The Egyptian had driven about of dozen punches into Janet's stomach by the time she was finally finished, letting out a gasp when she broke the kiss and came up for air. "Well, you ARE a feisty little minsk, aren't you?" Nha chuckled, locking eyes with the no doubt flustered fighter. Idly, she would run the hand that had been hammering Janet along the woman's bare and battered abs, gently brushing her fingertips across it. "And so sturdy too! You must be able to take quite a bit of punishment." Nha would flash her signature arrogant smile at Janet. "Let's test that, shall we?"
The blue twin would then take a few steps back from Janet, freeing her from the intimate pin against the cage, but only temporarily. Nha would attempt to raise one of her legs high and shoot it out against Janet's throat, aiming to choke Janet against the cage with her foot! Balancing on one leg while displaying impressive flexibility with the other, Nha would attempt to use the foot choking Janet to lift her further upward against the cage until she was forced onto her tippy toes. And perhaps even beyond that!