Communication is key

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Communication is key

Unread post by Devastated »

It was about time for another match for Mikan, the former Idol turned wrestler had so far had a pretty eventful start. She had confronted an old rival, faced off against a rough and tough brawler and even gotten to face off against a fellow Idol. Her time here in LAW was certainly proving to be interesting, it was fun but also there was a fair bit of hardship to go along with it. There was nothing wrong with that though, it wouldn't have been as entertaining if things had been just a smooth ride.

Tonight she was slated to face off against a newcomer to the league. A woman who went by the name of Oroshi Ann. She had heard a bit about this woman previously, not a lot but she knew off her. Apparently she was some sort of heel, though Mikan didn't have much of a clear picture of her. The orange haired woman had just finished putting on her wrestling outfit, gearing up for the match she was soon going to have.

Though, while she might be ready...she would have to wait a few minutes at the very least. The current match that was going still hadn't finished, so it would take a little bit longer until it was her turn to wrestle. For now, Mikan could only just wait and watch the current match from her locker room on the monitor.

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