Tania hummed her entrance theme while she walked into the gym, for her morning work out. While it had been a while since her last match on LAW, one where management decided to pit her against her estranged sister, the Gaelic gal had to stay in shape for whenever they put her on the card again. Actually, now that she thought back on that, maybe she hadn't been scheduled because of her flip flopping during that match.
Well, it was what it was. Tania hadn't seen Ibuki since that match, which she wasn't sure if that was good or bad. Meant less on her mind, and possibly another horrible beating, but bad for her little sister's mental state.
The lass quickly shook her head, slapping her cheeks. She couldn't let her thoughts turn to anything like that. Everything would work itself out, it had to. Tania just needed to work out and get her mind off it for a bit.
Sticking an earpod in and setting her water bottle and towel she brought beside her, standing before a punching bag. After putting on her custom playlist of action movie sound tracks, the slap of leather on leather resounded throughout the presumably empty gym. Rhythmically it sounded out, following the beat of whatever song played in her ear.
Tania was completely oblivious to her sister, who had been in the gym before the older girl.