Training with the best

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Re: Training with the best

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Thereisa figured that it was meant to be. She had to tell someone that since her older sister was signed by LAW, that what she did would be leaked out and most of the respect she earned and support she gotten would be gone in a snap. But more of the respect that she has gotten from the younger wrestlers people like Sophia who looks up to her, that is something she doesn't want to lose since the young German reminds her so much of herself during her career.

But seeing that blank look on the woman face.. And even she knows that reality is sinking in that she lost of the respect that Sophia had for her like that.

Feeling her ankle being grabbed and twisted off Sophia chest. Thereisa doesn't say a word seeing the woman that she considers another daughter to her getting up and not saying anything, not even a glance or a look back just nothing at all. But the tone of rejection at hearing the woman saying that the training and their done like that doesn't sit right with her. The young woman doesn't even look her in the eyes before she would look at her like she was everything and now nothing.

Reaching out and grabs the woman by the arm. Thereisa grabs Sophia so that she doesn't leave the gym. "Wait. a small crack starts to appear in the proud woman tone. " There still more I can teach you."

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Re: Training with the best

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Sophia felt Thereisa's hand grasp at her shoulder. Her eyes narrowed and her brow furrowed the moment she felt the contact, listening to the request of Cyber Widow to remain. With a quick twist, Sophia was able to break free of her grasp, before she continued to rotate her body. All at once she felt a great surge of anger building up within her... and regrettably she found herself looking to take it out upon Thereisa. In a deft movement, Sophia was able to line up her body, spinning and rotating, before she landed a thunderous spinning heel kick.

What was unique about it however.. was that it was not her own devastating finishing move that she performed, but rather that of Cyber Widow's herself, managing to land a Stardust Kick to near perfection upon Thereisa. Such was the angle of her fast moving leg, that she was able to catch Thereisa's jaw with her bare heel, throwing thunderous momentum into the strike. The result had Thereisa naturally going down to the mat after being hit with what was her own famous finishing move.

Sophia paused, looking upon what she had done. Her chest rose and fell with strained and angered breaths. Her arms trembled as her hands were clenched into tight fists.
"What can you teach me?!" Sophia shouted out in anger, old emotions beginning to surface that she often concealed but now could not help but let boil over.
"I learned that move by watching Cyber Widow over and over again! My own finisher is based on it!! Now I do not even know if it learned it from you... or from someone else!" Sophia spat out, circling Thereisa as she lay upon the mat.

"I had nothing but respect for you.. I loved you. Even though you have always been the villain I always supported you because I wanted to be a champion like you!! When I was down, you were the one who lifted me up time and time again. In the entire life I have had no one I could rely on... but when I was young I still felt like I could rely on you!! Now I do not know what to even think. I do not know where the lie ends or even begins. You want to teach me?! What can you even offer me at this point? How to lie?... How to cheat?!.. How to pretend?! That is not me. That is not who I am. That is now who I will ever be!" Sophia began to shout out, letting her emotions slowly get the better of her.

"I was better off not knowing. At least I had something to hold onto. Now?... I was better off alone. I've always been better off alone. I... I do not need you or anyone..." Sophia began to whisper, trying to stop her eyes from welling up as she sniffed. She had heard and seen enough... Sophia just wanted to get out of there now. She could feel her breath catching her in chest and turned, looking to get out of the gym and away from Thereisa.

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Re: Training with the best

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Her grip broken, Theresia could only look on thinking that she just lost the chance that she has been wanting to have. Words don't even come out of her mouth as she sees what she considers another daughter to her turning her back and walking away, it just likes before when she lost her family due to her ex-husband walking out on her and taking Serilda all over again.

Leaning forward to plead her case before a loud thud is heard throughout the empty gym. The next thing she realizes is laying on her back looking up at the lights with a dull ache on her jaw.

"Maybe I deserve this… This is what I get for doing what I did to all those other wrestlers and such… No, I make her see reason, I have to." those thoughts are racing through Theresia mind while the younger woman is yelling and screaming her heart out. Her jaw aching from the pain of her own move, but the only good thing is that she is knocked out yet, as she slowly stirs trying to get to her feet. She knows that she looks like a weak mess in front of the younger woman, but she has to do this.

"Don't leave..." Theresia Mumbles out, reaching and grabs the back of Sophia coat. Yanking the smaller woman back and hugs her from behind. Not in a bear hug, but just a hug, not wanting to let the younger woman go. " A fresh start. This is why I told you cause of the respect you had for me. You would see me wrestle on the under card in Japan, that scrappy middleweight who always lost to everybody… That was me, I know the feeling of being needing to rely on someone and nobody was there. Theresia says to the woman. "I don't regret what I did, never have will. You know something when I was under the Silver Demon name, all the jeers all the taunts I endured them all being the younger sister of Black Widow. That why I did what I had to do Sophia would you have rather I kept lying to you instead of owning up and telling you the truth?.
Last edited by The Riders on Mon Sep 20, 2021 7:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Training with the best

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"G.. get off!" Sophia gasped out in anger, feeling her coat being grasped from behind whilst she was trying to put it on. She tried to shrug away, losing her coat in the process as Thereisa pulled it from her form, once more leaving Sophia in little more than a sports bra on her torso and her Gi like pants. Before she could react to Thereisa any further, the woman managed to grasp her from behind, wrapping her arms around her in a firm embrace. Sophia pushed against her arms, near gritting her teeth together as she looked to get away from the woman. Thereisa did not crush her, but folded her arms tighter to further restrain her, trying to keep her from leaving... wanting to tell her piece.

"I do not care anymore!" Sophia shouted out when Thereisa began to talk. She shifted one of her legs against Thereisa's, pushing back to trip her up, looking to break free of her embrace. However the two tumbled down to the mats, and Sophia still found herself trapped within Thereisa's arms, feeling the woman tighten her grasp upon her. Sophia grimaced, trying to kick her legs... her breathing increasing as she grew angrier.
"Let go of me!!" Sophia called out, though Thereisa now finally began to try and explain herself to the younger German, beginning to pour her secrets.

"Yes.... No... I... I do not know anymore." Sophia whispered when Thereisa asked if she had rather kept the truth from her or remained living the lie. It was all a bit too much for Sophia right now. Too much information, too much conflict. It felt like it was not helped by Thereisa binding her as she did. She continued to writhe and struggle, shouting out in frustration. She bit on her lower lip, pushing hard against Thereisa's arms, unable to break free of her embrace.

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Re: Training with the best

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Theresia doesn't let go, wrapping her arms tighter around the younger woman mid-section. Every word coming from Sophia cuts like a knife into her heart, but soon she would understand that sometimes the heroes you look up to are not that great as they pretend to be, and she's doing this or a reason and that is to show Sophia that she is trying to be a better person... Somewhat.

Feeling the woman pushing even harder against her hold. She decides to make a move to make sure that the young wolf wouldn't be able to escape her grasp, by turning Sophia around so that the younger woman's face is on her chest. Theresia holds her tightly, not wanting to let the woman go, refusing to let go of Sophia at all. "No, I'm not mein Kleiner. Theresia speaks in German. Calling the younger woman her little wolf in their native tongue.

"I'm sorry that I'm not the woman you looked up to, Sophia. But I can try and be the one that you look up to now, the one who wants to see you grow stronger in the ring. Her voice starts to crack a bit. Not knowing if what she is saying is getting through to the woman or if it all for nothing, which she would feel like losing Serilda all over again, something that she doesn't want to let happen again if she can help it.

Bitte Wölfchen She says again. Almost pleading with Sophia now.

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Re: Training with the best

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Thereisa doubled down upon her embrace, her grasp shifting to pull Sophia in so that she was now face to face with her former idol. Her arms enclosed tighter around her form, keeping her pressed up against Thereisa, but never was she really crushing her... simply holding her in place, almost lovingly. Sophia was not able to overpower Thereisa, grimacing as she still tried to fight the heavyweight wrestler from her. She had little leverage, and shouted out in aggravation...

For the first time however she was able to see Thereisa's face. The woman who had been Sophia's heroine was whelling up, her expression one of sadness and desperation. She began to speak German to her, holding her closer within her embrace. It gave Sophia a moment of pause, shocked to see Thereisa this way. Seeing her and her desperation, not wanting Sophia to leave. It was something Sophia had never experienced in her life. Her own parents did not want her. The only woman she dared to fall for some years past betrayed her and let her go... no one ever wanted Sophia to stay.

It was probably why she thrived so much from a crowd, trying to feel wanted in some small form. She never acknowledged the crowds that watched her, but she welcomed the support silently... it was the only thing she ever really had akin to any form of relationship these days. However... for the first time there was someone who did not want her to leave. For all of Thereisa's faults in revealing the truth... the woman did care for her... as she was saying herself... the truth was revealed so that the two could start a fresh with no lies.

"I.." Sophia tried to whisper... but her words caught in her throat. Her bottom lip trembled and she felt her vision begin to blur a little. Soon Sophia stopped fighting, instead burying her face into Thereisa's shoulder. Soon her own arms were clutching at Thereisa's sides, coming to realize that Thereisa was the only thing she had right now that could even resemble a friend. For all her faults... Thereisa was the only one who cared about her, and only now did Sophia realize this, fighting back the sobs as she held onto Thereisa.

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Re: Training with the best

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"So this is what it felt like to be a real mother..." Thereisa would think to herself, still holding the younger woman in her arms tightly. As much as she hates to admit her faults… She would admit that she missed out on a lot of things when her ex-husband took serilda away from her, that feeling of loss and missing out on so many times in her daughter life. That crushed her in ways that she still has scars, and ones that run deeper than any injury she ever suffered in her career.

But even she knows that she needs to make right with her daughter. Even Ana as well since she sees that her choices have had lasting effects on her family due to her jealousy and decisions she made, but for just this small moment she can fully say to anyone that right now she is being a good parent or trying to be one for Sophia. That feeling is something that nobody can take away from her, no how much she gets taunted for it.

' Mein Kleiner' She says in German again. Rubbing Sophia broad back in a motherly way, since she knows the hardship that she had to suffer to get where she is at, that is why they connected in a way. Deciding that she may need to say something to put the woman mind at ease some more, Thereisa thinks on what would her friend do in a situation like this.

"It alright, I'm here now for you… You are a part of my family, Sophia....

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