LAW Medical: Rangiku Matsumoto/Tsunade Senju - Medical Meeting

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The Ominous Future
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LAW Medical: Rangiku Matsumoto/Tsunade Senju - Medical Meeting

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At last.

At long, damned last. Rangiku had picked her moment perfectly. For months, or rather, the moment she had been in LAW, there was but one figure Rangiku had been actively seeking. One figure who had not only been compared to the ginger beauty, but somewhat used as a measuring stick for Rangiku to seemingly live up to. The thought of living in another shadow alone had rendered the Ginger incapable of calm speech every reminder she was given, to the point of obsession.

Tonight, she was going to ensure no-one ever compared her to anyone else, again.
With a unsurprising choice of attire for the day ahead, Rangiku assumed the role of predator; sneaking through the hallways, finding her way to a room she had gone so many times, albeit this time, it would have an occupant in.

"Well...hello there..."
Sneaking her head in and finding the immensely stacked blonde in her office at her desk, Rangiku forced her busty figure through, before assuming a powerful a stance as she could. She'd been waiting weeks for this. She certainly didn't intend to mess it up!

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Re: LAW Medical: Rangiku Matsumoto/Tsunade Senju - Medical Meeting

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Tsunade was sitting in her office as she wondered why she got in her opinion one of the worse staff in history. All the nurses or medical specialists that worked beneath her were either to arrogant in her opinion or just pure sluts who wanted to have some sexy fun at the patient's dispense. Regardless the blond would not have it any other way as she knew that she would be butting heads with both the wrestlers in the ring as well as her own staff as she saw a lot of herself in some of them.

One of the nurses she saw the most of herself in was one Rangiku Matsumoto as the Orange haired woman was not afraid to use her sexy figure to her advantage. Still think of the she devil , and she shall arrive as the person she was thinking about forced her way into her office as she had hear some silly rumor that LAW was thinking of making the title of Doctor to be a price for the medical staff to fight over for. Even if that were the case the blond doubted she would be beaten by anyone as she got up as she crossed her arms under her breasts as she looked into Rangiku's eyes as she replied ''hello there nurse.What can I do for you as my time is much to valuable to be wasted on just a mere nurse like yourself''.
Last edited by anime_hentaifighter on Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LAW Medical: Rangiku Matsumoto/Tsunade Senju - Medical Meeting

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"Nurse...?" Rangiku pondered, stepping fully into the room with her giant bosom somewhat leading the charge; her shirt stretched even more so than usual atop her giant rack, with the gingers posture spread wide to further worsen the scenario. "You must have me confused with someone else..." Briefly shuddering at memories of her encounter with the aforementioned hinted-at Jessica, Rangiku had no quirms from stepping fully into the room despite her lack of invitation. She was hardly here to make friends after all.

"Ya know...I've been told we look a lot alike...And truthfully, I'm starting to see it..." Picking up the head doctors name plate upon the table and carelessly twiddling it within her fingers, Rangiku would throw all signs that she truthfully didn't take the busty beauty seriously.

"Yeh. If I dye my hair in crap, put on fifty pounds and lose my tits...we'd be twins..."

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Re: LAW Medical: Rangiku Matsumoto/Tsunade Senju - Medical Meeting

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Tsunade would smirk as she heard the other woman ponder on the word nurse as she was about to get up from behind the desk.Then she watched as Rangiku would pick up her name plate and twiddle it within her fingers as if she was not taking the blond serious. Then the damn bitch had to insult her as the Japanese woman got up and glared at the other woman.

''I think you mean dye my hair , become mature and get some surgery done as you clearly are blind honey. So why does someone who is not a nurse walk into my office as I got more important things to do then talk to some loser like you. BTW how did your little meeting with what's her name again.Right Jessica go again as I heard you lost badly to her'' replied the blond in an arrogant tone as she pushed her breasts against the other woman's breasts.

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Re: LAW Medical: Rangiku Matsumoto/Tsunade Senju - Medical Meeting

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Rangiku had ran the numbers, but now being face to face with Tsunade was something else. She was but an inch shorter, and four pounds lighter, but with a body such as Tsunades grinding against her, Rangiku as busty as she was, felt weirdly overwhelmed. The woman was the very definition of thick; every ounce of Tsunade's curves soft to the touch, yet not jiggling in the slightest. Even shoving her breasts into Rangiku made the ginger recoil, just slightly.

Trying her greatest not to be outdone, Rangiku not only shoved her chest back, but brought a single arm to Tsunade's hip. Gripping on, she'd try to lean over the heavyset woman, glaring back as the two mighty bosoms fought one another.

"More important things...yet here you are...having your rack pushed in by me..."

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Re: LAW Medical: Rangiku Matsumoto/Tsunade Senju - Medical Meeting

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Tsunade would smirk as she looked into the other woman's eyes as she shoved her breasts into the nurse as she noticed Rangiku recoil just slightly from the contact. Soon after she would feel the other woman's hand on her hip as she would have to do her best not to moan as she feels the nurse shove her breasts against her.

With both trying to push the other back by just using their breasts it was the comment that Rangiku made after she did push back that annoyed the blond the most. ''Well time is money my dear , and you are clearly not feeling well as it your rack that's being pushed in by me. So what does someone who is not a nurse want with me besides getting taught a lesson in how real woman fight''whispered Tsunade into the other woman's ear as seductively as possible.

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Re: LAW Medical: Rangiku Matsumoto/Tsunade Senju - Medical Meeting

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With Tsunade's words somewhat weighted by the monstrously big bosom she sported pushed hard into Rangiku, the ginger doctor couldn't stop herself from shivering. Legs quaking as Tsunade's giant breasts made her step back a touch, the ginger was forced to latch her hands tightly upon Tsunade's hips, simply to keep herself steady.

"You know..they said you'd be interesting...and a challenge..." Words met with a smug glare, as Rangiku tried to slide her breasts a little under Tsunade's, so that she could take charge in the contest!

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Re: LAW Medical: Rangiku Matsumoto/Tsunade Senju - Medical Meeting

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Tsunade would smirk when she felt the ginger doctor shiver against her the moment she pushed her breasts into Rangiku's as she thought for a moment she had the upper hand. That feeling would increase when the other doctor took a step back , but soon chanced when she felt her opponent's hands on her hips.

Then the ginger doctor would taunt her while having that smug smirk on her face made the blond wonder what her opponent was up to.So she would push forward only to moan herself when Rangiku had slipped her breasts beneath hers and push back as now it was Tsunade's turn to take an step back as she whispered ''I am always a challenge.So when you think you're ready come and find me as I am ready for action anytime , anywhere''.

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Re: LAW Medical: Rangiku Matsumoto/Tsunade Senju - Medical Meeting

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Rangiku didn't answer the question, for she didn't think it needed one. Evidently, she was going to challenge, and beat, the busty blond here and now!

"I'd quiet down if I was you..." She'd grin, following through with her small advantage as her hands pulled softly onto Tsunade's great hips, grinning as she stepped forward. With two giant busts forcing themselves onto one another, the fabric of both doctors outfits would be tested to the max, as Rangiku felt her chest flatten against Tsunade's own!

Lowering herself slightly, trying to gain a further advantage by sliding her chest lower, a sudden thrust would push Tsunade's giant breasts upwards, both mushrooming them to the point of nearly bursting her top, and to the point of nearly smothering Tsunade herself!
Last edited by Devilish53 on Sat Oct 14, 2017 4:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: LAW Medical: Rangiku Matsumoto/Tsunade Senju - Medical Meeting

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Tsunade would just smirk when she did not hear the nurse challenge her verbally since it was quite clear why Rangiku had walked into her office. As the way the other woman was pushing her breasts against the blond's own as neither woman was backing down either.

''Well why don't you make me quiet down then my little nurse. As I think we both know you can't beat me at anything Rangi''was all Tsunade could say when with a sudden thrust her own breasts were pushed upwards. This caused the Japanese woman to be smothered by her own breasts as she would step backwards so she could breath.

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