Now, Ember tried to avoid being the one to throw the first punch when it came to any confrontation, but neither would the shorty stand by and do nothing while she was verbally abused. Ember had given Nathalie every opportunity to leave her alone and still the French woman continued to insult her. It was only when all other options had failed and the final straw had been reached that Ember knew she would have to physically do away with this nasty woman to get her to back off; an idea she would put into motion immediately by grabbing Nathalie by her bra straps and flipping her head over heels to the mats in a perfectly executed monkey flip. Despite her smaller size, Ember sent the taller woman sailing through the air before landing with a definite crash.
Rolling back to her feet after pulling off the throw, Ember turned to see that Nathalie lay there completely flat on her back where she had landed. For a moment, Ember both thought (and hoped) that would be the end of it. That the loud mouth would lay where she was, take this as the lesson it was meant to be, and let Ember get back to her training. Sadly, that was not to be the case. After a few seconds had passed, Ember watched as Nathalie sprang to her feet in a fury, rounding on the shorty with anger in her eyes before marching her way in Ember's direction.
"I'm not the one who started this fight, lady!" Ember shot back at Nathalie's indignant remarks. True, Ember had been the first one to initiate physical retaliation, but as far as she was concerned this fight had begun with Nathalie's nasty attitude and unreasonable need to get her way. If it was to be that way, Ember might as well have let her actions do the talking. Now the French beauty seemed to be storming her way towards Ember with the same idea in mind, lashing out with a slap as soon as she close enough. It was petty, sloppy.....and easy to counter.
As Nathalie's arm arched her way, Ember would suddenly spring into action again. She would reach out to grab the arm before it could connect with her face, then pivot her feet so she ended her back to Nathalie. Using the momentum of the taller woman's own attack against her, Ember would attempt to flip Nathalie yet again, this time making use of her wide hips to yank the woman off her feet and send her sailing down to the mat yet again, where she would land back first in front of Ember in a masterfully executed hip toss!
Don't Mess with a Girl who's got Instagram!
- Darius 2.0
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Re: Don't Mess with a Girl who's got Instagram!
Every woman who had this reaction to Nathalie's establishing a proper hierarchy in past locker rooms would already have sported a freshly forming black eye or sore jaw a second after they made their mistake. Anger made most muscleheaded fools - and muscleheaded fools most often retaliated - sloppy, easy targets for Nat to floor them as easily as she could the weighted dummy. But Ember was neither a musclehead and not a coward like most of the backstage bimbos of her stature. For a woman who prided herself on having everyone figured out and working one step ahead, Ember not fitting into her molds drove Nat forward with all the menace her pretty face could muster.
The bitch having thrown her tripled her fury.
She still thought a nice, insulting slap to the face would tame this one no matter how bold she proved to be. "No, you did, you sweaty little-"[/i] The Sapphire Stunner paused to swing. "-dummy ho-" This time, she paused because Ember grabbed her arm and yanked hard enough to send Nat's lithe figured flipping over her smaller one, legs flying through the air, in what anyone would recognize as a flawless hip toss. Nat's gripe was a quiet squeak again before she hit the mat, and the power behind the move made it impossible for her to hold in the groan. It jarred her to the bone.
"Putain de merde...", she muttered under her breath so quietly even Ember could not hear it. As the Belgian tried as subtly as possible to nurse her aching torso with a hand so no one could see and tilted her eyes up faintly to the rest of the room to judge what others had witnessed. At least two more people were looking now. Nat cursed quietly in French again. This would not stand.
Ignoring pain by way of her boiling anger, she rolled over and this time just tried to kick Ember in the shin with her so close. "Stop your shit!"
The bitch having thrown her tripled her fury.
She still thought a nice, insulting slap to the face would tame this one no matter how bold she proved to be. "No, you did, you sweaty little-"[/i] The Sapphire Stunner paused to swing. "-dummy ho-" This time, she paused because Ember grabbed her arm and yanked hard enough to send Nat's lithe figured flipping over her smaller one, legs flying through the air, in what anyone would recognize as a flawless hip toss. Nat's gripe was a quiet squeak again before she hit the mat, and the power behind the move made it impossible for her to hold in the groan. It jarred her to the bone.
"Putain de merde...", she muttered under her breath so quietly even Ember could not hear it. As the Belgian tried as subtly as possible to nurse her aching torso with a hand so no one could see and tilted her eyes up faintly to the rest of the room to judge what others had witnessed. At least two more people were looking now. Nat cursed quietly in French again. This would not stand.
Ignoring pain by way of her boiling anger, she rolled over and this time just tried to kick Ember in the shin with her so close. "Stop your shit!"
- Darius 2.0
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Re: Don't Mess with a Girl who's got Instagram!
Ember was no stranger to dealing with women like Nathalie, having encountered plenty of them growing up. They were loud mouthed, insecure, spoiled brats who needed to belittle others in order to feel good about themselves. Being the short, stout, thick-bottomed girl that she was, Ember often found herself an easy target for such people. She learned long ago that most of them backed off once you showed an unwillingness to back down to their insults. But while that applied to most of the trolls, Ember found that certain others wouldn't stop until she was forced to give them a good thrashing. The shorty had determined that Nathalie fell into the later category after coming at her with that slap. Fortunately, much like the bullies of her past, Ember was able to easily counter that clumsy blow and turn it into her efficient judo throw!
Sending Nathalie slamming against the mats with a satisfying 'thump', Ember released the breath she had been holding in a relieved sigh. Now looming over the downed woman, Ember watched as she lay groaning on the ground, unable to help but feel a little bit of satisfaction at the sight. The impact of the throw had drawn a few eyes but thankfully the gym remained mostly empty. It was just as well for Ember. The less people who saw this stupid interaction the better.
"So are we done here?" Ember asked down at Natalie in tone that suggested that she was just about fed up with the Belgian. "Cause I don't have time to keep putting you on your ass! So back off or-" Unfortunately, Ember's stern warning was cut off when Nathalie lashed out at her shin with her foot, hissing a nasty response in the process. Ember yelped in pain, the kick having enough force behind it that it knocked her leg out from under her, sending the shorty down to one knee on the mat! Now both women were off their feet, and as Ember fixed her furious gaze on Nathalie it would reveal that both women were sufficiently angry as well!
"Okay, that's it!" Ember growled before she would suddenly leap from her kneeling position on the mat to launch herself where Nathalie now lay! The big-bottomed gal would careen herself at the Belgian with the intention of landing on top off her, momentarily squashing her underneath her not insignificant weight before she would begin to fight for position! No doubt Nathalie would fight against this, but Ember was a highly skilled mat wrestler, and she would put those skills to use by attempting to wrap those thick legs of hers around the Belgian's slim waist before she could escape!
Sending Nathalie slamming against the mats with a satisfying 'thump', Ember released the breath she had been holding in a relieved sigh. Now looming over the downed woman, Ember watched as she lay groaning on the ground, unable to help but feel a little bit of satisfaction at the sight. The impact of the throw had drawn a few eyes but thankfully the gym remained mostly empty. It was just as well for Ember. The less people who saw this stupid interaction the better.
"So are we done here?" Ember asked down at Natalie in tone that suggested that she was just about fed up with the Belgian. "Cause I don't have time to keep putting you on your ass! So back off or-" Unfortunately, Ember's stern warning was cut off when Nathalie lashed out at her shin with her foot, hissing a nasty response in the process. Ember yelped in pain, the kick having enough force behind it that it knocked her leg out from under her, sending the shorty down to one knee on the mat! Now both women were off their feet, and as Ember fixed her furious gaze on Nathalie it would reveal that both women were sufficiently angry as well!
"Okay, that's it!" Ember growled before she would suddenly leap from her kneeling position on the mat to launch herself where Nathalie now lay! The big-bottomed gal would careen herself at the Belgian with the intention of landing on top off her, momentarily squashing her underneath her not insignificant weight before she would begin to fight for position! No doubt Nathalie would fight against this, but Ember was a highly skilled mat wrestler, and she would put those skills to use by attempting to wrap those thick legs of hers around the Belgian's slim waist before she could escape!
- Winter
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Re: Don't Mess with a Girl who's got Instagram!
Finally getting her chance to interrupt Ember mid-sentence, Nat took it eagerly, and with a satisfied and intense glimmer in her eye, she watched the shorter, plumper woman tumble onto the mat. Only the throbbing ache of Ember's tossing her twice took away from the tiny victory. Nat hid a grimace as she held her hip, but her deep desire to get back at Ember outweighed any amount of pain she felt. She started to lean toward the violet-haired annoyance, still jabbing with the same finger as she snipped at her. "Look, now you're on your ass."
More would have poured from her lips - something about how she probably didn't notice with such a fat ass - but the sight of Ember pouncing on her interrupted her thinking. Nat tried to strike out at her with an elbow, but as effectively as a bowling ball into pins, Ember smacked into and toppled the Belgian onto her back as she had started.
This time, feeling Ember's weight pressing down atop her, Nat needed no time to recover, and she brought her hands up to try and grab the smaller woman around- something. She did not particularly care - she only wanted to roll her off and be the one on top in what had turned into a tussle on the ground. Nat tried to lean up, too, but Ember on her midriff felt too heavy for her to merely push up and free herself. So, she stuck to grasping with her hands, and Nat was confident that for a second her hand cupped around Ember's cheeks and jawline.
Then she felt the squat wrestler's legs tuck snugly around her midsection, and that became her more immediate concern. Both of her hands lowered to Ember's thighs, but instead of slapping against what she had imagined to be soft, squishy flesh given Ember's build, her hands smacked against muscles.
A second later, she realized she could not budge as the pair of gams closed in around her bare stomach, holding her in place so well that even wriggling proved difficult. "Get... get... off!"
More would have poured from her lips - something about how she probably didn't notice with such a fat ass - but the sight of Ember pouncing on her interrupted her thinking. Nat tried to strike out at her with an elbow, but as effectively as a bowling ball into pins, Ember smacked into and toppled the Belgian onto her back as she had started.
This time, feeling Ember's weight pressing down atop her, Nat needed no time to recover, and she brought her hands up to try and grab the smaller woman around- something. She did not particularly care - she only wanted to roll her off and be the one on top in what had turned into a tussle on the ground. Nat tried to lean up, too, but Ember on her midriff felt too heavy for her to merely push up and free herself. So, she stuck to grasping with her hands, and Nat was confident that for a second her hand cupped around Ember's cheeks and jawline.
Then she felt the squat wrestler's legs tuck snugly around her midsection, and that became her more immediate concern. Both of her hands lowered to Ember's thighs, but instead of slapping against what she had imagined to be soft, squishy flesh given Ember's build, her hands smacked against muscles.
A second later, she realized she could not budge as the pair of gams closed in around her bare stomach, holding her in place so well that even wriggling proved difficult. "Get... get... off!"
- Darius 2.0
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Re: Don't Mess with a Girl who's got Instagram!
If Nathalie had come into the gym a few minutes earlier, she would have seen Ember going to town on that training dummy with exceptional groundwork, and might have even thought twice about getting in Ember's business. Because if there was one thing Ember excelled at, it was grappling. While some would see being short as a weakness, Ember turned it into a strength. Her low center of gravity gave her an advantage when it came to grappling, especially when combined with her thick and fit body. SHe wouldn't be piledriving heavyweights anytime soon, but if she could get them on the mat they were all hers.
Now the Belgian would get to experience the violet-haired shorty's skills first hand! Landing on top of Nathalie after lunging at her, Ember would immediately try to achieve a favorable position over the nasty woman. Nathalie, of course, tried to fight her off, but her attempts were sloppy and uncoordinated; more akin to desperate flailing. It became clear that either the Belgian had no idea what she was doing or she was completely thrown off by Ember throwing herself at her as she did. Either way, it allowed violet-haired shorty to wrap her legs around Nathalie's waist.
"Oh no, you wanted this, now you got it!" Ember growled back at the taller woman. During the brief struggle, Ember would manage to get one leg under her foe and the other across her stomach before they locked together at the ankles, trapping her midsection between her thick thighs. Nathalie had taken to trying to pry off her legs, but would find that to be easier said than done, even before Ember had started squeezing! "Ever wondered what it feels like to be a tube of toothpaste?"
It was only after this odd question that Ember would begin to tighten her legs around Nathalie. Straightening her body across the mats, Ember would compress her thighs together, putting an insane squeeze on the body trapped between them. Ember's yoga pants would conform around the muscles that would now stand out in her legs, revealing that their thickness wasn't just due to her curves. Applying a straight bodyscissors across Nathalie's stomach, Ember's legs would continue to tighten around the woman with each passing second, with the shorty gritting her teeth at the effort she was putting in!
Now the Belgian would get to experience the violet-haired shorty's skills first hand! Landing on top of Nathalie after lunging at her, Ember would immediately try to achieve a favorable position over the nasty woman. Nathalie, of course, tried to fight her off, but her attempts were sloppy and uncoordinated; more akin to desperate flailing. It became clear that either the Belgian had no idea what she was doing or she was completely thrown off by Ember throwing herself at her as she did. Either way, it allowed violet-haired shorty to wrap her legs around Nathalie's waist.
"Oh no, you wanted this, now you got it!" Ember growled back at the taller woman. During the brief struggle, Ember would manage to get one leg under her foe and the other across her stomach before they locked together at the ankles, trapping her midsection between her thick thighs. Nathalie had taken to trying to pry off her legs, but would find that to be easier said than done, even before Ember had started squeezing! "Ever wondered what it feels like to be a tube of toothpaste?"
It was only after this odd question that Ember would begin to tighten her legs around Nathalie. Straightening her body across the mats, Ember would compress her thighs together, putting an insane squeeze on the body trapped between them. Ember's yoga pants would conform around the muscles that would now stand out in her legs, revealing that their thickness wasn't just due to her curves. Applying a straight bodyscissors across Nathalie's stomach, Ember's legs would continue to tighten around the woman with each passing second, with the shorty gritting her teeth at the effort she was putting in!
- Winter
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Re: Don't Mess with a Girl who's got Instagram!
"I said... get-"
Nat, smart enough to realize that she couldn't move the thick and surprisingly muscular legs off of her midriff, stopped bothering with them, instead reaching back up toward Ember's chest, neck, and face. The woman was short enough that stretching so far did not prove too much of a struggle. Nat first gripped at Ember's sport top to try and pull on it, thinking she could yank her into position to punch her or maybe pull it so far down that Ember would be exposed and embarrassed. At the same time, she tried to reach over with her other hand and slap Ember straight in the face.
Her hand made it halfway before her words, and her motion, came to a complete stop - because the legs around her midriff started squeezing.
The sound that came from Nat's throat was not a scream - she never betrayed her pain to other women by screaming, no, but this time, she could not have managed a scream even if she had been willing to release it. No, Nat's mouth opened wide, but she let out more of a breathless, nearly soundless heave when both of Ember's legs crushed her midriff flatter than the tiniest corset could manage. Nat froze up, stunned at the power, for several seconds, her lips still parted in shock and agony, before both of her hands clapped down onto Ember's thigh - a thigh that had somehow ballooned even larger.
The panic overwhelmed her for the first few seconds, and Nat gasped repeatedly for breaths that would not come from her compressed belly and slapped at the thigh overlapping her abs. But as the pressure became more and more, she willed herself to try and come up with an answer, while at the same time willing herself not to give into screaming or anything frantic that would embarrass her.
She looked at Ember's feet first - and reached for them. She tried hard to wriggle her fingers in between the ankles that rested beside her, locked, but she could barely wriggle her pinky into the space there. When her failure led to what somehow amounted to more pressure on her stomach, Nat reached her other hand at Ember's arm to try and grab it... mostly to get the woman's attention.
"Okay... f- fine, you get the dummy. Stop wast... wasting my time....", she managed through groans and breaths, trying to hold on and ignore that it felt like Ember could squeeze her out of her skin, much less her clothes.
Nat, smart enough to realize that she couldn't move the thick and surprisingly muscular legs off of her midriff, stopped bothering with them, instead reaching back up toward Ember's chest, neck, and face. The woman was short enough that stretching so far did not prove too much of a struggle. Nat first gripped at Ember's sport top to try and pull on it, thinking she could yank her into position to punch her or maybe pull it so far down that Ember would be exposed and embarrassed. At the same time, she tried to reach over with her other hand and slap Ember straight in the face.
Her hand made it halfway before her words, and her motion, came to a complete stop - because the legs around her midriff started squeezing.
The sound that came from Nat's throat was not a scream - she never betrayed her pain to other women by screaming, no, but this time, she could not have managed a scream even if she had been willing to release it. No, Nat's mouth opened wide, but she let out more of a breathless, nearly soundless heave when both of Ember's legs crushed her midriff flatter than the tiniest corset could manage. Nat froze up, stunned at the power, for several seconds, her lips still parted in shock and agony, before both of her hands clapped down onto Ember's thigh - a thigh that had somehow ballooned even larger.
The panic overwhelmed her for the first few seconds, and Nat gasped repeatedly for breaths that would not come from her compressed belly and slapped at the thigh overlapping her abs. But as the pressure became more and more, she willed herself to try and come up with an answer, while at the same time willing herself not to give into screaming or anything frantic that would embarrass her.
She looked at Ember's feet first - and reached for them. She tried hard to wriggle her fingers in between the ankles that rested beside her, locked, but she could barely wriggle her pinky into the space there. When her failure led to what somehow amounted to more pressure on her stomach, Nat reached her other hand at Ember's arm to try and grab it... mostly to get the woman's attention.
"Okay... f- fine, you get the dummy. Stop wast... wasting my time....", she managed through groans and breaths, trying to hold on and ignore that it felt like Ember could squeeze her out of her skin, much less her clothes.
- Darius 2.0
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Re: Don't Mess with a Girl who's got Instagram!
Ember often got a lot of attention in LAW from fans and fellow wrestlers alike for her short, curvy body. Particularly her plump booty that had smothered out more than a few of her opponents in her time here. It was thanks to that spectacular behind that her other features were often overlooked. For instance, her thick, powerful legs! Her thighs were naturally big on their own, but years of weight training had given her an incredibly strong lower body; something Nathalie was no doubt finding out as Ember scissored her hard around the waist!
Flexing her thighs around the Belgian's midsection, Ember continued to grit her teeth whilst pouring more and more strength into the lock. Having short legs, Ember was afforded plenty of leverage to give Nathalie one hell of a squeeze; another advantage her short stature gave her when it came to grappling. Already she could feel Nathalie's taut stomach muscles caving to the pressure of her bodyscissors. In response, the dark-haired woman slapped at her powerful thigh, but she might as well have been striking at a granite slab at that point.
As the purple-haired shorty threatened to cut the Belgian in half with her legs, she noted with no small degree of satisfaction that Nathalie was having trouble speaking in the face of such a squeeze. Nevertheless, the taller woman managed to squeak out her concession of the training dummy to Ember, though it was somehow still accompanied by that unbearable arrogance. "Gee, thanks," Ember replied sarcastically. "But I think I have a new training dummy now. Nice of you to volunteer!"
With that, Ember would somehow manage to pour even more strength into her legs for one last big squeeze across Nathalie's stomach! Flexing her thighs in one big pulse, Ember compressed Nathalie's body together hard for several uninterrupted seconds with the intention of squeezing the last bit of resistance out of her. Once she was satisfied she had, Ember would end the merciless bodyscissor with a exhausted huff, unlocking her ankles and finally allowing Nathalie to breath properly again.
Panting from the exertion she had put into maintaining that hold, Ember would begin to unwind her legs from around the Belgian's body. Once she had, and assuming Nathalie remained where she lay, Ember would quickly attempt to scramble her way onto her foe's body, seating herself on her chest and pinning her arms down to the mats with her knees. Then she would simply plant her crotch right on top of Nathlie's face, covering her nose and mouth for a humiliating smother attack!
Flexing her thighs around the Belgian's midsection, Ember continued to grit her teeth whilst pouring more and more strength into the lock. Having short legs, Ember was afforded plenty of leverage to give Nathalie one hell of a squeeze; another advantage her short stature gave her when it came to grappling. Already she could feel Nathalie's taut stomach muscles caving to the pressure of her bodyscissors. In response, the dark-haired woman slapped at her powerful thigh, but she might as well have been striking at a granite slab at that point.
As the purple-haired shorty threatened to cut the Belgian in half with her legs, she noted with no small degree of satisfaction that Nathalie was having trouble speaking in the face of such a squeeze. Nevertheless, the taller woman managed to squeak out her concession of the training dummy to Ember, though it was somehow still accompanied by that unbearable arrogance. "Gee, thanks," Ember replied sarcastically. "But I think I have a new training dummy now. Nice of you to volunteer!"
With that, Ember would somehow manage to pour even more strength into her legs for one last big squeeze across Nathalie's stomach! Flexing her thighs in one big pulse, Ember compressed Nathalie's body together hard for several uninterrupted seconds with the intention of squeezing the last bit of resistance out of her. Once she was satisfied she had, Ember would end the merciless bodyscissor with a exhausted huff, unlocking her ankles and finally allowing Nathalie to breath properly again.
Panting from the exertion she had put into maintaining that hold, Ember would begin to unwind her legs from around the Belgian's body. Once she had, and assuming Nathalie remained where she lay, Ember would quickly attempt to scramble her way onto her foe's body, seating herself on her chest and pinning her arms down to the mats with her knees. Then she would simply plant her crotch right on top of Nathlie's face, covering her nose and mouth for a humiliating smother attack!
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