Nachi and Yoko - Rubbing it In!

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Re: Nachi and Yoko - Rubbing it In!

Unread post by ragaz »

I must admit, this is a pretty strange conversation we're having. Yoko commented on Nachi's trope preferences while being in her loving embrace.

I did think so earlier too, but wasn't really sure. And yeah, it may also have something to do with the heat, too. Some sweat dripped down her body as Yoko looked Nachi in the eyes. It was hard to make out what Nachi was thinking with that stoic expression of hers, it made Yoko want to break that expression on her face, badly. So, Yoko wrapped her arms around Nachi and took action before Nachi did.

Yoko could swear she noticed some change on the big woman's face, but the redhead was really occupied in grinding her toned belly against Nachi's piece of art, so she couldn't look at Nachi's face properly. Yoko was grinding her teeth as her abs were being put through the grate. Yoko's belly was in every way inferior, but she would compensate with her unyielding spirit.

Yoko caught something interesting with a corner of her eye, she probably saw Nachi smirk or smile. Well, that was a pretty good start, which only encouraged Yoko further. Orgasm or not, you're the one judging my performance, so I have to put up a proper one, don't I? Otherwise, it's pointless if I fail to make an impression on you. Yoko would reply to her opponent while getting ready for the storm.

And then the storm came as Yoko was risen higher, almost on top of Nachi before the crushing of Yoko's waist began. Aaaagghhhrrrrrr! Yoko yelped out at first but then grit her teeth and braced herself as she felt like a huge python was squeezing its prey and Yoko was the prey. Yoko had to somehow adjust her breathing for her not to pass out anytime soon. Yoko may have felt pleasure in such a warm embrace of such a sexy woman, but the pleasure was minuscule compared to the pain, so Yoko wouldn't climax any time soon as the pain overclocked any other sense. Good thing Yoko was a tough girl, she had a feeling she could endure this for a while, despite feeling like her ribs could crack, and even if she couldn't, she was still determined to endure it regardless.

Yeah, I guess I'm lucky to have you, Miss Nachi. Grrhh! And you were right about my skills. My skills suck in this area, that's why I'm willing to be enlightened with the basics, at least. If it helps me defeat my rival, I'll endure anything you'll throw at me until you're satisfied. But after this, you better make this worthwhile for me, Nachi san. Yoko would reply to her torturer, while continued to be tortured.
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Re: Nachi and Yoko - Rubbing it In!

Unread post by LunarOcean »

"Pain brings its own kind of pleasure. You'll learn to appreciate it with me." Nachi said, smiling as she squeezed around her plaything's lower back. She wasn't just trying to crack Yoko; there was a symbolic layer to her squeeze. How her own abs, unmoving and metal-strong, simply remained almost still as Yoko's forcefully bent and molded against them was meant to crush the redhead's physique as much as it was remind her of who was the dominant one here. The girl kept on biting yet the body had ways of being honest the tongue did not. And she was going to teach her that soon.

"Consider this your first lesson." Nachi continued, slightly shifting her belly left and right. The seemingly small eternity of belly on belly punishment would turn many into mush; there was only so much even Nachi's abs could take before they would be rendered soft. "Anyone can talk tough but lips will lie. The body won't."

Nachi's arms somehow crossed further over Yoko's back. From the side, even if Yoko had fully flexed her body, the difference in strength and bodily firmness was too much. Yoko's abs wouldn't just flatten against Nachi's. The area of her body between her chest and waist would visibly mold against Nachi's. It was a reluctant motion of muscle on muscle yet everyone could see the painful, tedious way the redhead's already impressive abs simply were forced seemingly with ease to obey and be reshaped like clay against the iron abs they were so tightly packed against.

"Eventually, even the largest heavyweight can't flex any more; their tits become deflated and floppy, their tummies soft and doughy, and their crotches say what they refuse. Yet I don't think you're stupid enough... or rather I hope you aren't... that you can merely outmatch everyone in endurance. I can't. Neither will you."

Nachi's arms slowly moved the subjugated, flattened belly of the redhead over her abs. Sore, decimated muscles would be forced to be pulled, stretched, and abraded against by a still fresh, strong row of muscle. She could try to squirm but it would only contribute to the jolting, fiery sensations of pleasure and friction travelling across her abs and through her spine, the sort of pleasure that would make her whole body stiffen with as much ecstasy as it was raw electrifying sensation.

"Your tummy has lost already. Did you know that?"
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Re: Nachi and Yoko - Rubbing it In!

Unread post by ragaz »

Haha, that's something a masochist would say. Yoko laughed at Nachi's statement about pain before the pain came to her. Nachi pressed Yoko's belly into her own deeper than ever before. Yoko could now feel Nachi's abs almost reach her internal organs. Yoko kept crying out in pain as the back of her waist was squeezed towards the muscular woman and Yoko's whole waist area paying the price.

Rrrghhhaaahh! Yoko groaned as Nachi started to work on her midriff, shifting her ABmazing belly sideways. The two women battled with their abs as Yoko wasn't one to give up. That's... Hardly a lesson... If i already know that. Yoko replied in between her heavy grunting while battling against Nachi's abs.

Then Nachi increased the pressure even more, Yoko felt like she was inside of Nachi's body as the redhead couldn't even feel the boundary between their bodies. She could no longer feel which abs belonged to her and which belonged to Nachi... Yet Yoko continued to fight back, tensing every abdominal muscle she had. The colour on Yoko's belly was getting more similar to the colour of her hair, her abs were hot and sensitive as if they were forcefully rubbed into sandpaper for a long period of time. Sweat formed and dripped down her stomach, almost turning to steam midway.

That is hardly a lesson either. I am fully aware that everyone has limits... Ghhhrr! I am aware that i can't outmatch everyone in endurance, but i know that I can match most, if not all in determination. So that i wouldn't rely solely on endurance, I'm working on my abs and I'm here at your mercy for you to teach me how to use the abs that I currently have to their full potential... Grhhh! So, can we skip to that?

Yoko still continued to try and rub herself against Nachi but felt like her abs were electrifyingly sensitive... Each time she rubbed herself against Nachi, or when Nachi grated her through her abs, Yoko felt as if she was zapped every single time, letting out loud cries of pain.
Gghhhrraaaaah! What? Really? I can't tell since I'm so deep into your abs I don't even know what's going on... And your abs are so deep into my stomach that i'm no longer sure which abs are yours and which abs are mine...
Sloth's Harem

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