How To Hook A Sailor

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How To Hook A Sailor

Unread post by SimplePride »

Location: Hotel Room next to the LAW Arena

Joe Yamashita had just turned off the shower and grabbed a towel to dry off. He was to report to the LAW Arena in a few hours for a couple of interviews in-character. His first couple of matches didn't go over so well, but, Joe was still confident that he could ultimately win in this new league. He got dressed in his ring gear in the bathroom and used the towel to dry off his hair, noticeably covering his face as he started out of the bathroom.

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Re: How To Hook A Sailor

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Nobuko had heard of a new fighters as she would remain outside, hearing the shower, and the hotel room being unlocked, she would simply smile as she goes into the room, decide to keep her present secret, she would remain in the corner where he cannot see her as she stand there with her arms folded, wait to see who is the newbie

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Re: How To Hook A Sailor

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Joe emerged from the shower and dried off his hair. Since the interview was still a few hours away, Sailor Theta was in no hurry as he put on his boots and tried to get into character. He looked at himself in the mirror, and had to admit, he looked kind of cute, but, that was the entire point. He had been teased by many girls in his time in LAW, but, he couldn't really blame them. He was damn cute! Still, he couldn't help but feel that he wasn't as alone as it seemed...

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Re: How To Hook A Sailor

Unread post by Void-Effect »

She would look at him as she stand there, before she would made a simple hmm noise as she watch him, stand in the corner as she would slowly walking toward him from behind as he have not her yet before he would wrap her arms around him from behind, trap him with her arms and bigger size as she simply smile

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Re: How To Hook A Sailor

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Theta was just about to head out the door when he suddenly felt arms around him, "What the-!" he said as he felt himself being lifted from the ground, he looked behind him and some redhead clad in all black with an evil look in her eye, "Who are you? What do you want from me? Let go of me, heathen!" Theta yelled as he began to kick and fuss, all to no avail...

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Re: How To Hook A Sailor

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Nobuko would smiles as she lifted him up, as she inspect him from behind, she would made a disappointing sound "So...You're the new guy....huh? How weak" The bigger woman would loop at him, being the heel that she is, she is...unimpressed with how he is, as she would toss him to the bed "Call me Nobuko Kamiya, of course, my title are The Demon King in the ring" She said as she look down at him, her hands on her hips as she look down at him

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Re: How To Hook A Sailor

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Sailor Theta would continue to struggle in the woman's arms when she suddenly tossed him onto the bed. Theta would finally get a good look at his attacker, a black clad redhead who looked almost like a succubus. Although Theta didn't want to admit it, she was drop-dead gorgeous by any standards, and certin parts of Sailor's anatomy gave away what he thought of the Demon King, "Get lost, I have nothing to do with you..." Sailor Theta tried to say defiantly, but, his voice was noticeably shaky, and he tried to hide what his body thought of his attacker with a blanket...

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Re: How To Hook A Sailor

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"Ho? Is that so? Trying to act tough perhaps?" She ask with a smug teasing smile on her face as she look down on her, of course, she would took off her heel and proceed to step on his chest as she look down on him "Then again, I am simply greeting the new rookie" She said with a smile on her face as she push him down further more using her feet

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Re: How To Hook A Sailor

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Sailor was just about to make a bolt for the door when the Demon King put her foot on hischest, making sure he wasn't going anywhere. Instead of scared, Theta looked slightly annoyed, "Y'know, if you wanted to get a hotel together, you could've just asked..." Theta said with a smart mouthed tone. Theta tried to get up, but the woman's foot held firm, "Bite me, bitch..." Theta hissed as he realized that, at least for the moment, he was all hers...

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Re: How To Hook A Sailor

Unread post by Void-Effect »

"Ho? Didn't realize you're a pervert" She said in a smug voice as she would walk toward him before she would sit on his chest, and with her wouldn't be easy to move under her "So tell me...girly boy, What make you join LAW?" She ask while lower her face, and of course, he can see her smugness all on her face as she remain look down at him

Discord: Void Effect#1624

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