Finding Your Way Around

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Finding Your Way Around

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"Great, great...I hope I'm at the right place..."

It was with a sigh that Hiro Yamashida sank against the wall, rubbing his forehead with one hand while his other clutched a few papers he had been tasked with passing to the office of his newfound employers in LAW - the company he had just been hired to as a manager. It was his first day on the job, and already he was beginning to realize that this would be far more complicated than he expected. He'd never worked in a promotion of this size before, no less one that had actual office buildings - and, as a result, he quickly found he didn't know where anything was.

Hiro's girlfriend, client, and newly-acquired talent Kirie Tsukada had tasked him with dropping some paperwork off at the office of a LAW official to help secure her position in the promotion's roster. That was the easy part. The hard part was that, as he stared down the hallway at the seemingly endless row of doors, he didn't know which one he was supposed to go inside. Was it 401, or 410? Everything suddenly seemed to much more intimidating and labyrinthine, as though he had been swallowed up by a maze of corridors. Hiro grit his teeth, tensing and telling himself to think. It had to be around here somewhere...
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Re: Finding Your Way Around

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Through one of the many doors down this long hallway came a white haired buxom woman. She had seemingly come out of a sexy photoshoot, her body covered in glistening oil and her outfit being a very revealing bikini. She would brush past Hiro at first, glancing at him for only a brief moment, an evil smirk on her face.

Then, when she was about to pass him completely, the white haired woman would snap a hand out, grabbing the paperwork out of Hiro’s hand. She held it high in the air, high above the manager’s head. She did have four inches on him. With her veteran skill and agility, she’d turn and quickly pushed Hiro against the wall, her chest pressed right up against his neck. “Hey there! You look lost! Need help finding where to go? Say, What is this paperwork for? Mind if I keep it? You know this is mainly a woman’s wrestling league right? Did you sneak back here?” She’d batter him with questions, her larger and impressive figure pushing the man against the wall more and more.


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Re: Finding Your Way Around

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With a huff, Hiro turned his head down, flipping through the pages in his hand. Maybe, he thought, some miracle would happen, and looking back at the forms he and Kirie had filled out would trip some memory that would tell him where he was supposed to take them. As he turned one stapled sheet over another, he buried his face in the papers, and, consequently, took his attention off his surroundings. But it wouldn't be long before he would be shaken violently back into the real world.

Just as he was reading over another sentence, Hiro felt his paperwork suddenly being pulled out of his hand. "Hey-! I need to get that to-" were the words that came out of his mouth before he realized what was going on. But his eyes wandered up to follow where his form had gone - and when he saw the woman in front of him, everything stopped.

Hiro knew that he would be surrounded by beautiful, fit, athletic, and headstrong women in a business like this. He knew that it'd likely only be a matter of time before something awkward happened - he just didn't think it'd happen this quickly. But it was barely even his first day, before he had even set foot in an arena during a LAW event, and here he was, being confronted by a curvaceous, glistening, and half-naked woman who couldn't seem to stay away from him.

To some people, this would be heaven. To Hiro, it felt more like hell.

His face blushed a vivid red, but he found he couldn't take his eyes off the girl. Before he could say any more, she had cornered him, his back pressed against the wall. "I'm...I'm j-just looking for the right place to take this, miss...uh...i-is this a bad time? Really, I s-should just...get going now, so if you d-don't mind giving that back, heh..." He stammered through his words, barely answering the questions she put forth. Hiro was never too good with addressing new people, and it was especially hard to focus when the soft, warm embrace of two of the largest breasts he had ever seen was pressing ever closer to him. So too, he felt the guilt that came from knowing how if Kirie found out about this, she definitely wouldn't approve. He just hoped this could get resolved soon enough, and easily enough. Hiro didn't want trouble - even if it had a way of finding him.
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Re: Finding Your Way Around

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Miyabi would keep her newfound prey pinned against the wall, dangling his papers right out of reach over his head. She pressed more of her warm, smooth, and shapely body against the boy. “What’s wrong? I just wanna see your paperwork! You’re obviously just some unpaid intern, you have no sway here...” the white haired girl belittled him with her words, before bouncing her tits a couple time, the big warm milkers beginning to move from his neck to face, getting dangerously close to enveloping his head. “I can do whatever I want to you...and you won’t stop me!”

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Re: Finding Your Way Around

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"I...I...uh..." Listening to Miyabi, Hiro knew what he wanted to say. He wanted to tell her that he wasn't an intern, that he was a newly applied manager looking to put the word in for his client, and that he really didn't want to be bothered today. But, with the blood rising to his face, there was little he could focus on, other than Miyabi and her breasts. As she squeezed in closer to him, he felt their warm, soft embrace work even higher up toward his head, and he soon fell silent, at a loss for words.

When he heard what came next, Hiro didn't know whether he wanted to feel relieved, or even worse.

From down the hall, a pink-haired girl in likewise-colored attire came storming down toward the commotion, her eyes narrowed into a glare. She stood before Miyabi, her hands on her hips. Hiro looked over to her out the corner of his eye, tense. On one hand, maybe he was out of trouble now...but in situations like these, Kirie's input rarely made things any better.

"Just WHO do you think YOU are!?" she spat, pointing her finger in a jabbing motion toward Miyabi. "That's MY boyfriend, you fat COW! You stay away from him!"
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Re: Finding Your Way Around

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Miyabi would be exuding pure ‘ara-ara’ energy on the poor lost boy, her massive tits and cleavage inches from swallowing his face. She even had a knee between his legs, applying pressure and feeling to see if he was getting excited down there.
Then the call came out, and Miyabi stopped, looking over to the yelling girl. This action caused her tit to smack Hiro in the face too.
Miyabi too a step back, still holding the paperwork. She looked rather offended by the comments of the girl, and snapped back at her. “How about you don’t let your little boyfriend off a leash then! He was out in the hallways looking for girls to perve on!” She lied, and folded the stolen paperwork up, gripping it tight.
“And don’t call me a fat cow, misses flat as a board!” The white haired girl turned full attention towards the boy’s rescuer, getting up into her face.

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Re: Finding Your Way Around

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It wouldn't take long before Hiro's excitement did indeed show, and Miyabi would feel it. His cheeks flushed red and hot, and his heart pounded in his chest. Hiro might have been outwardly enjoying this, of course, but internally he was terrified of the consequences. He gulped and shuddered, knowing that if Kirie found out about this, there was going to be hell to pay...and soon enough, his client indeed showed up on the scene.

"Oh, dear..." he muttered to himself, only to be cut off with an "Ow-!" as Miyabi's boob struck his cheek on the way around. Nevertheless, it would give her no concern, considering other things were on her mind right now. She had engaged Kirie, and she was getting herself into a situation the pink-haired girl would quickly escalate.

Biting her lip and crossing her arms tighter, Kirie stormed forward, locking eyes with Miyabi. She didn't fall for her excuses for a moment, and she only leaned forward to get even closer into her personal space. "He was NOT! Hiro-kun only likes me, and he'd only ever have eyes for me, wouldn't you?"

She shot a glance back at the boy, who was blushing hard and clearing his throat. Trying to defuse the situation, he attempted to back things down. "K-Kirie, please, don't worry about it...c'mon, let's just go-" Unfortunately, he didn't get to finish his sentence, as Miyabi had already come closer into the growing tension.

Kirie met her with a scoff. "Yeah, I'll say it again! FAT! COW! And I am not flat!" She gestured at her own bust, admittedly quite a bit more modest compared to Miyabi's. Or to a lot of girls', but who was counting? "You expect me to believe you're totally innocent when you're walking around dressed like that?" She jabbed a finger forward into the flesh of Miyabi's breast, poking at it to accentuate her point. "Why don't you just get lost, you man-stealing skank?"
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Re: Finding Your Way Around

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Miyabi’s face turned a bright, angry red at Kirie’s insult. “You skank! It’s not my fault you don’t have enough WOMAN in you to please your boyfriend, causing him to seek me out!” She would continue to lie, now essentially forehead to forehead with Kirie.
She would give the girl a smack with the papers that she had stolen from Hiro. “If you want these’ll have to beat me in a match! And if I win, your cute little manager is going to be MY manager instead!” She’d challenge, getting up in her face, her massive tits pancaking against the chest of Kirie.

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Re: Finding Your Way Around

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Hearing Miyabi's next allegation, Kirie gasped. Her eyes went wide and she backed away in shock, with her gaze flitting nervously between the white-haired girl and Hiro as he shrunk nervously against the wall. Could it really be true? She had known Hiro for years, and she knew he would never think about seeking out another woman! No, Miyabi had to just be jealous! The more she thought about it, the more Kirie's bewilderment turned to rage. She clenched her teeth and balled a fist at her side, coming closer. It didn't matter if Miyabi was telling the truth or not. She had crossed a line in even suggesting that Hiro would favor anyone else over her - and she needed to punish her for her insolence.

Seeing the two girls face to face, Hiro looked over and bit his lip, already feeling the sweat trickling along the back of his neck. "K-Kirie, please...I promise you, this really isn't what it looks like-!" But it fell on deaf ears as far as Kirie was concerned. Glaring up at Miyabi, she put her hands on her hips, trying her best to look as far from small and insignificant when put up next to a woman who dwarfed her in size, in more ways than one. With how closely they stood, she could feel perfectly well how much Miyabi's breasts were enveloping her own - a fact that only made her hate her more. Snarling and quaking as she tried to hold in her anger, she glared daggers through her newfound rival.

"Fine!" Kirie barked. "So be it! I'll PROVE to you how much more he deserves to be with me anyway! And you'll be sorry you EVER wanted to mess with what we have!" Punctuating her exclamation, Kirie went to shove at Miyabi's shoulders to push her away with a forceful jerk. With the animosity between them, it was clear they would be fully willing to throw down here and now if they had to - but it was only in a ring that they could truly have their demands met!
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Re: Finding Your Way Around

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Miyabi was relentless with her teasing and lying about the boy. She had every intention to piss of Kirie after her first attempts at seducing the boy had failed, especially because they failed due to outside involvement. The look of pure rage on the girl's face was enough to get a rise out of the big tittied white haired girl.

"Oh, it was exactly what it looked like!" The devious woman promised, really pressing her breasts in to hammer in how insignificant the tits of the girl were. "You have the breasts of a child, your boyfriend just wanted to feel what a real woman felt like!"

This had obviously sent the girl over the edge, as a stiff shove sent the big white haired girl stumbling back, turning her expression from one of amusement to one of anger. "You bitch! You and me, TONIGHT!" The girl would say, keeping her distance to avoid any sucker punches or anything that may come from the fiery girl.

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