Huh? Can I help y... Grhaaaw! Just before the poor she-worker could fully turn to and address the mad woman she got punched straight in the face by Juri's right hand. A tooth flew out of the girl's mouth and her glasses fell to the ground. The girl fell onto her knees as well and reached for her glasses. Yes... You can indeed help me. Juri grabbed the girl by the hair and lifted her up, despite the girl screaming in pain. B-but my glasses... The staff girl said as she tried extending her arm to reach her glasses... No buts! Juri yelled out as she drove a knee into the girl's nose, which made the girl yell out in pain and fall once again. Each ''but'' will cost you a tooth, so think before you speak to me, worm!
The girl was completely overcome with fear, what did this stranger want from her? Did she have some sort of grudge? The girl had blood coming out of her nose and mouth and her eyes tearing up. You want your glasses? Bring me a cup of warm coffee and you'll get your glasses back. If I hear anything but a yes, you'll learn just how bloody a human body can get. Juri stated her demands in quite the threatening way.
Coffee? She'd beat a person senseless just for a fucking cup of coffee? Is this bitch fucking mad? That was a rhetorical question, of course as the fact was obvious. Y-yes, right away! The girl just said yes, not wanting to mess with this crazy bitch. The staff member ran away on all fours, the stood up after a while.
One minute later.
The staff member was walking through the corridors, with her shaky hands carrying a cup of hot coffee. She passed one of the security guys, who stopped the young, bloody woman. Who did this to you, miss? After the guard asked the question, a lightbulb lit up over the young woman's head - She could call security on that brute. There was this crazy woman just over that corner. She beat me up and told me to bring her coffee... I don't know what to do, please help!
Worry not, miss, just take me to her and leave the rest to me. The dude said and was pretty confident, but he didn't know who he was messing with.
One minute later
Juri was leaning against a wall, waiting for her coffee girl to arrive and just then, she arrived and brought some company along. Oh? I only asked for coffee, not for a partner. A wide smirk emerged from juri as she said this because she knew something that the young staff member didnt... This is the woman! The girl pointed her finger at Juri and then turned to her fellow security guard, who was starting to turn around and walk away. Uhh... Sir?.. The girl was confused as the security guy just walked away without saying a single word.
What the woman didn't know was that Juri did research on every single security member and threatened all of them, their children, their wives, their handicapped mothers... There was not a single security guy that would stand in Juri's way.
While the girl was contemplating this, Juri got behind the girl and leant down, almost placing her head on the terrified girl's shoulder. So, how's my coffee? Juri's smirk was wide and evil as she said this in a sinister tone. At that moment, the staff member realized that she was royally fucked, she might aswell say her last prayer now as she pissed off the devil itself and there was not a single security guard to help her... The girl was paralyzed in fear, shaking. She could barely move, but managed to hand the coffee over to Juri. Juri took the coffee while placing the glasses on the scared woman's face where they belonged. Here you go, your glasses, just as promised Juri said with a nice, kind and warm smile as she put the glasses on the girl and patted her on her shoulder and took a sip of the coffee.
Having completed her mission, the staff woman slowly turned around and began walking away. The only thing she wanted right now, was to quit her job and get off this planet as fast as possible. However, things weren't so easy, they never were with Juri around... Just after she started walking away, the girl got hit straight in the face with a brutal high kick that completely smashed her glasses into her face and eyes. The girl screamed in pain like a dying animal, she had a few small shards of glass stabbed into her face and eyes. The eyes were tearing up and bleeding at the same time.
By this time, there were a lot of people gathered around the scene, but there was no one brave enough to interfere, All they could do was just watch.
You'll know better next time... Now, this girl will just be another of many who ''knows better'', just like that security guy from before.
By the way, I told you to bring me WARM, not HOT coffee and it tastes like shit. Here, you can have it back! Juri said as she knelt down to the blinded woman, pulled on the top of her pants and poured all of the hot coffee inside. The girl didn't know whether to grab onto her face or onto her crotch which was burning and wet at this point.
''Leave her alone'' - Someone from the crowd said.
Oh yeah? Any of you pigs volunteer to take her place?! Juri shouted tauntingly as she looked around at every person in the area and admittedly, she got herself quite the audience. Thought so... Juri said as she heard no response to that.