A Hero to the rescue! Karin/Juri.

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A Hero to the rescue! Karin/Juri.

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Juri was walking around backstage. She was bored, she joined LAW, but they didn't give her anyone to beat and completely break. Various thoughts were going over Juri's mind when an unfortunate staff member was passing the merciless, pink-clad woman. Juri extended her left hand, halting the worker in place.

Huh? Can I help y... Grhaaaw! Just before the poor she-worker could fully turn to and address the mad woman she got punched straight in the face by Juri's right hand. A tooth flew out of the girl's mouth and her glasses fell to the ground. The girl fell onto her knees as well and reached for her glasses. Yes... You can indeed help me. Juri grabbed the girl by the hair and lifted her up, despite the girl screaming in pain. B-but my glasses... The staff girl said as she tried extending her arm to reach her glasses... No buts! Juri yelled out as she drove a knee into the girl's nose, which made the girl yell out in pain and fall once again. Each ''but'' will cost you a tooth, so think before you speak to me, worm!

The girl was completely overcome with fear, what did this stranger want from her? Did she have some sort of grudge? The girl had blood coming out of her nose and mouth and her eyes tearing up. You want your glasses? Bring me a cup of warm coffee and you'll get your glasses back. If I hear anything but a yes, you'll learn just how bloody a human body can get. Juri stated her demands in quite the threatening way.

Coffee? She'd beat a person senseless just for a fucking cup of coffee? Is this bitch fucking mad? That was a rhetorical question, of course as the fact was obvious. Y-yes, right away! The girl just said yes, not wanting to mess with this crazy bitch. The staff member ran away on all fours, the stood up after a while.

One minute later.

The staff member was walking through the corridors, with her shaky hands carrying a cup of hot coffee. She passed one of the security guys, who stopped the young, bloody woman. Who did this to you, miss? After the guard asked the question, a lightbulb lit up over the young woman's head - She could call security on that brute. There was this crazy woman just over that corner. She beat me up and told me to bring her coffee... I don't know what to do, please help!
Worry not, miss, just take me to her and leave the rest to me. The dude said and was pretty confident, but he didn't know who he was messing with.

One minute later

Juri was leaning against a wall, waiting for her coffee girl to arrive and just then, she arrived and brought some company along. Oh? I only asked for coffee, not for a partner. A wide smirk emerged from juri as she said this because she knew something that the young staff member didnt... This is the woman! The girl pointed her finger at Juri and then turned to her fellow security guard, who was starting to turn around and walk away. Uhh... Sir?.. The girl was confused as the security guy just walked away without saying a single word.

What the woman didn't know was that Juri did research on every single security member and threatened all of them, their children, their wives, their handicapped mothers... There was not a single security guy that would stand in Juri's way.

While the girl was contemplating this, Juri got behind the girl and leant down, almost placing her head on the terrified girl's shoulder. So, how's my coffee? Juri's smirk was wide and evil as she said this in a sinister tone. At that moment, the staff member realized that she was royally fucked, she might aswell say her last prayer now as she pissed off the devil itself and there was not a single security guard to help her... The girl was paralyzed in fear, shaking. She could barely move, but managed to hand the coffee over to Juri. Juri took the coffee while placing the glasses on the scared woman's face where they belonged. Here you go, your glasses, just as promised Juri said with a nice, kind and warm smile as she put the glasses on the girl and patted her on her shoulder and took a sip of the coffee.

Having completed her mission, the staff woman slowly turned around and began walking away. The only thing she wanted right now, was to quit her job and get off this planet as fast as possible. However, things weren't so easy, they never were with Juri around... Just after she started walking away, the girl got hit straight in the face with a brutal high kick that completely smashed her glasses into her face and eyes. The girl screamed in pain like a dying animal, she had a few small shards of glass stabbed into her face and eyes. The eyes were tearing up and bleeding at the same time.

By this time, there were a lot of people gathered around the scene, but there was no one brave enough to interfere, All they could do was just watch.
You'll know better next time... Now, this girl will just be another of many who ''knows better'', just like that security guy from before.
By the way, I told you to bring me WARM, not HOT coffee and it tastes like shit. Here, you can have it back! Juri said as she knelt down to the blinded woman, pulled on the top of her pants and poured all of the hot coffee inside. The girl didn't know whether to grab onto her face or onto her crotch which was burning and wet at this point.

''Leave her alone'' - Someone from the crowd said.

Oh yeah? Any of you pigs volunteer to take her place?! Juri shouted tauntingly as she looked around at every person in the area and admittedly, she got herself quite the audience. Thought so... Juri said as she heard no response to that.
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Re: A Hero to the rescue! Karin/Juri.

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While the woman was distracted looking into the crowed for a moment Karin would jump at her from behind. She would have a chair in hand. She would lift the chair over her head and would swing it down as hard as she could trying to smack the chair into the back of the mean woman with as much force as she could. She had seen what this woman could do and how mean she was. In no way she would step up to her normally and directly talk to her, it might seem a bit dirty to attack someone from behind but this was just to protect herself and the poor employers. When someone was picking on the stuff Karin would see red. They were so nice to her most of the time, helping her whenever she needed help, even she was in a bad spot in the company right now.
“pick on someone you own size!” would Karin scream out loudly, and angrily after the first shot did hit. She would directly lift the chair up another time and bring it down again, trying to hit the other woman again. The crowed would cheer the normally laughed at woman while she was stepping up for someone else! Karin would feel her knees shaking under her a bit before she would try to lift up the chair once again…

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Re: A Hero to the rescue! Karin/Juri.

Unread post by ragaz »

After Juri looked around for volunteers and found none, she turned back to her little, bleeding friend with coffee in her pants. So, what do you wanna do ne...
the blow echoed through the whole corridor and beyond and everyone. Juri's upper half bent forwards somewhat and her head was stinging after the blow. Even a bit of blood trickled down the side of her face. Ouch.... Juri grit her teeth as she said that. Somebody just fucked up... The crowd started cheering for that mysterious, brave and foolish person, who had the nerve to smash a chain on Juri's head and her special hairdo. REAL BAD! Juri shouted out as she decided to show this brave person a bit of her Taekwondo as she lifted her leg straight while turning all the way to face her opponent, meaning that her leg would be impacting Karin's side.

Of course, Juri would notice the chair coming down on her again only after turning around to face the brave person. All she could do was raise her arm to take the blow and step back a little. Juri glared daggers at Karin, who seemed to be some kind of wrestler around here. Also, Juri arm would sting like hell and this Karin girl looked kinda familiar. To make matters worse, the pigs around started cheering louder and louder for the girl and her chair. Have I seen you somewhere before? Juri would ask in curiosity, yet was only thinking how to make Karin suffer 10 consecutive knockouts.
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Re: A Hero to the rescue! Karin/Juri.

Unread post by xalex »

Karin would scream out in pain while the kick of the other girl would hit her right into the side. She would stumble a little bit backwards holding her side with one of her hands while the other hand was still holding on to the chair, her weapons she wouldn´t let go of so soon. She would press her teeth together trying to endure the pain she was feeling right now somehow before slowly standing back up and tall again. She would look Juri right into the eyes, not trying to back down here and standing her ground. When she heard the that Juri was asking her who she was she would fast think of a cool line to reply. With a smirk on her face she would lift the hand off her still hurting side and point at the other woman.
“maybe you saw me in one of your dreams: maybe you had an nightmare about me, where I put a stop to your evil ways by beating dark mind out of you! When someone ask just tell them the heart girl (shin) did beat you up!” she would say slowly leaning forwards and grabbing the chair with both of her hands. She thought that she did a good and cool impression on anyone around here until she would hear some employee tell another. “hey isn´t that Karin Shin… the loser belt…”
With all the suddenly Karin did lose all her cool standing there with a blush on her face, looking to the other woman hopping she didn´t hear that.

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Re: A Hero to the rescue! Karin/Juri.

Unread post by ragaz »

After the two exchanged blows, that being Juri blocking a chair with one arm and then kicking at the girl's side, Juri took a closer look at her ''opponent'', or rather victim. Oh, the little hero, aren't you? Juri asked.
Juri was voicing her thoughts aloud until she heard someone from the crowd mentioned the loser belt. The loser belt? You've got something like that in here? Hahahah! Bitch, I don't think you realize just how much you've fucked up when you allowed yourself to land that chair on my head!

Shouting that aloud, Juri would leap up towards her foe. She intended to land a jumpkick aimed at the chair so that the chair would then smash against Karin's face. If that worked, Juri would start thinking on how to get her message through more efficiently.
Last edited by ragaz on Sun Nov 04, 2018 1:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A Hero to the rescue! Karin/Juri.

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Karin would watch the other woman closely. She wanted to be read to defend herself when this beast would attack her. But the little girl didn´t get enough time to react when the other woman was suddenly jumping up into the air swinging her leg though the air. The small girl would rip her eyes wide open, trying to bring the chair between herself and the incoming kick. Unluckily for her that was playing her opponent right into the hand when her leg was kicking against the chair and sending it flying right against the head of the small girl. Karin would scream out in pain when her head would collide with the hard plastic. She would spin around in the next moment, stumbling around for a bit before dropping the chair to the floor, to hold her head with both of her hands.

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Re: A Hero to the rescue! Karin/Juri.

Unread post by ragaz »

After Juri went for that jump kick, she was quite certain that Karin was starting to regret bringing that chair in here as it smashed against her own face. That is karma, little skank. Juri said as Karin stumbled and dropped her chair from all the pain.

Now it was time for Juri to take the lead and show this nude girl what the word ''retribution'' meant. Juri would open up with a right slash kick against the champ's left thigh in hope of crippling her a little and then just to make sure she wasn't going anywhere soon, Juri would launch another kick, this time with her left leg against Karin's right thigh to hopefully put the girl down on her knees before her.

Now if that worked, Juri would slowly pick up the chair with a menacing look on her face directed straight into Karin's eyes for a bit of intimidation. Juri's artificial eye would even glow purple a little and Juri would have a sadistic smirk on her face. Let's see how you like the taste of your own medicine, you fucking slut! Juri would yell out in a rather terrifying tone as she would lift the chair over her head and then bring it down with force onto Karin's head just to let her know how it feels.
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Re: A Hero to the rescue! Karin/Juri.

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Karin would be stumbling around for quite a bit. But suddenly the other woman did caught up standing right in front of her. Juri wouldn´t waste any time sending a kick right to the side of the thigh of Karin. The kick was painful as hell and for one moment the muscles in karin´s legs would give in. She had no other chance and couldn´t do anything about it, the poor girl would drop down onto one knee giving her opponent the prefect chance to follow up with just another kick to the other leg of Karin. The girl would scream out once again while the other leg would give in just like the first one. Now Karin was on her knees with two hurting legs, seeing how Juri was walking around her like a hungry predator. The small girl didn´t had anything she could do about her foe picking up the chair.

Only when juri was lifting the chair high up in the air trying to bring it down onto the Japanese girl, Karin was able to react. She would shove herself off the floor trying to roll out of harm’s way, leaving only the hard floor for Juri to hit with the chair, while getting herself into safety. Karin would say on her belly for a moment escaping the danger for a moment but not being safe for now.

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Re: A Hero to the rescue! Karin/Juri.

Unread post by ragaz »

Juri had made the girl kneel before her, yet the girl was still defiant in the face of the chair. Juri's swing missed and hit the ground instead. The force of impact went back to Juri's hand like an electric surge and it forced Juri to let got of it. Tsch! Running away? That's no fun, little bitch. Juri would say while she'd already be running at her foe, who just managed to roll away. Juri would wind up for a grand soccer kick aimed straight for Karin's face to teach her a thing or two about pain.

If the kick connected, Juri would walk in closer again with her hands on her waist. Get up, NOW! Juri would demand from her opponent and if the latter was indeed getting up, Juri would just kick her in the thigh again to put her down once again.
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Re: A Hero to the rescue! Karin/Juri.

Unread post by xalex »

Karin would be getting onto her hands and knees just to see her opponent running towards her and she would see how Juri was swinging her leg. The small girl would open her eyes as wide as she could before the kick would hit the side of her head so hard that her head would snap back into her neck, making her scream out in pain loudly. Karin would drop back to her front laying ther groaning. That kick might have shook her brain but it didn’t hit anything like a nose, but the kick still made the room spin around her.

But Karin wasn´t giving up, the small girl would slowly try to rise back to her feet, getting back into things. But halfway up she was hit by a kick to the hip forced to scream out in pain loudly, the girl would jump backwards away from the attack and fall back onto her hands and knees.

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