A Lightweight Encounter (For Noob)
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Re: A Lightweight Encounter (For Noob)
Successfully dodging Julia's retaliating blow, Yuki smirked to herself, putting up her fists as she prepared herself for the next clash. It was good that she had avoided taking damage herself, but she also knew she couldn't get complacent in that knowledge; even now, she would need to keep her full intention on keeping up the momentum.
She focused her intention back on Julia, and she couldn't help herself from cracking up a little at the sight of her sparring partner struggling to find the right words, but she bit her lip to focus herself. There was a time and a place for laughter, and this certainly wasn't it. "I'd like to see you try," she called back, challenging Julia to hit her with her best shot as she took on a wide-based stance with her arms up in front of her to brace for impact. With Julia's fist shooting out towards her, Yuki attempted to block. If she could defend herself, her next move would be to kick out her knee towards Julia's gut likewise, hoping to hit her back!
She focused her intention back on Julia, and she couldn't help herself from cracking up a little at the sight of her sparring partner struggling to find the right words, but she bit her lip to focus herself. There was a time and a place for laughter, and this certainly wasn't it. "I'd like to see you try," she called back, challenging Julia to hit her with her best shot as she took on a wide-based stance with her arms up in front of her to brace for impact. With Julia's fist shooting out towards her, Yuki attempted to block. If she could defend herself, her next move would be to kick out her knee towards Julia's gut likewise, hoping to hit her back!
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Re: A Lightweight Encounter (For Noob)
While Julia was happy to keep things light, she didn't exactly want her sparring partner giggling at her expense. And so the bluenette would try to wipe the little grin off of Yuki's face with a well aimed kick. Much to her dismay though Yuki was well prepared for such an attack and was able to block it. Beofore Julia recovered her stance, Yuki launched her own kick which would hit the unprepared wrestler straight in the gut. Julia would stumble backwards two steps before falling right on her ass. "Ughhh!" She gasped as she hit the ground. "Ok...none of that." She huffed, now blowing a few stray strands of hair out of her face.
Slowly but surely momentum was shifting away from Julia who now found herself flat on her rear. The gymnast didn't think of it as anything more than a minor setback though. Soon enough she'd be pushing herself up to her feet, hopefully before she found herself in a sticky situation. On the up side she was at least glad to know how not to approach Yuki. If she wanted to actually land a good blow she'd have to be either much quicker or much more clever. For now though she would try to just grab the ropes and pull herself back to her feet.
Slowly but surely momentum was shifting away from Julia who now found herself flat on her rear. The gymnast didn't think of it as anything more than a minor setback though. Soon enough she'd be pushing herself up to her feet, hopefully before she found herself in a sticky situation. On the up side she was at least glad to know how not to approach Yuki. If she wanted to actually land a good blow she'd have to be either much quicker or much more clever. For now though she would try to just grab the ropes and pull herself back to her feet.
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Re: A Lightweight Encounter (For Noob)
Without a moment to spare after blocking the shot, Yuki was already on Julia, not wanting to give up the momentum she had achieved. No sooner had the fist left contact with her guard that Yuki kicked up a knee to Julia's stomach, this one proving more effective as the blue-haired girl was knocked backwards and off her feet. For a moment, a confident smirk crossed Yuki's face as she dusted off her hands, preparing for the next move.
With Julia being downed from the blow, Yuki would have some time to recover. It looked as though she had figured out just how to hit Julia where it hurt - taking strikes evidently wasn't where the gymnast excelled, but it just so happened to be one thing Yuki was good at. Rather poetic, given that Yuki wasn't adept at dealing with Julia's holds. As her sparring partner rose, Yuki quickly returned to a stance, falling back into her usual serious state. This was no time for playing around, she thought - she wasn't planning to end up at Julia's mercy again any time soon. Closing in on her foe, Yuki attempted to keep Julia under her control by going for a grapple, trying to cling to her and pull her back towards the center of the ring where she might have more luck at controlling her. If she did, she'd put in a few punches at her side along the way for good measure, seeing if she could get Julia stunned.
With Julia being downed from the blow, Yuki would have some time to recover. It looked as though she had figured out just how to hit Julia where it hurt - taking strikes evidently wasn't where the gymnast excelled, but it just so happened to be one thing Yuki was good at. Rather poetic, given that Yuki wasn't adept at dealing with Julia's holds. As her sparring partner rose, Yuki quickly returned to a stance, falling back into her usual serious state. This was no time for playing around, she thought - she wasn't planning to end up at Julia's mercy again any time soon. Closing in on her foe, Yuki attempted to keep Julia under her control by going for a grapple, trying to cling to her and pull her back towards the center of the ring where she might have more luck at controlling her. If she did, she'd put in a few punches at her side along the way for good measure, seeing if she could get Julia stunned.
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Re: A Lightweight Encounter (For Noob)
The bluenette huffed before slowly rising to her feet. For a few moments it appeared she was safe. Once on her feet she took a second to stretch from side to side before refocusing on her sparring partner. It had become clear that Yuki was going to be going in for quick strikes and somehow the gymnast had to defend herself from those. Of course that was a task easier said than done for her. With a slight grimace she got herself ready for the next round and hoped that it would go better than the previous.
"Alright. Let's see you try that again." Julia yelled, confident that the same trick wouldn't work twice. Of course Yuki didn't use the same trick twice and this time came at her up close. Julia smiled as the two grappled as this was much more her style. Jostling around she attempted to get herself in a better position, trying to wrap her arm around Yuki's head and pull it down. The other woman wasn't without a plan though. It seemed she only wanted to get in this close to land a few solid jabs to her side. The bluenette grunted as the punches hit. Her grip loosened and she'd double over slightly with one hand now coming down to grab her side. Julia did not appreciate the hits one bit and the pained expression on her face was clear indication of that.
"Alright. Let's see you try that again." Julia yelled, confident that the same trick wouldn't work twice. Of course Yuki didn't use the same trick twice and this time came at her up close. Julia smiled as the two grappled as this was much more her style. Jostling around she attempted to get herself in a better position, trying to wrap her arm around Yuki's head and pull it down. The other woman wasn't without a plan though. It seemed she only wanted to get in this close to land a few solid jabs to her side. The bluenette grunted as the punches hit. Her grip loosened and she'd double over slightly with one hand now coming down to grab her side. Julia did not appreciate the hits one bit and the pained expression on her face was clear indication of that.
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Re: A Lightweight Encounter (For Noob)
With Julia issuing the challenge, Yuki would simply nod to her, with a firm look in her direction to put forth that she was willing to do whatever the gymnast would ask of her. No sooner had she finished this that Yuki already had her hands on Julia once again, where she began to draw her towards the center of the ring, the two of them closely locked. Julia seemed confident with such an approach - but Yuki was too. As long as she had Julia in her clutches, Yuki thought that she wouldn't stand much of a chance of making the same mistake she had before with giving Julia too much of an opportunity to react.
Julia yanked down on Yuki's head, causing the raven-haired girl to double over forward, her upper body at a 45-degree angle to her lower. She huffed, the change in positions being enough to frustrate her, but it wasn't enough to dissuade Yuki from what she was going to do next. Even with her head bent low, craned under Julia's arm, and with her hair falling against her face, Yuki still knew she was close enough to her opponent for the blow she had lined up to land - and sure enough, the jabs she threw into Julia's ribs were enough to cause her to double forward likewise. Yuki saw her chance now to follow it up with something even greater, and Julia had given her the perfect target. First she would throw her knee upward into Julia's stomach, as her body was now just overlying the right place to strike. Then, if that went well, she would let go in order to grab Julia's head for a facelock, then drape her now-free arm over her shoulder, and then fall back to take her down with a suplex!
Julia yanked down on Yuki's head, causing the raven-haired girl to double over forward, her upper body at a 45-degree angle to her lower. She huffed, the change in positions being enough to frustrate her, but it wasn't enough to dissuade Yuki from what she was going to do next. Even with her head bent low, craned under Julia's arm, and with her hair falling against her face, Yuki still knew she was close enough to her opponent for the blow she had lined up to land - and sure enough, the jabs she threw into Julia's ribs were enough to cause her to double forward likewise. Yuki saw her chance now to follow it up with something even greater, and Julia had given her the perfect target. First she would throw her knee upward into Julia's stomach, as her body was now just overlying the right place to strike. Then, if that went well, she would let go in order to grab Julia's head for a facelock, then drape her now-free arm over her shoulder, and then fall back to take her down with a suplex!
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Re: A Lightweight Encounter (For Noob)
A bit frustrated from the jabs Yuki was throwing, Julia hoped to power through them and get back to work. She couldn't just let a few light hits do her in after all. Much to her dismay though her sparring partner didn't just leave it at that and soon drove her knee up into Julia's stomach. "Guuughhh!" The bluenette cried out as the air left her lungs. She staggered back a step and brought her hands to her stomach, grimacing in pain. Wincing she glanced back up at Yuki to see what the woman was following up with. It did little to help though as she was unable to even start to fight off Yuki's next move. She waved an arm in front of her in an attempt to bat Yuki away but as expected the result was negligible.
And just like that, any plans Julia had for Yuki went down the drain. The gymnast hit the mat hard and let out a loud yelp on impact. With the fight now knocked right out of her, the bluenette would lay there fairly motionless for a moment. "Nnnng...owwwah..." She groaned after a few seconds of silence. Feeling a considerable shock, her happy go lucky attitude would a back seat until the achey-ness she was feeling had subsided. Until then the gymnast would get comfortable on the ground.
And just like that, any plans Julia had for Yuki went down the drain. The gymnast hit the mat hard and let out a loud yelp on impact. With the fight now knocked right out of her, the bluenette would lay there fairly motionless for a moment. "Nnnng...owwwah..." She groaned after a few seconds of silence. Feeling a considerable shock, her happy go lucky attitude would a back seat until the achey-ness she was feeling had subsided. Until then the gymnast would get comfortable on the ground.
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Re: A Lightweight Encounter (For Noob)
Yuki was on a roll now, and she saw no reason to stop. With her knee striking Julia's stomach, the blue-haired girl was stunned - and she was willing to use her own efforts to fight back against her, as she took her arm to better set up the suplex! The two girls fell together, shaking the mat under the impact of the two of them. But while Yuki had managed to roll with her landing in order to prevent herself from taking too much damage, the same could not be said for Julia, who was now stunned.
Rolling up on her knees, Yuki took a moment to wipe sweat and loose hair away from her brow, refocusing her attention towards her sparring partner. She needed to catch her breath for a few short moments, but it looked like Julia was staying down for too long to be of any threat to her. Yuki saw her chance, now, and she was going to take it. She lunged forward on her hands and knees to close the distance between the two, then hooked one of Julia's legs to pull it up and back to go for a pin.
"Looks like we're even, now," Yuki said, looking back at Julia from her place beside her.
Rolling up on her knees, Yuki took a moment to wipe sweat and loose hair away from her brow, refocusing her attention towards her sparring partner. She needed to catch her breath for a few short moments, but it looked like Julia was staying down for too long to be of any threat to her. Yuki saw her chance, now, and she was going to take it. She lunged forward on her hands and knees to close the distance between the two, then hooked one of Julia's legs to pull it up and back to go for a pin.
"Looks like we're even, now," Yuki said, looking back at Julia from her place beside her.
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Re: A Lightweight Encounter (For Noob)
Julia didn't bother to put up a fight as Yuki scrambled over and went in for a pin. She just turned her head towards the other woman and stuck her tongue out in protest. "Ugh...yeah. That suuuuuucked." The bluenette whined as her leg was pulled up. It was clear that she had no intention of letting herself take such an impact again. The bluenette waited a few moments before gathering herself and trying to kick out of the pin. Having let it go on for well longer than the standard three count, she doubted her sparring partner was going to be invested in keeping her down any longer. It was time for a tie breaker after all.
Finally Julia would crawl towards the ropes and use them for support as she pulled herself back onto her feet.She inhaled deeply and let out a long sigh. "Aaalllllllright. Time to break the tie." She said as her energy began to return and she got herself back into the swing of things. "So! You're gonna let have some fun with you right?" The gymnast teased. "Oh I got just the thing!" She exclaimed as a smile spread across her face. "You'll love it. Well unless you know it already in which case...I dunno...you'll love it anyway." the bluenette rambled, apparently ready for round three.
Finally Julia would crawl towards the ropes and use them for support as she pulled herself back onto her feet.She inhaled deeply and let out a long sigh. "Aaalllllllright. Time to break the tie." She said as her energy began to return and she got herself back into the swing of things. "So! You're gonna let have some fun with you right?" The gymnast teased. "Oh I got just the thing!" She exclaimed as a smile spread across her face. "You'll love it. Well unless you know it already in which case...I dunno...you'll love it anyway." the bluenette rambled, apparently ready for round three.
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Re: A Lightweight Encounter (For Noob)
Now having Julia down, Yuki took a moment to catch her breath - she needed it, this round having kept her well on edge as it tested her skills. Even with no ref around to count, Yuki could tell that enough time had passed for this to qualify as a three-count, were it in a standard match. Nevertheless, Julia seemed to recognize this as much as she did, with her casual remark on the turn of events. So she allowed her to kick out of the pin, rolling back to her knees before getting on her feet and shaking out her hair. Taking some deep breaths, the raven-haired rookie hopped back and forth in place a few times, loosening up for their next confrontation.
She nodded to Julia in the process, heeding her words. True to her proclamation, both of them had scored a fall as it were by this point, and both had gotten the chance to display what they were good at - as well as making their partners aware of their weak points. Both were on equal footing, and this last round would decide everything - they had no excuse to hold back now, now that their standings had been laid bare. Yuki raised her hands, her expression growing cold and focused as she prepared to face the challenge...
Though, Julia's attitude seemed to give her pause. Have fun with her? Yuki...didn't know what to think of that. The gymnast obviously had something in mind for Yuki, and she wasn't quite sure what it was she meant. She started to lower her guard, an eyebrow raising in curiosity. "What...are you talking about?" she asked.
She nodded to Julia in the process, heeding her words. True to her proclamation, both of them had scored a fall as it were by this point, and both had gotten the chance to display what they were good at - as well as making their partners aware of their weak points. Both were on equal footing, and this last round would decide everything - they had no excuse to hold back now, now that their standings had been laid bare. Yuki raised her hands, her expression growing cold and focused as she prepared to face the challenge...
Though, Julia's attitude seemed to give her pause. Have fun with her? Yuki...didn't know what to think of that. The gymnast obviously had something in mind for Yuki, and she wasn't quite sure what it was she meant. She started to lower her guard, an eyebrow raising in curiosity. "What...are you talking about?" she asked.
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Re: A Lightweight Encounter (For Noob)
With both sides having scored a fall, this spar was now tied. Despite the more laid back nature of this fight though both sides were still determined to come out on top. Acting as a foil to Yuki, Julia's expression could be described as giddy. She was eager to try out her plan and see if she could take someone like Yuki to her limit. Her partner didn't quite seem to be on board with her suggestion though, Julia thought. The more likely reason for the question though was just a simple misunderstanding. "Huh? I'm TALKING about showing you my super new move. DUHHHHHH!" The gymnast said with a giggle. "Well it might not be new...But I just thought about trying it out. So yeah. C'mere!" Julia rambled before she'd lunge forward and make a grab for Yuki's wrist.
Hoping she could quickly close the distance between her and the other wrestler, Julia would try to grab Yuki's wrist and bend it behind the woman's back. She wasn't quite sure if she had caught the other woman by surprise or not but at this point she was just going for it. At least she knew that up close there wouldn't be any hard hits thrown her way aside from a stray jab or elbow. "Ok! Step one! Get Yuki all tangled." The bluenette teased as she attempted to restrain Yuki.
Hoping she could quickly close the distance between her and the other wrestler, Julia would try to grab Yuki's wrist and bend it behind the woman's back. She wasn't quite sure if she had caught the other woman by surprise or not but at this point she was just going for it. At least she knew that up close there wouldn't be any hard hits thrown her way aside from a stray jab or elbow. "Ok! Step one! Get Yuki all tangled." The bluenette teased as she attempted to restrain Yuki.
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