At the same time, she lifted the barbell up, and then gently lowered it down, placing it on her ample chest for a few seconds of rest. Yes, it was a bench press, and at the moment Astrid was working with her classic weight limit, namely ninety-five kilograms. Gritting her teeth, the blonde exhaled all the air from her lungs, and then pushed the barbell up.
“Eleven...” sounded through clenched teeth.
When she lowered the barbell down, her arms trembled treacherously. If she had taken five kilograms less, she would have completed this exercise without any problems. But right now, sweat was streaming down her body, and her face was red from tension. The reason for this was that the Norwegian woman started all this not just to keep fit, but to become stronger than she was. Therefore, she had no way back. She clearly saw her goal in front of her and therefore she intended to go only forward.
“Twelve!” She growled, pushing the barbell up with trembling arms.
Astrid Arvidsson
Shifting her arms slightly back, she placed the barbell on the locking platform, after which she allowed herself a few deep breaths. At some point, it seemed to her that she would not be able to finish this set because her arms hurt more than ever. However, when she took a sitting position, a wide smile appeared on her lips. The pain in her muscles means that she did everything right.
“A break...” she muttered to herself.
Getting to her feet, she took her towel and wiped the sweat first from her face, then from her neck and arms. Despite the fact that she spent a lot of time at the gym, it wasn't every day that her workouts were so intense. Astrid went to the nearest window and picked up a bottle of water from the windowsill. After taking a few sips, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked around the gym.
It was the main gym located on the second floor in the LAW headquarters. Here and there she saw fighters who had free access to this place. She even knew some of them by sight, but most of them were strangers to her. Perhaps she should visit this place more often, because she usually preferred to train at Charlotte's school, on days when this was not possible, she preferred the small gym on the third floor because there was almost never anyone there. Yes, she was no longer the lone wolf she was at the beginning of her career, but she usually preferred to train alone.
So why was she here today instead of on the third floor? No specific reason. She was just in a good mood and therefore saw no reason to avoid other people today. After another sip of water, Astrid glanced at her watch, she still had thirty minutes before the end of her workout, and so the blonde wondered what exactly she should spend that time on. Maybe she should work with a punching bag to practice her quick maneuvers.