Genevieve’s training: Lesson 3 - Promos

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Re: Genevieve’s training: Lesson 3 - Promos

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Genevieve jumped for joy as her mentor ran into the ring and gave her a hug. She was proud of herself for that promo as she couldn’t contain her excitement; and her French for that matter

Genevieve: « Oh, je suis tellement content d’avoir réussi cette promo. C'était comme par magie, comme si c'était la première fois que je parlais un anglais parfait. J’avais l’impression de parler anglais quand j’étais petite, c’est devenu si naturel. Pensez-vous que j’ai ce qu’il faut pour faire partie de la liste principale ? (“Oh I’m so glad I nailed that promo. It felt like magic, like this was the first time I spoke perfect English. It felt like I’ve been speaking English when I was just a little girl, it came so natural. You think I have what it takes to be part of the main roster?”)
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Sigma Morgan
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Re: Genevieve’s training: Lesson 3 - Promos

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Her students uncontainable excitement and happiness made Lexi extremely happy as she smiled and listened to Genevieve talking and then heard her question about her on the main roster. "Avec un peu plus de travail et de pratique, vous serez" (With some more work and practice you will be) Lexi said before giving Genevieve another hug and a playful rub on the top of her head.


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Re: Genevieve’s training: Lesson 3 - Promos

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Genevieve continued to hug Lexi as she hopped in excitement. She then looked around the gym.

“Yow dink uhneuhe heuhrd me?”

Genevieve wanted to know if anyone else heard her promo and was also impressed by it. Even if she was told not to worry about what other people think, she did worry about if they’ll be able to understand her.
Last edited by ReneeCockyUndercard on Sun Sep 17, 2023 3:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Genevieve’s training: Lesson 3 - Promos

Unread post by Sigma Morgan »

Lexi smiled and looked around the gym. "Well if they did, they heard an amazing promo, if they didn't oh well it's there loss" Lexi said with a chuckle taking a step back from Genevieve. "Was that all you wanted to do today?" Lexi asked wondering if Genevieve was done for the day or if she needed or wanted anything else.


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Re: Genevieve’s training: Lesson 3 - Promos

Unread post by ReneeCockyUndercard »

Genevieve nodded. She just wanted to test out some promos she drew up and see which one fitted her role the most. In the end, Genevieve acting like herself in the promo was the best take she could give.

Genevieve would roll out of the ring with Lexi and they both made their way towards the exit. On their way, Genevieve asked about the classic dinner of Chinese food, to which Lexi turned down instantly before they both started laughing.

Renee’s Undercarders

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