Golden Smother Serenity

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Golden Smother Serenity

Unread post by SweetHeart »

In a dimly lit corner of the gym, Jasper Noir, the Gold blooded boy Himself, was taking some time to perform some rather complex Yoga stretches. His excitement was palpable, for he had just received the news of a shot at working for LAW, a prestigious Japanese wrestling company. As he gracefully contorted his body into various positions, his heart raced with anticipation of the opportunities that awaited him. He would be able to work with Yuzuko, and maybe even prove himself as a singles star too! Maybe he could even get a referee job for his boyfriend.
He was currently doing some Yoga, he had choosen to spefifcally come at a early time to have the gym to himself, doing some stretches to specifically help around his legs get stretched, each stretch seamlessly flowing into the next with an almost otherworldly grace. With focused determination, he began with the Cat-Cow pose, gracefully arching his back like a feline, before smoothly transitioning into the Downward-Facing Dog, his body forming a perfect inverted V. From there, he effortlessly raised one leg, soaring into the awe-inspiring standing split, also called an Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana, his body seemingly defying gravity. He also made sure to do both legs, as it was important not to only do a single side, as he would say "You can't be a lopsided Louis!"

It was unclear if Louis was real, but he likely couldn't do half of what Jasper was doing right now, as the Goth then gracefully would pivot into a side stretch pose, his torso leaning gracefully to one side, elongating his entire body. Sensing the need for grounding, he gracefully came out of the pair of poses and lowered himself to his knees, transitioning into the pigeon pose. His deep, controlled breaths mirrored the intensity of his focus, as he surrendered to the sensation of the stretch, stretching his left and then right legs out.

From the grounded position, Jasper rose gently into the runner pose, humming calmly to himself, and in probably his most impressive showing, almost like he was solidifying he DEFINITELY was a yoga master, he flowed right into a Hanumanasana, or as the NON-YOGI NERDS would say the splits. Jasper gave a content little sigh, smiling as his legs extended impossibly wide in a display of flexibility that left any onlookers in awe. Even more impressive is YES, he did this on both sides.

Without missing a beat, Jasper came out of the stretch and went into the triangle pose, his body forming a strong and elongated shape than he gracefully folded forward into Prasarita Padottanasana. With his, his legs spread wide and his hands resting on the floor, he would go into the intense stretch, but Jasper's flexibility allowed him to find comfort even in such demanding positions. Feeling a little cocky during his workout and wanting to push himself a bit, Jasper would stretch his hands out and interlace behind his head, adding a touch of elegance and vulnerability to his pose as he performed Prasarita Padottanasana C. The interlaced fingers enhanced the beauty of the stretch, accentuating his Muscular frame and showcasing his golden-sculpted physique.

After basking in the tranquillity of the pose, Jasper released his hands and gently and gracefully descended into a Wide-Legged Forward Fold. His torso folded forward, allowing his body to melt into the stretch. The deep stretch not only opened up his hips and hamstrings but also helped really showcase the supple curves of his curvy figure. Sitting comfortably, he sighed, allowing the stretch to wash over his entire body, relishing in the release it provided. As he settled into the pose, a sense of tranquillity washed over him, he felt very very relaxed as his workout had been very relaxing.

The fluidity of his movements was mesmerizing. So much so that Jasper came out of his trace only when her heard the door to the gym open and close. He perked up, smiling hearing someone enter, having another early bird to chat with. He pushed himself up to his hands, restting on them while he was still in the splits. "Sorry Hun, I got the worm, you'll have to try again tomorrow~" He giggled at his simple silly joke
Last edited by SweetHeart on Fri Jul 07, 2023 3:27 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Golden Smother Serenity

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There were so many benefits to an early morning workout, but it was still somewhat of an oddity for Ducky Williams to be present at LAW for such an activity, having to fight the urge to sleep in and instead go to LAW arena early to make use of the gym! And so it was with that mindset that found herself stifling a yawn, holding onto a tiny mat that would let her stretch atop it as she slowly stepped through the hallways towards the gymnasium, already clad in her wrestling singlet, which also doubled as a wonderful workout outfit! And once she made her way all the way to the room, she'd push the door open and step inside, taking a deep breath as she prepared herself for a long and productive day!
The gym was a familiar place to the blonde of course, having spent much time here working out and training up her skills, and especially as of late with her apprentice Amy, so the gym held a certain level of comfort, despite her not being here so much in the early morning! However, one thing that seemed to catch her off guard was the fact that despite what she expected to find, she was not here alone! She didn't quite notice him at first, but after another pass over the gym with her eyes, she happened to catch sight of the young man stretching by himself in the quiet gym!

He was clad in a gold singlet that hugged his curvy frame, cut high on the thighs to show off that he had some very full and thick legs, ones that might make some ladies at LAW jealous! He was admittedly quite attractive, a pretty boy face and some tattoos on his pale skin, and in addition to his curvy figure, it all showed that he certainly wasn't afraid to flaunt what he had! And one of the most noticeable things was that he was down on a mat of his own, his legs spread all the way out to the sides in a splits as his body was down on the mat, a highly impressive stretch!

He slowly pushed himself up to greet her, a quick joke coming from him as he commented on how early they both were, with Ducky giving a chuckle as she began to walk towards him, slowly unfurling the mat she brought!

"It sure looks that way, doesn't it? You must be dedicated, or a real masochist to get here even earlier than this!" Ducky teased, unable to hide a slight yawn as she said so! The blonde would go ahead and walk over to where Jasper stretched, regarding his pose with admiration before she would place her own mat down across from him, figuring that he had sparked a conversation, so he wouldn't mind having her stretch nearby!

"But judging by that pose you're doing? I'm gonna take a guess and say it's the former. You don't see many men who can stretch their legs like that ya know?" She said with a smile, before stepping onto her own mat and beginning to stretch herself, starting a bit slower and simply bending down, planting her palms on the mat and keeping her legs straight as she let her thick rear point skyward and her back and legs get accustomed to the stretch!

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Re: Golden Smother Serenity

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Jasper smiled as the girl set up a mat next to him, complimenting his ability to stretch, the golden singlet clung to his alluring curves, showcasing his full and thick legs, a testament to his dedication to his physical fitness that he wasn't even remotely shy about flaunting.

With a graceful rise, Jasper sat in the splits, stretching from side to side "Well, dedication and a hint of masochism may both be at play to get my utterly golden body." He replied playfully, his voice laced with a hint of mischief. "But I have a feeling you've got some hidden flexibility talents of your own. I mean I didn't get like this after doing just one downward dog. I'm sure you could get something similar, if that lovely derrière of yours tells me anything it's that you could definintly be just as good as I am. I could even teach you a thing or two about bending and stretching." He punctuated his words with a wink, relishing in the teasing.

Seeing Ducky go into the downward dog, Jasper decidied to contuine showing off, one upping Ducky by smoothly slidding up out of the splits and into a wide legged downward dog pose, commonly known as the "Jack-o Pose" from people online. He spread his legs wide, the gold singlet hugging his curvaceous backside as he raised his hips high in the air. His chin rested delicately on his interlocked hands, forming a triangle with his body. The sight was a captivating display of both flexibility and his own well-rounded rear.
Jasper then simple smirked at Ducky, basically showing off to the Duck, and once Ducky did respond he would say " Well hun you can't really blame me for wanting to one up you~. If you had the ass I had you would show it off as much as you can~" He teased, letting his hips rock a bit to have the jiggle slighlty, almost challenging Ducky with how much he was showing off.

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Re: Golden Smother Serenity

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Getting her mat down across from Jasper, Ducky would begin to lightly stretch herself as well, bending down and touching the floor as she stretched out her curvy frame, enjoying the stretch as she got warmed up in front of the male wrestler! Jasper was already plenty warmed up himself, and was quick to give her a quick compliment based on her figure, and her famed rear end, the blonde giving a bit of a chuckle as he said he might be able to teach her a bit, raising an eyebrow in response! He definitely was plenty flexible, there was no denying that much, but Ducky was pretty confident in her own ability to stretch, and so she wasn't going to simply roll over and let him show her up!

However, once more Jasper would seemingly look to show off to Ducky, as he suddenly shifted out of his position and once more dropped his body down onto the mat, while he would push himself up onto his feet! It was a well known pose, one that plenty of people had asked Ducky herself to replicate online, while teasing Ducky about his thick rear end, causing the blonde to let out a giggle!

"Awfully confident, but let's not get ahead of ourselves huh? I'm plenty flexible, and as for having an ass like yours? I think I might have you beaten there..." Ducky teased, before dropping low herself, her chest scrubbing the mat as she suddenly spread her legs apart and quickly moved into the exact same pose that Jasper had taken, mimicking it while she gave him a wink! Her massive rear jiggled slightly in the air as she held the pose, Ducky's booty being quite famed and well known, and the blonde was quick to show Jasper that she was more than confident in her flexibility and behind!

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Re: Golden Smother Serenity

Unread post by SweetHeart »

Jasper smirked watching her copy the move, snickering "Oh hun don't try and play up the entire bum dominator act. Regardless of your plump rump you more often like to stare then show, and sometimes a lot closer then most~" He teased, skillfully planting his feet, walking them forward, before then rolling back upwards to his feet, sighing and putting his hands into a "namaste"

"If I'm being a little cheeky-" He put his hand on his hip smirknig "-I could almost guraentie that you wouldn't be so mouthy if we ever tussled, that mouth of your's only gonna be making kissy lips." He teased, kissing his finger, giving her a chance to respond. "Regardless of what happens hun, if you really wanna contest if I could beat you with my buns I am more then confident, since after all, I am the embodiment of bold gold elegance. Considering I have my boy at home, I won't be swayed by any feminine charms like your drooling fanbase of booty lovers~. I can say with confidence you may have a nice ripe peach, and may have endured some peaches before, but you don't stand a single chance of besting this GOLDEN Peach~" He teased smacking his rear.~

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Re: Golden Smother Serenity

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Ducky's body quickly slid into the quite suggestive pose to mimic Jasper, showing him that she was just as capable of striking the same pose, meeting his teasing with some of her own as well, flashing a wink his way as well, but this only served to stoke the fires! It seemed that while friendly when she came in, Jasper was anything but humble, and he also revealed that he knew who Ducky was as he began to tease her over the times she had been smothered in the ring, the blonde raising an eyebrow as she heard this! When Jasper raised up to his feet, Ducky would continue her stretch for just a few seconds longer, before standing back up straight to stand against him, listening to him continue!

He was confident, that was for sure, as he proclaimed that he could beat her, and he could beat her in the fashion that she was most used to beating others in, that being with a smother-filled demise thanks to a large rear end! And even going so far as to reveal that he happened to be gay, something that likely meant he wasn't going to be getting distracted by Ducky's feminine wiles! And all of this served... to draw a laugh from the blonde bombshell!

"Ahahahaha! Oh wow, that was good, it really was! Super cute too!" Ducky chuckled, before giving Jasper a wry smile, showing that she clearly wasn't going to take what he said lying down! "But really, you think the fact that you're gay means you won't end up under my ass? Honey, it doesn't matter if you are or not, because you can get smothered all the same. Especially with a mouth that big, so many of those have ended up under my ass. But please, both of us know that there's really only one way to settle this. And if you really think you can back up all that talk, there's a ring right there..." Ducky teased, nodding towards the nearby wrestling ring within the gym, clearly ready to meet Jasper's confidence with her own!

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Re: Golden Smother Serenity

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Jasper would end up getting a bit mouthy, as he has a tendency to get a bit playful with his teasing to the point he instigated things, and that appeared to be happening here, as Ducky would throw down the gauntlet, wanting to prove she was able to beat him regardless of the fact he was gay. Jasper considered de-escalating or even just rescheduling such a match for a proper venue.....but he really couldn't help himself at this. I mean what can he say, he just gets in the mood sometimes to be playful, and after all the insults and banter Ducky wasn't gonna get him to turn tail and run right as the fun was starting.

"Oh, that so hun? Well if you're so eager to get smushed then fine! One on One, you and me, right now, and since you're so eager to get a faceful, let's make it a smother match!" He teased smirking, getting a little extra in by swinging his hips and hip-checking Ducky's hips, smirking as he would quickly bounce over to the ring, motioning Ducky to bring it with one finger. Once the pair were in the ring, they laid the simple ground rules.

"Alright so, simple smother match rules, you can do other stuff but smothers are the only way to win, and since there's no referee or anything, so we can make this unsanctioned, you'll likely need the leg up yeah?" He smirked with a sly smile. "Other than that anything goes, and the loser is the first to submit, either through talking or tapping, cuz I'll probably end up knocking you out a few times before you're ready to give up~. Just to make it a lil fun, maybe some punishment is in order for the loser yeah? Course I'm only gonna do this if you're sure you feel comfortable with me tussling with you in such a way, right?" Jasper asked, as a sort of way to ask consent for anything lewd happening in the match, as even if this was gonna be basically an 'I have a better butt' fight, he was still making sure that his dance partner was alright with the more suggestive aspects of his offence. But if Ducky did give affirmation for that kinda style, well, all bets were off, Jasper was gonna go full out on the Duck dastardly.~

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Re: Golden Smother Serenity

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

With two competitors like Jasper and Ducky, any amount of friendly banter between the two would quickly escalate, as both were quick to tease one another and neither wanted to back down, leading to what ended up coming next! And that was that Ducky would throw down a gauntlet to the man she had bumped into in the gm, now offering to take it into the nearby ring with him and help settle things that way, and of course Jasper would immediately jump on the idea, agreeing to a match! But he'd also take the opportunity to throw down a challenge of his own, offering to make it a smother match, something that Ducky was quite familiar in, but judging by his figure and his confidence, Jasper likely was too!

So of course, once the challenge was made, Jasper was quick to move, suddenly swinging his hips and bumping them into Ducky's, knocking her off balance for just a second before he began to make his way towards the ring! Ducky, who would have hip checked him back if he hadn't began walking away, turned with a smirk and quickly began to follow him, climbing inside of the ring and joining the gold clad male! Jasper would quickly lay down the rules, with a few more teasing words, before asking Ducky if she was okay with a punishment for the loser, a bit of a question on if she was okay with more lewd actions!

"Sounds good to me, we can go until one of us can't go anymore! And I'm alright with a punishment for the loser, but please, let's not get too confident there hot stuff... I'm gonna feel bad ruining all that confidence when I've got ya smothered out and getting ready for punishment. Oh, and before we get it on, you should probably tell me your name." Ducky chided with a wink, Jasper having gone all this time without formally introducing himself to Ducky! Still, once he did, the blonde was more than ready to go, and the two would be set to begin their smother showdown!

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Re: Golden Smother Serenity

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Jasper was happy to see Ducky was alright with the punishment aspect of it, before letting out a little cute gasp realizing he had forgotten to tell the girl his name. "Oh! My goodness, my most sincere apologies dear, I got so caught up in the banter I forgot my manners." He put a handle on his chest giving a gentle smile "My name is Jasper. Jasper Jamie Noir, JJ Noir for short~. You may call me whatever you please~" He smiled, giving a gentle wave.

"But enough of the formalities~, lets get to the fun~" He teased, smirking, getting into a fighting stance, ready to rumble! Jasper would take things a bit slow, trying to feel out Ducky's overall style for the match, getting in close slowly, going low, before attempting to dash forward quickly, looking to hook his leg around Ducky's for a inside leg trip!
If Jasper got the hold, he quickly would lock Ducky's leg up, twisting and standing up, isolating the knee and kneeling on her thigh, preforming a basic ankle hold, just to try and start targetting her leg. If the Takedown wasn't successful, Jasper attempted to correct it by instead swiping his leg around to trip Ducky instead, hoping to throw her off balance or knock her down!

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Re: Golden Smother Serenity

Unread post by ADarlingDucky »

Entering the ring with Jasper and accepting his terms for the match, Ducky would give a slight smile as Jasper realized that he had forgotten to introduce himself, the pretty boy giving an introduction, with Ducky returning his wave with a wry smile! But once the formalities were over, that meant that there was little left to do other than get this match underway, and once Jasper had gotten himself ready, Ducky would do the same, lowering herself just a bit as she prepped for the start of the match! The two faced off for a moment, before the curvy male would suddenly dart in and go low, attempting to grab hold of Ducky's leg and trip her to the mat, with the blonde catching his upper body as he came at her!

"Whoa! Quite an aggressive start..." Ducky groaned, holding onto Jasper and managing to stagger backwards to keep her legs underneath her, while trying to block any further attempts from Jasper to get her off her feet! However, despite his charge not working, he was still looking to target Ducky's legs, throwing another low trip to take her off her feet, this one taking her off balance again, and Ducky knew that she likely wasn't going to remain upright for very long at this rate if he kept it up! So it was time to take advantage!

"You wanna go down to the mat? Alright then, here we go!" Ducky cried, before attempting to suddenly wrap an arm around Jasper's neck, locking him in a tight headlock! And then, she'd give him exactly what he wanted, as she would throw herself down onto the mat, but looking to pull him down with her, and slam his head into the mat with an improvised DDT!

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