It had started out innocently enough, with her waking up to a fine breakfast for her Mom - one she’d told her she didn’t have to cook, but she did anyway, never missing an opportunity to spoil her daughter. They’d spent the morning together, reminiscing about this and that, and it ended with her getting a birthday present of 60,000 ¥, a sweet little purse. After that, her mother gave her the best present she could ask for - a day all to herself, free to meet and hang out with whomever she liked, without a single bother.
She spent that time wisely, hooking up with Allie and friends for a day out. Her mentor had taken her out for a wonderful lunch, went to catch a movie, wound up taking a stroll in the park when some idiot at the movie pulled the fire alarm, took boats across the lake, and ended their excursion with a bunch of group photos to commemorate the event. It might not have seemed like much, but it was the first birthday she’d spent with people she would consider real friends and not just her immediate family. A cherished memory that she hoped to one-up someday.
But that was just the cake. Dizzy had a special plan for the cherry on top: Session wrestling.
It had been something she’d wanted to get into for the longest time, but traveling over Europe had never allowed for it, never mind that difficulty of finding a woman who’d session with a minor. When she’d turned 18 and came to Japan, she thought things might have turned in her favor, but now, money was a problem. Most of the money Dizzy got from wrestling went to saving up for her own apartment, a key pillar in her plan to get some independence from her mother. She had little in the way of disposable income. Nothing to spare.
But wouldn’t you know it? She’d checked the ads, and there was a new session wrestler in town who caught her eye, a fellow LAW wrestler who moonlighted on the side. And wouldn’t you know it, she just so happened to charge 60,000 ¥ per hour, the exact same amount Dizzy had asked for her birthday purse. What were the odds?
It might’ve seemed like a weird thing for a woman who wrestled sexy woman for a living to care about, especially now that she was participating in underground matches on the regular thanks to Allie. But rolling around with a session wrestler still appealed. The idea of having someone cater to her fantasies for an hour straight, going at her pace, no pressure, all pleasure. Her own little world to experiment with. It was a great opportunity, and she wanted to have it at least once.
Plus, it didn’t hurt that the session wrestler in question was tall, dark, sweltering tower of hotness. Yes, she needed this to cap her day off.
This sort of thing typically went down in a hotel room, but since they were both LAW wrestlers, Dizzy figured they might as well get the full benefits. She showed up early to one of LAW’s special rooms that she’d reserved, where they filmed more laidback, private matches that wouldn’t fit well in the arena. After swiping her keycard to pop it open, she stepped inside, flicked the light on, and…
It was a nice, spacious room, made to look like a cross between a traditional boudoir and a wrestling school. There was the ring in the middle, the centerpiece of it all, but off to the side were all the trappings of a five-star love hotel. A big, round bed, with more than enough space for two women to roll around on, covered in red satin sheets. A burgundy carpet covered the floor. A wall adorned with all manner of toys: whips, handcuffs, floggers, leashes, ticklers, paddles, nipple clamps, just to name a few of the things that stood out to her right away. It even had a fancy armoire, though Dizzy had no clue what was inside. All of it bathed in this sensual red light, making the whole scene feel like something out of 70s porno. Not a bad thing, that.
It was everything they could need. Now, Dizzy just needed the person she was going to share the room with.
It was not that her absence was a problem. Dizzy had come early, figuring it was best to be punctual for these kinds of things. With a little time to waste, she made her way in, carrying a gym bag, a change of clothes, and a few of her favorite toys. She sat it off to the side, leaped up, and belly-flopped onto the bed, which surprisingly undulated beneath her like the waves of an ocean. A water-bed? Her cup runneth over.
Life is good.