Pride and Confidence II

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

Unread post by Weonna »

"Alright if we are going in for another round we need someone else to count the pin so it's fair...umm...hey buddy~ could you be our ref?"

Christina would look around for a random staff member of the gym to do the pin counts as the gentlemen gladly accepted Christina's offer and enters the ring.

" I go~"

Christina took a deep breath as she would grab Alaina again, scoop her up in the air and Body Slam her again! The Filipina would try to see if using speed would make Alaina dizzier as she wouldn't wait to let Alaina recover as she would grab her by the head, lift her up and body slam her again and again!

"This time I should get her..."

Christina would bounce off the ropes for a rebound before body splashing Alaina and going for the pin! The staff member would slide in and begin the count...


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Re: Pride and Confidence II

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Alaina was again lift up and slammed hard with a loud, impactful ring shaking effect each time! She was clearly hurting by the end of this and as the third slam sent her down she groaned and was flat on her back as Christina came crashing down on top of her! "UGH!"


Right as the two count hit the mat Alaina let out a howl as she exerted herself bucking her hips and thrusting to the side to forcefully kick out and get her shoulder off the mat! However after kicking out she groaned, weakly kicking the mat once and slowly sitting up. She was hurting and after being slammed around she knew recovering to slam Christina back with gusto would not be easy....

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

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Christina backed off as soon as Alaina forcibly kicked out in exactly two. The Filipina took some breathers as she smiled and said to the amazon,

"You need a minute there ace?"

She smiled as she gently patted Alaina's shoulders as Christina got up and leaned back to the ropes. She was trying to prepare herself for what's to come to her next as she hoped she can endure more of the Amazon's slams.

"I think I have this in the bag...if I'm wrong I'll apologize to you by kissing your muscles~"

Christina chuckled as she gave Alaina a side bet.

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

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"A break, and you think you have this in the bag? Are you kidding me?" Alaina asked with a smile while shaking her head. She stood up after a moment and reached out grabbing Christina quickly. She held her up and slapped her backside before slamming her once as hard as she could! Alaina then pulled Christina up and grabbed hold, lifting and spinning her around before stepping forward to send her crashing to the ring a second time before deadlifting her up and running forward sending her crashing down hard to the mat with a third slam, landing on top of her and in position to pin Christina right away!

"Count it ref lets see if she was right...." Alaina said as the official slid in to place to begin the count.

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

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Each different slam Alaina was dishing out was getting rougher and rougher for the Filipina Wrestler as she laid still in the canvas after the third slam as Alaina would skip the body splash and go for the pin!




Christina would muster the strength to kick out but the staff member would count Alaina as the victor due to Alaina kicking out at the exact two count while Christina was 0.5 seconds late.

Christina laid still breathing heavily and with a sigh as she couldn't believe she just lost that side bet to Alaina...The Filipina needed a breather to recover as she just laid down on the canvas.

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

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Alaina felt Christina kick out but there was not way she kicked out more quickly than Alaina had. She flexed and then helped Christina to her feet. "If ya thought you could out-slam me ya may be crazy but damn you got some real power now, no doubt about that." Alaina said to her younger counterpart. She backed off and flexed before winking to Christina. "Kiss the bicep, you made the bet so time to make good on it." Alaina added waiting to see if Christina would actually do it or not.

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

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"A bet is a bet...lets just get on with it."

Christina sighed as she slowly got to her feet with Alaina flexing her bicep...that was the spot Christina said she would kiss as the Filipina would move her hair away from her face before leaning down to press her lips on the Amazon's bicep.

Christina would make a smooch sound when she kisses Alaina's bicep as she slowly pulls away to see how the Amazon would react to Christina actually pulling through with the side bet.

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

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Alaina blushed a bit as Christina had followed through. Oddly one of the things her and Charlie did when they had some alone time was Alaina flexing and Charlie kissing or massaging her body as he admired it.

"Whoa! Well you followed through all right. Good contest, you do slam hell of a hard." Alaina said with a wink and giving Christina a playful smack to the backside. "I am really impressed and think you are gonna kill it in the ring. Was there anything else ya wanted to do today for a workout or spar?" Alaina asked so caught up in their little contests that she neglected the original reason for the gym hang out.

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

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"Well I could use some more a Sparring session would be ideal and I have some time so let's go ahead and wrestle! But first let me check my phone."

Christina smiled as she went out the ring to grab her phone near a nearby bench to see if anyone texted her. The Filipina would take a seat for a bit, trying to recover from the multiple body slams as she told Alaina she will be in the ring in five minutes.

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Re: Pride and Confidence II

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"Ok sounds good! I can't wait to mix it up with you and see what you can do! This will be a lot of fun!" Alaina said striking one last flexing pose and laugh as she went to the ring taking a seat on the apron and waiting for the action to start. She was eager to see what Christina could do and this was going to be quite the fun spar. Alaina was going to bring her A-game to this knowing that Christina would do the exact same thing.

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