The New Cadet for the Cadet (for Mysterdio)

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The New Cadet for the Cadet (for Mysterdio)

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Caroline Arthur
Japan was very different than anywhere else Caroline had been and her first few days were mainly just exploring the city. Fish was more of a main delicacy here and the country embraced its more obscure forms of media like anime when something like that would be reserved for more niche stores back in the States. Caroline never really got to experience much of this stuff growing up or when up in a shuttle. It was usually just a few of her fellow cadets that kept her company and going out every so often collecting space rock samples to analyze in their mini-lab or making repairs to their ship. She really missed those days, but space never felt the same since her parents died.

Caroline’s gloves connected with the red sand bag as she hopped around huffing hitting multiple jabs at her targets. Caroline had done this a majority of the time when it related to her job. She also sparred with other coaches like Holly and Brook just so she can keep herself going with other students. Caroline wiped a chain of sweat off her face hopping around imagining herself in another bout trying to scope out her imaginary opponent for any weaknesses.
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Re: The New Cadet for the Cadet (for Mysterdio)

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Exiting the locker room in her seldom worn yellow sports bra, Nanami Yamashita was at last back at training. The amateur fighter had to admit she had been slacking lately, feeling pretty lacking in her confidence as a fighter. However, her sisters (minus Natsuki) and her loving mom wanted nothing more than for Nanami to continue to grow stronger, so who was she to disappoint?

The foxy boxer figured she would simply pound away at the sandbags for a while, figuring it would be a good test of her speed and precision. Approaching the bags, Nanami couldn't help but take note of an incredibly muscular ravenette sporting blue gloves. Her precision and speed were a marvel to the eyes. Every fiber of Nanami's being was screaming at her to say something to the clearly skilled boxer, but she lacked the nerve. Instead, the determined boxer simply began punching the bag next to Caroline, subconsciously doing a little worse than usual, in the hope she would get the muscular woman's intention
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Re: The New Cadet for the Cadet (for Mysterdio)

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Caroline was in her own world punching at certain spots on the sandbag making it shake with every thud that came into it. She hadn’t noticed Nanami making her way over and start training herself on the bag. Caroline batted a side eye at the newcomer, but resumed her own workout working a good left-right-left combo into her arsenal and she wiped sweat off her forehead. She heard Nanami grunting beside her and it sounded like a struggle was brewing as Caroline looked to her right seeing Nanami doing a little worse for wear. Caroline raised an eyebrow and stooped her sandbag to address Nanami.

Uh….don't worry, sweetie. I don’t think the sandbag is going to be fighting back anytime soon. Do you have a proper form to go with? You look all over the place.
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Re: The New Cadet for the Cadet (for Mysterdio)

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The whole time that Nanami was working the bag, she listened out for the sound of Caroline's blows next to her. Each punch connected with thunderous impact. Caroline was amazing. Soon enough, though, the sound of her punches came to a stop, Nanami continued to punch her own sandbag, but it was tough to resist the urge to turn towards the most experienced boxer.

Just as the tough young lioness began to turn her head, she was startled by the sight of Caroline's gloved hand stopping the sway of the sandbag. Turning to the older woman with a gleam in her eye, Nanami felt a little embarrassed by what Caroline said, but she seemed nice overall. "Oh, uh, yes, I'm still in training and I'm particularly rusty at the moment. I appreciate your input, though, Ms." Turning back to the bag, Nanami refocused herself, doing just a bit better than she was previously. "That's probably about my best. I'm Nanami, by the way."
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Re: The New Cadet for the Cadet (for Mysterdio)

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Nanami was showing her best shots and combos that she had in her arsenal as the former astronaut nodded to herself placing a glove on her hip. Nanami wasn’t too bad so to speak, but being a rookie in a wrestling company probably had her switching constantly instead of staying in one sport. It was also quite the transition from her NASA days to the boxing ones, but Caroline had lots of experience under her belt to call back on so it was easier for her to stay adaptive. She got behind Nanami grabbing her by the shoulders ready to teach her.

Let’s try this. Imagine a random opponent in front of you and pretend they are the bag. Know their weaknesses and strike there. It will help with strategy and memorization,” Caroline began.
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Re: The New Cadet for the Cadet (for Mysterdio)

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Gauging Caroline's reaction, it was safe to say she wasn't exactly impressed, but she didn't look disappointed either. Nanami was unsure what to think or say, when the astronaut grabbed her shoulders. The younger girl jumped a little before, concentrating on what Caroline said. Picture an opponent? OK, shouldn't be too hard. Picturing her jerk of a sister, Nanami jabbed right above the "eyes" 3 times before delivering a more powerful right. Immediately, a change was noticed by Nanami, thankful for the advice. "W-whoa, I-....Thank you so much, Ms...?"
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Re: The New Cadet for the Cadet (for Mysterdio)

Unread post by Pegasus »

Carol saw Nanami adjust herself and concentrate on the bag throwing a bit more precision in her punches. Carol nodded in satisfaction grateful that this young upstart took her advice. It always helped to picture who you might be fighting otherwise you can just punch the bag and claim to be a boxer. It wouldn’t make anyone prepared if they had that latter mindset just because they probably get clobbered from not knowing where to aim or not studying their opponents. It also helped to brush up on the research of their opponents and watching their fights, but that more comes on a case-by-case basis depending on the fight.

My name is Carol Arthur. Retired astronaut and leading pilot of the spacecraft, Astro 19. Former satellite construction worker and tech expert and former commanding officer for the New Legion cadets! Oh….uh….sorry, got brushed back to my days at the academy. Still not used to retirement from being up in space,” Carol greeted with a motherly laugh at her formalities.
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Re: The New Cadet for the Cadet (for Mysterdio)

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The more precise and powerful blows that had been brought out of Nanami by Caroline's advice left Nanami stunned. Holding her fists in front of herself, the young lioness' mouth was agape in amazement at just what Carol's advice had done for her. Listening intently to the astronaut's introduction, Nanami's eyes were wide with amazing. As Carol laughed to herself, Nanami knew she had to ask this woman for training, though, what she wanted to say was, "Will you adopt me?" "Wow. That's incredible. Um, Ms Arthur, I have to ask if you could be my mentor! I'm still just a young lioness and you're amazing."
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