A Quiet Meeting of Chance (For Killcarrion)

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A Quiet Meeting of Chance (For Killcarrion)

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Sera hummed softly as she sat backstage. Well perched was a bit more accurate. Sitting atop a stack of crates with various equipment surrounded by other crates she was almost hiding away from the rest of LAW. Only she had no one to hide from, nor a reason too. Rather this was the most distant area from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the show and thus the best place for her to relax a bit, scrolling through her phone, checking for any updates on her... other interests. Nothing thus far but it seemed like so far it'd be another quiet night for her, but maybe she'd go out later or something. After all she was in her casual attire since she had already finished up her in ring business for the day. Still though she looked bored... as if wishing for something loud for a change just to make for something interesting to happen.


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Re: A Quiet Meeting of Chance (For Killcarrion)

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"Hey you see which way he went?!"

"Boss is gonna kills us if he gets away..."
"I thought you had on eyes him, ya mook!!!"

Scarcely audible quarreling could be overheard off in the distance alongside clambering footsteps indicating that these gentlemen were clearly partaking in a scrambling sprint down the arena's hallways. Boarish and bellowing voices which were threatening in nature but clearly indicated these men were not exactly Rhodes Scholars by any feasible stretch of the imagination. Each one amongst this particular posse being hired goons and gang affiliated mobsters whose primary specialty lied within their brawn, weaponry, and willingness to exert both upon anyone whom their underworld bosses directed them towards. Ruthlessly violent individuals who know how to make certain people disappear and how to grant offers to people they literally cannot refuse. Hoodlums whom one should pray they never become the unfortunate target of...so clearly this was not Johnny's lucky day considering he found himself hightailing it from these thugs all around the arena with his hand on top of his bowler hat to prevent if from flying off in the distance behind him.
An exasperated Mr. Atlas coming to a brief stop as his sneakers skidded along the linoleum flooring, hunched over with his hands situated on his kneecaps as he started heaving with fatigued breathes. "...*pant*...When I get my hands on Old Man Frazzelli...*pant*...thinks he can move in on my territory and welch on the money he owes-" Johnny balked as he glanced to his side to notice a curious looking woman sat next to him, his eyes widening once making contact with her own. "Perfect...You're everything that I need..." The swarthy con-man striding straight towards the petite stranger, tenderly placing his gloved hands on her shoulders...before hoisting her up and off the equipment case she was seating on. Clearly this was what he was eyeing the entire time as he frantically opened it and clambered inside. "Hey, can ya be a doll for me? If you see several guys run by here looking for me dressed in tacky suits and wearing sunglasses indoors...jus tell'em you saw me heading towards the parking lot...or the souvenir stand...or the Moon for all I care, just get'em off my tail!!!"

Johnny slamming shut the case seconds before several hired goons dressed in tacky suits and wearing sunglasses indoors dashed into the scene. Scoping their surroundings with labored breathing themselves before noticing the demure lady beside them. "Say you seen an orange-haired guy wearing a stupid bowler hat come through this place?!"

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Re: A Quiet Meeting of Chance (For Killcarrion)

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Seraphina hmmed bored, or well, hummed as best she could given her well condition. Scrolling idly through her phone in the peace of the quiet area backstage. Well formerly quiet. Hearing a commotion start up she would look up just in time to hear the squaling of rubber soles on the floor. As she did so her eyes met a vibrant panicked green of a man that now stood in front of her. Looking him up and down idly in curiosity she would raise an eyebrow at what he was saying.

Was this love at first sight? Cause she definitely wasn't feeling it. Sure she liked his bowler hat and found him... mildly attractive, but if she could speak she would probably say something rather dismissive and rude to him. As he approached and grabbed her though it took every ounce of restraint not ot attack, at least until it became clear he wasn't a threat and instead was merely looking to free up the crate she was sitting on making her give a soft nod. 'That does make more sense.' She thought as he climbed in and made a even more illuminating request.

'I see now.' She thought as it closed, turning around just in time to see the aforementioned thugs. Asked about where the man went her would briefly drifted to the crate he was in. Seraphina had no relationship to that man whatsoever and maybe watching him get beaten up would be somewhat interesting, more so than mindlessly scrolling on her phone at least. But maybe what would be even more interesting would be not selling him out.

Turning back to the waiting men who seemed to be losing patience as they caught their breath she would make her decision as she raised her arm up and pointed at a nearby sign directing those who saw it towards the parking garage, silently telling them that's where he ran off too. "Oh that rat bastard things he can make a get away that easily! Lets get him bois!" The apparent leader said as he and the rest of his posse took off down the corridor. Turning and watching them leave Seraphina would wait a few moments until the sounds of their footsteps were non existent, at which point she would knock on the top of the crate a few times, letting him know it was safe to come out.

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Re: A Quiet Meeting of Chance (For Killcarrion)

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Unbeknownst to his ponytailed savior outside, the stakes at play were just a tad steeper than a general beatdown and dumping into the nearest trash bin should these mafioso meatheads discover Johnny's hiding place. The con-man's silver tongue would need to weave quite the fallacy in order to weasel himself out of this particular mess, and he'd rather not hedge his bets in this scenario considering that there were talks of concrete shoes being muttered about by some of those hired goons. Strange as this all sounded this was a rather typical week in the life of a swindling shyster/scheming gangster/successful casino owner. A life he'd very much appreciate continuing to enjoy as he piped down and buried himself beneath whatever scattered equipment accompanied him within the case. Johnny pressing his ear to the side to help overhear the conversation...but quirked his eyebrow when he didn't notice anything being uttered by the lady outside. Several tense seconds later he breathed a sigh of relief from the sounds of clodding footsteps directing them towards the parking lot, peeking through an opened crack in the crate before opening it fully once given the All Clear signal.

"...*phew*...Talk about a close one. Serves me right for thinking today's civilized mob boss' would rather pay their debts instead of sending the goon squad on the casino owner. Least he could have done was give me a warning. Then I could have sent my men after him first..."
Johnny nonchalantly uttered while unearthing himself out of the crate, offering a glimpse into his hectic life while adjusting his disheveled suit and adjusting his trademark bowler hat. Thoughts dedicated as to how he'll settle this gangland beef before noticing the adorable beauty who in all likelihood saved his life. "OH, pardon my rudeness milady. You have my profound gratitude for not throwing me to the proverbial wolves back there." Johnny suavely stated with a gentlemanly bow showcasing his appreciation, standing upright with a card flicked like a sleight of hand magic trick to appear in his index and middle finger. "Here, my card. Allow me to introduce myself, Johnny Atlas. Debonair Philanthropist, Enterprising Entrepreneur, Lavish Casino Owner, Wrestling Talent Manager, Occasional Wrestler himself, and at this moment, a lucky schlub who’s grateful at the opportunity of making your acquaintance~..."

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Re: A Quiet Meeting of Chance (For Killcarrion)

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Stepping off the crate and giving the mystery man the all clear to come out Seraphina would step back as the man finally came out of the crate and shook himself off before stepping out and standing in front of her. Forcing Sera to look up at the man who was significantly taller than herself. An unfortunate aspect of her build that she cursed to this day. Regardless though after getting himself together and venting it seems, he took notice of her and did a quick bow as he introduced himself, making her raise an eyebrow in questioning doubt at some of his... descriptions. Regardless however she would take the card offered to her and overlook it on both sides with an inquisitive expression.

'Doesn't cheap out at least, and with thugs like that after him it's doubtful he's a bad conman, but he could still just be a really good one.' She thought to herself as she focused back on him now before reaching into her pocket and pulling out... her phone. Sliding the business card into the wallet attachment of the case she would begin typing rapid fire, all while not looking away from this... admittedly interesting person, which was honestly the entire reason she hadn't just sold him out or left all together. Finished with her typing she would hold the phone out as the computerized voice of text to speech started up to communicate on her behalf.

"Seraphina Kane. A pleasure. And you are lucky. Lucky that you piqued my interest. I'd recommend keeping it." As the device spoke her eyes flashed to the exit that the men had left in, clearly showing exactly what was intriguing her right now in regards to Johnny, but she didn't include it in her text to speech. No she wanted to see how much talk Johnny did prior to her outright asking him, mostly as a test to see how observant and quick on his feet Johnny was, and partially just because it amused to her to potentially have him squirm a bit before she was direct.

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Re: A Quiet Meeting of Chance (For Killcarrion)

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Had Johnny the time or inclinations to do so he'd derive much satisfaction in continuing onward for the sake of listing all of his specific job titles, fabricated though some of them may be. You could absolutely fill a closet with the number of hats Johnny's worn in regards to all of his numerous huckster professions before having ascended up within the underworld ladder, but for the sake of brevity he kept it short and sweet this time. Much like the adorable kitten he was speaking with currently as he applied his trademark suave mannerisms and charismatic wordplay in his attempt to charmingly beguile his petite savior today. Johnny at first aiming to potentially grift whatever coinage he could out of the twin-colored stranger before going on his merry way, until noticing something rather peculiar about her and quirking an eyebrow as she started fastidiously typing upon her cellphone while never breaking eye contact with him. An intriguing trick he'd say, and an obvious clue at how long she's been communicating in this manner and her potential knack for sleight of hand herself. Johnny listened to the replayed message and spying the exit door at the same time as Serafina...

...with the subtle implications of her words accompanying several dawning realizations as his knowing eyes returned to the crafty little minx's own. "Ahhh, riiiiight...*ahem*...Hey, whattya say we take a little stroll around the premises together, hm? We wouldn't want those dangerous brutes coming back here and threatening my, er, our safety once again, would we? Furthermore I can indulge your curiosity at length about any of the more...intriguing, aspects of my rather disreputable lifestyle. Come right this way, Ms. Kane~..."Johnny gesturing Serafina towards an adjacent hallway with a courteous bow, but would not be above hustling her along quicker with his gloved hands emphatically pushing on the back of her shoulders to get a move on already. At least until they were several feet ahead before he started walking beside her. Obviously eager to gain some distance between Sera and the armed thugs she could potentially rat him out too. "So, Ms. Kane. What brings a lady of such regal prestige all the way here? You're certainly not wanting for cash, given all the money I just spied in your wallet attachment back there~..." Johnny coyly remarked with a sly smirk as they traipsed down the hallway.

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Re: A Quiet Meeting of Chance (For Killcarrion)

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'Interesting. Very interesting. If nothing else he's very confident. I do like that.' Seraphina thought to herself with a small smile forming on her face as she watched Johnny's reaction to her less than normal response delivery. Even so to his credit he didn't miss a beat and seemed to pick up on her subtle clues almost instantly, a very promising sign for him with her. After all Sera wasn't the type to waste time on dullards who couldn't keep up with her. Being asked to walk with the gentleman Seraphina would hum softly as she looked at him before nodding in affirmation and walking with him as he led the way at first before they exited out into the connecting hallway, opposite in th direction the thugs had run off in.

Walking in a steady, focused gait Sera would wait until her companion fell into step behind her before looking into the debonair gentleman's eyes, listening with complete, almost machin like intensity as he asked her what she was doing here to which she rolled her eyes, partially because of the obviousness of the question, but also at the veiled observation at hr money. Not that sh was worried and if anything she appreciated the gutsiness of making it. Regardless she would just smirk brazenly as she thought about why she was really here. To hurt people. Make them suffer and subjugate them through agony and humiliation. It was enough to make hr giggle if she was capable of it, but the sadistic glee was extremely visible by both the glint in her eyes and th almost devilish way her smirk had taken.

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Re: A Quiet Meeting of Chance (For Killcarrion)

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Johnny's instincts as a pickpocket weren't easily subdued as his keen eyesight accounted for and calculated every billfold in that split second opportunity he had until coming up with a decent assumption as to how much cheddar Serafina had tucked away on her person. Although Johnny wasn't about to waste an opportunity at a potentially lucrative business partnership be jeopardized for short term gain and chump change in comparison to potential dealings with the aristocrat. For now though he wisely opted to distance themselves as far as possible from the armed thugs scampering around the parking lot in all likelihood, the casino operator adjusting the collar of his jacket and clearing his throat as he sought to regain his suave composure now that he knew exactly the type of regal company he was entertaining. And the potential for profitable dealings there in.

Johnny lackadaisically yet masterfully twirling his cane as they proceeded onward, catching every subtle gesture Serafina elicited and somehow ascertaining exactly what she was communicating without any hint of a syllable uttered. "Hmm...it always did pique my curiosity whenever I caught wind of the "Aristocratic Terror" reigning supreme and wreaking havoc in another indie promotion. I suppose even with all the money in the world, there's certain simple joys in life that can still elude you. Well if that's what tickles your fancy why not be a guest at my own humble establishment? A thriving casino where one can put more than just their money on the line within certain fight pits~...Perhaps you may even be inclined to invest a modicum of your vast fortune into my own business. Get in on the ground floor, and what not."Johnny replied with a pumped fist and sly smirk.

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Re: A Quiet Meeting of Chance (For Killcarrion)

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More and more Seraphina found her mild curiosity of Jack to be growing into genuine interest, perhaps even favor. Never before had someone done so with her which in turn fed her interest in him. Most shocking of all thus far though was the fact that he seemed to be so keen and perceptive that he was actually able to understand her near perfectly without the need of an interpretation, even the darker bits that she hadn't meant to convey, even knowing this though he was still interested in her, in fact it seemed he was even more so now knowing this darker side.

Of course Seraphina was no idiot, his response made it clear that part of his interest lay in the value of her wealth and what she could add to his own business ventures but she'd begrudge him for that. After all she was a business woman herself in a way and she could respect it, and its not as if it wouldn't be beneficial to her given a place without ANY rules unlike LAW wouldn't also serve her needs well. Why have one great thing when you could have two? Still despite that she wasn't quite sold, she needed to be sure...

Looking towards him again she'd raise a eyebrow at the fact that he knew her, surprised that he was aware of her indie reputation but bowing her head slightly in appreciation of the recognition all the same. Smiling a bit wider at him articulating his understanding of her desires she'd release a silent giggle, made visible by the shaking of her shoulders before nodding in agreement. At his offer she would place her fingers upon her chin in a thinking gesture before taking a few long strides forward to get ahead of him as she stopped a crossroads of the hallway.

Holding a finger up to tell Johnny to pause for a moment she would look at the signs for the halls and where they lead too before smirking as she found what she was looking for. Using her extended finger now to gesture for him to come closer she would grab hold of his jacket's lapel to pull him forward along with her, playfully leading him down a few halls before pushing through a door... right into the LAW gym where a practice ring stood in the center. Releasing Johnny and crossing her arms she would spin around gracefully to face him while bobbing her head between him and then the ring, the mischievous glint and competitive grin on her face meant to convey that her answer to his offer would be contingent on him having a... spar with her in said ring.

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Re: A Quiet Meeting of Chance (For Killcarrion)

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As the old saying goes, "a fisherman always sees another fisherman from afar". And while Johnny's nautical expertise doesn't extend any farther than the type of halibut he enjoys for his dinners on occasion, he knew right from word one that there was most definitely more to Seraphina than met the heterochromiatic eye. There quite simply had to be if this cherubic pixie was capable of half the acts of wanton violence he heard about being circulated within specific underground fighting circles. Her nefarious reputation obviously preceding her given how unorthodox it was for a sophisticated blueblood hailing from high society to frequent dens of inequity and take home championship gold in the process. Johnny appreciating finally being able to match a face to the infamous "Aristocratic Terror" to satiate his own curiosity, but finding himself capable of understanding and communicating with Seraphina perfectly well in spite of her lacking certain linguistic capabilities. At first, he thought she was just giving him the silent treatment. But thankfully after a lifetime spent reading people's subtle facial movements and body gestures, and perhaps sharing a clandestine connection here or there, the polite conversation continued remarkably fluidly...Johnny of course steering that conversation into potential business dealings that would make him fat stacks of cash, as was his entrepreneurial way.

And having Serafina bankroll his future illegal endeavors and social club for a small cut of the profits and free reign over his underground fighting pit was where the bowl-hatted conman was intending to lead their friendly chatter...until Seraphina abruptly started striding ahead of them. Even he was finding her mirthful giggles and warm smiles endearing in a way, recognizing a quirky connection forming between them as he stepped forward when beckoned-"WHOA easy...this suit is a Cesare Attolini, you know..."-when he'd be yanked and guided down an adjacent hallway into the LAW gymnasium. Johnny straightening out his suit and composing himself when released, glancing up to grasp the big picture here, a devious smirk burgeoning on his facials as he stepped beside Seraphina. "And here I thought I'd merely be spending my time politely playing tour guide to a ravishingly beauteous socialite all day. I suppose this is one way of keeping your interest, but I'd consider it an esteemed honor to entertain my guest for the day with a battle of wrestling aptitude if it will prove my mettle and secure a potential business partner in the process." Johnny bowing respectively like the refined gentleman he is before striding towards the Men's Locker-room with a swiveling twirl to his cane. "Whatsay we meet back here in about fifteen minutes dressed in our wrestling finest. I promise this to be a dance like no other~..."

***Twelve Minutes Later***

Johnny had the foresight to store his wrestling gear in a locked cabinet, and was therefore able to transition to his wrestling skivvies quicker than he anticipated. Therefore, he opted to lackadaisically lay against the corner turnbuckle waiting for his affluent challenger. Although he'd be mindful to part the ring ropes for her when she did arrive, of course.

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