Can't Turn a Piece of Ass Into an Ass Kicker (Feat. Alix Jacques, Reine Roquefeuil, Lucielle Costa and Daisuke Takeuchi)

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Can't Turn a Piece of Ass Into an Ass Kicker (Feat. Alix Jacques, Reine Roquefeuil, Lucielle Costa and Daisuke Takeuchi)

Unread post by DSX93 »

Alix Jacques
Reine Roquefeuil
Lucielle Costa
Alix Jacques and Reine Roquefeuil were standing in the interview area backstage, with Lucielle Jeannette Camara Verninac Pardo Costa, or Lucielle Costa, for short, having been chosen to conduct things. It was a great scoop to have for her first interview: Alix was quickly making a name for herself in LAW. First through her incredibly erotic and seductive showings in Hentai matches, with recent times showing her branching out quite a bit.

"Olá pessoal! This is Lucielle Costa here with the gothic renaissance woman Alix Jacques and "The Purple Widow", Reine Roquefeuil. Now, Alix, you stated that you requested this time because you wanted to announce your intention to branch out from Hentai wrestling to participate in other forms of competition here in LAW. And you have been branching out quite a bit as it is: First taking on trainees and now as the showrunner to the smash hit 'LAW: After Dark'. Don't you think you may be taking on too much, too fast?"

"A very solid question, Lucielle. It's actually because of my newfound responsibilities -- to my trainees in particular -- that I'm going to be expanding my horizons as a wrestler. As an athlete. When you have people looking to you for guidance, you have to make sure that you're in tip-top shape every step of the way to make sure that they're provided the best example. And that's why I'm so thankful for my bestie here!" Alix showed her appreciation with a warm, tight embrace that wasn't reciprocated on Reine's end. She stood there with her arms crossed, groaning with what the curly-haired goth knew was feigned annoyance, her purple eyes rolled to the side, away from the other two women.

The blonde was smiling on the inside. Really, she was. But she had a part to play, and a reputation to keep.

"She's done so much to help me train! I can't thank you enough, Reine."

"You can start by letting me go." Alix obliged her, her sunny smile not having diminished the slightest bit. "Thank you."

Lucielle couldn't hold back a chuckle at the "Sweetheart and Tsundere" dynamic they had going on. "You two are adorable."

Reine Roquefeuil the person didn't mind the comment, but the Purple Widow did. And a hard scowl made it impossible to miss. "Don't you have more questions, Lucielle?"

Scratch that. Alix was adorable. Reine? Not so much.

Alix's expression dimmed. "Reine, s'il vous plaît, ne soyez pas impoli."

Reine rolled her eyes. "We're here to field questions, not comments."

Alix regarded Lucielle with an apologetic smile. A front, it may be, but she still wanted their manners minded. "Don't mind her, sweetie."

"Right." She continued on, as smooth as butter. If Reine got too bitchy, she could just put on the mask and give her a little something in the ring later. "Can you tell the fans what they can expect to see from you in the ring, moving forward?"

"Well, I don't wanna give my future opponents too much of a heads up, but what I will say is that this here gal is a lot tougher than she looks! I'm in the best shape of my life, and I'm getting better every day! And I'm ready to give it everything I've got!" Alix punctuated her statement with a raised fist for the camera.

"These are not the empty promises of some doe-eyed lamb about to walk into the slaughter. Alix and I have been training together long before she walked through LAW's doors, and when I heard that she was signed, we kicked it into overdrive. Countless hours were devoted to making this woman's life Hell to prepare her for what she's about to face."

Alix bristled at the memories. "She's not kidding."

"And you've seen the results." Reine spoke into the camera. To the fans. She raised four fingers. "Four matches. Four victories. A mere preview of the coming domination."

Alix wanted to make some suggestive remark about all the dominating she'd do, but she felt a speech coming on, so she stood silent, making faces like she was the baddest woman alive while Reine cooked. Cooked, and did her damnedest not to corpse. The juxtaposition of the serious effort that she was putting into this promo and Alix's silliness was probably going to make the latter look ridiculous, but that would only work to her benefit.

Underestimate her at your own peril.

And so Reine continued. "This woman has shed years' worth of blood, sweat, and tears training for combat. And she didn't even need to use everything she's learned to get gold around her waist in the past." Alix made a gesture at her waist to punctuate the statement. "Now I have a question for you, Lucielle: What do you think's gonna happen when she lets loose?"
Portuguese to English Translation
"Olá pessoal!" -- "Hello, everyone!"
French to English Translation
"S'il vous plaît, ne soyez pas impoli." -- "Please don't be rude."
Last edited by DSX93 on Tue Dec 31, 2024 4:56 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Can't Turn a Piece of Ass Into an Ass Kicker (Feat. Alix Jacques, Reine Roquefeuil, Lucielle Costa and Daisuke Takeu

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

If there was one thing that Daisuke could not stand, it was the disrespect by those who thought they could enter the world of pro-wrestling or wrestling after having tried out their luck at other sports or professions. There were many at LAW who were like that, this included people like Sakura Hagiwara, Elena Miyazawa, Mikan Tachibana who thought they could just quit their idol day jobs and just waltz into the world of pro wrestling. Those were one set of "wrestlers" that he felt disrespected the business but then there were the other set. LAW caters to quite the diverse audience, not just the pro wrestling and wrestling fanatics but to those who have a more finer taste in their entertainment. That included where pain met pleasure and lust met wrestling. Many adult actors and actresses, porn and hentai stars who dipped their toe in this world. That was all well and good because hentai wrestling had its own niche, but as long as they didnt cross the line and tried out to be real wrestlers.

While walking into the LAW arena, heading from the backstage area towards the locker room, he noticed a small interview session and decided to stick around on the side to see what was going on. The question made him chuckle inside as he shook his head, "Ridiculous" he muttered under his own breath while he heard the question posted to this pornstar who actually wanted to be real competitor and branch out. She even had a trainer who thought she would actually...well wrestle!

"Okay okay that's enough...that's quite enough" Daisuke said, waving his arms inwards towards each other to signal to cut this segment. "What the hell is this? I mean, just exactly what am I hearing? You think this...this pornstar is actually an athlete? Dont you dare call her a real wrestler....all she is is just a hentai or porn star who is pretending to wrestle" he said in a passionate rant looking towards Reine.

"I mean..." he said now turning towards Alix. "There's no way in hell anyone can think she's a wrestler and the only reason why she has gotten four victories in a row is because...she hasn't faced a real wrestler yet" he would say, staring Alix down.

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Re: Can't Turn a Piece of Ass Into an Ass Kicker (Feat. Alix Jacques, Reine Roquefeuil, Lucielle Costa and Daisuke Takeu

Unread post by DSX93 »

"Okay, okay, that's enough...That's quite enough!"

The women turned to Daisuke as he approached, Reine immediately fixing a cold glare upon him that steadily grew harder as his rant went on. What was worse was that Lucielle actually stepped in between the three to let him have his time talking into the mic.

To Alix, his words were like water on a duck's back, slipping right off without a bother. She held a hand out in front of Reine to stop her when she took that first step his way. If one of them was going to be fighting this guy, it was going to be her. But she'd stay quiet, knowing Reine would have some words for the man, at least.

"And who the hell are you? Some new kid trying to get on TV? Let me give you a little veteran advice: Run along and do something noteworthy first. Then you'll have your own time." Her words would be punctuated with a dismissive wave of her hand. "Barging in like that when the adults are talking won't make you anything but a skeet stain in the history books."

Aaaand that was enough. Alix had the feeling that she might have her opponent right here. "Thank you, Reine. I've got this." The vanilla wrestling veteran took a step back without any argument, allowing the suited woman to stand face to face with Daisuke. In stark contrast to her acerbic best friend, she regarded him with an easygoing smile. For all she knew, he may have been putting up a front too.

"I guess there's only one way to find out! I don't have anything to do tonight, so what do you say I slip into something more comfortable and meet you out there in the ring later?" A little casually flirtatious wordplay designed to either lighten the mood or keep him underestimating her. Maybe a little of both?
Last edited by DSX93 on Fri Jan 03, 2025 3:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Can't Turn a Piece of Ass Into an Ass Kicker (Feat. Alix Jacques, Reine Roquefeuil, Lucielle Costa and Daisuke Takeu

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

He had heard more than he could bear. There was no way that he was going to let this nonsense go on any more. It was bad enough that LAW catered to these fake wrestlers and let them have their fun with hentai wrestling, but to allow them this much time to go on about how they were now ready to become real wrestlers, take on real challenges and wrestle competitively against the seasoned pros? That was more than the regal prince could handle. There was no amount of training, heart or passion that could ever bring anyone such as Alix to the level of Daisuke. He had trained for this his whole life, his career choice was a pro wrestler unlike most of the others who failed at being successful at other careers before falling back into wrestling.

He would take a shit at all three of them, however Reine was quick to approach him and challenge him on his words. "Who the hell am I? I am the wrestling prince, Daisuke Takeuchi...a real pro wrestler. Unlike, her" he said pointing at Alix. Just as it seemed like Reine and Daisuke were going to have a problem, Alix would calmly intervene and approach Daisuke. The two now stood face to face, glaring into each others eyes. Daisuke had a less than impressed look on his face whereas Alix seemed cheerful, despite his insults.

" this a joke?" he would say chuckling a bit. It didn't show right now, perhaps due to the suit, but in Daisuke's eyes it didnt even seem like Alix stood a chance against him. "You do realize I am talking about a wrestling match right? Not one of your silly games that you call "wrestling matches" he said, suggesting her past career and time as a hentai wrestler here at LAW.

"You dont have the stamina to face me in the ring or mats Alix. But....if you think you do, how about we meet in the middle? You and me, oil wrestling match? Whoever gets the most submissions in 60 minutes....wins?" he proposed with a grin on his face.

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Re: Can't Turn a Piece of Ass Into an Ass Kicker (Feat. Alix Jacques, Reine Roquefeuil, Lucielle Costa and Daisuke Takeu

Unread post by DSX93 »

Oh, God. Another member of wrestling's long list of apparent royalty. Reine rolled her eyes. Princes, Princesses, Kings, Queens, even Emperors and Empresses. They're everywhere in combat wrestling. And after having brought down her fair share who'd failed to live up to the hype, she understands why the scripted variant controls people's monikers.

She didn't like this asshole one bit, but she has her hopes. For the sake of of Alix's development, she hoped that Daisuke here wasn't another blowhard. Her best friend has goals, and to meet them, she needs to be tested.

Speaking of tests, Alix couldn't help but laugh at the mention of stamina. It was one of those "funny coinky-dink" laughs. "Oh, sweetie!" The word just slipped out; mostly everybody was a "sweetie" to the sunny goth. She continued on through her laughter. "You must not have followed my career very closely!" And if he's partaken in Hentai in the past, it clearly wasn't anything extensive. "Because I have got a story for you! But that's for another time!"

She clapped her hands together. "Now, about this sixty-minute Ironperson Oil Submission match: You're on!" And then, for sportsmanship's sake, she extend one of them his way. She was expecting to be left hanging.
Last edited by DSX93 on Fri Jan 17, 2025 7:29 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Can't Turn a Piece of Ass Into an Ass Kicker (Feat. Alix Jacques, Reine Roquefeuil, Lucielle Costa and Daisuke Takeu

Unread post by Teenwrestler »

There were indeed many who took up the mantle of King, Queen, Prince and Princess. However, in Daisuke's mind he was the only and true wrestling royalty in the midst of many pretenders. Even if he was not wrestling royalty in the eyes of others, none could deny the fact that he was born in a family of long standing wrestler and that this was his first choice of career. The same could not be said for Alix or many of the other folks here, who only chose this career after starting off in others. It was clear that Reine was pissed at Daisuke for crashing this moment but at the same time it also brought an opportunity to showcase that her friend and trainee, Alix, could also be a pro-wrestling superstar.

Daisuke's taunts were taken light-heartedly by Alix who simply chuckled and instead she ended up calling him sweetie, making him raise an eyebrow as she tried to tell him a story about stamina but saved it for another day. "Tch" he would simply say at that, not really interested in what she said to say about that. However, knowing her it probably had to be concerned with having sex with someone for over that time or something. He was glad that she chose to accept his match, before extending her arm to shake on the deal.

Daisuke grinned and shook his head, waving his hand at her. "You can put that away Alix. I'm not going to shake your hand" he would say before taking a step back. "I'll see you later today, I hope you're ready....I'm going to show you the difference between a real wrestler and a pretend wanna be like you" he scoffed before making a swift exit to prepare for going to war against Alix.

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Re: Can't Turn a Piece of Ass Into an Ass Kicker (Feat. Alix Jacques, Reine Roquefeuil, Lucielle Costa and Daisuke Takeu

Unread post by DSX93 »

Daisuke, a "sweetie"? Lucielle too raised a brown eyebrow. Alix was being very generous here. The interviewer was interested in hearing about that story. If she couldn't hear it in another segment, maybe she could invite her Into The Rabbit Hole. And seeing how readily she accepted the Prince's terms, without even a single second's consideration...Yeah, Alix was one to watch. This was going to go one of two ways: Either she gets whooped, thinking that only a few weeks or so's training was going to get her in shape for vanilla competition, or it's going to turn out that she's got some of that Shaggy Rogers meme energy, and he's going to be in for it.

Just as Alix expected, Daisuke blew her off. But that's okay. She returned her hand to her side and called out to him as he left: "It's a date! By the way, nice butt!" It really was nice, tight something that added to the appeal of watching him leave. Also: Mind games. Let him think that she's just some mindless bimbo.

Reine tilted her head and raised an index and thumb to pinch the bridge of her nose, looking for all the world like she was a put upon expert charged with looking after an imbecile. Closed her eyes and breathed a sigh that was filled with false exasperation. "Can you take this the least bit seriously?"

"Oh, believe me, I do." Alix gave Reine a pat on the shoulder before turning to Lucielle. "I guess that's that!" She held out her hand, and this time, it would get a shake.

Lucielle began to wonder: How did these two become friends? A question for another time. "Do you want to show the fans any moves you have in store for Daisuke?"

"That explains the cute outfit!" The dark-skinned goth allowed her eyes to take a slow, appreciative descent over Lucielle's form. She was stacked, she was jacked, and it was a surprise that she wasn't going to be taking to the mat.

The brunette gave her a little twirl and a smirk that said, "Yeah, I know I look good." "Ooh! Oh my!" Alix would exclaim while fanning herself. Now she had to ask: "You wanna give After Dark a try? I'm sure the fans'll love you. And I'll make it a fun experience. Promise!"

Reine rolled her eyes and and walked off, saving a quiet chuckle for when the cameras were off of her and those who were around to see her would only be able to see her from the back.

"That's a tempting offer, but I'll have to decline. I don't do that kind of wrestling." But there was something in the way she looked at her that said that, if she played her cards right, she wouldn't mind being shown a few moves in private. It was an opportunity that Alix would have pursued a few months ago, but not now.

"That's too bad."

Not after that last visit to Mama Pollard's.

"But it's cool! Well, I should probably bid you adieu and go get ready. Was nice to meet ya!"

Her own departure was on the sudden side, but she had a call to make. She wasn't expecting any action tonight, and because of that, she didn't actually have something more comfortable to slip into. Nothing too major, however.

A sixty minute Ironperson Oil Submission match. Wow. What a way to get started with Standard wrestling!

End of Thread.
Last edited by DSX93 on Sun Jan 19, 2025 10:57 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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