Jackal in the Snow

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Re: Jackal in the Snow

Unread post by deezcastforms »

Ivy felt like she was Her Royal Highness of Planet Earth after she successfully made Jackal Tojo tap. But the Brit was still a refined woman, she wouldn't physically taunt the blonde by extending the choke, putting her foot in Jackal's face, stepping on her, or anything else like that. But as Ivy let go, Jackal would be able to see the shorter woman's head tilt down as a pair of incredibly satisfied eyes looked back at her, while a widening grin stretched across her pale face.

"Tell me, Jackal," Ivy said as she stood up. For while she was above physically rubbing in her victory, she was more than happy to enjoy it verbally. "Ivy Aster was not a name known to you before we met, yes?" she asked. "As far as you were concerned, I was just another wrestler at the gym. A sparring partner you could get your basic live practice in against, maybe try a new thing or two against without much risk of getting punished if it didn't work out."

"Well you know who I am now, and I'll ask that you make sure to remember," continued Ivy. "However, pleased as i may be right now, I am neither arrogant nor ignorant enough to believe that I could make you tap out in such fashion if you were truly competing," said the Brit as she re-entered her wrestling stance. "So as we continue, I insist you think of me not as a prizefighter's sparring fodder. But as an opponent who is coming for you, because that is exactly what I am doing."
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