Stood on the mats in that new attire which only showed off even more of her insane curves than usual, Moira held a utterly dumbstruck look on her face. The match itself was to be body to body... But her opponent? For the first time in her life, Moira felt small in every aspect. "Oh.. My.." she'd hum, looking over the giant from head to toe.
Unryuu rubbed her neck, used to the lingering gaze of people who were in awe of her height, but still feeling somewhat uncomfortable. It would be a week before her debut match in LAW and already she'd gotten herself in a private match with Moira. As such, Unryuu was wearing more intimate attire while still waiting for her new gear to show up.
"So..." Unryuu started speaking, "How do we do this exactly?"
"Erm.." Moira blushed instantly. The match itself was one she had done a thousand times. But every time, she had the size advantage. And now, she was about to list off rules that benefited the giant and then some. "Only... Body to body holds.. Smothers.. Bear hugs.. Leg locks.. You know.."
"Sounds intimate..." Unryuu said in a lackadaisical tone while carrying a small smile. "Smothers and body holds, I bet you are an expert in doing those aren't you?"
"The best.." Moira hummed, stepping forward. When the shock of seeing a woman bigger than herself faded, the fact she'd be tangling with this giant in her favourite holds was all that remained. And it made her grin from ear to ear.
Unryuu noticed the change in Moira's expression, brushing her braided hair to the side. "And how does someone win this type of match?"
"Submission.. Or KO if not.." Moira darted back quickly, crossing her arms, rather eager to start.
Unryuu smirked as Moira quickly retreated. The giantess stepped forward, feeling the mat bend underfoot as she reached the center. "Ready when you are. "
Moira looked down as the giant moved. Even the mat didn't squish that much when she herself pressed on it. That grin only growing, Moira threw caution to the wind and stepped towards the bigger woman with arms seeking hers for a body to body clinch.
Unryuu was impressed with Moira's eagerness. In the few matches she's had prior to LAW, a lot of her opponents had been more cautious. Of course this meant that Unryuu was more than prepared and accepted the clinch, pressing her muscular frame against Moira's softer curves.
Moira couldn't believe it. That big and most of it was muscle? "Ohhh.. Mm.." she'd hum, grinding the underside of her heavy bust into the taller woman's own as she ground against her with her curves.
Unryuu giggled under her breath. "Not bad..." Unryuu said as she pushed forwards against Moira's weight.
Feeling that amazing body against her, Moira opted to up the ante quickly. Hands slapping free of the giants own, she'd opt to see just how heavy Unryuu indeed was by trying to pick her off her feet for a Moira Pandela bear hug.
"Trying to sweep me off my feet so soon huh?" Unryuu joked as she planted her feet to the mat like an anchor, "Here let me help."
Unryuu suddenly hopped into the air a little while still going forwards with the intent of falling on top of Moira.
Moira couldn't remember the last time she fought someone she couldn't pick up, but Unryuu didn't seem to want to deny her for long. Stumbling a good few steps, Moira was already exerting herself to keep her foe up in the air despite the girl’s efforts. "Phew..!"
Unryuu had a look of shock in her face, "Impressive. Most girls fall under my weight when I'm this fresh. Can you make this last however?" Unryuu wrapped her legs around Moira and started to squeeze.
"Ohhh I’ll be impressing you a lot this match.." Moira hummed, though those giant legs crushing her made her yelp. Not to be outdone, she'd slide her hand to either elbow before pressing down tight. Unryuu was massive, but Moira felt few could squeeze like she could!
"Mmhn" Unryuu groaned, feeling Moira's strength first hand as her arms were now trapped under the smaller woman. In response, Unryuu squeezed harder with her legs, tensing the thigh muscles as if she were a snake crushing her prey.
"No shame in tapping.. Few can take this.." Moira growled, feeling like her own midriff was on fire. Each leg was near enough the size of her waist after all. Trying for a powerful shake left and right, Moira didn't feel her hug had much chance unless she managed to slip a leg from her though for the moment she only grins under the contact.
"Tough talk...for someone who is shaking her shoes right now." Unryuu replied, she flexed her arms and looked to slip them out of Moira's grasp.
Moira curiously enough, let the massive woman get her arms free. For the moment she did, she'd bare down on that amazing core, trying to vice it outright for a good few seconds now that nothing was in her way! "Ohhhh...you'll be shaking..and a lot more...soon!"
"Ngh! Oh you are going to regret that." Unryuu hissed. Her thick legs unhatched themselves from Moira's waist and went flat footed against the mat. The giantess then wrapped her arms around Moira's waist and looked to lift her up.
"Regret that? Babe I'm gonna squeeze you till you purr.." grinned Moira, before finding herself kicking as she was picked up.
"You were saying?" Unryuu grinned and started tense her arms, pushing Moira against her chest.
"You heard me.." Moira growled. She had one of the best squeezes in wrestling, but being hugged by 300 lbs of muscle was like you'd expect. Moaning louder, she'd seek to squeeze just as hard in her own hug.
Unryuu grinned as she started shaking Moira side to side, making sure to wrench every last bit of air she could
"MM...you trying to make me regret..not making this a bear hug match?" Grinned Moira, gasping loudly as she held her face close. The size she was, it was rare as hell for her to be dominated so, and she was enjoying every second!
"Let me know when you want to quit. I'll at least give you the honor of walking out of here on your own two legs."
"I'll be walking out...with you over my shoulder.."Grinding her curves against the bigger frame, Moira takes deep breaths whilst giving Unryuu a few hard squeezes of her own.
Unryuu was impressed about how much punishment Moira was able to absorb, but it was clear that she had the advantage. Wanting to enforce that fact, Unryuu slammed Moira onto the mat and quickly transitioned to where she was positioned by Moira's head. Unryuu then wrapped her thick thighs around Moira's skull and began to squeeze.
Slammed hard and wrapped up, moira was quick to offer resistance. Those legs around her neck were a pleasure, but she wasn't so dumb as to think she could endure them. Her own legs kicking as her hands saw to claw and slap free.
"Mmmm, you'll have to do more than that to budge them I'm afraid." Unryuu teased, tensing her thighs more to squeeze the air out of Moira.
Her cheeks going puffy, Moira was getting more and more excited the more strength this massive woman showed. Though, there was the issue of breathing. "It's.. Suppose to be body to body.." she hums, not greatly caring about the rules as she looks to dig her fingers in.
Unryuu blinked, "Tsk, you're right." She released Moira from the vice and took a step back.
Slowly pulling herself to her knees, Moira rubbed down her puffy cheeks. "I won't hold it against you..."
"No, but I do prefer a fair match." Unryuu replied with a smile, "Still wanna keep going?"
"Of course.." Moira grinned, smiling kindly before showing her true intent. Rushing the giant and slipping behind her, Moira locked her biceps over Unryuu thick abs for another intense squeezing.
"Mmmh!" Unryuu moaned as Moira showed off her strength once again. Unryuu reached down and looked to pry off Moira's fingers.
"You okay babe? Just take what you can.. I won't drop you..." Baring her teeth with a smug grin, Moira picked the giant again off her feet, practically trying to Heimlich her until her eyes crossed.
Unryuu recognized that she was in a bad position, but still tried to pry open Moira's hands.
"You're strong.. probably stronger than me, But my hugs aren't for breaking cutie.." sweat beginning to build as she tries to interlock her fingers together before giving a long sharp compression.
"Nnngh!" Unryuu groaned, a sound that acknowledged Moira's strength. A soft sheen could be seen off her skin from the exertion. Taking a deep breath or as much of one as she could, Unryuu started pushing herself forward in an attempt to get her feet back onto the floor.
Moira’s heart was racing not only from the amazing feeling of that body, but the fact she was crushing a near three hundred pounder! When Unryuu got back to her feet, Moira opted to show her just how hard she could pull by going full force for a mighty lengthy squeeze.
"Not so fast!" Unryuu grunted, hooking a leg around Moira's to keep from being lifted. She twisted her torso and wrapped her arms around Moira's waist in a variation of an abdominal stretch.
"Fuckkkkk your good.. And I love a good stretch.." teased Moira, trying to step into it and slip out.
Unryuu saw Moira trying to slip out and adjusted herself to put more pressure into the stretch.
"Fuuuuuuuck.." Moira groaned in both pain and pleasure almost feeling her joints tingle as her eyes closed.
"Are you giving up or do I have to carry you out?" Unryuu asked as she squeezed harder
"You keep asking.. But honestly.. This is heaven.." Moira hummed, though trying to buck out of the hug.
Unryuu raised a brow in amusement. "Carrying you out it is." She locked her fingers and squeezed, pressing Moira hard against her torso.
"Carrying me where?" Controlling her breath, Moira held those shoulders while feeling nothing, but those massive breasts squish her as she groaned.
"That depends. If you are even cognizant after this, we can go to my apartment and I'll clean you up. Least I can do, unless you have a specific place yourself?" Unryuu answered as she squeezed even harder.
"Anywhere warm and cozy I figured.." Muttered Moira as if having a friendly chat despite feeling her body deflate. "That sound good?"
"I can do that, I'll be sure to cook you something nice too."
"Only if you plan to worship my thighs" Unryuu smirked before squeezing harder.
Wheezing a little, the heavy Moira groaned and moaned, hands lowering, to those thighs! "Of course..
"I want to hear you say the words..." Unryuu said firmly as she squeezed Moira again
Moira was sagging heavily, but that body was worth the pain it seemed, as she leaned on Unryuu's shoulder. "Which ones..."
"That you submit." Unryuu still had a firm grasp on Moira, but could tell that the larger woman was spent
Moira’s wandering hands fondled the giants thighs as she groaned, still pressed for life. "But.. I don't.."
Unryuu sighed before hoisting Moira into the air and started squeezing even harder.
Moira almost let out a childish cry as she was hoisted up. Being picked up and crushed by the likes of Cali was a newfound pleasure she now got to experience and then some by the bigger woman. "Ohhh.."
"All you have to do is say I submit or tap out if you prefer that method. "
"Finally had to much huh?" Unryuu gently put down Moira on to the mat and walked over to the edge to where her phone was resting. Walking back to Moira, she planted her bare foot on Moira's chest and aimed the camera towards the two as she posed for a moment.
"Gotta tell Cali my plans. " She muttered, lifting Moira over her shoulders as she started walking out of the gym.