
She was pissed, furious. To say that the locker room she had been in when watching the promo, had managed to remain unscathed would have been a lie. She had punched big dents into more than a few of the steel locker doors. Those who knew Cecilia were well aware that she did have a bit of a temper problem, she had a short fuse and she had quite a big boom when that fuse finally set off the charge.
The blonde had burst out of the locker room when the promo ended and she rushed out. Grabbing whoever she could by their collar and shouting at them to tell her where Angelina Tarrant was! She grabbed a poor unfortunate stage hand and when he couldn't tell her where she was she had thrown him into a wall. Things looked as if they were going to turn violent if she continued to grab people who hadn't seen her. Though one brave young soul decided to direct Cecilia to Parking Lot!
"I-Ithnk....I think! She was heading to the p-p-parking lot..." He managed to squeak out. It stopped Cecilia in her tracks, as she would turn and head off. Stomping her way through the halls of LAW as she made her way towards the parking lot! Leaving the building and heading into the parking lot, the eyes of Cecilia scanned, like a big cat on the hunt, she searched for her prey.
For the moment it seemed as if she may have been fooled. That she had been tricked into simply not causing damage to anymore staff members. Sent away to the parking lot so that she wouldn't do any damage inside the actual building. Yet....in the corner of her eye, she caught sight of a flash of red! Red hair to precise. She turned and seeing a shape similar to the girl she had seen on the screen before, Cecilia would pounce! Charging at her as she would try and grab at Angelina and throw her right into the nearest car! Literally trying to slam her against some random...probably audience members motor-vehicle.
"...Give....them....back...!" Cecilia let out, voice dripping with mal while it wasn't to the level it had been in the locker room earlier, she was clearly still fuming.