Kyoko Akan & Tara Jaeger vs Finella Edelstein & Sparking Idol Barbara

Rivals and enemies are forced by Assistant General Manager Angie Defoe to team up together against other odd-couple tag teams. Credit for the event idea goes to user Devilish53
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Re: Kyoko Akan & Tara Jaeger vs Finella Edelstein & Sparking Idol Barbara

Unread post by RedShinigami »

Finella, quite skilled into the Art of belly torture herself, knew that this match would hurt. It would center all around belly punishment and the Hellraiser was sure that she would not leave this match unbruised ,if she won or not. And when Tara finally managed to strike back, the Wolf finally got a first taste of what the belly queen could do.

She got kicked hard, a kick with a force she hadn't been expecting. If Tara hadnt hold her upright then she would have dropped to her knees but for now she was unable to protect herself as Kyoko landed a masterful DDT!

Finella was a tough fighter and full of energy but Kyoko was something else. Even Tara whom she had laid in to was not her usual standard girl to beat up. Finella was feared by many, but mostly in her weightclass and some middleweights. Here she fought the champ of the class above her and and when Tara sent another foot right into her midsection all the Hellraiser could do was scream and grab for her ankle trying to pry it off of her and releave her attacked flesh.

But Kyoko already planned her next move and grabbed one booted leg and then an arm of finella. The Wolf tried to withstand her and pull her arm away but with the pressure on her belly she soon ran out of steam and the Belly Queen stretched her limbs in a devious bow and arrow combination that involved her foot driving itself deeper into Finellas absy trying to crush them and go for the softer spots underneath it.

The Wolf clenched her teeth, not wanting to give the japanese girl the satisfaction of hearing her scream in pain while spittle flew between them with every laboured breath. "Ksh...shh...pfshhh...shlushshluuuuut!",she managed to get out between waves of pain but was unable to do something about her current position and it seemed that, for the first time she needed real help. From Barbara of all people.

She let go of Kyokos ankle and gagged as the boot went into her midsection with full force now while she stretched out her arm into the direction of the blonde idol.
"Ghshh..gaaah...Ba-Barbaaaaaaraaaaaaah!",she groaned and as Kyoko broke through her abs her sentence was drawn out in a loud scream of agony. This had to stop. Finella had to have a small pause to gather herself before destroying the belly queen. But it this kept on without some help of her tag partner...this match would be over soon.

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Re: Kyoko Akan & Tara Jaeger vs Finella Edelstein & Sparking Idol Barbara

Unread post by Fairy Dragon »

Kyoko's boot remained in Finella's belly and was allowed to press further into those abs by Kyoko simply leaning backwards and letting the Hellraiser suffer. Kyoko was going to prove that her status as the Belly Queen meant that no one could crush another girls abs like she could. Finella started to get it, and was soon calling for help from her partner now that she was getting her abs worked by the Queen in this ring. Kyoko smirked before her eyes would look over at the corner where Barbara was at.

"Barbara's going to save you? I'd love to see her get close to me with a target on her belly asking me to crush it. Feel like stepping up loser? Want to feel what Finella's feeling right now?" Kyoko asked keeping the stretch as she asked Barbara this question, almost ready to let it go and toss her to the corner to see what Barbara could do...and see how fun it was to beat her up.

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