
It was unclear if Louis was real, but he likely couldn't do half of what Jasper was doing right now, as the Goth then gracefully would pivot into a side stretch pose, his torso leaning gracefully to one side, elongating his entire body. Sensing the need for grounding, he gracefully came out of the pair of poses and lowered himself to his knees, transitioning into the pigeon pose. His deep, controlled breaths mirrored the intensity of his focus, as he surrendered to the sensation of the stretch, stretching his left and then right legs out.
From the grounded position, Jasper rose gently into the runner pose, humming calmly to himself, and in probably his most impressive showing, almost like he was solidifying he DEFINITELY was a yoga master, he flowed right into a Hanumanasana, or as the NON-YOGI NERDS would say the splits. Jasper gave a content little sigh, smiling as his legs extended impossibly wide in a display of flexibility that left any onlookers in awe. Even more impressive is YES, he did this on both sides.
Without missing a beat, Jasper came out of the stretch and went into the triangle pose, his body forming a strong and elongated shape than he gracefully folded forward into Prasarita Padottanasana. With his, his legs spread wide and his hands resting on the floor, he would go into the intense stretch, but Jasper's flexibility allowed him to find comfort even in such demanding positions. Feeling a little cocky during his workout and wanting to push himself a bit, Jasper would stretch his hands out and interlace behind his head, adding a touch of elegance and vulnerability to his pose as he performed Prasarita Padottanasana C. The interlaced fingers enhanced the beauty of the stretch, accentuating his Muscular frame and showcasing his golden-sculpted physique.
After basking in the tranquillity of the pose, Jasper released his hands and gently and gracefully descended into a Wide-Legged Forward Fold. His torso folded forward, allowing his body to melt into the stretch. The deep stretch not only opened up his hips and hamstrings but also helped really showcase the supple curves of his curvy figure. Sitting comfortably, he sighed, allowing the stretch to wash over his entire body, relishing in the release it provided. As he settled into the pose, a sense of tranquillity washed over him, he felt very very relaxed as his workout had been very relaxing.
The fluidity of his movements was mesmerizing. So much so that Jasper came out of his trace only when her heard the door to the gym open and close. He perked up, smiling hearing someone enter, having another early bird to chat with. He pushed himself up to his hands, restting on them while he was still in the splits. "Sorry Hun, I got the worm, you'll have to try again tomorrow~" He giggled at his simple silly joke