MIO/Moira P. & Mizaki T. - A Delightful Sandwich

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The Ominous Future
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MIO/Moira P. & Mizaki T. - A Delightful Sandwich

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Trailing the corridors of LAW one particular evening would find yourself in awe at perhaps two of the bustiest figures within LAW itself, as Moira Pandela and previous co-worker of sorts Mizaki Tantka paced through the hallway. The two were barely friends; more rivals than anything, with their previous time spent together in the world of session wrestling having brought a fierce competition between the two. Clients favouring one meant less business for the other after all. But seeing no reason to commit to such rivalry here and now, Moira sought fit to serve something as a tour-guide for her past co-worker, with the curvy heavyweight bellowing out every-time the buxom duo went past something of moderate note.

"That's the main office there, right at the end of the hallway..." Moira pointed, her hand extending and beckoning Mizaki's eyes to a room at the end of a T-hallway the duo had stopped to. "I think that's more of a thing your called to rather than you just simply barging in..."
Ever clad with a smile, Moira sought no issue with showing Mizaki around, as even despite the fact her bluenette acquaintance had yet to smile, she herself was grinning cheek to cheek.

"You could look a little happier you know...this place is fun..."

"Mhm..." Merely nodding and tutting to everything her larger friend said, the seemingly uninterested Mizaki simply paced besides Moira with arms crossed under her giant bosom, barely taking in anything she saw. Until the duo passed one room.
"You'll need to remember this room..." Moira spoke as she raised her hand, tapping her finger on the women's changing room door, before opening it. "This one's public, and you might get your own before a match, but this is where you'll go before the gym...Oh..." Her words interrupted as Moira stepped through the door, head turning, Moira would find but one figure before her, sat upon the bench, seemingly having just changed.

"I didn't know there'd be anyone still around.." Raising her hand, the heavyweight had seemingly opted to show Mizaki around at a quieter hour of business, in hopes of having the place to themselves. Evidently, it was not.


Re: MIO/Moira P. & Mizaki T. - A Delightful Sandwich

Unread post by Nicia »

Mio had just finished changing into her gym outfit as she planned to have a workout session in the gym that day. A dark sports bra and a matching shorts were the usual pick for such occasion for her who preferred simple looking clothing most of the times. She stood up and put her belongings to her locker, not really paying too much attention to her surroundings. Around this hour it's usually pretty quiet, which was the main reason why she picked this time for her exercise session.

She turned around and went to the exit, only to find out that something, or rather someone, was blocking her way as she bumped into a figure. "Ah...!" the raven haired girl yelped as she stumbled backwards. "S-sorry..." she apologized, before looking in front of her to find out that it wasn't just a person who was in her way. There were two taller beauties, and simply gazing at the sight of their magnificent looking figures made her a little mesmerized as she stared at them for a bit, her cheeks lightly blushing.

The Ominous Future
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Re: MIO/Moira P. & Mizaki T. - A Delightful Sandwich

Unread post by Devilish53 »

To Mio's luck, or bad luck perhaps, of the two girls she had bumped into, Mizaki was most certainly the worst. Had it been Moira, the jiggly giant would have simply laughed it off and even played at the girl. Mizaki though...

"Oi oi..." She'd grunt, turning her eyes down to the figure who had just inadvertently if lightly headbutted her ginormous bust. "Damn right you're sorry..." Her eyes far from playful, the blue haired girl adopted a fiercer glare at the seconds passed, with only Moira to her side face palming over her smile. She'd soon make the situation a shade more awkward however, purposefully or not, as she stepped to Mio's side, bending down to whisper in her ear as she too looked at Mizaki.

"Don't mind her...I'd have put my face in there too if I was you..."


Re: MIO/Moira P. & Mizaki T. - A Delightful Sandwich

Unread post by Nicia »

As she heard the reaction of the person she just bumped into, Mio looked apologetic and lowered her head to further show that she was sorry. To her surprise, however, the other woman would then whispered to her some words that made the situation even more awkward. She twitched as she heard her, giving Moira a confused, yet slightly embarrassed look as well. It was true that those women had a bountiful breasts that seemed pretty nice to have her face buried between them, a thought that Mio quickly tried to drift away as she shook her head a bit.

"U-um... uh... s-sorry again..." not knowing how to respond, she decided to just apologize again.

The Ominous Future
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Re: MIO/Moira P. & Mizaki T. - A Delightful Sandwich

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Holding her posture, practically shoving out her front as her face gave a glare to end all glares, Mizaki apparently showed no signs in forgiving the girl. Least of all when Moira was antagonising the situation. If she was to simply back away here, or outright forgive the small girl, in her mind she'd appear weak to her former rival!

"Don't beat around the bush..." Moira again whispered, barely containing her laughter as her hands gently massaged atop of Mio's shoulders. The giant hadn't even learnt the poor girls name, yet she had already decided she'd make something of a meal out of her, even with her prior task of showing Mizaki around the place. Fun for Moira was something that often took focus, as Mio found, with a gentle shove upon those shoulders, Mio would find her face again stumbling towards that gigantic bosom.

Mizaki simply looked down, and roared with her eyes, as Mio's face for a moment disappeared within her cleavage.


Re: MIO/Moira P. & Mizaki T. - A Delightful Sandwich

Unread post by Nicia »

With the situation didn't seem to improve, Mio wasn't really sure what to do. Would someone normally be that upset just from being bumped against? There's a few possible reasons, perhaps, such as the person was already in a bad mood or something. Mio would like to just leave if possible, but with the woman blocking her way, it seemed she'd be stuck here for a bit.

Then she felt herself being pushed from behind, to her surprise. A soft gasp left her lips as she'd then find her head pressed against the cleavage of the taller woman in front of her, her confusion only went further. "Ah...?!" A pair of blush appeared on her face, no that it could be seen with her head buried between the breasts of Mizaki. She'd try to push herself back, not wanting to make the already awkward situation even more awkward.

The Ominous Future
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Re: MIO/Moira P. & Mizaki T. - A Delightful Sandwich

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Now standing straight, leaning back somewhat as she took a single step back, Moira was evidently happy with watching, seemingly knowing the sort of things Mizaki would do to such a girl as Mio, even despite the fact this awkwardness was entirely the giant brunettes fault. If anything, Mizaki would feel somewhat implored to be an even firmer version of herself as it were, given she had to prove to Moira that she was still very much the same force that the brunette knew from before. Not to mention the fact that leaving her mark on the smaller beauty now head first in her breasts didn't seem like a bad idea at all...

"A little pervert...eh? Well..." Hands coming up, Mizaki's massive bosom would force itself into Mio's face entirely; those hands slipping behind the girls head, to ensure simply leaning back wasn't an option. Her focus entirely on Mio, Mizaki's figure would press a little gentler into the girl as she stepped forward, her hips fairly close to the girl!
Last edited by Devilish53 on Mon Feb 12, 2018 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: MIO/Moira P. & Mizaki T. - A Delightful Sandwich

Unread post by Nicia »

"Mmmm...!" Mio let out a muffled cry as Mizaki pulled her closer, using her hands on the back of head to keep it trapped between her cleavage. She squirmed, trying to push herself a bit more, getting more confused with what's going on. The woman in front of her first looked upset, but now apparently she's actively smothering her? The raven haired girl had to say, Mizaki did have a nice scent which kinda drifting off her fighting instinct after a bit. She tried to fight of the feeling, however, wanting to get a clear grasps of the situation first if she could. "Mmmhh...!"

The Ominous Future
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Re: MIO/Moira P. & Mizaki T. - A Delightful Sandwich

Unread post by Devilish53 »

Mizaki isn't at all impressed by how she's being played into the situation now upon her; whether Mio enjoyed the sight and feel of her breasts was now irrelevant. She'd get them, if anything just to one-up Moira!

"Nothing to say eh?" She smirks, letting herself enjoy the moment a little, given she's already bending the smaller girl to her will via her giant chest. Swaying a little side to side, rocking her top half from left to right, Mio soon finds those bouncy orbs lightly banging against her head from either side, with the sheer scale of them still of course leaving no room for breath. To make matters worse, a hand soon comes from behind, practically patting her back as if she was a child worthy of praise, as Moira steps a little closer.

"What a shock..you literally using the smallest of reasons to shove your chest in someones face.." Moira teases, earning a eye roll from the nonchalant Mizaki, as even Moira's great curves now tickle to Mio's back.
Last edited by Devilish53 on Mon Feb 12, 2018 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Re: MIO/Moira P. & Mizaki T. - A Delightful Sandwich

Unread post by Nicia »

Mio let out a muffled grunt as she felt her head being smacked by the large breasts of Mizaki, which still gave her no room for a breather. Despite her struggle she could barely pull herself away, and soon enough she felt the other woman's figure grazing her back side. A shiver ran through her back. The thought of being sandwiched between the two bigger women was poking her excitement a bit, but her fighting instinct was still there, and she'd try to push herself harder from Mizaki. Not that it'd get her anywhere with Moira behind her...


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