Nay, when Diana said she desired a rival, she desired a woman that not only pushed her to her limits as the Amazon did, but outright forced her to; through fear of falling behind a woman she had nothing but disdain for.
But how would one go about finding such a foe? Diana was stern, but far from hateful, and even further from cruel. It wasn't in her nature to go out and seek victims, but simply opponents. She was good at discerning by simple appearance if a woman could give her the fight she desired, but it was more than difficult for the powerful Italian to get a feed on someones personality from mere glance. Such things, she'd simply have to leave up to luck.
With such thoughts to her mind, Diana had found herself yet again on the premises of LAW; for perhaps the first time since her initial appearance, today clad in aught but casual gear. Her toned frame and sizeable breasts somewhat on show by a tight cutting red tanktop, with jeans that wrapped around her shapely, jiggless rear, Diana would pace her figure with keen intent towards the admin side of LAW headquarters. With training going more than well, now could not have been a greater time to dip ones feet as it were directly into the LAW talent pool, and gain herself that oh-so-important shot at a debut.
A simple, quiet task, she believed.