Amber's Intro to LAW - Amber Starcatcher/Karen Starring

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Re: Amber's Intro to LAW - Amber Starcatcher/Karen Starring

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"AAAGGGGHH! GUUUUHHH!" Amber's agonized screams continued to cut through the air, Karen continuing to bend and stretch the poor figure over her shoulders, her arms shaking slightly as she folded Amber in half across her body. Amber's frame shook from the sheer amount of agony she was in, and she was most certainly going to lose her voice tomorrow, likely from all the shouting and the agonized screams that came from her body.

As Karen started to squat the girl, Amber hardly noticed, all her attention on the wonderfully agonizing pain in her back. But as Karen straightened up, performing a hop each time, she would quickly jostle Amber's frame, causing the smaller girl to feel an additional extra wave of pleasure each time.

"AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH! FUUUUUCK! MY BACK!" The tiny girl screamed, in agony, but also desperately hoping that Karen wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

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Re: Amber's Intro to LAW - Amber Starcatcher/Karen Starring

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Her cries a symphony Karen never wanted to hear the end of, the torture rack soon found itself at a end, as the amazons power for the moment again ran completely try. Now standing straight, still holding Amber over her back but neither pulling nor jostling the girl, the raven haired powerhouse opted to let gravity do its work in letting Amber drape down over her shoulders.

"You little shit...what the fuck was your game in pissing me" Somewhat genuinely asking, the answer regardless would earn Amber a release, as Karen opted to throw the girl off her back as roughly as possible, albeit curiously enough, letting the small girl land on her sofa. From there, she would try and stretch the ache that had built in her arms, turning to face the figure as she paraded around her apartment, confident Amber wouldn't exactly be rising or otherwise.

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Re: Amber's Intro to LAW - Amber Starcatcher/Karen Starring

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Amber continued to scream and cry until finally, Karen's arms gave out, and she slowly eased up on the pressure, not taking Amber off her shoulders, but also not pulling down anymore. Amber's back still naturally folded across Karen's shoulders uncomfortably, but she was not being wrenched anymore, and her heavy breathing was the only sound to be heard, at least until Karen's question was posed.

As Amber was tossed back, landing on the sofa with a grunt, she finally was able to release a shiver, her panties now pretty damp under her skirt, a sign that the stretching had done it's job. She was so aroused now, she could hardly speak, but she fought through the pain, trying to bullshit a response.

"Huff... huff... you yelled... first... at me... I just... wanted to... to show you... I'm not scared... of bullies..." While Amber was NOT a fan of bullies, this was obviously not the real reason. The real reason was that she was so turned on right now she couldn't stand up if she wanted. But she gave Karen an answer she figured would make sense, and would hopefully get the bigger girl to beat her even more.

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Re: Amber's Intro to LAW - Amber Starcatcher/Karen Starring

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"Oh am I a bully..? Well..hows your little moment of confidence going for you so far?" Relishing in the response the girl gave, Karen's focus turned towards the lower half of her prey, as she opted to use a move she hadn't in quite some time, yet one that still bore tremendous fruit. Laughing already at the pun to mind, Karen gave but the briefest of shoves with her foot to the side of Amber, practically trying to roll her as if she was a weightless ball, before her hands gripped to the girls ankle.

"You should really be careful who you stand up to...Might leave you without a leg to stand on..." Letting a uncharacteristic painful laugh erupt from her sides and lips, Karen sought to bring the girl up off the ground via that leg grip. Smiling already from the laughter, as she brought Amber's tiny leg over the back of her neck; bending it down over the other side, in her brutally applied stretch muffler!

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Re: Amber's Intro to LAW - Amber Starcatcher/Karen Starring

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Amber lay on the couch, her chest rising and falling steadily, panting as she was given a brief respite from the torture/pleasure she was facing. As Karen stood over her, she simply looked up at the bigger girl, once again letting her eyes linger on Karen's silky hair, her soft skin, her lovely looking lips... Until she was finally snapped out of it by the heavyweight's words.

"I think... I'm doing... pretty good..." Amber gasped out, clearly not doing very good physically, though she felt like she was on cloud nine. Things were only about to get worse, however, as the larger girl walked over to her, turning her to the side with a rough shove of the foot. Amber slowly felt her leg grabbed, before Karen ducked down, wrapping Amber's leg around her neck, lifting the lightweight off the couch, clamping down on the stretch muffler!

"AAAAAAHHHHHH! AAAAGGGGHHHH! OOOOOWWWWIIIIEEE!" The smaller girl shrieked, once again subjected to crippling pain, this time in her leg, as the larger woman wrenched hard on the stretch muffler hold!

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Re: Amber's Intro to LAW - Amber Starcatcher/Karen Starring

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It was rare that Karen used such a move, but the stretch muffler was one of Karen's few limb locks that held a special place in her heart. Namely, because she was damn near folding her victims ankle and leg in two. But with the added bonus of letting their figure writhe and struggle in the air, almost as if it was a demonstration of the amazons insane power!

The hold itself needing a lot less than the rack, given she was bending a leg as opposed to a human spine, Karen did not even feel the need to jostle her frame or bounce to add extra agony to it. She simply held her ground, near endlessly and without limit; wrenching away with full force constantly, almost as if she was being paid for it.

"Atta girl..." She'd grin, turning her head to lock eyes with the figure dangling upside down. "You show them bullies..."

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Re: Amber's Intro to LAW - Amber Starcatcher/Karen Starring

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As Amber was lifted up, Karen squeezing down on the lightweights leg and folding it over her neck, the small girl let out an agonized scream, a jolt of agony running through her leg. The pain and pleasure was immense, causing Amber to nearly black out. Her leg felt like it was going to be pulled in half, a clear agony that couldn't be ignored, and it made her go completely weak from the wonderful mix of agony and pleasure.

As she hung upside down, she not only felt the agonizing pain in her leg, but she was dangling from Karen's shoulders, feeling the blood rush to her head. Her free leg kicked and spasmed occasionally, and her arms hung down towards the floor, unable to do anything. And as the pain in her leg grew worse and worse, the wet patch on her panties only grew bigger.

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! MY LEG! MY LEEEEEEEEEEG! IT'S... IT'S... FUUUUUCK!" Amber screamed out, stopping herself from admitting how much she was loving this pain, instead letting out a piercing scream!

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Re: Amber's Intro to LAW - Amber Starcatcher/Karen Starring

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There was something odd about Amber, beyond the odd requests and teases, that Karen couldn't put her finger on. Her screams, for the most part, appeared genuine. But every now and then, Amber muffled out a moan that suggested something else, something other than the utmost regret and utmost agony.

Was it enjoyment?

Grunting, she'd suddenly peel off that leg from around her neck and hold Amber up by it with but a single right mitt; letting the smaller girl dangle in mid-air, like a prize fish she had just caught. Her other hand to her hip, briefly resting from the this time mild exertion of the move, Karen would tilt her head down as to gaze into the girls lowly placed head, scowl forever attached.

"You...getting a fucking kick outta this?!"
Last edited by Devilish53 on Wed Mar 07, 2018 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Amber's Intro to LAW - Amber Starcatcher/Karen Starring

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"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Amber's screams continued to resonate through the apartment complex, her leg still in absolute agony as she was held upside down in the hold. Karen couldn't be bending much harder, or at least that was how it felt. Amber's leg was in absolute agony, and she loved it! Maybe a bit too much.

Because in one movement, Karen went from torturing the small girl's leg, to holding her up in front of her, upside down. Amber's body was limp, and full of pain, but she still was able to look up into Karen's gorgeous, angry eyes. And when the question was asked of her, if she was enjoying this, a shiver ran through her body. Was she found out?

"N-no... I would... never..." Amber gasped, trying to sound convincing. And while she sure did sound like she had the hell beat out of her, she would have to simply hope that Karen would believe her. It might be hard though, for her eyes were less focused on Karen's and more on the girl's kissable lips... her large pair of lovely breasts, the way her shapely legs were exposed in her one piece...

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Re: Amber's Intro to LAW - Amber Starcatcher/Karen Starring

Unread post by Devilish53 »

"Yeh...We'll fucking see!" Dangling the figure with her single hand with ease, Karen would suddenly pivot on her feet; swinging Amber as if she was but nothing once again, to oddly enough, throw the girl on her lengthy sofa!

Watching as that body hit the back support softly before bouncing off, landing upon the cushion, Karen would mockingly stretch out as she stepped up to the smaller girl.

"Yeh...we'll see..." Muttering this time to herself, hands lowering to turn Amber as to be facing the girl straight upwards, the amazon would then turn her own frame; fully away from her prey. Opting then for a rest, she'd simply lower her giant behind, and press it outright on Amber's cute face! Practically making the girl disapear under her bouncy rear!

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