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Dizzy felt like this might be the best birthday she’d ever had, and it wasn’t even close to over yet.

It had started out innocently enough, with her waking up to a fine breakfast for her Mom - one she’d told her she didn’t have to cook, but she did anyway, never missing an opportunity to spoil her daughter. They’d spent the morning together, reminiscing about this and that, and it ended with her getting a birthday present of 60,000 ¥, a sweet little purse. After that, her mother gave her the best present she could ask for - a day all to herself, free to meet and hang out with whomever she liked, without a single bother.

She spent that time wisely, hooking up with Allie and friends for a day out. Her mentor had taken her out for a wonderful lunch, went to catch a movie, wound up taking a stroll in the park when some idiot at the movie pulled the fire alarm, took boats across the lake, and ended their excursion with a bunch of group photos to commemorate the event. It might not have seemed like much, but it was the first birthday she’d spent with people she would consider real friends and not just her immediate family. A cherished memory that she hoped to one-up someday.

But that was just the cake. Dizzy had a special plan for the cherry on top: Session wrestling.

It had been something she’d wanted to get into for the longest time, but traveling over Europe had never allowed for it, never mind that difficulty of finding a woman who’d session with a minor. When she’d turned 18 and came to Japan, she thought things might have turned in her favor, but now, money was a problem. Most of the money Dizzy got from wrestling went to saving up for her own apartment, a key pillar in her plan to get some independence from her mother. She had little in the way of disposable income. Nothing to spare.

But wouldn’t you know it? She’d checked the ads, and there was a new session wrestler in town who caught her eye, a fellow LAW wrestler who moonlighted on the side. And wouldn’t you know it, she just so happened to charge 60,000 ¥ per hour, the exact same amount Dizzy had asked for her birthday purse. What were the odds?

It might’ve seemed like a weird thing for a woman who wrestled sexy woman for a living to care about, especially now that she was participating in underground matches on the regular thanks to Allie. But rolling around with a session wrestler still appealed. The idea of having someone cater to her fantasies for an hour straight, going at her pace, no pressure, all pleasure. Her own little world to experiment with. It was a great opportunity, and she wanted to have it at least once.

Plus, it didn’t hurt that the session wrestler in question was tall, dark, sweltering tower of hotness. Yes, she needed this to cap her day off.

This sort of thing typically went down in a hotel room, but since they were both LAW wrestlers, Dizzy figured they might as well get the full benefits. She showed up early to one of LAW’s special rooms that she’d reserved, where they filmed more laidback, private matches that wouldn’t fit well in the arena. After swiping her keycard to pop it open, she stepped inside, flicked the light on, and…


It was a nice, spacious room, made to look like a cross between a traditional boudoir and a wrestling school. There was the ring in the middle, the centerpiece of it all, but off to the side were all the trappings of a five-star love hotel. A big, round bed, with more than enough space for two women to roll around on, covered in red satin sheets. A burgundy carpet covered the floor. A wall adorned with all manner of toys: whips, handcuffs, floggers, leashes, ticklers, paddles, nipple clamps, just to name a few of the things that stood out to her right away. It even had a fancy armoire, though Dizzy had no clue what was inside. All of it bathed in this sensual red light, making the whole scene feel like something out of 70s porno. Not a bad thing, that.

It was everything they could need. Now, Dizzy just needed the person she was going to share the room with.

It was not that her absence was a problem. Dizzy had come early, figuring it was best to be punctual for these kinds of things. With a little time to waste, she made her way in, carrying a gym bag, a change of clothes, and a few of her favorite toys. She sat it off to the side, leaped up, and belly-flopped onto the bed, which surprisingly undulated beneath her like the waves of an ocean. A water-bed? Her cup runneth over.
Life is good.

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Re: Spellbound

Unread post by DeVir »

Strolling along, Lorna Horne regaled the sparse few souls in this quiet corner of LAW's campus with her cheerful humming. She couldn't help but share her good mood. Of late, life had become a fantasy of positives, the most important of all being that she had been able to kiss her management job goodbye and begin a paying career solely as a wrestler. Add in moving to Japan, a place she had loved, and having a budget to bring her character to its full fruition, and Lorna would have dared anything to try and sour her mood. It wasn't possible.

"...she did flee across the ocean... deep...", she quietly added into the humming, checking room numbers as she passed them.

She intended to immerse herself in this world, and along with the chance to wrestle in an arena that seated tens of thousands and in front of cameras broadcasting to millions, Lorna wanted to revive a part of her wrestling experience that had never fully come to fruition: session wrestling. She had hosted a couple of dozen sessions and been in a few online videos, but it hadn't fit with her schedule if she wanted to seriously compete in the ring. But now, with no day job, she could offer sessions every single week she didn't have a match, and to have her first advertisement be picked up by an eager young woman who wanted the witch to be her first session experience had Lorna bristling with excitement as she rounded the last corner.

In doing a required check-up on her client, Dizzy Belti (since she had a momentary concern that the girl was too young, but she was simply petite), she had stumbled across that other Belti whose name she had come across many, many times when studying the characters of wrestling past who also happened to be in Japan with LAW. She could not be entirely sure that they were related since LAW didn't share a wealth of information for good reason, but it seemed too ironic that two Italians would be out of place to wrestle in Japan.

A question that her curious self could ask later. Lorna stopped at the door and breathed. Dizzy had made it abundantly clear that she wanted the bad witch, and that meant Lorna wanted to open the door fully immersed in character. After a straightening of her bodystocking around the knees and a run of her hands through her hair, Lorna straightened, and her expression darkened. She swiped her card and entered, one foot dramatically crossing in front of the other like a villainess entering her lair. She had told Dizzy to be ready.

There she was, on the bed, and the witch's eyes regarded her with judgment and a hmm. Truly a petite little thing. Lorna would try to resist breaking her.

Allowing the character to drop from her thoughts, she quickly scanned the room. She would not have personally picked the lighting for the mood, but she could work with it. There was a sense of danger about it. Oh, but that wall...

Lorna gave it a long stare, then the same long stare she directed at Dizzy. She held her gaze while she locked the door, then strolled to the array of toys. "Yours is a brave heart for you to stroll into such a place. Moreso for you to stay." There was a casual, flirtatious friendliness to her voice, floating atop a sensual danger. A sharp theatrical eye could see the drama background in how she moved and her cadence.

She ran her hand along several of the toys. "Is that because you wanted me to find you? I'm flattered, dear. You've done yourself no favors, but I am flattered."

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Re: Spellbound

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Dizzy didn’t often get nervous about things, having long since passed the point where a late night rendezvous with a beautiful, bountiful woman was any short of routine. But damned if she wasn’t feeling a bit of the jitters as she sat on that bed, waiting for Lorna to arrive. She couldn't place why, either.

Maybe because it wasn’t a date, but it wasn’t [not a date. She knew how this session thing was supposed to go, purely transactional. She wasn’t paying for sex - something she had never and would never do - but for more of a sensual service. The only thing expected on her side was that she not take any wild liberties and go beyond what they’d agreed on through their communications. She didn’t have to impress Lorna. She was the one paying, here.

And yet…she kind of wanted to. Maybe it was just her nature whenever she saw thick, thunderous women. She just hoped she could restrain herself and keep from getting too intimate, because if Lorna was even half as sensually stunning as her photos had made her out to be, that was going to be a serious concern.

She wasn’t given much more time to ponder, as she heard the telltale click of the door’s lock sliding open. She sat up on cue, legs crossed, watching the woman stroll into the room, loving what she saw from the first moment. It wasn’t her body - or, rather, not just her body. She carried herself with a robust and mystical aura, fully investing in the gothic-style, drawing her in with a magical gaze.

It was positively mesmerizing, and it took Dizzy a moment to bring herself back to reality as the woman spoke, letting that English accent echo through the room. She was every bit the witch that she’d asked for, playing the role to perfection, and the only question was how she should respond to it. It was tempting to try and match her energy, to not be fazed and dare her to do her worst, but Dizzy opted for a more submissive style, at least to start things out. Easier to work with when they were just getting to know each other, and she could always dial it up later.

Maestra,” She regarded the woman with a word that was dripping with her Italian flavor, but was close enough to its English counterpart that she could likely guess what it meant. ”If you’re happy, then I’m happy.” Dizzy slipped off the bed and approached the woman with cautious steps, taking care not to get too close too fast, as if the predator might strike at the first sign of aggression.

”Thank you for coming.” She nodded Lorna’s way and began to slip off her jacket, revealing the sports bra she wore under, red with black trim. ”Is this room to your liking? It has everything you need?”
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Thu Oct 03, 2024 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Spellbound

Unread post by DeVir »

Lorna enjoyed a crowd, since sharing a story with so many was most of the purpose of writing or acting it. But she had learned through her past sessions that she enjoyed becoming the most intriguing figure to the one person, the client. It was a different challenge and technique, and Lorna enjoyed it, too, much like the stage. She could see the excitement on Dizzy's face and hear it in her voice from the moment she appeared, which had her internally celebrating, but the cool, bemused look on her face never disappeared. She continued to finger some of the toys on the wall while she watched her approach and strip down to be more comfortable for a tussle.

She was courteous, too. Lorna didn't take the bait (a bad witch wouldn't), but she wished all clients had the good sense to be so considerate. "All I need is a body for my purposes, darling. It looks like you've brought me one." Her attention turned to Dizzy, and she stepped over to her, looming large. They were the truest of opposites in size; Lorna could have framed the young woman's head with her breasts with another step forward. She intended to do so, but later. She had to create the exposition, here, and bring Dizzy into the scene with her.

She brushed the back of her hand along Dizzy's cheek. "There's no doubt you fit me perfectly," she told her. "There's not an inch of your body I couldn't crush, and I wouldn't even need to put you under my spell." Pleasure crept across her face, and the hand on Dizzy's cheek moved to cup beneath her jawline. She squeezed enough to present a sense of danger. "But I plan to anyway. It makes it so much more fun to know you can't resist me."

She aggressively scooped Dizzy into her arms and prime bearhugging position. But she did not squeeze; she carried her to the bed, letting her have a little tease of the power that would soon overwhelm her. All the while, what Dizzy had requested ran through her head, and as she dropped her back-first onto the mattress, she wasted no time scooting atop her. Two-hundred-something pounds weighed heavily on Dizzy's stomach, and the heavyweight leaned over, draping two breasts, covered in a silken sheer, over Dizzy's face without smothering her.

"Step one of my spell: you should start by kissing those."

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Re: Spellbound

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

No one would ever be rude enough to say it out loud, but Dizzy often got the impression that some people pitied her for being so small, like she was born with a disability or something. It was true that living in a world made for giants could be an occasional pain in the ass - having to use chairs to reach shelves, being unable to ride certain roller coasters, and physical education was constant nightmare. But there were pluses, too - like, saving money on by buying children sized clothing or buying Kids tickets at movie theaters. Fitting into small spaces that others couldn't get to. Needing less of everything in general.

Oh, and being able to look up at a towering titan of a woman like Lorna and knowing she could use her like a toy. Though, maybe that was a perk she cared more about than most would.

Dizzy knew that Lorna was big - hell, that was the reason she’d been drawn to her in the first place - but she could only truly appreciate it when the woman came to loom over, her thick frame casting a pale shadow across the room. She wasn’t the tallest woman that the Italian had ever met, that would be her own mother, but somehow she seemed even bigger than that. She carried herself like a goddess, not an ounce of doubt anywhere to be seen, and spoke as if everything she said was indisputable fact.

Dizzy bit her lip as the woman’s hand went to her chin, seizing it with a possessive grip, and it took a genuine effort not to abandon the game and not try something much more daring. She kept the devil on her shoulder in check, though. For now.

She couldn't resist a squeal when Lorna abruptly seized her, lifting her up like a toy and holding her close, mashing their bodies together. It was a heavenly feeling, and Dizzy groaned when it had to come to an end, as she was flung on the bed - but, thankfully, she didn't have to go without for long. The witch was all over her in the next moment, pinning her to the bed. She struggled, pressing her feet against the bed and squirming about, but Lorna might as well have weighed a metric ton. She was not getting her off, not like this.

Dizzy was presented with two beautiful breasts to kiss, and with them, came another choice. It was tempting just to dive and give this woman the whole experience, but this sort of thing was most fun with the right amount of resistance. Not outright defiance, but if Dizzy was the good girl 100%, things could get boring. She needed to give Lorna something to work with.

So, kisses. Slow, tepid kiss. A little bit of tongue, here and there. Enough to tantalize and tease, to create sparks but not a flame. Giving Lorna what she wanted, but making it obvious that she could give her much more, with the right encouragement, all with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Thu Oct 03, 2024 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Spellbound

Unread post by DeVir »

Lorna would never call herself an expert in the more pornographic aspects of session wrestling, but she knew how to use her body. More importantly, she knew what other people thought of her body, especially since she had shaped it into a fighter's body rather than an... eater's body. She imagined people noticed her breasts more readily than her face sometimes due to her height, so to say that they were frequently requested as a feature of a session would be an understatement. And Dizzy was doing a fine job of making love to them. Lorna knew session girls who didn't enjoy contact and attention, but she did to some degree when the client had the right attitude. And Dizzy had the right attitude.

Time to continue the little prelude. Lorna took the young woman by the jawline again and forced her head back to the mattress with careful firmness. Any amount of punishment and pain could come after she had worked her client into a lather, wanting more and more. That was the spell, after all. An easy way to craft a session around a simple concept in foreplay that could lead to a climax.

"I don't know that I see it in your eyes yet, but a bit more and I'll have you hypnotized." Without sparing Dizzy any of her weight (she got the sense that Dizzy would not complain), the witch turned around and presented her ass, strapped tightly into her leather bottoms, for the same purpose. To ramp up the tension, she took Dizzy's hands and pinned them to the bed on either side of them, then wriggled her hips and peeped over her shoulder.

"Do be thorough with that, too. I would hate for you to miss a spot. For that matter, you would hate for you to miss a spot. Isn't that right, darling?"

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Re: Spellbound

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

If Dizzy absolutely, positively had to choose between breasts and ass, she would say that she erred to the latter over the former, though that was a bit like saying she preferred chicken over steak…which, incidentally, was also true. While nothing quite hit the spot like a fine parmigiana, she would never say no to a juicy steak. Medium-rare, of course. It all came down to preference, and while she couldn't see an inch of Lorna that she didn’t like - those devilish eyes, those enveloping thighs, her entire swarthy body - she had her favorites.

She had given her second favorite ample love, and as Lorna turned around and made her sink into the watery mattress, she let out a long, pleasant groan, knowing that her first preference was coming her way.

Sure enough, Lorna’s finest asset hung over, hips that could swallow her face whole. For all of her restraint and poise, reflexes took over and her hands came up, desperate to feel the fine skin, but the Azure Witch shut that down before she could even come close, pinning her wrists to the bed. At this, the mask slipped for a moment and Dizzy’s body arched upwards as she put a real, genuine struggle to getting free, but it was all for naught. Lorna had more strength in one arm than in two, easy. She might as well have been changed down with iron manacles, not going anywhere that the Briton didn’t want her.

A frustrated growl slipped past her lips, but she got it under control soon enough, moving back into character with a huff. They had time. Lorna wasn’t going anywhere. No need to rush. Sì, maestra.”

Dizzy went to work, planting kisses on both cheeks with boundless enthusiasm, her lips making up for the touching her hands couldn't do. The body stocking was an impediment, but one she could work with, and it even increased the scene, keep the full taste of Lorna’s body tantalizingly out of reach.

Before, she’d gone lighter than her mistress might have wanted to try and illicit a response, now she went above and beyond for the same reason. While she started with kisses, licks soon followed, accompanied with the occasional bite, doing more and more to see what she could get away with.
Last edited by BlackAkuma on Fri Oct 04, 2024 6:08 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Spellbound

Unread post by DeVir »

Lorna liked this maestra business. It didn't fit the character, the witch, but she knew it to be the highest of compliments both from the connotation and denotation. But she didn't need the further reassurance that Dizzy was smitten; she grasped the smaller woman's hands at the perfect time. Those hands were soon to explore, but Lorna wished to leave her using only those adept lips until she allowed more. "Aha! No, I'll be putting a stop to that. I don't want you resisting when I play with you." The Italian could fight all she wanted; Lorna continued to restrain and flatten her. Denial was a common kink for good reason, and a little foreshadowing of more to come made it all the sweeter when that more was eventually granted.

Yes, she had read many books on the subject over the years. What she might have lacked in experience, she had gained through knowledge. And a few kinky one-on-one games of Dungeons and Dragons a few years earlier.

"You're doing a fine job back there." Lorna couldn't tell as easily as she could with her breasts, given the leather and all that. But Dizzy had gushed about a love for a thicker rear end, and the witch would give the girl what she wanted to start. And later, but that giving would involve a great deal more of the heavyweight getting, too. But the bites, she did feel. The first one made her jump. Oh, she could work with this. Turn it into a game.

"That is uncalled for," she said over her shoulder, in a way that indicated do it again and see what happens. When Dizzy took that bait like clockwork, Lorna wasted no motion: she shifted her ass back and pushed it down tightly onto Dizzy's face to bury the young woman's head in a darkness of leather and flesh. A flat, motionless smothering, a good way to start the more intimate ceremonies. Lorna let out a sigh of pleasure; she did love sitting on a face. "I warned you! I don't play these games."

Would she let her have her hands...? ...No. She held them, but afforded her the space to tap.

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Re: Spellbound

Unread post by BlackAkuma »

Another benefit to being so small? Dizzy played submissive better than just about anyone else, slotting into the role with an ease that often escaped bigger women. Every once in a while, it went a little too far - in particular, she’d had a bad experience with an older woman who was into the schoolgirl kink to an uncomfortable degree, and the less said about that, the better. But it made her the perfect foil for a larger, domineering woman, someone they could easily hold down and toss around and just devour, all while she squealed for mercy.

She knew how to play it up for maximum effect, and more importantly, she knew when to set the traps and play the bad girl who needed to be punished. Now, as they were establishing the pecking order and getting used to each other, it was a good time to see how far this woman would let her go. She had ridden down her struggles with ease, but how would she feel about Dizzy taking some liberties? Licking was one thing, but the bites were pure pain. No telling how she would react.

The answer was: negatively. Or positively, from her perspective. When Lorna warned her against it, she couldn't resist the urge to get in another nip. It wasn’t in her not to.

Dizzy breathed deep on reflex as the ass that she’d admired online slipped over her face and settled on it, full weight, pressing her head against the undulating waves of the mattress. It was a perfect seal, and she could tell the woman had a good deal of experience with this particular positon. Yes, she had the right sized rear for smothering, but there was more technique to it than most people realized, and if Lorna wasn’t good at manipulating her weight, Dizzy could’ve easily stolen a spare breath or two.

No matter how she shifted her head, no matter how hard she fought, there was simply not getting her head free of these enveloping curves, and her fighting died down in short order. Her tongue slipped out, flicking against everything she could find, though she took care to avoid Lorna’s most sensitive area. This was sensual, but she didn’t want to take it up to that level unless Lorna made the first move. Even so, she greatly enjoyed her time in the darkness, and let her pleasure be known with a long, drown out groan that echoed through the witch’s body.

She held on for a while, having gotten plenty of practice on breath control from similar experiences, but she wasn’t in the mood to get knocked out - at least, not this early. She waited until the spots began to form in her vision, then started to tap out, frantically patting the bed and speaking the words of submission into Lorna’s cheeks.

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Re: Spellbound

Unread post by DeVir »

Lorna would not have said it aloud, but the schoolgirl concept had crossed her mind. One of her favorite moves she had adopted from a woman she greatly admired from an older promotion, a teacher who made examples of naughty students. Dizzy had that "naughty student" aura to her in appearance, enthusiasm, and attitude (in written form, as well), and it made her wonder if she had ever played that card. It only crossed the back of her mind, but it did remind her that she should lock her in that hold before the session ended since real matches provided rare opportunities. Add some of that whipping Dizzy had requested.

Those were Lorna's thoughts, but the witch remained locked in, or more specifically, locked onto Dizzy's face. Oh, her little plaything tried, but she couldn't move her head. "Aren't you tired? It's futile," she reminded her though she must have only heard snippets of her words. That was when the telltale signs of a tongue emerged. "Sorry, but that won't help you either." Ahh, but Lorna did enjoy it, albeit not as much as the vocalizations. Vocalizations meant sensations, and she hummed her contentment.

Then came the tapping. The spirit of the tapping and the words spoken into her rear told her that the girl had a few seconds left in her. Lorna held it, adding a sense of danger, long enough for her to speak. "Now you've had enough? You're weaker than I thought." She released Dizzy in the next second, a partial freedom with one cheek resting on the side of her client's face. Lorna peeked over her shoulder.

"That should just about have you bound to my spell." She gave Dizzy back the use of her hands and took hold of her legs beneath the thighs, lifting them almost like she was pinning her. She scooted so her weight was crushing Dizzy's chest. Another way to emphasize how small she should feel beneath her. "Who's your mistress?"

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