Black and Red All Over - Ash Raguel and Renee Steinhauser

Ambushes, chats, and events taking place in the backstage area of the LAW arena go here .
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Black and Red All Over - Ash Raguel and Renee Steinhauser

Unread post by AshAllen »

(Takes place after his debut with Rhea Knight)

A win under his belt, and with its spoils being his for the taking that evening, he felt pretty good about his time in LAW. Sure he hasn’t been in this League for long, but it’s been pretty fun so far and the people he’s met are cool.
Made him think back to his days back in the indies and the underground circuits, where he met many fighters then. He kinda missed those days and the people he fought.

Right now he was just chilling backstage. Taking a walk in some causal clothes while sipping on a water bottle he got from a vending machine. Deciding to explore the backstage for a bit since he didn’t really have much else. Plus he didn’t feel like doing a workout right now and just wanted to relax. So simply humming to the tune of a rock song, he just enjoyed his little stroll through LAW’s backstage.

Wanna have a fight or a story? Send a DM my way and we can plan. ^^

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