous face, the jig was up. Much to the Korean's displeasure. Though, it did open up quite the curious doorway. That being Ember looking to viciously pummel the Korean for using her in such a manner.

In the face of such a 'punishment'...Tara could barely contain herself.

"What? Don't be ridiculous!" She'd try to rebuff, winning either way whether Ember believed her or not. Either the thick reared gal was going to buy her lie and continue, or she wouldn't. In which case, Tara was fully intending to prod and poke Ember until nothing but the concept of revenge sat in the girls mind.

"That was a really tight move, what did you expect me to do? Just smile through it..?!" Tara tried to rebuff, despite the fact that from most angles, it was indeed a smile to her face.

"Now come on..." Tara stood up, taking a deep breath only after doing so with her hands to her crushed waistline. "Let's continue..." Her hands to Ember's own, as if to guide them back onto Tara's frame...

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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The realization that Ember had been a pawn in Tara's sexual gratification had left the big bottomed gal completely stunned after her outburst, he mouth hanging agape in shock. To learn that every moment of their spar, from the scissors to the bearhug, was all so that the redhead could get off on Ember dominating her was mortifying. Ember was replaying every moment of the spar in her head, and to her utter dismay she realized she should have found this out way sooner than she did! Tara hadn't exactly subtle in her deception!

It seemed blatantly obvious now, but at the time Ember had been too excited at the prospect that someone actually wanted to spar with her. Her, the pint sized rookie no one took seriously enough to train with. Blinded by the potential of being accepted allowed Tara to take advantage of her.

Ember's red face would slowly twist into an angered expression, and her shock would quickly be replaced with a growing rage. Her hands clenched into fists, something Tara must not have noticed or she might not have approached the smaller woman! Because as the perverted redhead got close with her arms outstretched, still pleading her already doomed case, Ember's blue eyes would flash dangerously, and with a furious shout of pure fury would swing her fist upwards to strike Tara under the jaw in a massive uppercut!

The only thing missing would be if Ember had shouted 'Shoryuken!'

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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Tara was right in front of Ember with a clear view of the bottom heavy gals rage showing, but the Korean didn't take it in. There were near enough hearts in her eyes - images running through her head of Ember working her through some more lovely holds, likely using those overbearing thighs and large rear. Even if she was slightly annoyed by the confusing state of things, Tara could only imagine annoyance would turn to frustration. And frustration into more actively applied holds!

But Tara should have kept her eye on the ball as they say, for the next move to come to her wasn't of a sort she could enjoy at all. She enjoyed the tight feel of skin upon her; of thighs around her cheeks; of a bust against her front. Not a fist to her chin!

A fist that would hit her all the same, as Tara was damn near flung up into the air! Her body would trail through the air in a perfect curve, with her arms falling wide. Hearts in her eyes had been replaced with a blank stare - the sense being quite literally smashed from the Korean's body!

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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Ember was not a well practiced striker, preferring to use other techniques as well as her God given assets to subdue her opponents. That wasn't to say she didn't know anything about punching, as Tara had no doubt found out! Ember's vengeful uppercut had enough force behind it to send the redhead sailing through the air like a rag doll before crashing to the mat in a heap. The sound of the impact as well as Ember's outburst had drawn just about every eye in the gym to what was happening in that practice ring. But for the first time since getting in that ring, Ember didn't care. All she saw now was red!

Ember's normally cute face was twisted into a furious snarl, and after sending the Korean flying with her punch, the big bottomed gal would storm over to where she had fallen. "I come all the way to the gym to workout and maybe get a spar in," Ember growled as she stalked towards the fallen Korean. "And the only person who accepts is a giant pervert?! Are you kidding me!!?"

Ranting and raving, Ember would reach down for Tara's legs once she had reached her, gripping them so she could tuck both under her armpits. If she managed to secure both limbs, Ember would then begin to turn with Tara, using her legs to begin to spin her around. Around and around Ember would go, spinning with Tara faster and faster, growing momentum until the skinny girl's body would begin to leave the mat! With impressive strength, Ember would perform a giant swing on Tara, flinging her around by her legs until she was nice and dizzy. Then with a shout of effort she would release her legs and toss her across the mat!

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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Flat to her back with the sense smashed out of her, Tara was hardly coherent and ready to make a speech. Hell, she could barely figure out where she was at that moment. In the gym? Perhaps? Working on her cardio? No, that bit didn't seem right.

Then she heard a scream, and with it a few words soundly reaching her ears. Ah that was right. She was leading some large reared girl on in the hopes of having a fun time. And so far it had worked, and likely would still be working. If she had kept her composure.

"No...Not perv...No..." Is all Tara spluttered out, unable to tell the truth even in her woozy state. Though perhaps her fun wasn't yet to end as Ember hooked her legs under her arms, as if preparing to heave her over for a Boston Crab. Tara would have most certainly cried out at the agony to her spine, but would it have been worth it just to feel that gigantic rear on her upper back? Possibly her head?

Well of course! But to her chagrin, Ember seemed fully intent on ending Tara's fun, as she instead forced upon a move that Tara would by no means enjoy - a giant swing! Pulled off the ground and then spun, Tara's light frame was easy prey for Ember's woman handling. She likely could have spun her around for a good few minutes had she so desired, given Tara could hardly stop her. All the Korean could even do was scream out, as her arms came up past her head with the momentum keeping them there!

But after what Tara would already deem to be far too many spins, the Korean was released with momentum and then some. Damn near flying through the air yet again, Tara hit the ground as roughly as you'd expect with her body soon rolling onto its side. If only to allow for her arm to come up and behind her, in a vain attempt to sooth the agony on her upper back!

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

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Perhaps Ember was getting more out of this 'spar' than she cared to admit, having just pulled off a move that she would not normally try in her official matches. Taking advantage of the fact Tara was so light and skinny, Ember pulled off the giant swing without a hitch, spinning her foe around before flinging her across the mat to land in yet another ungainly heap. The constant spinning left Ember a bit dazed as well, causing her to stumble a little. But her anger cleared her up pretty quickly, and her refocused vison would fall upon Tara once again, causing the shorty to growl angrily again.

"I get that I'm the rookie," Ember ranted, more to herself than to Tara. "But I don't deserve this! I'm just as capable of kicking ass as anyone else! I deserve more than a sparring partner who's just a giant masochist!" Again, she stormed towards the fallen heap that was Tara, no doubt to punish her some more. Apparently, the emotions Ember needed to work through were about more than just the perverted redhead

Once she was close enough to Tara again, Ember would grab the Korean so she could haul her up onto her feet, giving her little to no time to recover. If she managed that, the purple-haired woman would then pluck Tara off the ground and by draping her over her shoulders back first. Ember's intentions would be clear the moment she started to pull down on Tra's legs and underneath her chin; she intended to apply a torture rack to the skinny woman!

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Re: The Heart Wants what the Heart Wants

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Tara did not mean to demean Ember by her experience - the Korean was a pervert to rookies and masters alike. Truth be told, she didn't even know Ember was so new. With a physique like that and holds as effective as hers, the Korean thought the girl was considerably more well-aged in terms of wrestling!

Slurring out once more to no avail, Tara's head was in her hand as she somewhat sat up. Only to be immediately forced up to her knees, and then her feet. For another move there was nothing to take from enjoyment wise!

For again, Tara didn't find anything about the pain of what she had taken thus far to be appealing at all. It was the body that was doing said painful holds to her, what with those strong arms and mighty legs controlling her in a manner that made her want to be submissive forever!

But there was little fun to be had in resting atop Ember's shoulders, and even less so when those arms came around Tara to bend her in two. A feat made all the easier not only by Tara's small scale, but by how flexible she was already. Ember could have likely have made either side of the Korean touch the floor had she so desired!

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