Desperate Times and Sit's down

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Re: Desperate Times and Sit's down

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Thereisa hand reaches out and gripping Haruka hand but her eyes never leave Eiji own. She knows and judging by the seeing the look in his eyes she know but she has other ways of doing something to put the fear of God into this man. Well how about a exchange I know people have been wanting to ask me questions about my life after I was banned... And other questions about Serilda and such. Am I not wrong to say I will give you that information in return Haruka since your so eager to be Eiji shield to take a new finisher I have in mind."

Giving the woman hand a good hard shake before letting go sitting back making herself comfortable before speaking. "So if you must know when I was 18 and started wrestling I was a middleweight at the time, but due to my growth spurt in Japan that was when I decided to go up to Heavyweight but still having the quickness and speed of a middleweight. Even my very first finisher was a running hip attack." a small smile appears on her face as if remembering those good times she had. "After beating Mike Hagger I would say 3 to 4 months into my reign is when CWA decided to go in another ERA and for me to drop my title to Yoko...." leaning close to again a grin appears on her eyes and even her eyes say it all for them.. She has no regrets doing it at all.

"She got off lucky that night and that started my reign 12 wrestlers stepped up... each one left a broken mess in my wake... Lars was one of the first to take on my style at the time. But he was a prideful bastard who didn't know when to keep his nose out of my business. Here a story for you both to write down... The day after the match is when I got the call that I was banned from every company you know how hard it was to find work that when I settled down and married....Karl "Iron Horse" Heisenberg Akira Serilda father at the time was a mid tier wrestler at the time and I told him honest I wanted a child to carry on my legacy he agreed and we married. she says with a shrug of her shoulders.
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Re: Desperate Times and Sit's down

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Haruka may have willingly - if not entirely eagerly - offered her hand, but when she felt the pressure of Widow's fingers encircling it, she winced, her teeth clenching under her mask as her muscles went rigid. She could only hope that if she was putting herself at Widow's mercy, the veteran wouldn't do anything too grievously painful - but one way or another, her attentions seemed more focused on Eiji, who watched Theresia with unblinking eyes, doing his best to keep his back straight even as his body trembled. Both of the reporters were waiting for everything to go south at any moment, when Widow would strike. But that moment never seemed to come - and instead, Theresia elaborated on the history of her career.

It took a moment, even after Widow stepped away, for Haruka to come to her senses enough to pick up her pen and paper and start taking down notes; it felt surreal, almost wrong, that after all her boasting and threatening Widow wasn't attacking them. But she was giving them what they wanted, and they had to be ready for that. At least, she was giving them something.

Neither of them wanted to say anything, lest they break the silence and put themselves in the line of fire. But, as they glanced back and forth at each other, they shared in the agreement that they didn't know what Widow was getting at. Why had she decided to go on this tirade?

At last, Haruka worked up the courage to say something, her voice soft and subdued. "...I, see, yeah...but what does this have anything to do with a new move-?" As soon as the words left her mouth, she tensed, hoping Widow wouldn't take offense to it...
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Re: Desperate Times and Sit's down

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Thereisa stops from what she was about to say. Turning her head to face Haruka with a blank look "Excuse me... those words are said with hidden anger in them, she was finally starting to get over her anger by telling her side of what happened... But this reporter had to really say something like that to her.

"Alright you want to know about this new move of mines... Fine I only seen the move once... But never got to try it before but since your so eager Haruka I will tell you about it." leaning close her eyes not leaving the female eyes it's called the Avalanche Reverse Frankensteiner I only tried it once in practice and during my match with Astrid that what I think I was going for... But since your so eager about it Haruka I wanted you to enjoy your time as a reporter for making you take the move you know." She says her hand reaching out and snatching the woman in her grip standing up to her full height.

Turning to look at Eiji and gives him another death glare before dragging the woman with her starting to make her way towards the ring. "This is the problem with reporters like you. I try and tell you my side of what happened and nobody wants to listen so Fine I hope you enjoy writing Haruka cause when I perfect this move I be making sure Eiji takes it as well. Disrespecting me like that who in the hell you think you are huh.

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Re: Desperate Times and Sit's down

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That was the exact moment Haruka realized she had made a mistake. She fell silent, her eyes going wide and the color draining away from her face. Haruka turned to stare back at Widow, speechless and unblinking. As the veteran began to storm toward her, she realized exactly what was about to happen. Eiji, too, knew what was coming, but he froze in place. He knew that to try and get in Theresia's way would be a death sentence - all he could do was watch, unable to look away even knowing the carnage that was to come. His eyes narrowed and his body locked up as he winced, bracing himself.

" can always just describe it-!" Haruka stammered, her voice in a panic. She tried to talk herself out of the move she was about to take, but not even she fully believed it would work. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she raised her hands to cover her eyes so that she wouldn't see what was about to hit her. "I was just...just curious, is all-!" she blurted out, only a second later realizing how that wouldn't help her case given her previous interactions with Widow. "I'm really sorry, honest!"

With a gulp, she was hoisted into the ring. Eiji stood by on the outside, staring up at his coworker as she was lifted higher in the air. He couldn't even be thankful that it wasn't him on the other end - just seeing the setup was enough to paralyze him with fear.
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Re: Desperate Times and Sit's down

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Thereisa drags and places Haruka on the middle rope. Standing behind the young woman and balancing herself up before taking the extra step to the top, using the woman as a balance to keep herself from slipping off. "Next time someone is doing a interview and being nice you don't go around being a bitch like that to me..."

She jumps landing on top of the smaller woman shoulders before falling backwards, doing the full rotation before her knees slam into the canvas spiking Haruka head into the mat with a more impactful spike from being so high up. Clutching her ankle as Thereisa landed wrong on it crawling over to check on the young woman and glares down at her.


"Still alive huh? This is my last warning to you and any other reporter going around spreading lies about me." glaring at Eiji now and points at him."Your next .

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Re: Desperate Times and Sit's down

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Haruka was trembling as Widow set her down on the middle rope, her wide eyes going from one corner of the ring to the other. Her knees knocked together anxiously, and she chewed at her lip, in fear that at any moment she would be faced with more pain than she could ever imagine. "R-Really, I was j-just curious, is all-!" she stammered, desperately trying to talk Theresia out of it. But it was to no avail. Widow had already made up her mind, and all Haruka had to look forward to was the unforgiving embrace of the mat.

And then, it all hit. Widow, on the ropes, bent down to grab Haruka by the head, before flipping herself into the ring! Eiji stepped back with a gasp. Working in the business as long as he had, he was used to thinking like he had seen it all. Yet, he was totally unprepared for a woman the size of Widow to perform such an acrobatic flip off the ropes, taking S-chan along with her! The LAW Magazine intern let out a scream as she was hurled through the air - and, as quickly as it all had started, she landed with a resounding smack.

Haruka fell flat against the mat, her legs parted and her arms splayed out at her sides. Everything hurt, and she groaned just trying to breathe. She felt as though she could have been knocked out on the spot; it was a small miracle she wasn't. But even then, she was still in too much pain to do much - and even then, Eiji let out an audible gasp as she heard Widow remark that she was still alive. The veteran was fully prepared to kill her - and now, her sights were set on him!

His heart racing in his chest, Eiji began to back away, holding his hands up as he stammered nervously. "Actually, ah, well...y-you've made your point perfectly well, Theresia-sama...I think I'll be going now, if you don't mind-!"
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Re: Desperate Times and Sit's down

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That one word would send shivers down anybody spine, others would have fled seeing after what just happened to poor Haruka. But with that one sentence Thereisa want's Eiji to see more of what she can do, she know's if he tries to run she will catch him and drag him back into the ring with ease. Just like the fly to the spider web he and Haruka were lured to the ring by her knowing one of them was going to say something to piss her off, and just her luck it would be the reporter.

Biting her bottom lip from the pain of landing in the most safest way possible. She actually did thee more safe way of that move since she only done it once before. Kicking and rolling the poor reporter out of the ring and into the ground, before sliding out of the ring with a small limp in her step before grabbing Eiji by his collar and tie.

Leaning close with her face facing his ear and she whispers her threat so only he can hear it... "I know you wrote something about me so I'm going to let you off with a warning." she said into his ear before giving the man a smirk and doing something that would shock him to his core. Thereisa leans close and places her lips on the man's lips for a kiss before pulling away and tossing him to the ground.

As she start's to limp to the locker rooms she smirks and waves her hand in a mocking wave... You been marked Eiji....This is the second time I let you get away with being disrespectful to me.... third time your done and call someone for your partner... My Hurricane Driver need's more work before I can use it. Chao" as she makes her way to the locker rooms proving that even through she lost... She is still one of the feared ruthless heavyweight in LAW.

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Re: Desperate Times and Sit's down

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Widow only needed that one word to get her point across. His face pale, his knees knocking together, and his eyes wide, Eiji froze in his tracks, staring blankly in the veteran's direction. He didn't want to take his gaze off of her for a moment, lest that be the moment she would strike - or if she would see fit to punish him for taking his attention off of her. He had seen what Widow could do, thanks to Haruka's less than voluntary involvement, and he could only imagine what she had in store next.

Already dazed from the collision, Haruka showed little resistance as Widow pushed her with her foot. She went tumbling limply out of the ring, falling to the floor in a heap. From there, Widow slipped out of the ring, closing in on Eiji. She grabbed him by his collar, pulling him closer, and there she could see him eye-to-eye - she could see how wide and glassy his eyes had gone, how his brow was slick with sweat, and how he stammered incoherently as his eyes wandered up along her body. He had already surrendered to his fate. Clenching his teeth, Eiji closed his eyes, preparing himself for the worst...

Only to hear Widow's whispers that he was getting off easy. It seemed too good to be true, but he welcomed it all the same. The relief setting into his body, Eiji began to open his eyes, looking back at the veteran - which meant that he could see what was happening as Theresia pulled him into a kiss instead!

"MMF-!?" Eiji's face flushed a vivid red. He had no idea what was coming, but he never would have guessed it would be this! Still trying to process what had just happened to him, Eiji stared back at Widow as she dropped him to the ground, where he landed with a thud. Even as he bounced against the floor, he didn't get up, and he didn't react. All he did was stare at Widow as she headed backstage, with nothing more to say.

He didn't know what to say as she disappeared through the door. He didn't know what he'd print in the magazine. He knew only one thing - that Cyber Widow was out for blood, and she had no intentions of slowing down!
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