Re: LAW Medical: Confronting the Seductress

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Re: LAW Medical: Confronting the Seductress

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Grace had been here for a few weeks now ironing out her contract. Things finally seemed set and she was looking up things on LAW when she saw something...disturbing in one of the forums regarding a fight. Well any old fight she could handle. Hell she was going to have to handle them here it kinda came with the business but this wasn't just some old fight. It was a violation that had to be addressed.

But it seemed LAW just accepted this as the norm well Grace wasn't. Not when she could do something, so scheduling an appointment with the girl in question she waited, phone in hand and wanting to see just what kind of person this girl was. She wouldn't come out hostile from the beginning since she could easily just have her kicked out but she wasn't going to ignore her for long.

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Re: LAW Medical: Confronting the Seductress

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Hello Nurse
Jessica only had one more patient today to deal with. Today was a basically uneventful day, but the sooner she could finish the sooner she could clock out. "Grace?" The Seductress said before she'd look around. "We're ready to see you for your complimentary LAW check up." Jessic would strut to her office and would wait for Grace to follow her. Jessica would then look at this woman's file, and felt like something was off, but she'd couldn't tell what just yet.

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Re: LAW Medical: Confronting the Seductress

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Grace stood up, glad she wasn't left waiting for too long before she was called in. Wondering what would she act like behind closed doors. Would she show her true colors instantly or only when she felt like she was in control? Should Grace say something now or try and see for herself what she was like before acting. But if she did nothing it could just be rendered moot if she attacks anyway.

"Thank you for seeing me at this hour. Apparently I cant compete until I take this so the sooner I get this done the better." Grace said, partially true, but only a restriction her manager made and suggested rather then something that was required.

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Re: LAW Medical: Confronting the Seductress

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Jessica didn't know what it was about this woman that gave off a vibe like she didn't want to be here. Well they were in a doctor's office and people don't really like going to the doctor, so she'd just do her job for the most part. Jessica would test everything Grace needed so she could get into the LAW ring. From taking her weight, checking blood pressure, asking about past illnesses/injuries, and checking Grace's body for injured marks. Jessica was impressed by Grace's strength and would comment. "Well you're certainly going to be in the right division. You're gonna that strength to take on the heavyweights of LAW." Jessica said with a smile before she'd go and sign off that Grace would be cleared.

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Re: LAW Medical: Confronting the Seductress

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As she was examined she couldn't find a way to bring up her plan, though as time went on she just decided to go ahead and swing it when she could. Going over her health and other things it was clear she at least knew what she was doing here, which was good...she guessed? IT was really hard to figure if that was part of her process. Luring them into a false sense of security and then striking.

"Thanks. Ive always been pretty strong. Wrestling just showed me where to apply it." She said before looking down at her phone. "So..Wrestlers can get pretty confrontational I bet. I'm sure a few have tried things in here, or started fights..How do you manage that I wonder?"

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Re: LAW Medical: Confronting the Seductress

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Jessica would raise an eyebrow as she heard Grace ask this peculiar question. "Well, I'm often surrounded by the strongest women this company has to offer. If anybody tried to pick a fight with me however, they would realize it's a mistake quickly. Why do you ask?" Jessica said before she'd take a sip of water in a glass that she was given. Jessica wasn't sure where this line of questioning was going but she was prepared to defend herself against any threat by whatever means necessary.

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Re: LAW Medical: Confronting the Seductress

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"Oh no particular reason, Just that I figured they were pretty rowdy. Though its good you know how to fight and use it stop people from getting to crazy. That is of course..all you do for that right?" Grace said as she saw Jessica seemingly tensing up. She was eyeing her up just as much as she was.

Good she should be concerned. Though that might make it hard for her to actually confess she could still make this work in some way if she was smart. And if she couldn't. Well she still had the photos of the fight.

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Re: LAW Medical: Confronting the Seductress

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Jessica didn't like getting questioned like this. It felt as if she was getting interrogated, and she didn't like it. Jessica didn't bother answering the question and just said to Grace. "Here you go, you're now cleared for in ring competition in LAW. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go and clock out." Jessica said as she gave Grace her clearance paper. Jessica would then sip some water as she began to make her way toward the door to try and exit the area before more questions started coming her way.

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Re: LAW Medical: Confronting the Seductress

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Damn. She just brushed her off. Her way of being defiant with the questions perhaps. Either way it put a wedge in her plans to get Jessica to fess up which means if she wanted Justice she'd need to get it herself. And that meant she'd have to confront her directly. Sighing she pulled her phone out and followed Jessica.

"Wait! Just wait a second..please." Why did she say please? She needed to be assertive here not borderline beg the chick. Oh well no point in it now bringing her phone out she showed the pictures of the incident in Jessica's quarters a few weeks ago with Kyoko. "You did this to one of your patients. By all accounts of hers unprovoked and simply cause she brought a title to her check-up which made you start calling her a fraud." She said not even in a questioning tone but simply matter of factly.

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Re: LAW Medical: Confronting the Seductress

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Jessica would stop for a moment to hear Grace out before she'd turn around and "trip" on something. Jessica's water would splash on Grace's phone and short circuit it effectively breaking it. "Oh my, I'm so sorry. It's hard to walk in heels you know. But accidents happen." Jessica said feeling a bit bad for destroying Grace's phone. Then the Seductress would try to leave once more to avoid anymore confrontation with this woman. Jessica didn't want this to turn violent after her last encounter ended up badly for her.

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