Who's got the best abs ? Ambre vs Kerstin

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Bearhug Goddess
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Re: Who's got the best abs ? Ambre vs Kerstin

Unread post by Bearhug Goddess »

Ambre was ready to take hits on her already injured abs, all she had to do was stay conscious and not fall to her knees... But it was an incredibly hard test in reality. She took the three uppercuts without having time to move or scream in pain, a simple silent whistle escaped her lips as her face fell under the pain.

"Gaaahh.. Hahhhhh..!"

The Frenchwoman bent her knees slightly before placing her hands on her thighs, pressing them with her thumb and middle finger to stimulate her muscle and not fall to her knees. She looked at Kersti in front of her with a small smile full of pride after having managed to take three uppercuts... But she knew she couldn't do more.

"Another... One..!"
Wha-What's this ?... A-A thread request ?! For me ???!
I deserve my own battle theme.

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