Maximum Gains? An Intense Workout Session at "The Goddess Gym"

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Maximum Gains? An Intense Workout Session at "The Goddess Gym"

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It was 5:00 a.m. on a Saturday, and everything seemed calm and quiet. Most people were relaxing and taking the time to enjoy rest after a long week of work. Finally, they were getting to sleep in and recover. Most were in bed at this time, all except one person who was sleeping until...

"HUuU.. UUaaHH.. wuuht?!"

E'isa scrambling around confused would try to reach over wanting to hit the alarm but would miss and fall out the bed face-first into the floor!


Rubbing her forehead and nose as she landed right on them. Trying to rub away the pain.

"rrrRrrr! Man.. WTF!"

Visibly annoyed as she'd tap the screen what felt like 10 times before the alarm shut off. Sitting legs crossed on the floor as she finally got to gather herself.

"Stupid phone man.. I need to update.. Shit is so wonky.. It's gotta be broken or something.."

(She set up the alarm for Saturday morning)

Finally starting to wake up, she remembered that she needed to hit the gym and continue working. Being on tour meant she wasn't at home. So she checked her phone to find the best local gyms and came across "The Goddess Gym," run by Garlim which had a training session scheduled for that very morning.

"OHH! I'd be down for that lemme get ready!"

E'isa filled out the application online and signed up for the session. After changing into her usual casual attire, she grabbed a fruit smoothie and a change of clothes. She then headed to her car and made her way to the gym. Upon arrival, she checked in at the reception desk before going to the locker room to change.

"Woww this place is nice, this really is a gym made for a goddess or goddess in training haha"

She would change and then do some light stretches before heading out for a cardio workout. She enjoyed using the treadmills and bikes, always making sure to include a section where she would focus on increasing the incline, really trying to work up a sweat. Once she felt her blood flowing, she would prepare to start her lifting session. E'isa taking a moment near the weights to get a deep breath in anticipation of the workout ahead.

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Re: Maximum Gains? An Intense Workout Session at "The Goddess Gym"

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Asked the blonde goddess incredulously, apparently she had been suggested to do a secion event through her networks to promote her gym. The truth was that advertising wasn't her forte at all, and she didn't have the means to hire agents to do her the favor, but one of her friends supported her with this.

After publishing the ad and organizing the online registrations, the gym added up to a grand total of... A subscription. Well, it was better than nothing knowing that she hadn't invested in advertising.

When Garlim enters the gym, E'isa is already there, stretching and warming up for the training session. While the normal thing to do would be to simply walk up and say hello, it seemed that E'isa was focused on a routine she seemed familiar with. Garlim turns to look at her, a confident smile on her face as she looks E'isa up and down.

("Wide hips, pronounced and firm bust, well defined abs. No doubt this is a professional fighter, judging by her simple routine, it looks like she's just looking to stay in shape. Maybe she's going on a trip soon.") She said to herself as she analyzed her new client, until she decided to approach the girl.

“Well, well, what do we have here, another eager soul looking to get stronger?” she said with a chuckle. “What brings you to my gym today?”

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Re: Maximum Gains? An Intense Workout Session at "The Goddess Gym"

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E'isa heard a voice and turned to see a strong, beautiful woman standing before her. The woman inquired about E'isa reason for visiting. After taking a moment to look her up and down, E'isa recognized her as Garlim.

“Ooh, wow! You must be Garlim! You look amazing! Hello!”

E'isa stepped away from the weights to get closer to Garlim, eager to give her a proper introduction. She wanted to ensure that she expressed her gratitude and showed proper respect. Extending her hand for a handshake, she hoped that Garlim would accept.

"I'm E'isa. It is a pleasure to be here. I’m currently visiting from out of town and came to get in some workouts before hitting the road again. Thank you for having me this morning!"

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Re: Maximum Gains? An Intense Workout Session at "The Goddess Gym"

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Garlim smirks as he sees E'isa approaching her. The blonde goddess takes a step closer, towering over her with an air of confidence.

She takes E'isa's hand and shakes it firmly and confidently. A playful smile spreads across her face as she answers. "Well, hello, E'isa. It's always a pleasure to meet someone as enthusiastic about fitness as I am." Garlim glances at the clock on the wall and then back at E'isa.

Apparently there was more than enough time, E'isa seemed like quite the flexible wrestler. So a pilates session today might sound appealing, but she had to corroborate it first. "Alright, first of all as a formality I need to measure you on the meter, weight, measurements and so on to determine your training for today. Follow me." She said before they headed to the weight measuring machine.

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Re: Maximum Gains? An Intense Workout Session at "The Goddess Gym"

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E'isa would have her gesture returned by Garlim. As she'd accept the hand and shook it firmly. E'isa smiling as she had felt welcome to the gym. Looking at Garlim's flowing hair, and attire. As even though they were getting ready to workout she looked amazing! Looking up and down once more to get a closeup view of her.

The Latina heard Garlim's words and took them as a compliment. She was always excited about making progress, so her words were the best compliment an athlete like her could receive. She smiled from ear to ear.

"Woww thank you Garlim, you're too kind hehe.."

Upon hearing that she would need to get her measurements and weight checked, E'isa followed Garlim to the location where she would be assessed and learn about the next steps.

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Re: Maximum Gains? An Intense Workout Session at "The Goddess Gym"

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E'isa in a way reminded him of Ambre Brault, she had that air of overcoming and even the same tone. The blonde goddess still can't forget that she was defeated by her in almost every aspect during their encounter, so involuntarily a hint of curiosity arose inside her to see how strong she is.

But Garlim remained professional and simply focused on making her feel comfortable, as she was the only subscriber this month and she didn't want to bother her with these matters. As soon as E'isa stood on the meter, Garlim moved the meter to the base point. “78 kg. hey, you're pure muscle eh?” Garlim said with a confident chuckle, maybe the only soft part of E'isa's body would be her bust and butt.

After that Garlim stood right in front of E'isa to measure her size, their breaths mingling because of how close they were to each other. The Dutch woman stared, her height of six feet tall became more noticeable, as they stood face to face Garlim being a little bigger than E'isa, could afford to look down at her. And the truth was that she looked even more adorable from this perspective.

She ran the tape slowly around her hips to measure her proportions. “Hips... 83 cm” he gently slid the tape down to her waist ”Waist.... 54 cm” and finally proceeded to slide the tape down to her bust. “Bust... 83 cm” E'isa has enviable physique no doubt, she had the same measurements as Garlim when she debuted in the UFC. Now it didn't surprise him at all that she had just jumped right into her routine without going through the protocol, maintaining a body like that requires a lot of perseverance.

“You're actually in pretty good shape, I can't say I'm not surprised.” Garlim said with a chuckle. “But if what you need is to warm up a bit, I recommend we start with some stretching or a pilates session.” The blonde goddess lightly pats E'isa's thigh to give him a preview of what she's referring to.

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Re: Maximum Gains? An Intense Workout Session at "The Goddess Gym"

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Taking her measurements, E'isa would listen closely to what was being said about her currently. Garlim would compliment her structure and overall figure. E'isa would try not to blush, but compliments meant a lot to her. She had been raised in a rough environment, having to fight for everything.. her food, her respect, and even a place to sleep at times. Her past had shaped her into a cold individual who barely opened up, let alone trusted others.

Those compliments meant so much to her, though she wouldn't openly admit it. She still felt like she had a long way to go, and her peak still seemed a ways off. But the compliments did a lot to reassure her that she was on her way there.

"You're so nice.. Is this how you talk to everyone?"

Then, after hearing about the stretching and pilates, E'isa would pause, wondering what she meant and which stretches. E'isa was very flexible and had always been since she was young. But stretching with someone new? She began to get nervous..

"Ummm... You.. And Me? What kinda stretches?"

Then Garlim would lightly pat her thighs causing her to jump!

"OHHHH!? I MEAN.. COUGH! continue.."

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Re: Maximum Gains? An Intense Workout Session at "The Goddess Gym"

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Garlim laughs a little at E'isa's question "If I talk like that to everyone? You wish, I only talk like that to my kind customers. And truth be told you remind me of someone I'd like to squeeze." Her smile would only get bigger and more playful as she saw E'isa startle, it made her think how much fun it would be to get on her nerves. "Hm..." Garlim walks at a slow pace towards a mat in front of some mirrors, a perfect place to do yoga stretches.

"Alright, how about you start with something simple to get you into the swing of things. How about relaxing a little bit? First put your hands together behind your head, I'll use my lever arms to stretch you out a bit." Garlim was referring to a basic back massage, E'isa's startle perhaps indicating that she was a bit tense. That was definitely not something Garlim would allow, her client had to leave feeling like a champion.

Once he brought their hands together, Garlim would gently bring her arms against E'isa's and stretch her back to relieve some of the tension in her back. Slowly to make sure not to strain her biceps too much, although in the position they would be in, the blonde goddess' bust would probably be resting gently against E'isa's back.
Last edited by APlaying on Tue Jan 07, 2025 9:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Maximum Gains? An Intense Workout Session at "The Goddess Gym"

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E'isa was trying to maintain her composure and stay professional. She had faith in Garlim. With her experience working with athletes, as well as being one herself, she must be good at this.. right?

As she followed Garlim toward the mat, E'isa focused on keeping her cool and maintaining positive thoughts. She needed to get the reps in and loosen up. Besides, Garlim was very beautiful and seemed genuinely nice. Nothing bad would happen, she reassured herself.

When they got to the mat, Garlim began explaining the first stretch. E'isa trusting her, placed her hands together behind her head. The Latina still feeling a bit tense and anxious about stretching with someone new. Suddenly, she felt Garlim's arms touching hers from behind, which made her nervous. She contemplated breaking away from Garlim or even flipping her over. Many thoughts raced through her mind, but then she remembered how kind and genuine Garlim was, and she settled down.

Trusting Garlim she felt her back being stretched feeling a POP as she gasped in shock before feeling relief. The strain in her back felt like it was starting to disappear as she'd then feel Garlim's bust pressing on her back. Garlim stretched her a bit more as E'isa felt the Blonde Goddesses' chest and arms pressuring her. Letting out another gasp of relief. Feeling a bit embarrassed about the sounds she was making, but the pain leaving her body felt so nice.

"ummm.. wowww.. that really helped a lot.."

E'isa visibly blushed, trusting someone for the first time in a while. She felt that Garlim genuinely wanted to help her, not hurt her. After that stretch, she took a moment to look back at Garlim and smiled.

"Thank you beautiful.. I'm feeling better already"

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Re: Maximum Gains? An Intense Workout Session at "The Goddess Gym"

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As soon as E'isa's back stretched a little and crackled with a satisfying sound, it indicated that the girl was indeed tense. Perhaps she hadn't slept well added to the stress of the trip, though it was nothing a good stretch wouldn't fix, Garlim was glad he had attended to it in time as it's not a very good idea to exercise with stress on top of it. "Heh, you need to stretch often, stress and exercise are a bad combination. You could get a hernia or pull one of your muscles." Garlim began to massage E'isa's shoulders with light intensity to release the tensions in her shoulders, looking to get her to relax a bit.

Garlim gently and firmly squeezed the edges of the neck and slid his hands to around E'isa's shoulders pressing well before distancing himself a bit. "Very good, now you just need to lie down to stretch your legs." Garlim sat on his knees as he waited for E'isa to lie down. The exercise is simple, she should just bring one of her legs up and Garlim would help her stretch her leg gently until her knee reached shoulder height. Similar to a pinfall hooked position, but with therapeutic purpose. "Are you ready?"

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