Broken Sticks and Broken Hearts

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Smother Princess
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Broken Sticks and Broken Hearts

Unread post by Arista »

A pair of L.A.W superstars walked down the winding halls of and L.A.W gym/studio, where Gil was leading her guest to an area she had been working on for sometime...! That second half of the pair, was none other than Silver! A large, bubbly woman, wholesome and loving, meshing perfectly with Gil as they bounced jokes and casual conversation off each other like it was nothing, the two were truly a match made in heaven...!
"...Anyway, here we are...! Behind these doors is a world like you've never seen before, a home to future L.A.W media like you have you've never seen, so, without further ado..." Gil made a drum rolling noise with her mouth before swinging open the large door, leading into a room that was slightly messy from all the work being done in it, lights, a greenscreen set-up, cameras, microphones, and boxes upon boxes of varying items! But one thing stuck out to Gil, a piece of lumber split clean in half, laying in the middle of the unfinished concrete floor...! It took a moment for Gil to realize what it was, her eyes flicking up to a mount on the wall where she had been keeping it, her trusty hockey stick...! Gil's heart dropped down to her stomach, her knees weakened as she slowly stepped forward. "...W-who... What happened...?" Gil held back tears, her eyes fixed on the stick, broken clean in half, laying on the floor...!

The Ominous Future
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Re: Broken Sticks and Broken Hearts

Unread post by Devilish53 »

No Hat
Silver and Gil's friendship came about in a curious manner. In more so that the two hadn't become directly friends first, it was through their mutual friend (and in Silver's case, tag partner) Karen Starring. An oddity and then some - to say that Karen had friends besides Silver!

Having quickly taken to her smaller bubblier friend, a casual evening spent about the LAW premises would be finished with a coup de grace from Gil, as the smaller gal opted to show Silver her prized possession. Silver herself knew next to nothing about hockey, but anything that held worth to a friend was just as important to her!

"Oahhhhh!" Silver acted bewildered at the sight before her, as Gil took the stick to hand. A stick that in Silver's eyes, was as it was meant to be.

"That's cool! It folds and everything..!" Silver threw a small applause, as she tilted her head to try and get a clear view as Gil tended to the evidently broken hockey stick.

Smother Princess
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Re: Broken Sticks and Broken Hearts

Unread post by Arista »

Gil sat in stunned silence for a moment, Silver slowly peering around to get a look at Gil's face. She sniffled before raising back up to her own two feet, turning her gaze to both pieces of the stick, then turning to face Silver.

"...It's not meant to fold... It's broken...!" Gil pouted, holding in those tears, though it was made that much harder by every passing second, and even more-so by the fact that Gil knew, this was no freak-accident... "...Someone did this, there is no way this just broke..." Gil furrowed her brown, clutching the pieces to her chest!

Sticks didn't just break clean in half by falling down, this was deliberate, but who would have the motive to do such a thing...? "...Silver, we have a crime on our hands, and I need your help to solve it, ad find the person responsible for breaking my-" Gil's voice cracked. "...My stick... Let's look for clues...!" Gil's first guess was the stick was simply snapped over someone's knee, but that didn't give may more hints, its was clean, giving more proof to the idea that this was no freak-accident, but other than that, no other clues seemed to be left, as Gil's eyes scanned the room...!

The Ominous Future
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Re: Broken Sticks and Broken Hearts

Unread post by Devilish53 »

With her back to Silver, the curvy giant was initially unaware of Gil's heartbreak. For all she knew, everything before her was exactly as it was meant to be!

Though when Gil rose, with her figure turning to face Silver, Silver's own look would immediately drop. Gil didn't need to speak to tell Silver something was drastically wrong, with Silver quickly putting two and two together.

"Wait a second...It's broke!" Silver outstretched her hands to initially grab the stick, before she peered back as not to risk further damage it. She was just as confused, and nearly as sad, as Gil herself!

"Who would...Why!" She'd shriek, turning left and right as if expecting the culprit to just appear, before she took to the door she had just came through with Gil. Peering out of it, an empty hallway either way would provide her with no answers either, as she turned back to Gil who looked more disheartened by the second!

"Can...We fix it?" She'd hum, concerned that with a crime like this, there was simply no way of figuring out who had done it. Not without someone stepping forward.

Smother Princess
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Re: Broken Sticks and Broken Hearts

Unread post by Arista »

Gil's sadness almost immediately transferred onto Silver, as soon as she caught a look at Gil's face, it was that same level of sadness brought down upon her! Silver looked for the answers, there had to be a way to make it better, but right now, there just wasn't, whoever was responsible fled the scene, and on top of that, they left no clues as to who they were, or why the did what they did...!

"...We can tape it, or glue it back, but it won't be useable anymore..." Gil nearly burst into tears, her voice shook as she tried to hold-strong...! "...It won't have the same flex it had, and it would probably just break again since it's already been snapped..." Gil sucked in a deep breath, puffing her chest out before exhaling. "...We'll find who did this, and once we do, we'll punish them for their crime...!" Gil went into detective-mode, putting the two pieces of her now broken stick into a bag filled with a wide assortment of other gear, then zipped it up. "...First..." Gil rose from her squatted position, pointing her index finger to the ceiling as she began to pace back and fourth. "...Who could possibly have this motive to begin with..." Gil pondered for a moment, going over the wide cast of characters in her head. "...Let's see, Eiji hasn't been too happy since I started working as a writer for L.A.W magazine, but I'm not sure he would do this, it's too underhanded for someone like him..." Gil tapped her forehead, looking back to Silver. "...Do you have any clue who might have done this?"

The Ominous Future
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Re: Broken Sticks and Broken Hearts

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Silver's sadness grew as it became apparent there was no fixing to be had. Gil would still have the stick, and be able to keep it as a treasured memento. But that was it. There'd be no use to be had.

"I'm so sorry Gil..." Silver began to sniffle, with a single eye watering before Gil's shift of focus brought her right out of it.

"Erm...I have no idea..." She'd shoot her head left to right, as if in hopes of finding a clue either of the two had just missed. Having barely known Gil for long, it was hardly a surprise that Silver wasn't frequented with Gil's friends and rivals. Outside of her own tag partner Karen.

"Did...You beat someone up recently in a match?"

Smother Princess
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Re: Broken Sticks and Broken Hearts

Unread post by Arista »

Gil walked from one side of the room to the other, digging deep in the crevices of her mind for an answer...! She struggled to come up with many, of course it was a crime committed out of spite, so Silver was definitely on track there, this was no random incident, after all, what would they gain from seeing Gil upset?

"...Honie and Wicke were two that were expected to beat me but didn't, but there is no way either of them would do this, they are far too sweet...!" Gil had gone against a wide array of people, so it was hard to guess. "...Liger...!" Gil pointed her finger in Silver direction, it didn't make sense though, that hatchet had been (mostly) buried, or at-least there was nothing recently that could have encouraged the woman to act like this, Gil's face told Silver that she wasn't quite sold on that answer... "...Mmm!" Gil groaned. "...This is going to be hard..." She whined and let her head hang low...

The Ominous Future
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Re: Broken Sticks and Broken Hearts

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Silver could only nod and hum. She barely knew Gil - she knew the girls she was mentioning even less so!

"All we can do is really ask the-" Silver was cut short by a sudden creaking upon the door, as she turned with fists raised under the expectation the criminal had returned to gloat. Or perhaps do Gil, and Silver both, in!

"HEY WHAT-Oh..." Silver would suddenly relax as she gazed upon the figure casting such a big shadow, which was odd given who it was. Someone who you'd rarely let your guard down around to say the least.

"Wow...What a fuckin' mess..." Karen starring hummed, looking past Silver's hips and Gil herself to what remained of Gil's precious hockey stick. Oddly enough, with quite a nefarious grin to her face.

"Wonder who did that..." Her grin turning to an outright chuckle, as Silver looked on at her tag partner with a furrowed brow.

Smother Princess
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Re: Broken Sticks and Broken Hearts

Unread post by Arista »

Gil's attention turned just past Silver to the door, as it began to creak open, revealing a tall, busty woman, a familiar face to both woman already in the room, Karen Starring...! She seemed oddly pleased with herself, but Gil didn't seem to question it.

"...Karen...! Someone broke my stick...!" Gil showed Karen through her open bag, the two pieces that once made a whole. "...That's what were trying to figure out, do you know who might have done this, or even better, did you see anyone around my studio acting suspicious...?" Gil was trying her best to get to the bottom of this, but with the help of a third member, they might be able to solve it that much faster...!

The Ominous Future
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Re: Broken Sticks and Broken Hearts

Unread post by Devilish53 »

If Gil had hopes that Karen would offer even slight assistance, then she would be greatly let down. Not only did Karen not bother to aid in their search for clues or a culprit - but she outright refused to budge from the doorway!

Meanwhile, Silver herself had stopped in the search for clues, as she continued to shoot quite the glare at Karen. As if she knew something Gil didn't!

"Ohhhh-" Karen hummed as her arms came up past her head, with her upper body stretching out as Silver slid to stand next to her. All without breaking her look.

"I'm sure whoever broke your stick is muuuuuuuuuuuch closer than you think..." A toothy grin soon upon her face, as she practically threw a wink at the small Gil!

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